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Water balance, transpiration and canopy conductance in two beech stands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of sap flow, vapour fluxes, throughfall and soil water content were conducted for 19 months in a young beech stand growing at low elevation, in the Hesse forest. This experiment is part of the Euroflux network, covering 15 representative European forests. Study of the radial variation of sap flow within tree trunks, showed a general pattern of sap flux density in relation to the depth below cambium. Among-tree variation of sap flow was also assessed, in order to determine the contribution of the different crown classes to the total stand transpiration. Stand sap flow and vapour flux, measured with eddy covariance technique, were well correlated, for half hourly as well for daily values, the ratios of the fluxes for both averaging periods being 0.77. A strong canopy coupling to the atmosphere was found, omega factor ranging between 0.05 and 0.20 relative to the windspeed. Canopy conductance variation was related to a range of environmental variables: global radiation, vapour pressure deficit, air temperature and soil water deficit. In addition to the effect of radiation and of vapour pressure deficit often found in various other tree species, here beech exhibited a strong reduction in canopy conductance when air temperature decreased below 17°C. The model of transpiration was calibrated using data measured in the Hesse forest and applied to another beech stand under mountainous conditions in the Vosges mountains (east France). Measured and modelled stand transpiration were in good agreement.  相似文献   
Denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) is defined as N2O production rate over the first eight hours of anaerobic incubation of soil slurries at 15°C with added nitrate and acetylene. Organic fraction explained 81 % of the spatial variation in DEA among soil horizons of beech (Fagus), alder (Alnus), and spruce (Picea) forests, and spruce ciearcuts. Nitrate and pH limit denitrification in anaerobic O horizons at 15°C. Thick, poorly drained O horizons, such as in alder forest, have a high capability for denitrification. Failure to recover all added nitrate in O horizon incubations suggested both production of unmeasured NO and dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium. In mineral horizons, N2O production was small and could not be increased by increasing nitrate, carbon, pH, and phosphorus; some other factor appears to prevent significant denitrifier activity in acid forest mineral horizons.  相似文献   
The influence of tree species and soil properties on leaf litterfall concentrations and fluxes of elements were studied in three mixed deciduous forest stands. Leaf litterfall fluxes of sixteen elements were measured during autumn defoliation in 100 to 150 yr old individuals of Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus robur L., Carpinus betulus L., Tilia cordata Mill, and Acer platanoides L. Compared to throughfall and precipitation, leaf litterfall dominated the flux of P, Ca, Mn, N and Mg (in decreasing order) to the soil below the tree canopies. For K and especially S and Na, however, the importance of leaf litterfall input to the total fluxes was small. Fluxes and especially concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, P and partly N were positively related to base saturation of the soil, while Mn was negatively related due to a higher mobilization rate and plant uptake of this element on acid soils. Litterfall fluxes for C. betulus were strongly positively influenced by base saturation and fluxes were usually higher than for F. sylvatica and Q. robur at the richest site. Quercus robur had often the lowest fluxes, especially of Ca and Mg. Tilia cordata had the highest leaf litter concentrations in twelve of the sixteen elements, and the highest fluxes particularly of N and K. Acer platanoides had the highest or among the highest concentrations and fluxes of Ca, Zn and Mn. The concentration of Al in C. betulus leaf litterfall, was about five times higher than in all other tree species at all sites.  相似文献   
Within the framework of an interdisciplinary project on the effects of climate and forest management on beech-dominated deciduous forests (Swabian Jura, south-western Germany), forest meteorological investigations are carried out to analyse the influences of exposure and canopy density on the microclimate within various beech stands (Fagus sylvatica L.). This second paper of the series Microclimate within beech stands focuses on the thermal conditions that exist mainly in the near-surface layer at different test plots. They were analysed by air temperature, Ta, (at 1.5 m a.g.l) and soil temperature, Ts, at six depths measured continuously in the period 1999–2003. The main results can be summarized as follows. (1) The thermal situation within the beech stands described by Ta depended primarily on the turbulent air-mass exchange conditions which were based on the slope-specific energy balance of the forest floor and advective heat fluxes. (2) The thermal situation within the soil described by Ts at 3 and 20 cm depth was governed by the molecular heat transport. Therefore, the heating and cooling rates of Ts were always lower than for Ta. Higher Ta and Ts values for the test plots on the SW slope showed that the thermal conditions within the beech stands depended primarily on the exposure. (3) Based on slope-specific differences of daily extremes of Ta and Ts at 3 cm depth between the silviculturally treated and control plots, the influence of the more pronounced height growth of the understorey vegetation under the near-surface thermal conditions could be clearly verified for the NE slope.Abbreviations PAR Photosynthetically active radiation - PAI Plant area index - LAI Leaf area index  相似文献   
The chemical conversion of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata Blume) in water-added supercritical methanol was studied for a wide range of water content using a batch-type reaction vessel to obtain chemicals from lignocellulosics. It was consequently found that addition of water enhanced the decomposition of wood cell wall components; cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. In cases of high water content, however, it resulted in low solubility of lignin-derived products causing an increase in the mass of the residue. The water content was thus optimized to be around 10% (v/v) for the decomposition of wood. Concomitantly, the yields and selectivity of the chemicals from wood could be regulated by the addition of water, especially for the lignin-derived products. As a result, the monomeric compounds of lignin, coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol, were recovered as their γ-methyl ethers in the presence of water in higher yields than those obtained without addition of water.  相似文献   
Summary The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the resistance of beech foliage(Fagus sylvatica) against oxidative stress was affected by soil quality, nitrogen or CO2 fertilisation, or lachnid infestation(Phyllaphis fagi). For this purpose young beech trees were grown for four years in reconstructed calcareous or acidic forest soils in open top chambers under ambient or elevated CO2 concentrations with two levels of nitrogen fertilisation. At harvest lachnid colonisation was observed, preferentially on leaves from trees in calcareous soil and on leaves from trees fertilised with the high nitrogen level. General leaf characteristics such as pigment concentrations, dry mass, and leaf mass ber area were not affected by the soil type, nitrogen fertilisation or CO2 regime. Leaves colonised with lachnids displayed slightly increased leaf mass per area. When the stress resistance was challenged by exposure to paraquat — a herbicide inducing oxidative stress — leaves from trees grown on calcareous soil maintained significantly longer membrane integrity and, thus, were better protected against stress than leaves from trees on acidic soil. Other experimental variables had negligible or no effects on the resistance against oxidative stress.   相似文献   
A dendrochronological technique was used to investigate canopy recruitment of beech (Fagus engleriana Seem.) trees in western Hubei Province of Central China by identifying growth releases through gap formation. The results indicated that 83% and 17% of the canopy trees regenerate in gaps and the understory, respectively. Radial growth analyses demonstrated that there are three modes for beech regeneration and canopy recruitment: (1) gap origin without suppression; (2) gap origin with period(s) of suppression; and (3) understory origin. Multiple periods of release and suppression imply that beech regeneration and canopy recruitment are very sensitive to gap formation.  相似文献   
The effects of 120 methanol extracts prepared from bark and heartwood of 69 types of Japanese wood on the melanin production of B16 melanoma cells were examined. The melanin content of B16 melanoma cells was determined spectrophotometrically at 405nm. The extracts were also examined for their effects on cell viability. We found that the methanol extracts of Fagus crenata (buna, wood, 100μg/ml), Sapium sebiferum (Nankinhaze, wood, bark, 10μg/ml), and Zelkova serrata (keyaki, wood, 10μg/ml) greatly inhibited the melanin production of B16 melanoma cells without significant cytotoxicity. However, these extracts did not inhibit tyrosinase activity at the concentration of 100μg/ml. These findings indicate that the depigmenting mechanism of these extracts involves the suppression of some pigmenting signals in stimulating melanogenesis rather than the inhibition of tyrosinase activity. Part of this study was presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Fukuoka, Japan, March 2003  相似文献   
The conversion of anthropogenic into more natural, self-regenerating forests is one of the major objectives of forestry throughout Europe. In this study, we present investigations on permanent plots with different silvicultural treatment in NE German pine stands. Management of old-growth pine stands on acidic and nutrient-poor sandy sites differs in fencing, thinning, and planting of certain tree species. The investigations were carried out on the community, population, and individual level of the pine forest ecosystems. Thus, vegetation changes, size and height of tree populations, and height increment of tree individuals were observed over a time span of 6 years. Special attention was paid to short-lived tree species such as, e.g., Frangula alnus and Sorbus aucuparia, as well as to Fagus sylvatica as one of the most typical forest tree species of Central Europe. Vegetation changes are interpreted as a consequence of natural regeneration of formerly degraded forest sites, involving an increase in nutrient availability. High browsing pressure can be considered as a key factor for the inhibition of tree seedlings and growth of saplings. Some Sorbus aucuparia individuals, however, succeeded in growing out of the browsing height also in unfenced stands. Few found specimens of Fagus sylvatica proved that this species is able to establish spontaneously on these relatively dry, acidic sites under continental climate influence. Such natural regeneration processes, also including spontaneous rejuvenation of trees, can be integrated into silviculture as passive forest conversion management. An active management like thinning of stands, planting of trees, and fencing can accelerate forest conversion with regard to height growth and species number of trees.  相似文献   
Seasonal fluxes of CO2 from soil and the contribution of autotrophic (root + mycorrhizal) to total soil respiration (SR) were estimated for a mixed stand of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Central Europe. Mature trees of each species were girdled in August 2002 to eliminate carbohydrate allocation to roots. SR was measured at distances of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5/2.0 m from the bole of each tree at 1–2 weeks intervals throughout the fall of 2002 and monthly during the spring and summer of 2003. The contribution of roots and mycorrhizae to total SR was estimated by the decrease in SR compared to ungirdled control trees to account for seasonal patterns evident in controls. SR decreased with soil temperature in the fall 2002 and increased again in 2003 as soil warmed. During most of the study period, SR was strongly related to soil temperature. During the dry summer of 2003, however, SR appeared to be uncoupled from temperature and was strongly related to soil water content (SWC). Mean rates of SR in beech and spruce control plots as well as root densities did not show a clear pattern with distance from the bole. SR decreased to levels below controls in beech within a few days after girdling, whereas spruce did not show a significant decrease until October 2002, 6 weeks after girdling. In both beech and spruce, decreased SR in response to girdling was greatest closest to the bole, possibly reflecting increased mycorrhizal activity close to the bole. Autotrophic respiration was estimated in beech to be as much as 50% of the total SR in the stand. The contribution of autotrophic respiration was less certain for spruce, although close to the bole, the autotrophic fraction may contribute to total SR as much as in beech. The large fraction of autotrophic respiration in total SR requires better understanding of tree level stresses that affect carbon allocation below ground.  相似文献   
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