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Because vanadium (V) is easily reduced to a cationic form within plant cells, data from resin-extraction of soil were analysed for evidence of interactions between V and the resin-extractable concentrations of magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) on soybean seed yield. Three varieties, 9091, 9061 and 704, were grown over a 3-year period in a corn–soybean–wheat rotation. Surface soil samples (0–15 cm) were extracted with ion-exchange resins, extracts were analysed by inductively coupled plasma methods (ICP), and the results were regressed against seed yield using SAS PROC STEPWISE analysis using forward selection, backward elimination and maximum R2 routines. The seed yield of each variety showed a correlation with a unique set of resin-extractable concentrations of V, phosphorus (P), Mg and Ca, and the V:(V + P), Mg:(Mg + Ca), Mg:(Mg + 1000 V) and Ca:(Ca + 1000 V) ratios. Variety 9091 was most sensitive to the Mg:(Mg + Ca) ratio. Variety 9061 was most sensitive to extractable V and to the V:(V + P) ratio. Variety 704 was sensitive to extractable P, V and Ca and the Mg:(Mg + 1000 V) ratio. For variety 9091, Mg fertilization (not currently practised) may be an economical practice, whereas P fertilization of 704 may not be economical. Each regression technique varied slightly in identification of important factors in seed yield. Concentrations and ratios of resin-extractable elements in soil provide insights into optimal genotype selection and possible management alternatives for a given soil.  相似文献   
The plants of field bean var. Nadwiślaνski were detopped after about 1 month since the beginning of flowering and after that all flower buds were removed from some plants. The effect of a change in the trophic balance on the setting and subsequent growth of root nodules was studied.
The removal of pods had the greater effect on the increase in the weight of the remaining organs than the detopping of plants. Detopping retarded the ageing of the plants and delayed the phase of the greatest reduction of the number of pods. The detopping of plants revealed their considerable compensative possibilities in terms of production of the pod weight and the potential of leaves for biomass production. The data obtained indicate that plant detopping may disturb the root–bacteria exchange of signals, necessary to initiate the nodule development, while the further growth of nodules depends, above all, on the amount of available photosynthates.
A very high correlation between the dry weight of the whole plant to the dry weight of leaves ratio and the weight of nodules was observed. It proves the importance of the trophic balance of the plant for the root nodule weight production.  相似文献   
Abstract. Soil samples from a 32-year grassland field experiment were taken from 0–5, 5–10, and 10–15 cm soil depths in February 2002. Plots received annual treatments of unamended control, mineral fertilizer, three rates of pig slurry and three rates of cow slurry, each with six replicates. Samples were analysed for cation exchange capacity (CEC), exchangeable cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), pH and Olsen P. Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) was calculated as a sodicity indicator. Mean ESP was generally greater for slurry treatments than the control, with a trend of increasing ESP with application rate. This was particularly marked for cow slurry. At 0–5 cm depth ESP increased from 1.18 in the control to 1.75 at the highest rate of pig slurry and 5.60 at the highest rate of cow slurry. Similar trends were shown for CEC, exchangeable Na+, K+ and Mg2+, Ca2+ and Olsen P. The build-up of soil P due to slurry applications, together with this combination of physical and chemical factors, may increase the risk of P loss to surface waters, particularly from soils receiving high rates of cow slurry.  相似文献   
探究减氮对华北地区麦玉轮作农田土壤反硝化细菌群落结构和多样性影响,为华北地区麦玉轮作农田氮肥管理提供技术支持,本研究以不施氮为对照(CK),设置 2个施氮量,分别为常规施氮量(纯氮 300 kg·hm-2,N2)、减氮 20%(纯氮 240 kg·hm-2,N1),提取土壤DNA,用nirS(细胞色素cd1-亚硝酸还原酶)、nirK(Cu-亚硝酸还原酶)引物扩增后采用MiSeq PE300测序技术,研究施氮量对麦玉轮作农田土壤性状及nirSnirK反硝化细菌群落结构及多样性的影响。结果表明,3个处理nirSnirK反硝化细菌α-多样性指数无显著差异,nirS反硝化细菌α-多样性高于nirK。减氮显著影响nirSnirK反硝化细菌物种组成。减氮对nirSnirK反硝化细菌门水平及nirK纲水平物种组成无显著影响,但显著降低了nirS反硝化细菌Deltaproteobacteria(δ-变形菌纲)相对丰度;减氮显著影响nirSnirK属水平物种组成。硝态氮、速效磷、pH值是影响土壤nirS反硝化细菌属水平群落结构主要环境因子;pH值是影响土壤nirK反硝化细菌属水平群落结构的主要环境因子。研究表明,适量减氮不影响反硝化细菌α-多样性,但显著影响反硝化细菌属水平群落组成和群落结构,减氮主要是通过影响土壤性状及微生物群落结构进而影响农田土壤N2O排放。  相似文献   
为探究NaHCO3前处理对不同种类生物炭性质及其磷吸附能力的影响,借助元素分析、光电子能谱、孔径分析、扫描电镜等手段对比处理前后秸秆、壳核及其他3类生物炭表面特性和孔结构的差异,基于吸附等温线和Freundlich与Dubinin-Radushkevich模型拟合,探讨生物炭性质控制磷吸附的机理。结果表明:NaHCO3前处理总体提高了各类生物炭的比表面积和孔体积,增幅分别为2.70%~110.84%和1.42%~123.80%,提高其芳香性(C=C),H/C增幅为5.56%~29.41%,同时降低了极性官能团(C—O和C=O)含量,极性指数[(O+N)/C]降幅为13.18%~46.34%。原始生物炭的磷释放量范围为78.33~568.33 mg·kg-1,NaHCO3前处理显著增加各类生物炭对磷的吸附,使其表现出近似的磷吸附能力(Freundlich吸附系数KF范围为119~254 mg1-n·Ln·kg-1)...  相似文献   
磷是植物生长必需的营养元素之一,在农业生产中起着关键作用。然而,长期过量的磷肥投入导致土壤磷素水平增加,进而加大了土壤磷素流失风险,造成农业非点源磷污染,同时这也成为导致水体富营养化的主要因素之一。因此,识别和管理农业非点源磷的流失风险关键区,成为面源污染亟待解决的关键问题。磷指数模型起源于20世纪90年代,是评估农田磷流失潜力和指导磷管理决策的重要工具之一。根据研究区特点,美国众多学者在各州设立了不同的磷指数指标体系,优化了磷指数的组成因子、计算方法和分级标准。本文对美国各州磷指数模型评价体系进行了综述和评价,指出了磷指数模型的局限性,提出了改进方向,以期为我国磷素管理方法提供借鉴。  相似文献   
高粱作为中国主要的酿造原料之一,在国民经济发展中占据重要地位。高粱炭疽病是高粱的主要病害之一,在整个生育期中均可发病,且在温暖湿润的热带和亚热带栽种地区更易发生和流行,不仅影响植株的正常生长,严重时会引起产量的大幅下降和籽粒品质的劣变。多年来,高粱病理学家和育种家对高粱炭疽病病原菌菌株分离、病害发生流行规律、发生原因、寄主抗性利用和抗炭疽病基因定位等方面进行了广泛的研究,取得了一些进展。这些研究为炭疽病的生化防控以及培育抗炭疽病品种奠定了基础。开展高粱炭疽病研究,发掘更丰富多样的优异抗性种质资源,减少农药使用,不仅可以满足中国高粱产业对天然有机高粱原料的巨大需求,还可以推动高粱生产向高产优质转变。对高粱炭疽病的分布和发病症状、炭疽病病原菌侵染机理、病害发生流行规律及流行原因、抗性资源鉴定和高粱抗炭疽病基因定位的相关研究进展进行了综合分析和论述,以期从分子水平上更好地认识高粱与炭疽病病原菌之间的相互作用,为高粱炭疽病研究提供参考。  相似文献   
采用"3414"平衡施肥方案,在桐梓县肥力较高的小黄沙泥土上进行了杂交玉米的肥料效应田间试验.结果表明,增产效果最佳的肥料配方为处理6,即尿素32.6kg·667m-2、普钙62.5kg·667m-2、氯化钾26.7kg·667m-2;从经济效益分析来看,以低氮低磷中钾处理的肥料增产效益最好,其肥料的产/投比为2.42,其肥料配方为处理12(N1P1K2),即尿素13.6kg·667m-2、普钙31.25kg·667m-2、氯化钾13.3kg·667-2.  相似文献   
云南松是我国西南地区主要的造林树种,在区域经济发展和生态环境建设中发挥着重要作用。但目前云南松苗期生长缓慢,这使得云南松经济效益与生态效益的发挥受到了阻碍。氮磷添加是目前农林业促成培育中一种常见技术手段,通过对云南松苗木在不同氮、磷施肥处理下其生长状况的研究,以期为云南松苗木培育提供依据。本次试验以90d生的云南松幼苗为试验材料,对其进行氮磷根部追肥配施试验,比较不同氮磷浓度水平下云南松幼苗根系生长的变化规律。研究表明,氮磷配施后,随着氮磷用量的增加,云南松幼苗根冠比降低。地下部分的生长优势降低,地上部分的生长优势升高,且氮元素对于地上部分的增长作用强于磷元素。  相似文献   
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