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模糊控制器的优化设计(Ⅰ)——模糊控制规则简化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高模糊控制的自适应能力和稳态精度 ,在论域伸缩的基础上 ,提出了论域自调整模糊控制方法 ,设计了论域自调整模糊控制器 ,实现了模糊量的模糊等级的简化 ,进而减少模糊控制规则数目 ,从而使模糊控制器在不影响其控制特性的情况下 ,简化其设计过程并实现其方法  相似文献   
阐述了现浇楼板混凝土施工时,混凝土终凝前通过二次振捣的施工方法,愈合混凝土内部和表面初裂缝,以提高混凝土密实度,达到控制混凝土裂缝的目的。  相似文献   
针对目前国内超级稻育秧播种作业中自动化程度低、配套设备少、播种精度低等问题,设计了一套气振盘式精密播种三段式流水线系统,由三段式输送带、铺底土机构、扫底土机构、压穴机构、精密排种器、秧盘定位机构、覆表土机构、扫表土机构、洒水机构、电磁继电器、霍尔传感器、光电传感器、触摸屏和PLC控制器组成,可实现气吸振动盘式水稻精密排...  相似文献   
The deflective mechanism of the oscillating water jet is analyzed and the effects of jet deflection on the self oscillating water jet are investigated. It is experimentally shown that the deflective angle may reach 9.53 degree, the pressure fluctuation is more intensive and more regular and the jet can efficiently eliminate the water cushion effect and increase the ability in cutting.  相似文献   
为解决北方寒地传统搅浆平地耕作模式造成稻田泡田灌溉水量大和肥料利用效率低等问题,于2018—2019年以稻田水整地环节振捣提浆机与侧深施肥机为材料,采用2种耕整地模式和2种施肥模式的正交试验设计:搅浆平地耕整地模式(WPF)、振捣提浆耕整地模式(VEP)、基肥撒施模式(CFA)和侧深施肥模式(SDF),分析振捣提浆+侧深施肥技术模式对泡田期灌水量、干物质积累量、产量指标、肥料利用率及经济效益的影响。结果表明:与常规搅浆平地耕整地+基肥撒施(WPF+CFA)相比,搅浆平地耕整地+侧深施肥(WPF+SDF)、振捣提浆耕整地+基肥撒施(VEP+CFA)和振捣提浆耕整地+侧深施肥(VEP+SDF)3种技术模式对水稻泡田灌溉量、产量性状、肥料利用效率和经济效益均产生显著的影响,以VEP+SDF增幅最大,WPF+SDF次之,VEP+CFA最小。与WPF+CFA相比,VEP+SDF模式能显著提高肥水效率,节约泡田灌溉水11.4%,减少肥料施用量10%,产量和经济效益分别提高7.3%和1628.7元/hm2。本研究表明,VEP+SDF模式显著改善肥水利用效率,提高植株产量和经济效益,是北方寒地水稻较为理想的机械化整地施肥技术模式。  相似文献   
根据高炮电气随动电控系统的组成及其电路的结构与特点,设计了高炮电气随动系统神经智能故障诊断系统的模型、系统硬件组成、系统软件结构和相关命令,并阐述了拟神经网络测试算法。  相似文献   
Summary Approximately 1000 seedlings from 20 combinations crossed in 1979, 1980 and 1981 (Theiler-Hedtrich 1985a) were tested for several characters: fruit set (yield), fruit size, fruit colour, formation of abscission layer and bleeding after fruit removal from fruit stalks, bacterial canker resistance, flowering and harvesting time. From progeny of crosses with Stella as pollinator, 56% (Vittoria × Stella) and 46% (Schüttler × Stella) of the seedlings were self-compatible, of which 14 were high yielding with good fruit size and quality. From the data recorded it can be concluded:fruit set is a recessive character; only 5 to 20% of very good yielding seedlings were obtained in different progeny, even if the parental plants were both very good croppers.Fruit juice and skin colour was in most progenies ‘black’ even if they were from combinations with ‘white’ varieties, e.g., Merton Glory or Schüttler. Only from the combination Schiittler (‘white’) × Stella (‘black’), 50% of the seedlings were ‘white’; Stella therefore is heterozygous for the character of fruit juice and skin colour.Fruit size is evenly distributed in progeny with respect to the fruit size of their parent plants.Abscission layer formation and non-bleeding is a genetically complex character. In combinations where both parent plants formed fruits with complete abscission layers and which were not bleeding after fruit removal from the stalk, this character was inherited only to 50% (Vittoria × Schüttler) or 85% (Vittoria × Frühe von der Weid) in the progeny. For the genetical control of this character further studies are necessary.Bacterial canker susceptibility was evenly distributed in seedlings from all combinations even if the highly resistant cv. Vittoria was used as one parent plant, thereby not confirming the expected results of a higher proportion of resistant seedlings from combinations with Vittoria.Flowering and harvest time of the seedlings from different combinations was within the range of the parent plants. Only in the combination of Vittoria × Stella (mid-to late-ripening season) one seedling out of 99 was found to form ripe fruits two weeks earlier than the parental plants. From the seedlings tested 40 have been chosen for further evaluation or genetical studies.  相似文献   
Aimed at soving the problem existing in the knowledge-acquisition directing-operation expert systems, a new method is proposed to acquire knowledge of expert-operation, excluding errors existed in examples and reinforce the accuracy of examples,the goal of knowledge acquisition can be achieved, the method presented in this paper solves the problem of self-enhancement of expert knowledge on line efficiently.  相似文献   
采用秋水仙素诱变二倍体青梗白菜早油冬,获得四倍体白菜(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis Makino);将其与另两个四倍体苏州青和热优2号的亲本R1杂交,从后代中筛选出两个形态及生理特性差异明显的株系,分别育成自交不亲和系,用这两个自交不亲和系配制成F1代杂交种,即获得青梗、优质、抗热的同源四倍体白菜杂交新品种--暑优1号。  相似文献   
排种器振动种盘内种群质量实时监测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用悬臂梁称重传感器测量排种器振动种盘内种群的冲击力,在分析不同参数下输出信号变化特征的基础上,设计了由加法器、精密半波整流、二阶巴特沃斯低通滤波和差动放大串联组成的信号处理电路,实现了振动状态下种群质量的实时监测。在振动种盘试验台上进行了性能试验,设定振幅为3、4、5mm,相应振动频率分别在11~13Hz、10~12Hz、9~11Hz范围,结果表明:当单位面积籽粒质量κ1.8 g/cm2时,信号处理电路输出电压Vout与κ的非线性误差小于5.5%;当κ2.0g/cm2时,由于种群振动运动的不稳定导致输出电压Vout的波动性增强,测量的非线性误差增大。信号处理电路零点输出电压随种盘振动强度的提高而增大,测量灵敏度随种盘振动频率的提高而降低,籽粒形状和力学特性差异对测量结果的影响可以被忽略,监测方法具有很好的适应性。  相似文献   
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