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The effects of charcoal production on soil textural and chemical properties were investigated in Ejura, Ghana. The aim was to study the effects of heating and charcoal residue on maize yield, soil texture and soil chemical properties. Composite samples were taken from the 0–10 cm layer of soil at charcoal-making sites and from adjacent fields (control). Twelve sites were randomly selected for the study across the range of the Kotokosu watershed. Maize was planted in four selected locations on charcoal site soils (CSS) and adjacent field soils (AFS) to assess the impact of charcoal production on crop yield. There was a significant increase in soil pH, base saturation, electrical conductivity, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, Na and available P in the soil at the kiln sites as compared to the adjacent soils. A relative change of up to 329% was observed in K while organic C and total N decreased by 9.8% and 12.8%, respectively. Organic C and total N were highly correlated ( P <0.01) and both parameters significantly ( P <0.05) depended on clay minerals in the soils. Soil texture was also modified with a significantly higher sand content and lower clay fraction in the CSS. The grain and biomass yield of maize increased by 91% and 44%, respectively, on CSS as compared to AFS. Further research to ascertain the long-term effects of charcoal production on the soil environment and the fertility of tropical soils is needed.  相似文献   
土壤中黑碳对农药敌草隆的吸附-解吸迟滞行为研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用批处理振荡法和连续稀释法分别测定了敌草隆在人工添加黑碳土壤和自然形成的不同有机质和黑碳含量的土壤中的吸附一解吸行为。吸附结果表明,人工添加黑碳的土壤对敌草隆的吸附强度和吸附容量以及吸附等温线的非线性均随土壤黑碳添加浓度的增加而逐步增大;自然土壤的吸附容量和吸附强度随土壤总有机质含量增加而增加,但吸附等温线的非线性则与土壤中黑碳对有机质的相对含量有关,黑碳比例越高,等温线非线性越大。解吸实验结果表明,无论是人工添加黑碳的土壤还是自然土壤,对敌草隆的解吸迟滞作用均随土壤黑碳含量增高而愈明显。  相似文献   
Degradation rates of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) under natural environmental conditions are largely unknown. Here we present results from a field experiment monitoring the change in mass, C- and N concentrations of a variety of charcoal types in a Norwegian boreal forest over a period of 20 months. The charcoal types represent different feedstock tree species, production temperature regimes, and placements in the forest, i.e. above ground, in the humus layer or in contact with the mineral subsoil. The types of charcoal had different initial C concentrations mainly depending on their production temperature. Nevertheless, all types of charcoal at all placements in the forest showed an initial drop in their C concentrations, which subsequently rose back to reach near initial values in part of the charcoal types. In part of the charcoal types, N concentrations decreased throughout the experiment, exhibiting considerable variation among feedstock species, production temperature regime, and placements in the forest. C/N ratios rose especially in charcoal made from wood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and charcoal that had been stored in contact with the mineral subsoil showed the most rapid mass gain. Our results confirm the important influence of production temperature and feedstock type on the degradation of charcoal, but they also show that microbial activity and environmental conditions play significant roles in charcoal degradation and thus for the fate of pyrogenic carbon under natural conditions.  相似文献   
试论火与兴安落叶松种子发芽条件的关系   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
单建平  徐振邦 《林业科学》1990,26(6):545-549
兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)自然分布区大兴安岭的立地条件和种子发芽条件的特殊性,导致了兴安落叶松天然更新的特殊性。瘠薄的棕色针叶林土,生长季短、冬季漫长以及土壤表层较厚的死地被物层增加了天然更新的难度。然而兴安落叶松的天然更新效果却是令人满意的。兴安落叶松在母树林冠下更新良好,只是在某些林型如草类落叶松林的成熟林冠下更新不良;而在3—10年的择伐迹地和火烧迹地上平均每公顷有13500株幼树。大兴安岭地区兴安落叶松火烧迹地天然更新良好的奥秘何在?火灾后兴安落叶松的种子发芽条件如何?火灾在这方面的作用是什么?作者从天然更新的关键之一——种子  相似文献   
研究陕西周原全新世黄土剖面磁化率曲线、总有机碳曲线、木炭屑曲线和野火活动及其与生态环境演变的关系结果表明,马兰黄土堆积时期气候干旱,在当时半荒漠草原上当地时常有自然野火发生;全新世大暖时期(85 0 0~310 0aB .P)气候湿润,生物成壤作用强度大,呈现森林或森林草原自然景观,野火活动极少发生;先周人迁居到周原地区(310 0aB .P)开始,人类用火及其放火烧荒开垦农田等活动,加之气候变得干旱,生物化学成壤作用减弱,致使生态环境发生重大变化,自然生态景观向半自然、半人工景观演替;15 0 0aB .P开始可耕种土地几乎开垦殆尽,生态景观完全被人工农田生态景观所代替;而近几百年来随着人口密度和聚落的增加,人类生活用火和垃圾随之加大,人类对土壤环境的干扰进一步增强  相似文献   
The influence of charcoal on biotic processes in soils remains poorly understood. Charcoal is a natural product of wildfires that burned on a historic return interval of ∼100 years in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests of northern Sweden. Fire suppression and changes in forest stand management have resulted in a lack of charcoal production in these ecosystems. It is thought that charcoal may alter N mineralization and nitrification rates, however, previous studies have not been conclusive. Replicated field studies were conducted at three late-succession field sites in northern Sweden and supporting laboratory incubations were conducted using soil humus collected from these sites. We used activated carbon (AC), as a surrogate for natural-occurring fire-produced charcoal. Two rates of AC (0 and 2000 kg ha−1), and glycine (0 and 100 kg N as glycine ha−1) were applied in factorial combination to field microplots in a randomized complete block pattern. Net nitrification, N mineralization, and free phenol concentrations were measured using ionic and non-ionic resin capsules, respectively. These same treatments and also two rates of birch leaf litter (0 and 1000 kg ha−1) were applied in a laboratory incubation and soils from this incubation were extracted with KCl and analyzed for NH4+ and NO3. Nitrification rates increased with AC amendments in laboratory incubations, but this was not supported by field studies. Ammonification rates, as measured by NH4+ accumulation on ionic resins, were increased considerably by glycine applications, but some NH4+ was apparently lost to surface sorption to the AC. Phenolic accumulation on non-ionic resin capsules was significantly reduced by AC amendments. We conclude that charcoal exhibits important characteristics that affect regulating steps in the transformation and cycling of N.  相似文献   
诊断兔豆状囊尾蚴病的不同血清学检查方法的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究用兔豆状囊尾蚴的囊液作抗原,用皮内变态应、琼脂双向扩散试验、对流兔疫电泳、炭凝集试验、胶乳凝集试验和间接血凝试验,检测了兔三状囊尾蚴病的阳性血清及阴性血清.并分析、比较了各种方法在诊断兔豆状囊尾蚴病的应用效果和价值.结果问接血凝试验的效果最好,其次是胶乳凝集试验、炭凝集试验.但三种方法检测效果差异不显著,都具有简便、早期、快速、敏感、准确等优点,均可在现地推广使用.而皮内变态反应、琼脂双向扩散试验、对流兔疫电泳的检出率低,不适合用于兔豆状囊尾蚴病的免疫学诊断.  相似文献   
1990—1992年期间对小兴安岭凉水林场天然红松林土壤中木炭、火烧木疤痕和林分组成进行了调查。探讨火干扰对森林形成和演替的生态作用。在不同火干扰年代的林分中,抽样挖掘木炭,测量木炭块的大小和分布深度,记录各林分结构特征和红松更新状况,并根据树木火疤园盘确定火干扰年代。选择了50 hm~2火干扰林分,对火烧疤痕木进行详细调查,并在其中设置样地,调查各样地林分组成和红松径阶结构。结果表明:Ⅰ.不同火干扰年代的林分。土壤中的木炭平均深度与火干扰发生的时间关系密切。Ⅱ.根据50 hm~2火干扰林分中火烧木疤痕的调查,绘制了火行为动态图。火烧方向和火干扰程度与立地条件关系密切。Ⅲ.火干扰并未完全破坏森林,导致林分中不同地点上林分组成和红松径阶结构的差异明显。在火干扰后,整个林分的水平结构是一个由不同树种组成和不同红松径阶结构的树木群团构成的镶嵌体,各树木群团的演替趋势不同。在火干扰较重的地点,阳性阔叶林占优势,在阔叶树下更新着大量的红松小树。在火干扰较轻的地点,耐阴性阔叶树种占优势,并有少量大径阶红松。火干扰轻微的地点,大径阶的红松占优势。  相似文献   
糠醛废渣炭中含有大量的碳素,过去的处理方式是直接填埋到地下,不仅浪费资源,而且还会对环境造成污染.糠醛废渣炭除去其中的灰分能得到性质稳定、疏松的炭黑,适合用作碳素墨水的原料.试验证明,利用除去灰分的糠醛废渣炭作为原料用于制作碳素墨水的方法是非常可行的,同时其墨水性能优良.这为处理糠醛废渣炭提供了一种新方法,而且具有一定的经济价值.  相似文献   
The present study focuses on the microbial recalcitrance of pyrogenic organic material (PyOM) on a molecular scale. We performed microcosm incubation experiments using 13C- and 15N-enriched grass-derived PyOM mixed with a sub soil material taken from a Haplic Cambisol. Solid-state 13C and 15N NMR studies were conducted to elucidate the humification processes at different stages of PyOM degradation. The chemical structure of the remaining PyOM after incubation was clearly different from the initial pyrogenic material. The proportion of O-containing functional groups was increased, whereas that of aryl C and of N-containing heterocyclic structures had decreased, probably due to mineralisation and conversion to other C and N groups. After 20 months of incubation the aryl C loss reached up to 40% of the initial amount and up to 29% of the remaining PyOM C was assigned to carboxyl/carbonyl C and O-aryl C. These reactions alter the chemical and physical properties of the char residue and make it more available for further microbial attack but also for adsorption processes. Our study presents direct evidence for the degradation of N-heterocyclic domains in charred plant remains adding new aspects to the understanding of the N cycling in fire-affected ecosystems.  相似文献   
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