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为了揭示藏东南地区蚂蚁群落的分布规律,采用样地调查法和搜索调查法研究了德姆拉山东坡及察隅河谷蚂蚁物种的分布格局。共采集到蚁科(Formicidae)昆虫5亚科,22属,47种,其中猛蚁亚科(Ponerinae)5属7种,伪切叶蚁亚科(Pseudomyrmecinae)1属1种,切叶蚁亚科(Myrmicinae)8属19种,臭蚁亚科(Dolichoderinae)2属2种,蚁亚科(Formicinae)6属18种。在德姆拉山东坡和察隅河谷垂直带上,分布上限超过4 200 m的宽生态幅物种只有6个:棒结红蚁(Myrmica bactriana Ruzsky)、莱曼蚁(Formica lemani Bondroit.)、吉市红蚁(Myrmica jessen-sis Forel)、光亮黑蚁(Formica candida Smith)、红蚁待定种2(Myrmica sp.2)和史密西红蚁(Myrmica smythiesii For-el),而众多的狭生态幅物种分布上限低于2 500 m。在垂直地带上,蚂蚁物种丰富度主要受气温因素制约,同时受到地形和植被因素的影响。原生地带性植被内栖息了更多的蚂蚁物种,而次生性植被内物种相对贫乏。另外,蚂蚁物种对栖息生境、觅食和筑巢场所等微生境表现出明显的选择分化。环境制约和蚂蚁物种选择分化的共同作用促成了区域内蚂蚁群落丰富的分布格局。  相似文献   
哀牢山自然保护区西坡蚂蚁分布规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用样地调查法对哀牢山自然保护区西坡4个垂直带、8个水平带的28块样地140个样方的蚁科昆虫进行了调查,结果表明:群落的物种丰富度随海拔的升高、气温的降低和植被的减少而减少,蚂蚁群落随着生态环境条件的变化而出现一定的分带现象;特有种的数量随着海拔高度的增加而降低,类型组成则随海拔的增加而由杂食性、肉食性、植食性逐渐变为植食性,预示栖息环境的植被逐渐稀少、食物资源变得贫乏;尽管西坡同一海拔植被类型相似,但是蚂蚁群落之间差异显著。样地的34组相似性系数中,有4组相似性系数处于0.25~0.50之间,为中等不相似水平,占11.8%,其余30组为极不相似水平或无任何相似,占88.2%,表明保护区的蚂蚁群落具有显著的垂直地带性特点。  相似文献   
Forest management practices often generate clear-cut patches, which may be colonized by ants not present in the same densities in mature forests. In addition to the associated changes in abiotic conditions ants can initiate processes, which do not occur in old-growth stands. Here, we analyse the effects of ants and aphid honeydew on litter solution of Norway spruce, microbial enzyme activities, and needle decomposition in a field and greenhouse experiment during summer 2003. In the field, low ant densities had relatively little effects on litter solution 30 cm away from a tree trunk, but significantly increased organic carbon concentrations and decreased inorganic nitrogen concentrations next to a trunk where ants tend to build their nests. In a greenhouse experiment, the addition of ants to lysimeters containing spruce litter significantly increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), NH4-N, NO3-N and K concentrations in litter solutions compared to the control treatment, while the simulation of aphid infestation (addition of honeydew) significantly increased DOC as a direct result of honeydew leaching, and decreased inorganic N concentrations in leachates. The presence of ants resulted in a changed composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) with more aromatic and complex compounds, and microbial enzyme activity was significantly higher in litter extracts from the ant treatment compared to the honeydew and control treatment. However, mass loss, litter %C and %N were not affected by ants or honeydew. Our results suggest that ants have a distinct and immediate effect on solution composition and microbial activity in the litter layer indicating accelerated litter decay whereas the effect of honeydew was insignificant.  相似文献   
哀牢山西坡蚂蚁的多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过样地调查法对云南省哀牢山自然保护区西坡4个垂直带、8个水平带28块样地蚁科昆虫进行了调查,分析了其多样性在垂直带上的分布规律,以及不同样地间蚂蚁群落的相似性。研究结果表明,哀牢山西坡样地中蚂蚁物种数目介于1~43种。蚂蚁物种数目、多样性及个体密度在垂直带上呈现一定的规律性,即随海拔的升高而降低,优势度与多样性的变化规律一致,均匀度没有明显的变化规律。但也出现了一些非规律性的例外,可能与植被的次生化和片断化有关。样地的85组相似性系数中,有3组相似性系数处于0.25~0.50,为中等不相似水平并接近极不相似,占3.5%;其余82组为极不相似水平或无任何相似,占96.5%。在北段2250m、中北段2500m、中南段2250m海拔以上植被类型和其它植被类型之间,基本上没有任何相似之处,在这些海拔之下则基本上具有一定的相似性。这说明生境的异质性对蚂蚁群落产生了很大的影响。  相似文献   
藏东南色季拉山蚂蚁群落的物种组成及多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用样地调查法研究了藏东南色季拉山海拔2023~4548m蚂蚁群落的物种组成和多样性规律.共采集蚂蚁16 212头,隶属于3亚科12属24种,其中包括17个已知种,7个待定种.樱花立毛蚁(Paratrechinasakurae (Ito))和尼特纳大头蚁(Pheidole niemeri Emery)是色季拉山的优势种...  相似文献   
太白山蚂蚁垂直分布的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文通过分析太白山不同植被带的蚁种组成及各蚁种在不同植被带的垂直分布,探讨了太白山蚂蚁种群分布与森林植被类型之间的关系;通过对不同小区间的相似性比较和区系组成研究,研究了太白山蚂蚁的垂直分布特点和高大的山体、多样的气候等对景科南北成分过渡渗透的影响作用。研究发现,太白山不同地带分布的蚂蚁种类与海拔高度、气候类型及植被类型密切相关,蚁种的多样性随海拔的升高、气温的降低和植被类型的减少而减少,且南坡的种类多于北坡;蚁种的组成在海拔相同的小区之间相似较大,但随着海拔高度差异的加大和坡向不同,各小区间相似性显著降低;太白山是南北蚁科成分的交汇过渡地带,具有南北成分相互渗透和交错重叠的特点,以广布种成分最多,古北种次之,东洋种最少;太白山对古北种成分向南渗透的阻碍作用较小,对东洋种成分向北和向高海拔渗透的阻碍作用较大,故而东洋种成分在高海拔地带和北坡种类数量大为减少,而古北种成分则有较多种类在南坡得以分布留存。  相似文献   
 Wood ants (Formica rufa group) often bring large quantities of conifer resin to their mounds. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the resin acts as a fungicide and thereby reduces C and N mineralisation. Two laboratory incubation experiments were carried out using two different materials: F/H layer from a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stand and mixed litter from Scots pine and Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands. We estimated the effects of resin addition on fungal biomass and on the rates of C and N mineralisation. Addition of resin to the F/H material caused an increase in fungal biomass and C mineralisation, whereas N mineralisation decreased. Addition of resin to litter material did not significantly affect fungal biomass or C and N mineralisation. The results indicate that rather than having a fungicidal effect, resin acts as a C source that increases C mineralisation (mainly from the resin itself) and decreases net N mineralisation. The latter factor might be important in preventing plants dependent on inorganic N from invading and covering the ant mounds. Received: 17 December 1998  相似文献   
云南热带亚热带退耕山地中蚂蚁对舞草种子的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舞草为云南热带、亚热带山区刀耕火种轮歇地的一种常见多年生先锋植物。野外调查表明蚂蚁与舞草具有互惠共生关系。在舞草群落地,蚂蚁会将舞草种子搬运到蚁巢。本文研究了刀耕火种过程中蚂蚁对舞草种子的影响,结果表明:地表面的舞草种子火烧5min后,已完全丧失了生活力,而埋在地下5、10cm的种子,经5、30、60、90、120min火烧处理后与对照相比,都显著提高了种子的萌发率。离地表5cm处的种子其萌发率明显高于10cm处的种子,萌发时间则短于10cm处的种子。蚂蚁搬运舞草种子能使其免遭于火烧毁伤,使舞草种群得以恢复与扩散,从而有助于森林植被的演替。这可以视为舞草与蚂蚁的互惠共生。  相似文献   
This study evaluates the response of the ant communities along a habitat regeneration gradient in the south Atlantic Forest comparing it with the ant fauna from a mature forest at the same biome. The survey was conducted according to standard collecting protocols, employing sardine baits and mini-Winkler apparatuses. The structure of the ground and litter-foraging ant community was compared in five habitats, representing a regeneration gradient within the Atlantic Forest. Furthermore, the composition of the leaf-litter ant fauna and the species richness were compared between the regeneration gradient and an area of mature forest. The results showed a higher number of leaf-litter ant species in the mature forest in comparison with the regeneration gradient habitat, as well a distinct species composition. There was a significant loss of ant diversity in the regrowth forest, compared to the mature Atlantic Forest. The composition of the ground-dwelling ant fauna does not consistently separate the sites of forest succession; but a gradient of ant species richness and composition was revealed when the leaf-litter ant fauna data set was included in the analysis. In this sense, the leaf-litter ant fauna is an important segment to characterize habitats also playing an important rule as bio-indicators. The data suggest that only primary forests (our data) and old secondary forests (in litt.) are capable of maintaining a substantial proportion of the biodiversity in areas of the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   
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