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荸荠枯萎病在我国各个荸荠Eleocharis dulcis产区普遍发生,是影响荸荠产量的重要病害。为有效防治该病害,于2010—2012年调查了湖北省荸荠枯萎病的田间发生动态,并进行了荸荠品种抗病性评价、室内药剂筛选及药剂处理球茎盆栽和田间试验。3年田间病情调查结果表明,荸荠枯萎病于8月中旬开始发生,8下旬—9月上旬温度适宜,病害开始缓慢增长;9月下旬—10月中旬为该病发生的高峰期;病情指数均与温度呈显著负相关,但各年份的病情指数与相对湿度和降雨量均无显著相关性。沙洋荠、肇庆荠、韶关马坝荠、桂林荠-1品种对荸荠枯萎病有较强的抗性。10%苯醚甲环唑、25%多菌灵、40%氟硅唑和25%嘧菌酯4种药剂处理球茎均有利于荸荠出苗。经多菌灵和氟硅唑处理的球茎假植到大田2个月后对荸荠枯萎病仍有一定的防治效果,防治效果分别为22.3%和27.0%,而嘧菌酯和苯醚甲环唑对该病基本无防治效果。  相似文献   
闲置开发平土区水土流失特性及其治理途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化水土流失及其治理仍是个新的课题。通过对深圳地区的花岗岩风化物土壤的开发平土区水土流失特性分析和侵蚀调查 ,提出了适合城市开发平土区的侵蚀等级划分和侵蚀模数。在此基础上 ,治理实践从水土流失和城市景观双重视角开展了三边优先治理。在治理途径方面探索出“理顺水系、周边控制、绿化固坡”的治理模式。  相似文献   
研究旨在定量化评估江苏省空中云水资源可开发量及基本特征。根据云水收支方程,将参与大气云水循环且未降落到地面的资源定义为空中云水资源。利用1981—2010年EAR-Interim高分辨率再分析资料的风场及云含水量,计算江苏上空云水资源年均总量、时空特征及变化趋势。结果表明,资源年均总量353.1亿t,春夏季偏多,秋冬季偏少,开发潜力巨大。旱期(缺水期)沿淮淮北最多,达70.8亿t,沿海垦区、苏南环太湖次之;非旱期总量约占全年58.3%。近30年,云水资源呈下降趋势,平均每10年减少18亿t。建议加大开发力度,实现常态化开发利用,率先建立淮北、沿海、环太湖开发利用重点作业区,加强开发利用技术研究,提高开发效率。  相似文献   
Feeding rhythm of common carp was investigated from 4℃ to 34℃. The results indicated that there was a diel feeding rhythm for both adult (630-850 g) and youth (61-91 g) at all tested temperatures. There were two main activity peaks at 8:00-11:00 a.m. and 19:00-23:00 p.m., during which feeding quantities were 10.68%-32.53% and 16.25%-33.41% of the daily intake, respectively. When water temperature dropped to below 10℃, the feeding peak concentrated at 8:00-11:00 a.m. and 19:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. At 6℃, though both adult and youth would still feed, the feeding quantities were only 0.01% and 0.35% of body mass. Daily feeding rate of adult and youth reached 1.21% and 2.63% at 14℃, respectively. Both adult and youth carps reached the maximum daily feeding rate at 28℃, being 2.84% and 12.06% of body mass, respectively. The daily feeding rate of adult and youth reduced suddenly after at 34℃, and the daily feeding rate was only 0.74% and 9.45% of body mass, respectively. There was significant difference in daily feeding rate at different water temperatures (P〈0.05).  相似文献   
工厂化水产养殖水质监测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工厂化水产养殖的密度高、风险大,养殖对象对pH、溶解氧、温度、氨氮、亚硝酸盐等水质参数的变化敏感,受影响严重,监测水质参数极为重要。本文针对工厂化水产养殖水质监测特点和需求,研发了工厂化水产养殖水质监测系统。分析研究pH、溶解氧、温度、亚硝酸盐等水质参数的阈值,设计水质监测数据无线采集节点和基于Zigbee的无线监测网络,建立水质监测系统软件平台。结果表明,该系统能够实现工厂化水产养殖水质实时监测,保证生产安全,提高水产养殖生产效率。  相似文献   
2013年-2015年,逐月监测分析了黄河陕西段府谷、吴堡、龙门、洽川、港口、汾河入黄口和渭河入黄口7个段面22项水质指标,并用综合污染指数法进行评价。结果显示:黄河陕西段处于4级中度污染水平,5级较重污染段面汾河入黄口(P=9.26)1个,其余6个段面处于4级中度污染水平(2.04≤P≤4.67)。主要污染物为总氮、总磷和有机物,部分段面还受到重金属汞、砷、铜、锌的影响,所有段面未受有机氯和有机磷的污染。同期断面比较,上游污染轻于下游,污染逐年下降。  相似文献   
根据2005-2010年南通近岸海域的水质监测,对该区域的水质状况和趋势作出分析和评价。结果表明:影响该海域水质的主要污染因子是磷酸盐,部分站位出现无机氮超标。近岸海域水质总体变化基本稳定,部分污染物略呈上升的趋势。  相似文献   
Five cultures of microalgae (Chlorella minutissima, Tetraselmis chui, Nannochloropsis sp., Arthrospira platensis and Isochrysis sp.) with no culturable bacteria were tested for their ability to inhibit the growth of six Vibrio bacterial strains (V. parahaemolyticus, V. anguillarum, V. splendidus, V. scophthalmi, V. alginolyticus and V. lentus). The influence of light on the antibacterial activity of the microalgae was investigated. All microalgae cultures inhibited the growth of bacteria compared with the control treatments (P < 0.05), and their antibacterial activity was not influenced by the presence or absence of light. In the control groups, the numbers of bacteria increased exponentially during the experimental period in the absence of microalgae cells demonstrating that the bacterial cells were able to utilize the growth medium of microalgae cultures. The present results may explain the low levels or absence of Vibrio strains in microalgae cultures, and the positive effect of addition of microalgae in rearing of fish larvae, and implicate the production of antibacterial compounds by microalgae cells.  相似文献   
Using different sources of nitrogen as fertilizers in nursery ponds may affect water quality and plankton responses. We evaluated water quality variables and plankton population responses when using different nitrogen sources for catfish nursery pond fertilization. We compared calcium nitrate (12% N), sodium nitrite (20% N), ammonium chloride (26% N), ammonium nitrate (34% N) and urea (45% N) in 190‐L microcosms at equimolar nitrogen application rates. Sodium nitrite‐fertilized microcosms had higher nitrite and nitrate levels during the first week; no other differences in the water quality were detected among fertilizer types (P>0.05). No differences in green algae, diatoms or cyanobacteria were detected among treatments; desirable zooplankton for catfish culture was increased in urea‐fertilized microcosms. Based on these results, any form of nitrogen used for pond fertilization should perform similarly without causing substantial water quality deterioration. Ammonium nitrate and urea contain a higher percentage of nitrogen, requiring less volume to achieve dosing levels. If both urea and ammonium nitrate are available, we recommend using the one with the least cost per unit of nitrogen. If both types of fertilizer have an equal cost per unit of nitrogen, we recommend using urea because of the potential advantage of increasing desirable zooplankton concentrations.  相似文献   
Flavobacterium psychrophilum causes rainbow trout fry syndrome (RTFS) and cold water disease (CWD) in salmonid aquaculture. We report characterization of F. psychrophilum strains and their bacteriophages isolated in Chilean salmonid aquaculture. Results suggest that under laboratory conditions phages can decrease mortality of salmonids from infection by their F. psychrophilum host strain. Twelve F. psychrophilum isolates were characterized, with DNA restriction patterns showing low diversity between strains despite their being obtained from different salmonid production sites and from different tissues. We isolated 15 bacteriophages able to infect some of the F. psychrophilum isolates and characterized six of them in detail. DNA genome sizes were close to 50 Kbp and corresponded to the Siphoviridae and Podoviridae families. One isolate, 6H, probably contains lipids as an essential virion component, based on its chloroform sensitivity and low buoyant density in CsCl. Each phage isolate rarely infected F. psychrophilum strains other than the strain used for its enrichment and isolation. Some bacteriophages could decrease mortality from intraperitoneal injection of its host strain when added together with the bacteria in a ratio of 10 plaque-forming units per colony-forming unit. While we recognize the artificial laboratory conditions used for these protection assays, this work is the first to demonstrate that phages might be able protect salmonids from RTFS or CWD.  相似文献   
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