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植物篱种植模式及其在我国的研究和应用   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:25  
植物篱种植模式作为一种坡地保护性耕作和持续利用技术,自20世纪70年代以来在热带地区研究和应用较为广泛,本文概述了我国近10余年来的研究和应用进展。这一模式在20世纪80年代中期进行了短暂的试验,20世纪90年代以来在金沙江干旱河谷地区和三峡地区结合当地实际需求和植物篱种植模式的特点,对植物篱种植模式进行了研究,使之适合我国山区和坡耕地的应用;对植物篱的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益均进行了较深入细致的试验、研究,并进行较大面积的示范和推广应用,同时引起了国内很多研究机构和应用部门的关注,尽管在1997年以后其它区域也随之进行了一些类似的试验和研究,但国内目前只有金沙江干旱河谷地区和三峡地区在研究和应用方面较系统和深入。最后还对国内在植物篱认识上的一些问题,以及需要进一步深入开展的工作进行了讨论。  相似文献   
利用天文三角公式计算太阳在不同纬度地区某日各时刻的位置,并计算在南北成行的条件下,满足光照条件的树篱的确形角.在满足光照条件下,依不同的冠高与冠间距的比值分析确定梯形树冠截面树篱适合的地理纬度,并利用前人的研究与该文相结合,进而讨论确定在不同纬度地区梯形树冠截面树篱的最佳参数,为在篱式果园中梯形树冠截面的设计提供理论依据.  相似文献   
The effects of inter-row spacing of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in an alley cropping system on the incidence and severity of rust (Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.) Unger) on intercropped beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and their yield were examined over 2 years (1993 and 1994) at Chepkoilel Campus in Kenya. Each experiment consisted of three randomized blocks with treatments of three alley widths (2 m, 4 m and 8 m) and a treeless control with two intra-row spacings of Leucaena (0.5 m and 1.0 m). Hedgerows were coppiced at 1.0 m height and pruned subsequently at 2–3 months intervals. No fertilizer was applied but Leucaena loppings were incorporated as green leaf manure. Rust on beans was assessed at three growth stages in each season, using the Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) scales. Microclimate was monitored in treatments, in 1994. Bean growth and yield were also measured. Rust increased with increasing alley width and was less severe in bean rows adjacent to hedgerows. Bean yield was highest in the treeless control plots and declined with decreasing alley width. Beans in 2 m alleys had significantly lower (p < 0.05) yields than 8 m alleys and treeless control plots. Bean growth was greatly modified in 2 m alleys and close to hedgerows. Light availability and diurnal temperature increased with alley width but relative humidity and leaf wetness duration decreased. Proximity to hedgerows also had marked effect on microclimate. The changes in yield, rust incidence and severity were examined in relation to microclimate, inoculum survival and dispersal.  相似文献   
Hedgerows have been proposed as habitat and conservation corridor for forest plant species, but their importance for the survival of these species is still not clear. The objective of our study was to examine the frequency of occurrence of forest species and total forest species richness in different parts of the hedgerows, and to relate these patterns of occurrence to the species’ habitat requirements and life history traits. We surveyed in total 130 forest-hedgerow transects in North-western Germany, including three age classes.About 77% of all forest plant species (including some endangered taxa) occurring in the neighbouring forests were also found in the adjacent hedgerows. In all age classes, there was a negative relationship between distance from the forest-hedgerow ecotone and the number of species. Ancient hedgerows were not significantly more species-rich than more recent ones. Within 100 m distance from the forest edge, forest species richness increased with an increasing number of species in the nearby forest and with an increasing cover of the tree canopy as well as a decreasing cover of the shrub layer. Species with high frequency had comparatively high Ellenberg indicator values for light, and were mostly associated with anemochorous and epizoochorous seed dispersal.The frequency of occurrence in hedgerows of species with common attributes was partly in agreement, partly in disagreement with the results obtained in previous studies. We conclude that patterns are difficult to generalize, probably due to a strong regional variation in the pool of forest species and in the specific environments of both forests and hedgerows.  相似文献   
为满足日益增长的粮食需求,丘陵地区的农业发展已受到越来越多的重视,而农业集约化生产是导致生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一。为了解地形区域、生产管理模式及边界树篱带对农田地表天敌多样性的影响,在我国华北典型农区,选取5种农田,包括丘陵地区的常规管理无植物篱玉米地(CM)、常规管理有植物篱玉米地(CMH)、有机管理无植物篱玉米地(OM)、有机管理有植物篱玉米地(OMH)和平原地区常规管理无植物篱玉米地(PCM),于2019年8—9月采用陷阱法展开蜘蛛多样性调查。结果表明:处于丘陵地区的玉米地蜘蛛的香农多样性和物种稀疏指数显著高于平原地区,有机管理下的玉米地蜘蛛物种稀疏指数显著高于常规管理下的玉米地,有植物篱的玉米地蜘蛛的物种稀疏指数高于无植物篱的玉米地;且丘陵与平原、有植物篱与无植物篱、有机和常规管理下蜘蛛群落结构显著不同。基于上述研究结果,研究建议农业发展和生物多样性保护应当加强区域土地利用规划和分区管理;丘陵地区因受人类干扰较小,维持了较平原地区更高的蜘蛛物种库,可以作为集约化农区生物多样性保护的热点区,农业发展应优先规划发展低集约化的生产模式(如有机农业等),并加强景观多样性建设。而平原地区也应合理保留农田半自然边界带和降低集约化管理强度以推动生态环境改善和绿色发展。  相似文献   
On farms where shooting takes place, hedgerows leading from woodlands with release pens are often used by pheasants as corridors for accessing game crops. We compared shrub and ground flora structure and species composition in hedges near to and away from release sites with a wide range of release sizes, at 109 game estates in four regions in England in 2002 and 2003. There was more bare ground, fewer stable perennial plant species, more weeds and fewer tree and shrub seedlings in hedges near to release sites compared to our controls, sometimes only when the nearby release exceeded a certain threshold. Alongside hedges there were more weeds on hedgebanks near to release sites, and depending on hedge size, fewer stable perennial species or fewer tree and shrub seedling species. While the woody structure of the hedge itself was not substantially different, shrub leafiness within hedges at 10-20 cm off the ground was reduced in all except very short hedges near to releases. We argue that the differences we observed were due to the presence of pheasants in those hedges during the late summer and autumn following release and not to pen siting or game management factors. We hypothesize that where larger accumulations of pheasants occur in hedges, the changes to ground flora species composition we observed were due to increased soil fertility and soil disturbance. The effects on mature shrub leafiness and woody seedlings were probably caused by direct pecking. Our study involved many sites and some of the effects identified were subtle. Our data on release size enables us to suggest how to minimise these effects where this is considered important, for example where hedgerows are recognized as particularly valuable or vulnerable.  相似文献   
We investigated the influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) inoculation on growth and nutrient relationships in two alley-cropping trials, one at the top and the other at the base of a hillslope. Each trial involved three woody hedgerow legumes with cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) as the sole intercrop. The hedgerow trees at the base of the slope showed greater survival and higher leaf dry weights than those at the top of the slope, although these parameters were not affected by VAM inoculation, either at the top or the base of the slope. In contrast to survival, the uptake of nutrients, particularly P and N, was higher for inoculated than uninoculated hedgerow trees, both at the top and at the base of slope. Increases in stem and leaf biomass and the uptake of nutrients by the trees were strongly correlated with increases in P uptake, indicating that the improvements were attributable to VAM inoculation. Cassava tuber yields at the base of the slope, from inoculated or uninoculated plants, were significantly greater than the corresponding cassava yields at the top of the slope. These increases at the base of the slope compared to the top of the slope were not attributed to available soil nutrients but to greater VAM spore density. Higher available soil moisture may have been another factor. Increasing the VAM spore density of effective mycorrhiza through proper agronomic practices at the top of a slope may bring about comparable yields on different parts of the slope.  相似文献   
姚桂枝  刘章勇 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(6):3015-3016,3047
通过在丹江口库区坡耕地上不同植物篱种植处理的比较试验,观测分析了不同植物篱处理对径流及养分流失的影响。结果表明,紫穗槐、金银花、黄花菜及龙须草4种植物篱均能有效减少坡耕地上的径流泥沙流失量,径流量由高到低的顺序为CK〉处理②〉处理④〉处理⑤〉处理③。对比各处理小区径流水样养分流失均值可知,全钾〉速效钾〉全氮〉速效氮〉全磷〉速效磷,所有处理中最易随地表流失的养分为全钾和速效钾,速效磷流失量最小。  相似文献   
篱壁式红富士苹果光照分布及结果部位对果实品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者对6~7年生篱壁式红富士苹果叶幕光照分布、结果部位对品质的影响进行了研究.结果表明:篱壁形叶幕光照垂直分布和水平分布的日变化相对均衡,树冠内未产生无效光区;品质垂直和水平分布与光照垂直和水平分布呈极显著正相关.中、下层中长果枝果实的果面光洁度分别为92.7%和97.2%,端正果率分别为91.6%和92.5%.  相似文献   
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