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珍珠油杏以果面光洁油亮、果肉金黄蜜甜、可溶性固形物含量高而赢得消费者的喜爱,但是该品种存在近成熟期果实糖化、遇雨容易裂果的生理缺陷,生产者普遍认为栽培管理难度较大,遇到采收期降雨量较大的年份,裂果率会达到90%以上,基本失去商品价值。所以,珍珠油杏在沂蒙山区的推广面积一直不大,量少质优必然价高,近几年珍珠油杏田间收购价常常徘徊在12元/kg,单位收益相当可观。据此,围绕解决裂果生产难题,探索珍珠油杏简易设施避雨栽培技术,具有较大的生产意义。我们于2019年在费县东蒙镇太白庄村开展了避雨栽培技术研究,采取了高垄大小行栽培、树盘覆盖无纺布、节水灌溉、拱棚动态覆膜等技术措施,增强了花期冻害防御能力,提高了座坐果率,成功降低了根际土壤湿度和园内空气湿度,实现了优质果率94%、裂果率低于5%,配套技术成熟,具备较强的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
外源茉莉酸甲酯缓解盐对水稻种子萌发的抑制作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在100 mmol/L NaC l胁迫下,经蒸馏水吸胀处理的LHN(耐盐)和IR26(盐敏感)水稻种子的发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数均较对照下降,LHN分别下降12.2%、12.5%和3.12,IR26分别下降46.6%、33.6%和9.42,IR26下降的幅度大于LHN.吸胀后,不同质量浓度(2、1、5×10-2、5×10-4和5×10-6mg/L)的外源茉莉酸甲酯(M e-Ja)对LHN和IR26在盐胁迫下发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数影响不同.以相对盐害率判断,质量浓度为2和5×10-6mg/L的Me-Ja对LHN在盐胁迫下萌发的促进作用不显著,质量浓度为5×10-2和5×10-4mg/L的M e-Ja表现为促进作用,质量浓度为5×10-2mg/L的M e-Ja促进作用最大;而对于IR26在盐胁迫下的萌发,5种质量浓度的M e-Ja的都具有显著的促进作用,且质量浓度为5×10-4mg/L的促进作用最大.  相似文献   
田宏  张鹤山  熊军波  刘洋 《种子》2021,(1):34-39
为探究扁穗雀麦种子成熟过程中的生理响应,明确适宜的收获条件和时间,以扁穗雀麦"江夏"和"黔南"为试验材料,对种子成熟过程中含水量、粒重、贮藏物质、酶活性和ATP进行研究.结果表明,随着种子的成熟,含水量呈持续下降趋势,但最大失水率在品种间有较大差异."江夏"在花后第33~38天失水率最高,每天为4.94%,而"黔南"在...  相似文献   
种子的安全贮藏是玉米获得高产的前提。阐述玉米种子的贮藏特性和贮藏过程中保持种子活力的主要措施,同时简单介绍了几种种子活力鉴定的方法,供相关工作者参考。  相似文献   
为明确野老鹳草Geranium carolinianum种子的休眠特性及萌发适宜的环境条件,采用培养皿法和盆钵法研究野老鹳草种子萌发和出苗适宜的条件,记录种子萌发数,计算种子萌发率、平均萌发时间及萌发指数。结果显示,野老鹳草具有较长的休眠期,新采集的野老鹳草种子在室温干储210 d后可以解除休眠;在10~25℃的恒温条件下种子萌发率均在93.8%以上;有无光照及光周期的长短对种子的萌发无影响;对酸碱度不敏感,在pH 4~10范围内种子萌发率均在91.3%以上;对水势具有一定耐受力,抑制50%种子萌发率所需的水势为-0.42 MPa;盐分对野老鹳草种子萌发具有一定抑制作用,当盐浓度达到160 mmol/L时基本不能萌发;此外,种子在土壤垂直深度5 cm以内时仍然可以出苗,对播种深度适应性较强。表明野老鹳草种子具有较长休眠期,土壤层积可解除种子休眠;而且野老鹳草种子对温度、光照、土壤酸碱度、播种深度适应性较强,水势及盐分对种子萌发有一定影响。  相似文献   
A 2-year field study was conducted to determine the effects of different nutrition systems and Salsola kali subsp. tragus densities on industrial hemp yield and its components. Experiments were conducted as a split plot in a randomised complete block design with three replicates. Factors were fertilisation (poultry manure, vermicompost and nitrogen fertiliser) as the main plot and weed density (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 plants/m2) as the subplot. Results indicated that the maximum number of racemes per plant, seeds per raceme, 1000-seed weight, biomass, grain yield and harvest index (HI) of industrial hemp were obtained using vermicompost and were reduced with nitrogen fertiliser application. All measured properties in hemp plants decreased due to increasing S. kali subsp. tragus density, especially at 15 and 20 plants/m2. The most significant reduction in hemp grain yield and its components was observed by increasing weed density with the application of nitrogen fertiliser. The application of vermicompost at high weed densities resulted in greater hemp grain yield and its components compared with nitrogen fertiliser. It is recommended to apply organic fertilisers, especially vermicompost at high S. kali subsp. tragus densities.  相似文献   
Development of integrated weed management strategies is dependent on a thorough knowledge of the demography of individual species. The current research established eight winter or summer weed species in a winter annual wheat cropping system at Wongan Hills, Western Australia, and investigated emergence of the first cohort of each species, survivorship, plant size, seed production and seed shedding over three years (2016–2019). The winter weeds Bromus diandrus and Lolium rigidum emerged at the same time as the wheat crop, and the initial cohort of marked plants had 100% survival to seed production in each year. By comparison, other winter weed species like Hordeum leporinum, Rumex hypogaeus, Sonchus oleraceus and Polygonum aviculare frequently emerged later than the crop and had a lower percentage of plants surviving to seed production. However, individual S. oleraceus and P. aviculare plants had the greatest seed production compared to other species. All winter weeds had variable patterns of seed shedding between years, with the exception of L. rigidum. Summer weed species emerged at the same time, but plants in the initial cohort of each species did not always survive to produce seed. The early emergence and high survivorship of B. diandrus indicates high competitive ability, but shedding commenced at a similar time to L. rigidum and harvest weed seed control may be a viable control method for this species.  相似文献   
入侵杂草刺萼龙葵Solanum rostratum Dunal传播扩散的主要载体是种子,研究其种子休眠萌发基因的激素调控对于其防除具有重要意义,而选择合适的内参基因可以提高相关基因表达分析的准确性。本研究以赤霉素、脱落酸和水处理的刺萼龙葵种子为材料,利用geNorm、NormFinder、BestKeeper和RefFinder 4种软件对15个候选内参基因进行表达稳定性评价,并通过检测ABI5(abscisic acid-insensitive 5)的表达验证所筛选的内参基因的适用性。结果表明,对于赤霉素、脱落酸和水处理过的种子,最稳定的内参基因分别为eIF(eukaryotic initiation factor)、SAND(SAND protein family)和ACT(β-actin);对所有种子样本而言,PP2Acs(a catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A)是最稳定的内参基因。研究结果将为刺萼龙葵种子休眠萌发的遗传调控研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   
β-甘露聚糖酶是种子萌发过程中降解胚乳细胞壁的关键酶,明确其活性的动态变化可为揭示杂草种子的休眠萌发机制提供重要依据。以外来杂草刺萼龙葵Solanum rostratum Dunal种子为材料,建立了种子中β-甘露聚糖酶活性的检测方法—凝胶扩散法。利用凝胶扩散法对不同贮存时间及贮存条件下刺萼龙葵种子中β-甘露聚糖酶的活性进行了检测,发现贮存3年以上的种子中该酶的活性为0.03 nmol/(min·mg),显著低于贮存3年以下的种子中的酶活性0.15 nmol/(min·mg),而湿润冷藏的种子中β-甘露聚糖酶的活性为0.12 nmol/(min·mg),显著高于干燥冷藏的种子的酶活性0.02 nmol/(min·mg)。实际应用结果表明,凝胶扩散法综合了传统方法的优势,检测特异性强、灵敏度高、重复性好,可同时检测大量种子样品,具有良好的实用性。  相似文献   
小麦是我国的主要粮食作物之一,由于常年秸秆还田及连作,造成小麦茎基腐病病菌有加重趋势,本文选用不同的杀菌剂进行小麦拌种,通过在小麦返青期、灌浆期、成熟期的调查,表明用6%立克秀悬浮种衣剂进行拌种防治小麦茎基腐病效果最好。  相似文献   
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