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为探究福建地区鸡致病性大肠杆菌分离株的耐药情况。通过采集疑似大肠杆病死鸡的肝、脾、肺等脏器病料,并结合流行病学、临床学、病理学、生物化学和实验室PCR方法进行分离与鉴定,最终确诊为鸡大肠杆菌病。挑选分离的12株鸡大肠杆菌进行药敏试验,明确大肠杆菌耐药谱,为筛选敏感药物用于治疗与预防该病提供参考。  相似文献   
为建立黑水虻幼虫与收集、输送、分离等机械工作部件间发生碰撞时的碰撞模型,基于黑水虻幼虫生物特性,应用Hertz弹性碰撞理论推导了黑水虻幼虫碰撞过程动力学方程,结合运动学方程原理构建了黑水虻幼虫恢复系数的测定装置并进行了黑水虻幼虫恢复系数测定试验。试验针对第5龄期的黑水虻幼虫,采用L16(44×23)混合正交试验方案研究了碰撞材料、材料厚度、下落高度、碰撞角、跌落方向、含水率等因素对黑水虻幼虫恢复系数的影响,然后对碰撞材料、材料厚度、下落高度、碰撞角、跌落方向进行单因素试验,并获得了材料厚度、下落高度、碰撞角对恢复系数的影响规律与回归方程,且方程的决定系数均不小于0.942 7。试验结果表明,影响黑水虻幼虫恢复系数的因素影响由大到小为:碰撞材料、下落高度、碰撞角、跌落方向、碰撞材料厚度、含水率,其中含水率对恢复系数影响不显著。单因素试验结果可得:黑水虻幼虫与Q235钢、铝合金、有机玻璃、橡胶等碰撞材料间的恢复系数依次降低,随下落高度的增大而逐渐减小,随材料厚度的增加而逐渐增大,恢复系数随碰撞角的增大而整体呈增大趋势,且横向...  相似文献   
D200型秸秆纤维制取机原料供给系统优化设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高D200型秸秆纤维制取机工作效率,实现对农作物秸秆物料的浸泡、清洗及连续稳定的输送,解决人工喂料时劳动强度大、喂料不均匀等问题,设计了与D200型秸秆纤维制取机相配套的原料供给试验装置。在对浸泡装置、搅拌装置和捞取装置间配合关系及工作原理分析的基础上,以单个耙齿为研究对象,分析了耙齿与秸秆的作业过程,建立了捞取量的数学模型,找出了影响捞取量的主要因素。应用L16(45)正交试验方法,以输送带线速度、耙齿齿数、搅拌桨转速为试验因素,以捞取效率及其变异系数为评价指标实施试验。试验结果表明:输送带线速度、耙齿齿数、搅拌桨转速对捞取效率影响极显著(P0.01);输送带线速度对捞取效率变异系数影响极显著(P0.01)。同时利用模糊综合评价方法对试验指标进行综合评价,确定影响综合评价的主次顺序为:输送带线速度、搅拌桨转速、耙齿齿数;最优参数组合为:输送带线速度0.6 m/s、搅拌桨转速40 r/min、耙齿齿数8根。此时,单位时间内捞取效率为1 111.2 kg/h,变异系数为0.124,满足生产要求。  相似文献   
基于勒洛多边形原理的播种机机械式离合装置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对播种机传统机械式离合装置动力切换行程长、接合瞬间冲击载荷大等问题,基于勒洛多边形原理设计了一种机械式离合装置.通过理论分析对该离合装置关键结构进行设计,利用虚拟仿真技术对离合装置动力接合瞬间的冲击载荷与动力切换响应速度进行模拟分析,应用三因素三水平正交试验方法,以播种单体为试验实施载体,以轴向倾角、齿轮半径比和作业...  相似文献   
针对比转数为59的汽车冷却水泵,选择对性能影响较大的叶轮的6个水力参数β2,b2,D2,Z,D0,φ,并添加了1个附加的辅助因素e.根据叶轮原有参数值,设计2组不同的参数值,得到因素的2个水平.由此,设计了L8(27)七因素两水平的正交表,即8个叶轮设计方案.通过Ansys-CFX12.1软件分别对8个方案水泵的全流场进行定常数值模拟,以设计工况点的扬程和效率以及最高效率点的流量、扬程和效率为性能指标,通过极差分析以及内部流场对比分析,优化叶轮参数.将优化后的叶轮和原始叶轮分别进行数值模拟和外特性试验,分别比较得到的结果后得出,优化叶轮提高了水泵在额定点的效率,并且增大了高效区范围,同时也使扬程曲线更平缓.结果表明了正交法的可行性,说明了正交表结合CFD技术进行水泵设计,不仅可有效改善水泵产品的水力性能,并且能很大程度地缩短研究时间,从而提高工作的效率.  相似文献   
结合工程实际,从设计的角度提出了对老旧电排站进行改造所需解决的关键技术问题,介绍了系统改造的总体结构和现地控制系统中电路接口方法,对西门子Profibus-DP总线的优点、总线的组态和模块化程序设计方法进行了重点阐述,提出了利用触摸屏在现场进行信号监测的方案,给出了部分监控画面的实例。改造后的系统与原有系统结合紧密,现场总线增强了系统的工作可靠性,通过触摸屏的引入,进一步增强了系统操作的友好性和功能的实用性。该系统已投入使用1a以上,总体运行状况良好。  相似文献   
本文在汽车制动时的整车力学模型、轮胎数学模型和制动器数学模型的基础上,建立了汽车制动时的数学模型,并通过Matlab/Simulink进行仿真。结合汽车在实际制动时的制动轨迹与仿真结果进行对比,验证所搭建模型的准确性,从而为汽车制动稳定性的检测提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The male sterility system in hybrid seed production can eliminate the cost of emasculation and ensure seed hybridity through avoidance of self pollination. GMS and CMS are two types of male sterility system that currently employed in pepper breeding. Conversion from GMS to CMS will increase the male sterility proportion of female parent from 50 to 100%. In this study, segregation analysis of four male sterile mutants consisting of one CMS mutant (CA1) and three GMS mutants (GA1, GA3 and GA4) showed that each had single recessive gene inheritance. A modified complementation test was performed by replacing male sterile mutants with their maintainer line as male parent. The nuclear restorer gene for CMS was independent of all nuclear restorer genes for GMS and all nuclear restorer genes for GMS were independent each other. Further observation on CMS and GMS male sterility loci revealed that GA1 and GA3 had mutated in both nuclear restorer genes for CMS and GMS, while CA1 and GA4 each carried mutation in single male sterility system of nuclear restorer gene for CMS and GMS, respectively. Conversion from GMS to CMS in the case of lines carried mutations in both sterility systems required only S-type cytoplasm donor, while lines carried mutation in single nuclear restorer gene for GMS required not only S-type cytoplasm but also rf allele donors. The important finding is the broader function of maintainer line in certain male sterility system that can be used as a maintainer or restorer line for other male sterility systems. We also confirmed that line CC1 is the general restorer for both CMS and GMS systems.  相似文献   
In this paper, a shaking table test for large-span underground structure is introduced. Based on the test, the frequency of inherent vibration, damping ratio and the dynamic response of the structure are studied. The response of the underground structure for vertical seismic excitation is studied as a key point. With the different imbedding depth, the influence of interaction of soil and structure on the earthquake-resistant capacity of the underground structure is discussed.  相似文献   
An in vitro technique was used to quantify the infection level of leaf stripe in barley caused by Pyrenophora graminea. This pathogen penetrates rapidly through subcrown internodes during seed germination of susceptible cultivars. Quantification was based on the percentage of the pieces of subcrown internodes that produced fungal hyphae cultured on potato dextrose agar media. The disease severity was evaluated among five cultivars with different infection levels and numerical values for each cultivar were obtained. A significant correlation coefficient (r = 0.91, P < 0.02) was found among the in vitro and field assessments. In addition, the results were highly correlated (r = 0.94, P < 0.01) among the different in vitro experiments, indicating that this testing procedure is reliable. The method presented facilitates a rapid preselection under uniform conditions which is of importance from a breeder's point of view. Significant differences (P < 0.001) were found for the length of subcrown internodes between inoculated and non‐inoculated plants with leaf stripe. Isolate SY3 was the most effective in reducing the subcrown internode length for all genotypes.  相似文献   
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