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利用气象观测数据、气象干旱指数及Mann-Kendal统计检验方法,研究我国近52 a的旱情特征及旱情变化趋势,基于标准化降水蒸散指数SPEI评估不同区域旱灾发生次数、频率及覆盖面积等。结果表明:当时间尺度较小时,SPI指数与SPEI指数变化频率快,这两种指数都能有效地反映出区域旱情信息,而SPEI指数旱情监测效果更好;全国绝大部分站点降水量呈现下降趋势,但没达到显著水平;绝大部分站点平均气温呈现显著上升趋势,且SPEI值也表现出干旱趋势;全国不同省份发生旱灾的频率差异性大,河北、黑龙江、湖北、贵州和宁夏5省份在2001—2010年遭受的旱灾次数高于其他时期,大部分省份干旱覆盖面积呈现显著增大趋势。  相似文献   
赵双喜  王艳青  袁艺  戴强 《江西农业学报》2012,24(2):167-170,173
选取泰尔指数度量了河南省城乡收入差距,并运用协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验,以及基于向量自回归模型的脉冲响应函数及方差分解等方法,实证分析了河南省1978~2009年的经济增长与城乡收入之间的关系。研究发现,经济增长与城乡收入差距之间存在长期均衡关系;经济增长对城乡收入差距的扩大具有很大的影响,而城乡收入差距的扩大对于经济增长存在着一定的制约作用。  相似文献   
为了准确评估带裂缝工作混凝土结构的耐久性能,针对氯离子在带裂缝混凝土中的扩散过程进行研究。提出了无损制备裂缝的方法,可高效易行地在混凝土侧面及内部产生裂缝。对带裂缝的水泥砂浆试件进行氯盐溶液浸泡试验,深入研究了单缝和双缝试件中氯离子的扩散作用,修正了氯离子的扩散系数,并对带裂缝混凝土的氯离子扩散过程进行了数值模拟。研究结果表明:氯离子会沿裂缝发展方向及垂直于裂缝发展方向扩散,随着水灰比的减小,砂浆试件的抗氯离子扩散性能明显提高,在一定范围内,当裂缝间距增大,双缝间的氯离子扩散交互影响作用明显减小,ANSYS软件的模拟结果与试验数据吻合良好。  相似文献   
拖拉机驾驶室可靠性疲劳试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了拖拉机驾驶室的振动环境,提出了一种用定频正弦振动等效模拟窄带随机振动的试验方法,编制了拖拉机驾驶室的室内可靠性疲劳试验载荷谱,达到以较少的试验投入实现拖拉机驾驶室振动环境室内疲劳模拟试验的目的。  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: The flexion test is used routinely as part of lameness and prepurchase examinations. However, little is known about the mechanisms that cause a positive response to a flexion test. Objective: To determine which anatomical regions play a role in a positive outcome of a flexion test of the distal aspect of a forelimb in a nonlame horse. Methods: Eight clinically sound Dutch Warmblood horses were subjected to a standardised flexion test (force 250 N, time 60 s) inducing a consistent lameness. To discriminate between different areas of the distal aspect of a forelimb, effects of various nerve blocks on the outcome of the flexion test were investigated. Low palmar digital, palmar at the abaxial aspects of the base of the proximal sesamoids, high palmar, ulnar and low 4‐point nerve blocks were performed. Flexion test induced lameness was scored before and after each nerve block in separate sessions. Results: The low palmar digital nerve blocks and nerve blocks of the palmar nerves at the abaxial aspect of the base of the proximal sesamoid bones had no significant effect on the flexion test induced lameness score. The ulnar, high palmar and, most dramatically, the low 4‐point nerve blocks all caused a significant (P<0.05) reduction in the flexion test induced lameness score. Conclusions: Anatomical structures (soft tissue nor synovial structures) located distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint appear to contribute only minimally to the outcome of a positive flexion test of the distal aspect of a forelimb in a clinically nonlame horse. The structures in the region of, and including, the metacarpophalangeal joint appear to contribute most to a positive flexion test of the distal aspect of a forelimb in a nonlame horse. Potential relevance: The flexion test of the distal aspect of a forelimb may be sensitive for investigating the metacarpophalangeal joint region in horses free from lameness, but may be less relevant for structures distal to this region.  相似文献   

A reliable and practical test that can provide timely measurements of the levels of mineralizable nitrogen (MN) in soil is critical for improving the accuracy of N fertilizer applications for grassland and crops. The Illinois soil N test (ISNT) is considered to be a good estimate of MN, once soils are grouped according to soil characteristics such as the drainage type and sampling depth. To date, development and evaluation of the ISNT method has been conducted using arable soils mainly in North America where, in general, soils have lower levels of soil organic matter (SOM) compared to temperate grassland soils. We evaluated the effects of two pre-treatment soil aggregate sizes of <1 mm and <2 mm on the yield and recovery of MN (1) across temperate grassland soil types, and (2) across a 6-h interval diffusion period. No significant difference existed in the concentrations of ISNT-N between the two soil aggregate sizes of each soil type. For both aggregate sample sizes, the recovery of spiked amino sugar-N glucosamine from a temperate grassland soil was generally linear until hour 5, after which the quantities of recovered N diminished. Although N recovery after 6 h of diffusion at 50°C (±1°C) was less than 100% in both aggregate size samples, the response models indicated that the standard ISNT protocol using a 5-h diffusion period is appropriate for temperate grassland soils. The incomplete recovery of N in these mineral soils suggested that the protocol could be further optimized for temperate soils with high organic matter content and additional evaluation of the temperature during diffusion within an enclosed environment may be required using N (spiked glucosamine-N) recovery studies.  相似文献   
干湿交替条件下土壤磷释放及其与土壤性质的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过四川瀑布沟水电站消落区典型土壤磷释放室内模拟试验,研究淹水及干湿交替条件下消落区土壤性质变化情况以及土壤性质与磷释放之间的关系,以期为预防水库水体富营养化,水库消落区合理利用与科学制定管理对策提供参考。结果表明:淹水能够提高土壤活性氧化铁(Feox)含量,淹水风干后土壤Feox含量降低至淹水前的水平;淹水后Feox变化幅度为:旱地〉水田〉果园,紫色土〉冲积土。土壤磷吸持饱和度(DPS)与无定形铁铝氧化物Alox密切相关;土壤最大吸磷量(Qm)淹水时最高增加至2 758.01 mg/kg,土壤淹水后Qm、土壤最大缓冲容量(MBC)、土壤吸磷指数(PSI)值升高;淹水能够明显提高土壤的磷素缓冲容量、土壤的最大缓冲能力和吸附能力、土壤磷的保持率,其原因也是与淹水后土壤无定形铁铝氧化物含量大幅度增加有关;通过主成分分析,土壤磷释放能力主要与土壤磷水平和土壤吸磷能力有关,且主要指标包括土壤有机质含量(OM)、土壤有效磷含量(Olsen-P)、土壤磷保持率(f)、土壤最大吸磷量(Qm)、土壤活性氧化铁(Feox)、土壤活性氧化铝(Alox)等,说明四川省瀑布沟水电站消落区土壤存在较大的磷释放风险。  相似文献   
保持小主应力、中主应力不变,在大主应力方向加荷是实际工程中存在的一种应力路径,就该应力路径分别对不同含水率的重塑黄土进行了几组真三轴试验,对其应力-应变关系及反映侧向变形变化规律的泊松比进行了特定条件下的研究.研究结果表明,应力-应变关系的偏差应力和初始切线模量随含水率的增大而减小,相同的偏差应力下含水率越大侧向应变就越大.在上述应力路径下剪切,中主应力方向首先压缩,但表现不明显,很快就转为膨胀,小主应力方向膨胀,泊松比可以大于0.5,且小主应力方向膨胀量大于中主应力膨胀量.  相似文献   
【目的】选育出综合农艺性状优良、抗病性强、适宜在华南地区种植的番木瓜新品种。【方法】对5个杂交选育的大果型番木瓜品系与对照品种穗中红48号的植物学特征、主要经济性状、产量和抗病性等进行比较。【结果】品系200919的平均单果重和单株产量均最高,分别为1.60和20.77kg,平均产量也最高,为46110kg/ha,较对照差异达显著水平,其横径、可溶性固形物含量、果汁等较对照均有明显的优势;品系200915和200917产量分别为40530和39555kg/ha,均较对照增产,但差异不显著;品系200916和200918较对照减产;5个供试品系的抗病性均为高抗水平,调查初期,品系200919未发现感病病株,后期调查发病率较低,仅为4.2%,病情指数为0.8。【结论】品系200919具有树势强壮、高产、优质、抗环斑花叶病等优势,可继续参加下一年的品比试验。  相似文献   

Genetic variation in plasma growth hormone (GH) concentration before and after GRF (growth hormone releasing factor) stimulation was studied in young bulls (N=284) and heifers (N=212), the progeny of 53 sires of four dairy and dual-purpose breeds (Danish Jersey, Red Dane, Danish Friesian and Danish Red and White). Male and female calves were reared, fed and tested on separate experimental stations; thus sex, station and feeding were completely confounded effects. The animals were tested at about 9 months of age, after a 24 h fast. GH concentration was measured in serial plasma samples collected for 1 h before and 1 h following intravenous administration of 2.0 ug synthetic GRF(1–29)NH2/kg live weight>0.75. Prior to statistical analysis, concentrations were loge-transformed. Response variables were BASELINE (mean GH in -15, -5 and 0 min samples) and PEAK (mean GH in 10, 15 and 20 min samples). A statistical model taking at least three generations of ancestral relationships into account was used to estimate variance and covariance components for traits in male and female calves by use of restricted maximum likelihood methods.

Heritability of BASELINE was low (0.04 ± 0.12) in males but high in females (0.60 ± 0.16). The heritability of PEAK was high in both sexes (males, 0.42 ± 0.16; females, 0.60 ± 0.16). Genetic correlations between the same trait measured in males and females were low for BASELINE (r g = 0.32±0.55) but high for PEAK (r g = 0.82±0.15). Within sex, BASELINE and PEAK were both highly genetically correlated (males, r g=0.62 ± 0.40; females, r g= 1.00 ± 0.07).

We conclude that growth hormone concentration is a highly heritable trait in juvenile cattle of both sexes, and that GRF stimulation is benificial to the uncovering of genetic differences among animals.  相似文献   
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