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【目的】探究Landsat8 OLI数据和KNN算法在森林蓄积量估测中的潜力。【方法】以湖南省湘潭县为研究区,采用Landsat8 OLI数据和同时期的二类调查数据,通过距离相关系数筛选特征,分别采用线性回归模型(MLR)、K-近邻模型(KNN)、距离加权KNN模型(DW-KNN)和优化欧式KNN模型(FW-KNN)对森林蓄积量进行估测。使用十折交叉方法进行精度检验,对检验结果进行对比分析。【结果】3种KNN模型的估测结果均高于传统的线性模型,并且在3种KNN模型中,FW-KNN算法效果最好,决定系数达到0.69,为3种模型中最高;3种KNN模型中,本研究优化欧氏距离KNN模型的估测精度最高,其均方根误差为30.3%,相比于传统KNN模型的均方根误差降低了5.1%,相比于DW-KNN模型降低了3.3%。【结论】采用DW-KNN蓄积量估测结果明显优于其他两种模型,说明通过特征与蓄积量的相关性优化样本间的距离是一种可行的KNN优化方法。  相似文献   
以菠萝蜜种子淀粉为壁材,采用饱和水溶液法制备香草兰精油微胶囊,以包埋产率为指标,采用响应面分析法对微胶囊的包埋条件进行优化探讨。结果表明:5个单因素中,影响最显著的因素为壁芯材比例、包埋温度和包埋时间。响应面优化得到香草兰精油微胶囊的最佳工艺条件为壁芯材比例为7.5∶1;包埋时间72 min;包埋温度54℃,此条件下的包埋产率为(95.46±0.2)%,包埋率为(76.35±0.6)%,载油量为(27.73±0.3)%。试验证明,此条件结果与模型预测值相吻合,此工艺条件可为菠萝蜜种子淀粉包埋香草兰精油微胶囊工艺提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Waterlogging is a main factor causing rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) yield loss, and reasonable nitrogen (N) applications can compensate for this loss. To investigate the effects of N rates on seed yield of waterlogged rapeseed, the waterlogging-tolerant rapeseed variety ZS 9 and sensitive variety GH01 were waterlogged for 0 and 10 days with five leaves at the seedling stage under four N rates (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg/ha). Waterlogging significantly decreased seed yield, while N application can alleviate the yield loss. The yield decrease rate of waterlogged GH01 was greater than that of ZS 9 under the same N rate. During the seedling and bolting stage, the leaf photosynthetic rate (Pn) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity increased, while activities of adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), sucrose synthase (SuSy) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) decreased with more N under the same watering conditions. Compared to the plants without waterlogging, the leaf Pn and Rubisco activity, starch and sucrose contents of waterlogged rapeseed decreased at the two stages; activities of AGPase, SuSy and SPS of waterlogged rapeseed decreased at the seedling while increased at the bolting stage for both the two varieties. At the flowering stage, the Pn, the activities of Rubisco, AGPase, SuSy, SPS and contents of sucrose, starch increased with more N application for both ZS 9 and GH01. Compared to the plants without waterlogging, the Pn and Rubisco activity for waterlogged plants of the two varieties increased; the waterlogged plants of tolerant variety had higher activities of AGPase, SuSy and SPS, while those of sensitive variety was significantly lower. However, the decreased starch and sucrose content were found in both tolerant and sensitive varieties. The activities of AGPase, SuSy and SPS at flowering were highly positively correlated with yield under the interactive effects of N and waterlogging. These results suggested that the flowering stage is the most important stage that N had the positive regulation on waterlogged rapeseed growth. The carbohydrates translocation from leaves to seeds of the tolerant variety were enhanced after waterlogging, while that of the sensitive variety was still inhibited. This was the main reason for the difference in yield between the two waterlogged varieties.  相似文献   
为测定致羔羊脑炎粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis)的生长曲线,寻求一种快速而准确的方法测定不同生长时期粪肠球菌数量,并客观评价其毒性强弱及其对小鼠脑组织的影响,试验采用平板菌落计数法和OD-Monitor振荡比浊法(Dλ值法)测定粪肠球菌的生长曲线,探究该菌在合适时间段内的吸光值(D600 nm)与平板菌落计数法测定的活菌数(CFU)的关系。用粪肠球菌感染小鼠,观察记录小鼠的死亡情况,最后采用Karber法计算粪肠球菌感染小鼠的半数致死量(LD50)。用LD50的剂量感染小鼠,及时采集死亡小鼠脑组织,未死亡的小鼠72 h后全部剖杀取脑组织,一部分做涂片染色,制作病理切片,观察病理变化;一部分进行培养,用于PCR方法进行细菌的回收鉴定。结果显示,用两种方法测定此株粪肠球菌的生长曲线基本一致,在2~8 h生长迅速,为对数生长期,8~14 h生长缓慢,为稳定期,14 h之后死亡数增加,进入衰亡期;对12 h粪肠球菌D600 nm与CFU的关系进行探讨,成功建立回归方程:y=20.769x-1.3422,R2=0.997;其感染小鼠的LD50为7.77×1011个活菌。以此剂量感染小鼠,脑组织涂片染色和培养染色,均能看到革兰氏阳性球菌;PCR结果显示,均出现了大小为112 bp的条带。对脑组织进行病理学观察发现该菌可导致脑组织充血、出血、形成微血栓,脑膜充血。通过生长曲线和其D600 nm与CFU关系的建立,可实时监测粪肠球菌数量,为后期更深入研究粪肠球菌穿越血脑屏障的机制奠定重要的理论基础。  相似文献   
旨在了解河南省猪流感病毒的流行情况及其遗传进化和基因组特征。2018年4月,从河南省某一出现疑似流感症状猪群中采集鼻拭子样品150份用于分离病毒,对分离病毒的全基因组进行序列测定和分析。同时感染6周龄BALB/c小鼠,研究其对小鼠的致病性。结果显示,获得1株H1N1亚型病毒[命名为A/swine/Henan/NY20/2018(H1N1)]。遗传进化表明,其HANA基因属于欧亚类禽H1N1分支,PB2、PB1、PANPM基因属于2009甲型H1N1分支,NS基因属于经典H1N1分支。HA蛋白的裂解位点序列为PSIQSR↓GL,具有低致病性流感病毒的分子特征,在小鼠肺和鼻甲有效复制并能引起肺组织病理学变化。本研究分离到1株3源重排H1N1亚型病毒,对小鼠呈现一定致病力,提示应进一步加强对SIV的监测。  相似文献   
To investigate the epizootic of swine influenza virus(SIV), 60 nasal swabs were collected from a clinical cases of pig farm in Tai'an City, Shandong Province of China in April 2017. SIV was isolated by inoculating into 10-day-old Special Pathogen Free embryonated eggs and the whole genome was sequenced. An H1N1 subtype SIV was isolated and designated as A/swine/Shandong/TA04/2017(H1N1). Phylogenetic analysis showed that apart from the polymerase A(PA) fragment belonging to the 2009 pandemic H1N1 branch, seven genome segments belonged to avian-like H1N1 influenza virus lineage. The cleavage site sequence of the hemagglutinin(HA) protein was PSIQSR↓G, which is a typical molecular biological characteristic. Five potential N-glycosylation sites(N14, N26, N277, N484 and N543) were found in the HA gene. To further investigate the epidemiology of SIV in this farm, the 995 serum samples were assessed with EAH1N1 2009 pandemic H1N1 and H3 N2 antigens. The results showed that the total positive rate was 65.43%. The positive rates of single virus infection detected by EAH1N1, 2009 pdmH1N1 and H3 N2 for serum HI(Hemagglutination inhibition) were 48.35, 30.85 and 7.47%, respectively. The results showed that SIV in Shandong Province has been reassorted in some segments and the SIV-positive rate was high on the SIV outbreak farm. These data provide evidence of an epizootic of SIV.  相似文献   
采用过氧化氢刺激lager型啤酒酵母,Tadpoling法筛选细胞活力恢复较快突变菌,根据各菌株线粒体膜电位、胞内氧自由基(ROS)水平筛选获得4株活性较高菌株。比较突变菌与原始菌传代发酵性能、胞内ROS、活力指标及每一代细胞死亡率水平,最终获得一株抗氧化能力提高且活力稳定性较高啤酒酵母菌株。分析验证突变菌线粒体DNA修复相关基因MHR1发现,该基因发生部分碱基突变。  相似文献   
以养蚕与缫丝课程模块为例,对其课程内容安排、教学特点、考核方法进行分析,并对其所面临的问题展开探讨,旨在为进一步提高相关实践教学效果提供借鉴。  相似文献   
茶树上喷洒 ̄(134)Cs后,老叶上的沉积量和新叶上的吸收量均按指数回归形式下降,下降的速率以老叶上最快,春茶叶和夏茶叶上次之,秋茶叶上最慢;灌溉和土壤中拌入 ̄(134)Cs后,茶叶对 ̄(134)Cs的吸收分两个阶段进行,前期随着时间延长而增加。后期则减少。吸收量有个最大值;茶叶中 ̄(134)Cs的含量在喷洒情况下比灌溉和拌土的高。  相似文献   
对5个无核葡萄品种的试验表明,不同培养方式对离体胚发育的影响是很明显的,其中4个品种胚发育率液体培养高于固体培养,‘京早晶’在液体培养中胚发育率高达73.7%,是目前国内外胚发育率最高的报道;液体培养比固体培养胚的发育程度高,发育整齐,无畸形胚,易成苗.  相似文献   
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