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燃料电池分布式驱动电动拖拉机(fuel cell distributed drive electric tractor,FCDET)能够有效解决环境污染和能源紧缺问题、推动农业可持续发展。针对FCDET牵引效率低、续航时间短、氢耗量大等问题,该研究提出了基于自适应多分辨率分析(adaptive multi-resolution analysis,AMRA)的犁耕驱动功率分配策略。首先建立燃料电池系统等效电路模型、总效率求解模型、能量耗散模型以及驱动电机响应模型。一次重构策略基于可调Q因子小波变换(tunable Qfactor wavelet transform,TQWT),获得有效反应功率信号振荡特性的子序列。二次重构策略将低频子序列经过变分模态分解(variational mode decomposition,VMD)为若干个具有特殊稀疏性质的离散子信号。然后采用麻雀搜索算法(sparrow search algorithm,SSA)实时获取VMD的分解层数和二次惩罚因子的最优组合。最后将二次分解后的子序列和子信号按照频率特性进行重构,并将重构功率信号在各个能量源之间重新分配。以E...  相似文献   
Total belowground C allocation (TBCA) accounts for a large fraction of gross primary production, it may overtake aboveground net primary production, and contributes to the primary source of detrital C in the mineral soil. Here, we measure soil respiration, water erosion, litterfall and estimate annual changes in C stored in mineral soil, litter and roots, in three representative land uses in a Mediterranean ecosystem (late-successional forest, abandoned agricultural field, rain-fed olive grove), and use two C balance approaches (steady-state and non-steady-state) to estimate TBCA. Both TBCA approaches are compared to assess how different C fluxes (outputs and inputs) affect our estimates of TBCA within each land use. In addition, annual net primary productivity is determined and C allocation patterns are examined for each land use. We hypothesized that changes in C stored in mineral soil, litter and roots will be slight compared to soil respiration, but will still have a significant effect on the estimates of TBCA. Annual net primary productivity was 648 ± 31.5, 541 ± 42.3 and 324 ± 22.3 g C m−2 yr−1 for forest, abandoned agricultural field and olive grove, respectively. Across land uses, more than 60% of the C was allocated belowground. Soil respiration (FS) was the largest component in the TBCA approaches across all land uses. Annual C losses through water erosion were negligible compared to FS (less than 1%) and had little effect on the estimates of TBCA. Annual changes in C stored in the soil, litter layer and roots were low compared to FS (16, 24 and 10% for forest, abandoned agricultural field and olive grove, respectively), but had a significant effect on the estimates of TBCA. In our sites, an assumption that Δ[CS + CR + CL]/Δt = 0 will underestimate TBCA, particularly in the abandoned agricultural field, where soil C storage may be increasing more rapidly. Therefore, the steady-state model is unsuited to these Mediterranean ecosystems and the full model is recommended.  相似文献   
Carbon assimilation and allocation were studied in a tundra ecosystem in northern Scandinavia. Seasonal variation in the below-ground carbon allocation to dissolved organic carbon (DOC), coarse-, fine-, and hair roots was investigated using in situ 14C pulse-labelling, adding 2-3 MBq 14CO2 dm−2 to the above-ground vegetation. Combining the allocation data with regression models of the seasonal carbon flux made it possible to estimate a temporally explicit ecosystem carbon allocation budget.The ecosystem was a net source of CO2, losing on average 0.97 g C m−2 d−1 to the atmosphere, with little variation through the season. There was, however, significant temporal variation in partitioning of recently assimilated carbon. Allocation to below-ground compartments over 32 days following labelling increased from 18% in June to 55% in September. Above-ground allocation showed the opposite trend. Hair roots and DOC were strong sinks in the autumn. Transport of newly assimilated carbon occurred rapidly throughout the season, 14C appearing in all sampled pools within 4 h of labelling.The seasonal variation in carbon partitioning observed in this study has implications for the residence time of assimilated carbon in the ecosystem. A relatively greater allocation to rapidly decomposing pools, such as hair roots and DOC, would tend to reduce incorporation into woody tissue, increasing the overall rate of carbon cycling and decreasing ecosystem storage. The results of this study will be of value for building and validating mechanistic models of ecosystem carbon flow in tundra and subarctic ecosystems.  相似文献   
2017年5月10日,将烟台沿海防护林内20~30年生黑松Pinus thunbergii母树的种子分为大粒、中粒和小粒播于花盆中,研究枯落物覆盖厚度(1 cm,2 cm,3 cm,4 cm)对种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,以阐明沿海黑松防护林幼苗建立的机制。结果表明:种子大小对发芽率、发芽指数有着极显著影响(P<0.01),对平均发芽时间、活力指数没有显著影响。大粒种子比中小粒种子有着低的发芽率和发芽指数。在生物量分配和根系特征上种子大小没有显著影响,但对幼苗高度和地径有显著的影响(P<0.05),都是大粒和中粒种子大于小粒种子。枯落物覆盖厚度对于种子萌发有显著影响(P<0.05),发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数都随枯落物厚度的增加而增加,平均发芽时间则逐渐降低;但对幼苗生物量、生物量分配和根系特征无显著影响。相关分析表明,苗高和地径与发芽指标、幼苗生物量分配相关性不显著,但与比根长和比根表面积成显著正相关。因此,种子大小和枯落物覆盖厚度是影响沿海黑松防护林天然更新的重要因素。  相似文献   
针对现有农业水资源优化配置存在的空间分辨率较大,忽略降雨量参数的时空变异性,难以满足实际生产中更精确的管理要求的问题,以湖北省漳河灌区典型枯水年为例,采用基于遥感数据的水资源优化配置方法,分析全球降雨测量数据和多年雨量站站点数据关系,获取漳河灌区典型年空间降雨量数据集.在此基础上,将区间数、模糊区间数、模糊可信性约束规...  相似文献   
对广西大瑶山自然保护区森林冠层、林下灌草层、林地枯枝落叶层及林地土壤层4个水文层次的涵养水源功能进行了效益计量调查研究,结果表明,该区森林植被总贮蓄水量为27508×104m3,年平均直接或间接的生态经济效益价值为3.75亿元,这对于维护周边地区的生态安全和可持续发展具有重要作用。根据该区森林涵养水源的效益计量调查状况提出了相应的生态补偿机制构建。  相似文献   
本研究通过对陇西南塬区农业生产系统的结构分析,确认该系统的特征为产业结构不合理(以种植业为主),种植业以粮食生产为主,复种指数低(111%);养殖业中草食家畜比例低,饲养技术落后,良种率低;林果业效益低下;人口密度高,劳动力过剩,生产能源短缺等。通过系统分析提出了调控方针,该系统整体效益提高的关键是发展以草食家畜为核心的养殖业,种植业应及时调整结构,提高经济作物和饲料作物的比例,提高复种指数,林果  相似文献   
财政支农资金是我国支持农业发展和解决“三农”问题的重要力量。诸多的因素造成了我国支农资金效益的低下,然而支农资金投入结构的不合理则是造成我国支农效益低下的一个重要原因。就我国财政支农资金投入结构作了合理性分析,得出目前我国支农资金投入结构极不合理的结论,提出了优化调整我国财政支农资金投入结构的措施。  相似文献   
在统计2011—2014年汉中市地质灾害气象风险预警产品、检验质量、跟踪服务效果的基础上,探讨定量评估地质灾害气象风险预警服务的方法,提取预报准确率、预报服务覆盖率、预报服务时效、可能预防能力4个评估因子建立评估模型。通过实例评估,得出汉中市气象灾害风险预警服务效益评估为72%,说明风险预警准确率和服务时效是提高地质灾害气象风险预警服务水平的两项重要指标。  相似文献   
水资源的合理配置利用,就是在对水资源系统的运行和演化机理进行科学分析的基础上,促进用户进行节水.目前,水资源管理的主要措施大都集中在加强行政管理和水资源配置机制方面.开源节流、加强管理只能是解决问题的外因,水资源的合理配置问题,最好由用水者自己来解决,由用水者的利益激励机制来解决,这样才能从根本上解决水资源的短缺和低效率应用问题.利益激励的关键在于水价的制定,拟从数学和管理2个角度,从供水方和用水方的利益激励出发,提出了同时考虑供水方、用水方统一的数学模型,并对模型进行了求解,为灌区水资源定价提供了依据.最后,对该模型的进一步完善指出了研究方向.  相似文献   
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