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欧建德 《安徽农业科学》2014,(20):6754-6756
为提高林下闽楠更新层营建成效,在福建明溪进行采伐林隙和施肥试验。结果表明,不同采伐林隙对更新层闽楠的树高、地径、冠幅和高径比有着显著性以上的影响。在促进更新层闽楠生长方面,带状间伐林隙更新效果最好,均匀间伐林隙更新次之,直接套种最差。不同施肥处理对更新层闽楠的树高、地径、冠幅和高径比有着显著性以上的影响。在促进更新层闽楠生长方面,带肥造林最好,追肥次之,不施肥(空白对照)最差。研究表明选择带状间伐林隙更新,采用大容器苗造林和带肥造林是林下闽楠更新层培育的关键技术措施。  相似文献   
通过投标竞争,承揽绿化工程建设任务,是目前绿化施工企业获得承包任务的主要方式。笔者通过多年组织和参与绿化工程投标实践,就如何制定绿化施工方案和工程报价进行了探讨。  相似文献   
黑龙江省造林动态信息统计系统的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全国造林动态信息统计系统的应用基础上,充分总结基层数据的上报流程与特点,结合现代网络技术、SSH框架技术、AJAX技术与Web Service技术,构建基于B/S的黑龙江省造林动态信息统计系统.主要研究造林数据的灵活上报、统计、分析功能的实现,及系统与全国造林动态信息统计系统无缝对接的方法.面向省、市、县三级用户,实现基层数据的“一次录入,全程使用”,可大幅降低工作量和出错率,提高数据的准确性和可靠性,实现造林数据统计工作的自动化、信息化管理.  相似文献   
3种造林树种轻基质网袋容器苗造林效果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用木荷(Schima superba)、青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)和湿地松(Pinus elliottii)3种主要造林树种,在采伐迹地、林冠下和生物防火林带3种不同类型栽植地上开展1~2年生轻基质网袋容器苗与裸根苗的造林对比试验。结果表明,轻基质网袋容器苗造林能显著地提高3树种的造林成效,在不同栽植地类型下3树种不同苗龄容器苗的造林成活率和保存率较裸根苗造林提高了27.6%~1421.8%,树高、地径、当年抽梢长及干物质积累量等生长性状较裸根苗造林提高了22.0%~86.7%。1年生容器苗可进行周年造林,在2月、5月和9月的造林成活率分别为93.8%~98.0%、90.7%~96.3%和84.5%~89.4%,皆能达到造林合格率的要求,而1年生裸根苗在5月和9月的造林成活率仅分别为26%~53%和10.4%~34.4%,无法达到造林合格率的要求。经比较分析,3树种1年生容器苗的造林成本较裸根苗低10.3%~18.4%,2年生容器苗的造林成本较裸根苗低7.1%~14.4%。采用轻基质网袋容器苗造林,不仅造林成活率高,生长优势明显,而且造林成本低,宜在绿化造林中大力推广。  相似文献   
紫穗槐的特征特性及育苗造林技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙耀清  阎腾飞 《农技服务》2012,29(6):691-692
为了给紫穗槐的快速发展提供技术参考,介绍了紫穗槐的特征特性,从紫穗槐的播种育苗、扦插育苗、分株繁殖、压根繁殖等方面总结了其育苗造林技术。  相似文献   
文章就皂荚的生物生态学特性、生态适应性、繁殖育苗、造林技术及其在园林绿化、造林及其他方面开发利用的研究进展进行了综述,并指出当前研究中存在的问题及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
浅谈如何提高造林质量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
如何提高造林质量,严把总体规划关;严把整地质量关;严把苗木质量关;严把栽植质量关;严把管护质量关;严把抚育质量关。  相似文献   
Global warming has become a worldwide environmental issue in recent years. With implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide is the common goal of everyone. Afforestation and carbon reduction have become important forestry policies of the Taiwanese government. Attitudes and behavioral intentions of the domestic public towards afforestation and carbon reduction will play important roles in the effectiveness of forestry policies. In this study, the theory of planned behavior was applied to better understand the relationships among domestic public attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral controls, and behavioral intentions. Data were obtained by a mail survey. The domestic public's behavioral intention model was verified by a structural equation model. This study found that older people not only had a positive attitude towards the concept of afforestation for carbon reduction but were also willing to participate in related activities. Significant reference groups also had greater influence on these people, but for the question of whether a person had better means to participate in afforestation activities for carbon reduction, the level of monthly income emerged as the factor of main consideration. It shows that even though an overall positive attitude towards afforestation activities for carbon reduction increases people's willingness to participate, actual participation is still determined by the level of the participant's ability to control difficulties during the related activities. The policy implication of this study is that when setting into action the carbon reduction policies or programs, the Taiwanese government should take into account the claim from significant reference groups, and enhance the visibility of those groups' positive points of view towards the policies. In addition, the government should enhance the promotion of the high-income and the older people's participation in carbon reduction programs, because our results show their high intention to participate.  相似文献   
为了检验香椿两段式容器苗在喀斯特石漠化区域造林的成活率、生长量表现情况。按试验设计,在贵州省金沙县马路乡犀牛村营造香椿容器苗示范林6.7hm2,作了与裸根苗造林的对照,对样方的成活株全面清点,求出成活率,用随机抽样抽取样株测量高生长量及径生长,对调查数据进行x2检验、T检验。结果表明,香椿两段式容器苗造林成活率、高生长量和径生长都显著优于裸根苗。为今后石漠化地区香椿造林开辟了新途径,亦是石漠化山区群众经济增长的一条捷径。  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a major socioeconomic and environmental problem in Turkey. Almost 86% of the land in Turkey has suffered various degrees of soil erosion. The objective of this study was to determine whether differences in tree species affect soil characteristics and microbial activity in degraded soils. Results from this study showed that organic C (Corg) was highest in the black locust soil at 0–20 cm depth and lowest in the bare land. Microbial biomass C (Cmic) increased in the order black locust > Scotch pine > bare land at two soil depths. One-way ANOVA demonstrated that afforested soils contain significantly higher microbial biomass C than those in the bare land soils. Microbial quotient (Cmic/Corg) of soils are positively influenced by afforestation as the bare land soils exhibited lower microbial quotient than the associated Scotch pine and black locust soils. Microbial communities in black locust soils were energetically more efficient—had a lower metabolic quotient (qCO2)—with a higher Cmic/Corg compared to those in Scotch pine soils. However, the microbial quotient in our study was still below range and cannot reach equilibrium again 15 yr after afforestation. Restoration of degraded lands could be a long-term process from microbial activity in the observed regions.  相似文献   
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