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Litter decomposition was studied for 2 years in a mixed forest serving as a water protection area (Rhine-Neckar conurbation, SW Germany). Two experiments differing in initial dry weight equivalent in litterbags were set up: one to compare decomposition of European beech leaves (Fagus sylvatica) with common oak leaves (Quercus robur), and the other comparing decomposition of Scots pine needles (Pinus sylvestris) with black cherry leaves (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), respectively. Mass losses were greater for oak litter than for beech (75.0 versus 34.6%), and for cherry litter than for pine (94.6 versus 68.3%). In both experiments, a strong initial loss of soluble compounds occurred. The changes in litter N and P concentrations and the decrease in C-to-N ratio coincided with changes in residual mass. However, neither tannin and phenolic concentrations nor NMR could explain the pronounced variation in mass loss after 2 years. Differences in litter palatability and toughness, nutrient contents and other organic compounds may be responsible for the considerable differences in residual mass between litter types. The fast decay of black cherry leaves appears to play a major role in the present humus dynamics at the studied site. Since black cherry has a high N demand, which is mainly met by root uptake from the forest floor, this species is crucial for internal N cycling at this conurbation forest site. These effects together may significantly contribute to prevent nitrate leaching from the forest ecosystem which is subject to a continuous N deposition on an elevated level.  相似文献   
Cross-Polarisation Magic Angle Spinning Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (CPMAS 13C-NMR) represents one of the most powerful tools to investigate soil organic matter (SOM) mainly because of its inherent capacity to provide a semi-quantitative evaluation of carbon distribution. A critical parameter during acquisition of CPMAS 13C-NMR spectra is the contact time required to obtain the cross-polarisation between proton and carbon nuclei. The procedure to evaluate the best contact time for the acquisition of a quantitative CPMAS 13C-NMR spectrum is to perform Variable Contact Time (VCT) experiments. In this work the structural features of a number of purified humic substances from Italian and Costarican volcanic soils were investigated by CPMAS 13C-NMR spectroscopy after having performed preliminary VCT experiments. The VCT experiments showed that the average contact times vary according to the origin and chemical structure of the humic material. The optimal contact times (OCT) for nine humic samples were between 250 and 800 μs These values were different from the time of 1000 μs that is commonly applied as the best average contact time for humic materials. Moreover, by comparing the NMR data to those obtained by elemental analysis (C/H ratio), it appeared that the efficiency of the cross-polarisation between protons and carbons, and hence the contact time, is affected not only by the number of protons, but also by their distribution over the molecules. The evaluation of errors in quantitative estimation of the different carbons revealed that the use of OCT generally reduced by half the loss of signals occurring when the average contact time of 1000 μs is used in CPMAS 13C-NMR spectra of humic substances.  相似文献   
The usefulness and limitations of near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for the assessment of several soil characteristics are still not sufficiently explored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of visible and near‐infrared reflectance (VIS‐NIR) spectroscopy to predict the composition of organic matter in soils and litter. Reflectance spectra of the VIS‐NIR region (400–2500 nm) were recorded for 56 soil and litter samples from agricultural and forest sites. Spectra were used to predict general and biological characteristics of the samples as well as the C composition which was measured by 13C‐CPMAS‐NMR spectroscopy. A modified partial least‐square method and cross‐validation were used to develop equations for the different constituents over the whole spectrum (1st to 3rd derivation). Near‐infrared spectroscopy predicted well the C : N ratios, the percentages of O‐alkyl C and alkyl C, the ratio of alkyl C to O‐alkyl C, and the sum of phenolic oxidation products: the ratios of standard deviation of the laboratory results to standard error of cross‐validation (RSC) were greater than 2, the regression coefficients (a) of a linear regression (measured against predicted values) ranged from 0.9 to 1.1, and the correlation coefficients (r) were greater than 0.9. Satisfactorily (0.8 ≤ a ≤ 1.2, r ≥ 0.8, and 1.4 ≤ RSC ≤ 2.0) assessed were the contents of C, N, and production of DOC, the percentages of carbonyl C and aromatic C and the ratio of alkyl C to aromatic C. However, the N‐mineralization rate and the microbial biomass were predicted unsatisfactorily (RSC < 1.4). The good and satisfactory predictions reported above indicate a marked usefulness of NIRS in the assessment of biological and chemical characteristics of soils and litter.  相似文献   
采用固体交叉极化魔角自旋13C核磁共振(CPMAS13C-NMR)波谱技术对长期不同施肥处理下红壤性水稻土和太湖地区黄泥土本体土壤以及水稳性团聚体中颗粒有机质(POM)的化学结构特征进行了研究。结果表明,不同施肥处理下本体土壤和不同粒径水稳性团聚体中POM的结构组成相似,主要由烷氧C、烷基C和芳香C组成,其中以烷氧C含量最高。施肥改变了本体土壤POM中各类C原子的相对百分含量,有机肥以及化肥配施有机肥条件下烷氧C含量明显降低,芳香C和酚基C含量有不同程度的增加,表明POM的稳定性增强;单施化肥下烷氧C含量最高,而烷基C、芳香C和芳香度均最低,POM的稳定性减弱,不利于POM的积累。施肥改变了黄泥土不同粒径水稳性团聚体中POM各类C原子的相对百分含量,从而使得不同粒径中POM对其团聚体的稳定性作用发生变化;而红壤性水稻土不同粒径水稳性团聚体POM各类C原子的相对百分含量并未明显受到施肥措施的影响。  相似文献   
Peat land has been considered as an alternative type of land for agricultural development especially in the tropics. In the present study, the N-supplying capacity, one of the most important soil properties in terms of crop production, of peat soils was examined. Ten peat soil samples were collected from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan. Gross N mineralization in the soil samples was estimated using a zero-order model, and kinetic parameters of mineralization were determined using a simple type model. Soil organic matter composition was investigated using 13C CPMAS NMR. Mineralization potential ( N 0), apparent activation energy ( E a), and mineralization rate constant ( k ) ranged between 571–2,445 mg kg−1, 281–8,181 J mol−1, and 0.009–0.020 d−1, respectively. Although none of the parameters showed a significant correlation with the soil C/N ratio, a negative correlation was observed between the k value and the ratio of the proportion of alkyl C in total C to that of O -alkyl C estimated by 13C CPMAS NMR. The latter suggested that the k values were higher in the peat soils relatively rich in readily decomposable organic matter including carbohydrates.  相似文献   
Decomposition losses from leaves of three evergreen chaparral species, scrub oak (Quercus dumosa), ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius), and manzanita (Arctostaphylos glauca), were quantified over a 2-y field exposure using litterbags. Changes in ash-free dry mass, C, and N were monitored at 2- to 6-month intervals at four replicate sites composed of patches of these three chaparral species. Three proximate C fractions were extracted from fresh and decomposing litter samples: polar and non-polar extractives (EXT), acid-solubles (ACID), and acid-insolubles (KLIG). The chemical structure of fresh and decomposed litter was additionally characterized using high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy, while morphological properties were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). After 2 y, the litters had lost between 20.7%±1.2 (Ceanothus) and 35.2%±6.8 (Quercus) of their original ash-free dry mass. The manzanita decomposed at a significantly faster rate than the other two litter types during the first few months of field exposure. Yet, after 2 y, mass loss was greater for the oak. Differences in decomposition rates could not be accounted for based on a single litter quality index. Fresh manzanita exhibited a significantly higher N content, which could explain its initially faster decay rate. Fresh oak litter, on the other hand, had a relatively high ACID and O-alkyl C (O-ALK) content, which may have been responsible for its decay pattern. Fresh ceanothus contained a relatively low KLIG content, yet it decomposed more slowly than the two other species. The solid-state 13C NMR spectra of the ceanothus litter had two peaks characteristic of proanthocyanidins, which likely contributed to the recalcitrance of this litter type. SEM revealed that ceanothus leaf surfaces were left nearly unchanged after field exposure. In comparison, the oak and manzanita leaf surfaces were pitted and covered by microbial growth to the point of being unrecognizable. Taken together, our results indicate that a combination of biological, physical and chemical factors need to be examined to clarify the different decomposition rates and patterns of these three chaparral species.  相似文献   
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) was applied to examine the N structures of soil humic substances and some of their analogues.It was found that for soil humic substances XPS method gave similar results as those obtained by ^15N CPMAS NMR (cross-polarization magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance) method.70%-86% of total N in soil humic substances was in the form of amide,and 6%-13% was presented as ammes,with the remaining part as heterocyclic N.There was no difference in the distribution of the forms of N between the humic substances from soils formed over hundreds or thousands of years and the newly formed ones.For fulvic acid from weathered coal and benzoquinone-(NH4)2SO4 polymer the XPS results deviated significantly from the ^15N CPMAS NMR data.  相似文献   
During a 4-week period of composting of wheat straw-amended pig faeces, humin (HU)- and core-HU-like matter were isolated by NaOH-Na4P2O7 treatment of the compost bed, respectively, without and with previous extraction by organic solvent and by H2SO4. The changes in the content and elemental composition of both fractions in the compost bed were monitored. Evidence of the compositional changes was also obtained by NMR spectroscopy and by pyrolysis-GC / MS studies. The results indicated that core-HU-like matter was mainly aromatic, while HU contained both core-HU-like and other types of easily degradable organic matter. Correlation of the data found in this study with data from previous studies on humic acid (HA)- and core-HA-like matter in the same composting process indicated that in the time range from 2 to 4 weeks, the weight loss of the core-HU-like matter amounted to 788 g, whereas the weight of total core-HA-like matter increased by 87 g. In spite of the high weight loss, the NMR and pyrolysis-GC / MS spectra failed to reveal significant changes in the chemical nature of the core-HU-like residue. However, the chemical composition of the core-HA-like matter changed significantly and tended to become similar to that of the core-HU-like matter when the composting time increased. The data suggest that, during composting, core-HU-like matter undergoes both conversion to new core-HA-like soluble matter and biodegradation to volatile products.  相似文献   
Long‐term effects of liming on microbial biomass and activity and soil organic matter (SOM) were investigated in samples from organic horizons (Of/Oh) in spruce forests at Adenau, Höglwald, Idar‐Oberstein, and Schluchsee (Southern Germany) where plots have been manually treated 7 to 13 years ago with dolomitic limestone. At all sites, pH values were markedly increased after liming. The contents of C and N in the organic horizons of the limed plots appeared to be lower with the greatest decrease at Höglwald (Dystric Luvisol) where liming has affected the soil properties for the longest time of all sites. Catalase activity was promoted after liming at Adenau (Cambic Podzol). This was also the case for the Dystric Luvisol where liming resulted also in higher basal respiration. Biomass‐C was higher in samples from the limed plot at Idar‐Oberstein (Dystric Cambisol). The 13C CPMAS NMR spectra of organic horizons from the control plots indicate no differences in the gross carbon composition of SOM. Furthermore, spectra from the limed Cambic Podzol, Dystric Cambisol, and Haplic Podzol (Schluchsee) were remarkably similar. However, for the Dystric Luvisol, the lime‐induced promotion of microbial activity resulted in lower O‐alkyl‐C intensity. The observed patterns of microbial biomass and activity were site‐dependent rather than a result of liming. Obviously liming had only small long‐term effects on the humus quality in the organic horizons, as far as detectable by CPMAS NMR spectroscopy. More sensitive techniques like pyrolysis‐GC/MS should be applied to analyze differences in C composition.  相似文献   
‘Colluvisols’ (Colluvi-cumulic Anthrosols) are an important soil unit in North Germany. In the landscape of loamy till these soils are associated with eroded Luvisols. The soil organic matter (SOM) of top layers of both soils was compared by using approaches of wet chemistry, CPMAS 13C-NMR and pyrolysis field-ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS). The Luvisols are sources of SOM transfer due to a continuous erosion process. The annual input of straw and plant residues induces the dominance of litter compounds like proteins, polysaccharides and lignin in the SOM. The Colluvisols are sinks of SOM transfer with a predominance of humic compounds. Lignin is degraded forming humic compounds with an alkylic and aromatic structure. In these soils selected compounds with higher mass signals were detected by Py-FIMS, which may indicate the existence of typical “SOM markers” in the colluvic materials.  相似文献   
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