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茶橙瘿螨是茶树上一种常见害螨,以成螨、幼螨和若螨刺吸茶树汁液为害茶树,减弱树势,对茶叶产量和品质产生影响。文章介绍了茶橙瘿螨的分布与为害、形态特征、发生规律和防治措施,以期为生产上该害虫的正确识别和有效防治提供参考。  相似文献   
Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme thermal events in rivers. The Little Southwest Miramichi River (LSWM) and the Ouelle River (OR) are two Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rivers located in eastern Canada, where in recent years, water temperatures have exceeded known thermal limits (~23°C). Once temperature surpasses this threshold, juvenile salmon exploit thermal heterogeneity to behaviourally thermoregulate, forming aggregations in coolwater refuges. This study aimed to determine whether the behavioural thermoregulation response is universal across rivers, arising from common thermal cues. We detailed the temperature and discharge patterns of two geographically distinct rivers from 2010 to 2012 and compared these with aggregation onset temperature. PIT telemetry and snorkelling were used to confirm the presence of aggregations. Mean daily maximum temperature in 2010 was significantly greater in the OR versus the LSWM (p = 0.005), but not in other years (p = 0.090–0.353). Aggregations occurred on 14 and 9 occasions in the OR and LSWM respectively. Temperature at onset of aggregation was significantly greater in the OR (Tonset = 28.3°C) than in the LSWM (Tonset = 27.3°C; p = 0.049). Logistic regression models varied by river and were able to predict the probability of aggregation based on the preceding number of hours >23°C (R2 = 0.61 & 0.65; P50 = 27.4°C & 28.9°C; in the OR and LSWM respectively). These results imply the preceding local thermal regime may influence behaviour and indicate a degree of phenotypic plasticity, illustrating a need for localised management strategies.  相似文献   
通过对白屈菜低温应答过程的转录组分析发现膜脂不饱和化相关基因的表达在一定过程中发生变化,脂肪酸去饱和酶基因FAD2在随温度的变化趋势为正"V"型,且表达量变化显著。利用NCBI等在线软件对序列进行相关生物学信息分析,并对白屈菜FAD家族成员FAD2基因的完整开放阅读框(ORF)进行克隆,并命名为CmFAD2。选用克隆载体pMD-19-T,转化大肠杆菌DH5α,测序验证序列正确性及完整性。将目的基因与植物表达载体pRI-201-AN连接构建重组DNA pRI-201-AN-Cm FAD2,电击法转化农杆菌LBA4404,利用菌液PCR法验证成功。该基因可作为药用植物抗寒品种创制的候选基因。  相似文献   
作为拖拉机研发的重要验证手段,拖拉机室内台架试验可方便高效地为拖拉机模拟各种工况下的性能表现。首先探究动力总成控制技术、负载模拟技术、试验数据处理技术和试验结果评价技术4种拖拉机室内台架试验关键技术,结合试验技术的最新研究进展,对4种技术进行详细的阐述和分析。接着从动力总成控制算法、负载模拟算法、试验数据处理方法、试验结果评价指标体系4个方面对拖拉机室内台架试验技术进行讨论与展望。最后得出对动力总成算法进行优化、提高动态负载模拟精度、保持试验数据处理方法的前沿性、对试验结果综合客观评价是拖拉机室内台架试验技术的发展趋势,以期为我国拖拉机室内台架试验技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
为探究同期排卵处理母牛体温和活动量变化规律及不同同期排卵技术处理效果,指导同期排卵技术优化。本研究自动监测了18头20月龄左右同期排卵(GnRH-PG-GnRH)处理荷斯坦母牛和17头产后40~60 d预同期排卵(PG-PG-GnRH-PG-GnRH)处理荷斯坦母牛的体温和活动量,应用自动检测系统进行母牛发情监测。结果发现,同期排卵处理母牛发情时阴道温度平均升高(0.43±0.20)℃,持续(12.37±2.73)h;活动量平均升高(18.28±18.61)倍,持续(11.00±1.68)h;排卵时阴道温度平均下降(0.20±0.10)℃,持续(11.00±1.68)h。自动化发情监测显示,同期排卵处理母牛7头发情并排卵;预同期排卵母牛GnRH处理前全部发情排卵。两种同期排卵处理,虽可改变母牛性周期进程,促进母牛性周期同步化,但均难以使母牛性周期完全同步。因此,将同期排卵-定时输精和发情鉴定技术科学结合才能取得更好的繁殖效果。  相似文献   
马金龙  陈吟 《中国农学通报》2020,36(27):135-141
针对不同设备设计不同喷液量,飞行参数验证防治效果,从而验证无人机在稻田全程应用的可能性,旨在探索2种小型多旋翼植保无人机低空喷洒在整个水稻生长时期病虫草害防治过程中的防效。结果表明:当喷洒水田封闭式除草剂的喷洒量为10650、15000 mL/hm2,其对杂草的株防效与鲜重防效与人工电动喷雾相近。在病虫害的防治试验中,使用推荐用量且喷洒量为10650、15000 mL/hm2时,以及使用70%推荐用量(减量30%)且喷洒量为15000 mL/hm2时,防治效果均与人工电动喷雾器无显著差异。通过验证,选择合适的药剂,配合科学的喷洒参数,可在保证药效的前提下减少农药使用量。多旋翼植保无人机在水稻田有进行大面积全程飞防植保应用有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

The tiger mosquito is a key vector of several human diseases and is considered a public health concern worldwide. The implementation of strategies aimed at maximizing mosquito control without affecting non-target insect groups is of major importance. In a field trial, we tested the efficiency of a natural pyrethrum-based vs. a synthetic pyrethroid-based insecticide in reducing tiger mosquito population and how they affect the diversity of non-target flower-visiting insects in green urban areas. Only the pyrethroid insecticide was effective in reducing mosquito abundance, although its effects disappeared nine days after application. The two adulticides did not significantly affect the diversity of flower-visiting insects, probably because of their large body size and the difference in flying and foraging activity. To effectively control mosquito populations while preventing intoxication of non-target flower-visiting insects, adulticide applications should be applied early in the morning and only on bushes and trees. Results from our small-scale applications cannot be extrapolate when larger areas are treated.  相似文献   
通过本试验观察表明:黄皮[Clausena Lansium (Lour.)Skeels]的开花与温度有密切关系,温度高,开花过程短;温度低,开花过程长。花穗中的花轴增长速度也随温度升高而加快,花轴增长快,则花轴长,花穗大;反之,花轴增长速度慢,花轴短,花穗小。黄皮开花的顺序是从花穗基部第1—4个分枝开始,每个分枝则先从基部1—8个二次分枝首先开放。31℃是黄皮花粉萌发最适宜温度。在培养基中加入15—20%蔗糖或2.4—D,三十烷醇等生长调节物质,明显可提高黄皮花粉的萌发力。本试验对黄皮的物候期及植物学特性同时进行了研究。  相似文献   
本文综述了奶牛繁殖疾病的发病原因和调控措施,分析认为奶牛的营养状况是影响奶牛繁殖力的重要因素。理想的奶牛管理应做到整个泌乳期始终监测奶牛的体况和奶牛日粮中微量元素的维生素的含量,避免营养素的不平衡而引发的奶牛繁殖障碍,同时应避免奶牛过肥或过瘦。适当补充某些维生素和矿物质十分重要。  相似文献   
本文论述了在工程建设中钢筋混凝土质量优劣的重要性,并结合当前施工中存在的一些问题,探讨了该采取的方法,以达到控制工程质量的目的。  相似文献   
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