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《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(8):1311-1323
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) yields are known to decrease for plants grown in saline soils. This study was conducted to determine the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on fruit yield and mineral content of salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive tomato cultivars grown with varied levels of salt. NaCl and CaCl2were added to soil in the irrigation water in equal molar ratios to give ECe values of 1.4 (nonstressed) and 4.9 dS m?1 (salt stressed). Plants were grown in a greenhouse using unsterilized, low phosphorus (P) (silty clay) soil-sand mix. Mycorrhizal root colonization occurred whether cultivars were salt stressed or nonstressed, but the extent of AMF root colonization was higher in AMF inoculated than uninoculated plants. The salt tolerant cultivar ‘Pello’ generally had higher AMF root colonization than the salt sensitive cultivar ‘Marriha’. Shoot dry matter (DM) yield, fruit fresh yield, and AMF colonization were higher for plants grown under nonstressed than for plants grown under salt stressed conditions. Shoot DM and fruit fresh yields were higher in AMF inoculated than uninoculated plants grown with or without salt stress. Pello generally had higher fruit fresh yield per plant and fruit weight than Marriha, but these differences were only significant for fruit weight in unioculated plants grown under salt stressed conditions. The enhancement in fruit fresh yield due to AMF inoculation was 26 and 23% under nonstressed and 28 and 46% under salt stressed treatments for Pello and Marriha, respectively. For both cultivars, fruit contents of P, potassium (K), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) were higher in AMF inoculated compared with uninoculated plants grown under nonstressed and salt stressed conditions. Fruit Na concentrations were lower in AMF inoculated than uninoculated plants grown under salt stressed conditions. The enhancement in P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe acquisition due to AMF inoculation was more pronounced in Marriha than in Pello cultivar under salt stressed conditions. The results of this study indicated that AMF inoculated plants had greater tolerance to salt stress than unioculated plants.  相似文献   
We used the soil‐core translocation method to investigate the effect of increased temperature on above‐ and below‐ground phytomass and organic matter in cool alpine areas. The translocation of undisturbed soil cores from a high alpine site (2525 m a.s.l.) to an alpine site near the timberline (1895 m a.s.l.) achieved an effective artificial warming of 3.3 K. From a methodological point of view, the translocation of soil cores was performed successfully. Soil cores moved to a new site at the same altitude showed no change in above‐ and below‐ground vegetation, bulk density, and soil skeleton. At both sites, soils were Haplic Podzols with a similar chemistry and clay mineralogy. At the lower elevation site, however, podzolization processes seemed to be more pronounced. As a consequence, the translocation of the soil cores probably led to a disturbance of the actual steady state that had been established after about 10,000–13,000 years of soil formation. This might have affected the adaptability of the vegetation system. Therefore, it cannot be fully excluded that the experimental design influenced the results. Translocation of soil cores from a very cool to a warmer site led to a distinct decrease in above‐ground phytomass (about –45%) over the experimental period of two years. Below‐ground phytomass significantly decreased (up to –50%) in the topsoil (0–5 cm) after artificial warming. Possible mechanisms are that roots reduced photosynthesis and hence C flow below‐ground, a reduction of soil moisture that would have led to root death (not a very probable cause, however) or an abrupt change in the radiation duration and flux which affected root growth (also not very probable). Fast climate change exceeded the ability of the above‐ground and below‐ground phytomass to adapt quickly. Whether the decrease in phytomass was a short‐term or a long‐term response to climate warming remains uncertain. Based on a gradient study (climosequence at the same locality), we hypothesize that the decreased plant productivity might be a short‐term effect.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to elucidate the spatial distribution of soil microorganisms and enyzme activities in a long‐term wastewater treated soil. Soil was sampled from a plough layer of the Ah horizon of a sandy Haplic Luvisol which was either (1) irrigated with municipal wastewater for almost 100 years, or (2) no more irrigated since 20 years, or (3) never received wastewater. The samples were fractionated by wet sieving to obtain seven size fractions of organic and mineral soil particles, and a separate silt+clay fraction. The individual soil samples contained between 1.2% (never irrigated) and 4.1% (long‐term irrigated) organic particles by weight, but these particles harboured up to 47.8% of the total soil carbon and 41.7% of nitrogen, and thus represented an important storage of energy and nutrient for microorganisms. In total, however, the highest C and N amounts were accumulated in the silt+clay fraction, whereas coarser mineral particles which dominanted by weight in the Haplic Luvisol were low in C and N. The highest numbers of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi per gram of the individual soil fractions were found in organic particles of the long‐term irrigated soil. Less nutrient‐dependent oligotrophic bacteria were for the most part associated with the silt+clay fraction, irrespective of the soil treatment with wastewater. Similar to microbial counts, also the ATP content, as a measure of active microbial biomass, and the activities of β‐glucosidase, β‐acetylglucosaminidase, and proteinase were higher in the long‐term irrigated soil than in that which was never irrigated. In most cases slightly enhanced values of microbiological and biochemical parameters were still detectable 20 years after the wastewater irrigation was terminated. The values of the individual parameters decreased in all soil samples under testing in general gradually with decrease in size of the organic soil particles. In conclusion, the coarse soil organic particles > 5 mm and the silt+clay fraction < 0.05 mm represent the sites with the highest microbial inhabitance, ATP contents and enzyme activities in the Ah horizon of an Haplic Luvisol. Long‐term wastewater irrigation resulted in an increase of microbial counts, total biomass and soil enzyme activities.  相似文献   
研究了城市污泥堆肥对草甸灰化壤性质的影响.第一组试验中,在作用时效方面,施入城市污泥及其堆肥的土壤,耕层中水解性酸分别降低了5.4%和8.5%,可吸收阳离子总量增加8.5%和7.5%,速效磷含量增加2.93和3.82倍.在作用后效方面,有机堆肥与对照相比,速效磷含量增加了4.46倍.对于城市污泥处理的土壤,速效磷含量只增加2.5倍.第二组试验中,有机堆肥处理,钾含量分别增加39%和50%,土壤石灰处理导致土壤中交换性钾含量分别下降2%和3%.在作用后效方面,与石灰配合施用的处理,土壤交换性钾含量增加52%-86%.对于两组实验,城市污泥和堆肥处理,导致土壤耕层中的重金属总量和有效态含量与对照相比有明显增加.施用城市污泥及其堆肥的不同处理土壤表现为轻度污染.  相似文献   
Repeated applications of bordeaux mixture (a blend of copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide) and pyrethroid insecticides (Pys) have led to elevated copper (Cu) and Pys concentrations in vineyard surface soils. To understand the potential influence of Cu on the fate of Pys in the soil environment, we selected two Pys, cypermethrin (CPM) and lambda-cyhalothrin (λ-CHT), and two typical Chinese vineyard soils, Haplic Acrisol and Luvic Phaeozem, as experimental samples. The dissipation experiment was conducted at room temperature in the dark, and the transport of both Pys through the soils was investigated using soil thin-layer chromatography. The results showed that the transport of Pys in both soils increased as the Cu2+ concentration increased from 0 to 100 mg L-1 , and Pys were more transportable in Haplic Acrisol (HA) than in Luvic Phaeozem (LP) under the same experimental conditions. For CPM, only 100 mg L-1 of Cu2+ significantly (P<0.05) increased Pys transport through both soils relative to water. Lambda-CHT was significantly (P<0.05) transported through HA by all the Cu2+ concentrations compared to water, and all but the 1 mg L-1 of Cu2+ significantly (P<0.05) increased the transport of λ-CHT through LP relative to water. However, the dissipation rates of CPM and λ-CHT decreased with the addition of Cu to soils. Our findings suggest that the risk of groundwater contamination by Pys increases in the soils with elevated Cu concentrations.  相似文献   
Soil organic carbon (SOC), soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) and SMBC quotient (SMBC/SOC, qSMBC) are key indexes of soil biological fertility because of the relationship to soil nutrition supply capacity. Yet it remains unknown how these three indexes change, which limits our understanding about how soil respond to different fertilization practices. Based on a 22-yr (1990-2011) long-term fertilization experiment in northwest China, we investigated the dynamics of SMBC and qSMBC during the growing period of winter wheat, the relationships between the SMBC, qSMBC, soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations, the carbon input and grain yield of wheat as well. Fertilization treatments were 1) nonfertilization (control); 2) chemical nitrogen plus phosphate plus potassium (NPK); 3) NPK plus animal manure (NPKM); 4) double NPKM (hNPKM) and 5) NPK plus straw (NPKS). Results showed that the SMBC and qSMBC were significantly different among returning, jointing, flowering and harvest stages of wheat under long-term fertilization. And the largest values were observed in the flowering stage. Values for SMBC and qSMBC ranged from 37.5 to 106.0 mg kg1 and 0.41 to 0.61%, respectively. The mean value rank of SMBC during the whole growing period of wheat was hNPKM〉NPK_M〉NPKS〉CK〉NPK. But there were no statistically significant differences between hNPKM and NPKM, or between CK and NPK. The order for qSMBC was NPKS〉NPKM〉CK〉hNPKM〉NPK. These results indicated that NPKS significantly increased the ratio of SMBC to SOC, i.e., qSMBC, compared with NPK fertilizer or other two NPKM fertilizations. Significant linear relationships were observed between the annual carbon input and SOC (P〈0.01) or SMBC (P〈0.05), and between the relative grain yield of wheat and the SOC content as well (P〈0.05). But the qSMBC was not correlated with the annual carbon input. It is thus obvious that the combination of manure, straw with mineral fertilizer may be benefit to increase SOC and improve soil quality than using only mineral fertilizer.  相似文献   
Corn straw return to the field is a vital agronomic practice for increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) and its labile fractions, as well as soil aggregates and organic carbon (OC) associated with water-stable aggregates (WSA). Moreover, the labile SOC fractions play an important role in OC turnover and sequestration. The aims of this study were to determine how different corn straw returning modes affect the contents of labile SOC fractions and OC associated with WSA. Corn straw was returned in the following depths: (1) on undisturbed soil surface (NTS), (2) in the 0-10 cm soil depth (MTS), (3) in the 0-20 cm soil depth (CTS), and (4) no corn straw applied (CK). After five years (2014-2018), soil was sampled in the 0-20 and 20-40 cm depths to measure the water-extractable organic C (WEOC), permanganate oxidizable C (KMnO4-C), light fraction organic C (LFOC), and WSA fractions. The results showed that compared with CK, corn straw amended soils (NTS, MTS and CTS) increased SOC content by 11.55%-16.58%, WEOC by 41.38%-51.42%, KMnO4-C and LFOC by 29.84%-34.09% and 56.68%-65.36% in the 0-40 cm soil depth. The LFOC and KMnO4-C were proved to be the most sensitive fractions to different corn straw returning modes. Compared with CK, soils amended with corn straw increased mean weight diameter by 24.24%-40.48% in the 0-20 cm soil depth. The NTS and MTS preserved more than 60.00% of OC in macro-aggregates compared with CK. No significant difference was found in corn yield across all corn straw returning modes throughout the study period, indicating that adoption of NTS and MTS would increase SOC content and improve soil structure, and would not decline crop production.  相似文献   
Wood ash has been used to alleviate nutrient deficiencies and acidification in boreal forest soils. However, ash and nitrogen (N) fertilization may affect microbial processes producing or consuming greenhouse gases: methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Ash and N fertilization can stimulate nitrification and denitrification and, therefore, increase N2O emission and suppress CH4 uptake rate. Ash may also stimulate microbial respiration thereby enhancing CO2 emission. The fluxes of CH4, N2O and CO2 were measured in a boreal spruce forest soil treated with wood ash and/or N (ammonium nitrate) during three growing seasons. In addition to in situ measurements, CH4 oxidation potential, CO2 production, net nitrification and N2O production were studied in laboratory incubations. The mean in situ N2O emissions and in situ CO2 production from the untreated, N, ash and ash + N treatments were not significantly different, ranging from 11 to 17 μg N2O m?2 h?1 and from 533 to 611 mg CO2 m?2 h?1. However, ash increased the CH4 oxidation in a forest soil profile which could be seen both in the laboratory experiments and in the CH4 uptake rates in situ. The mean in situ CH4 uptake rate in the untreated, N, ash and ash + N plots were 153 ± 5, 123 ± 8, 188 ± 10 and 178 ± 18 μg m?2 h?1, respectively.  相似文献   
通过对庄浪县白堡乡乱庄村5社坡地黄绵土、川地黑麻土营养元素速效含量及其在土壤中吸附能力的测定,以及温室盆栽试验,认为黑麻土对作物产量的主要限制因子及限制程度从大到小的顺序是N、P、K、Mo;黄绵土对作物产量的主要限制因子及限制程度从大到小的顺序是N、P、Cu;两者共同的主要限制因子是N、P;在N、P充足的情况下,K是黑麻土的主要限制因子.  相似文献   
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