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牛胚胎移植技术已趋于成熟。我国新疆牧科院用一步细管法移植牛冻胚受胎率达41%;牛和羊鲜胚四分胚移植也产下1头犊牛和6只羔羊。家畜体外受精,因卵子体外成熟和受精卵体外培养尚不过关,目前仍停留在实验室阶段。胚胎性别鉴定,1990年Koopman发现单拷贝基因,该基因是Y染色体的性决定区,命名为SRY,可利用PCR技术制成雄性特异DNA探针盒,进行马、牛、羊、猪早期胚胎性别鉴定。北京农学院等单位用PCR扩增牛SRY序列进行奶牛胚胎性别鉴定准确率达100%。英、日、法等国已获得牛胚胎细胞核移植后代;我国也获得1只核移植兔。北农大和新疆牧科院合作以绵羊精子为载体导入牛生长激素基因rMTbGH DNA成功,外源基因整合率为3%。  相似文献   
2004年8月,江西省开始启动林业产权制度改革,用近一年的时间基本完成了试点工作,目前改革工作已在全省全面铺开.通过林改,明晰林业产权,减免税费,逐渐放活经营,规范流转,林业生产关系更加适应社会主义市场经济发展需要,提高了木材生产收益、群众造林护林积极性及山地租赁价格.但是,在新的林业生产关系下,许多配套管理措施还没有完善,森林保护管理工作出现一些新情况新问题不可避免.为保护好、管理好森林资源,需要对这些新变化、新情况、新问题进行研究,找出规范管理的新途径.  相似文献   
党的十六届四中全会作出了《关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》,第十三次全国高校党建工作会议提出了全面加强高校领导班子的思想政治建设的要求。加强高校领导班子思想政治建设,必须紧紧抓住理想信念、政治方向、立场、宗旨观念、治校能力、自身修养等关键环节,不断提高领导干部的自身素质和领导水平,增强领导班子的凝聚力、创造力、战斗力。  相似文献   
灌溉水源是北方地区耕地后备资源能否有效开发的关键。当前,中国正在推动国家水网工程规划建设,为北方地区耕地后备资源开发提供了新的机遇。在以往研究基础上,该研究考虑北方地区已建、在建及规划的供水工程,基于自然适宜、利用高效、发展稳定三方面评价准则,结合三维魔方空间分类方法,开展了雨养情景和供水灌溉情景下耕地后备资源开发潜力分析。结果表明:雨养农业情景下,北方地区勉强适宜(Ⅱ级)、中度(Ⅲ级)和高度(Ⅳ级)适宜的耕地后备资源面积分别为2.9万、1.0万和0.6万km2。灌溉农业情景下,耕地后备资源面积明显增加,勉强适宜(Ⅱ级)、中度(Ⅲ级)和高度(Ⅳ级)适宜的耕地后备资源面积将分别达到5.4万、7.6万和6.5万km2,主要集中于新疆、内蒙古和甘肃3省(自治区)。该研究结果可为中国耕地后备资源开发利用及国家水网工程效益发挥提供参考。  相似文献   
Glyphosate is a key component of weed control strategies in Australia and worldwide. Despite widespread and frequent use, evolved resistance to glyphosate is rare. A herbicide resistance model, parameterized for Lolium rigidum has been used to perform a number of simulations to compare predicted rates of evolution of glyphosate resistance under past, present and projected future use strategies. In a 30‐year wheat, lupin, wheat, oilseed rape crop rotation with minimum tillage (100% shallow depth soil disturbance at sowing) and annual use of glyphosate pre‐sowing, L. rigidum control was sustainable with no predicted glyphosate resistance. When the crop establishment system was changed to annual no‐tillage (15% soil disturbance at sowing), glyphosate resistance was predicted in 90% of populations, with resistance becoming apparent after between 10 and 18 years when sowing was delayed. Resistance was predicted in 20% of populations after 25–30 years with early sowing. Risks of glyphosate resistance could be reduced by rotating between no‐tillage and minimum‐tillage establishment systems, or by rotating between glyphosate and paraquat for pre‐sowing weed control. The double knockdown strategy (sequential full rate applications of glyphosate and paraquat) reduced risks of glyphosate and paraquat resistance to <2%. Introduction of glyphosate‐resistant oilseed rape significantly increased predicted risks of glyphosate resistance in no‐tillage systems even when the double knockdown was practised. These increased risks could be offset by high crop sowing rates and weed seed collection at harvest. When no selective herbicides were available in wheat crops, the introduction of glyphosate‐resistant oilseed rape necessitated a return to a minimum‐tillage crop establishment system.  相似文献   
The present study examines the contribution of the nucleus to meiotic competence in mouse oocytes that were reconstructed using nuclear transfer. Three types of reconstructed oocytes were produced: MP‐GV, by transplanting the male pronucleus (MP) into germinal vesicle (GV) stage oocytes; 3T3‐GV, by transplanting the nucleus of a National Institute of Health (NIH) 3T3 cell into a GV stage oocyte; and 3T3‐MII, by transplanting the nucleus of an NIH 3T3 cell into a metaphase II (MII) stage oocyte. The fusion rates differed, but not significantly, in the MP‐GV, 3T3‐GV, and 3T3‐MII groups (77, 63, 56%, respectively). Then, meiotic competence was compared in MP‐GV, 3T3‐GV and non‐manipulated GV stage oocytes as a control. Nuclear envelope breakdown occurred in all the reconstructed oocytes, as well as the control ones. The percentage of first polar body extrusion differed between the MP‐GV (100%), 3T3‐GV (72%), and control (67%) groups. DNA staining with Hoechst 33342 revealed that in the MP‐GV‐group oocytes that had reached MII stage, the chromosomes were condensed and aligned in a regular array similar to the normal metaphase plate. By contrast, in 3T3‐GV group oocytes, the condensed chromosomes were irregularly scattered in the cytoplasm. These results suggest that the donor nucleus affects meiotic competence in reconstructed oocytes.  相似文献   
Three field experiments were carried out in organically grown winter wheat in Denmark. The treatments were sowing time (normal or late sowing) and false seedbed, row width (12 and 24 cm) and weed control method [untreated; mechanical weed control (weed harrowing at 12 cm supplemented with inter‐row hoeing at 24 cm); and herbicide weed control]. Weed biomass in midsummer was greatest on plots sown at the normal sowing time (compared with delayed sowing) and was reduced by mechanical or chemical weed control (compared with untreated plots). Row width alone had no influence on weed biomass, but in the experiment with high weed pressure, the more intensive mechanical weed control used at a row width of 24 cm reduced weed biomass. Normal sowing time tended to give higher yields, but this was only statistically significant in one of the three experiments. Wide rows gave a yield decrease in the experiment with low weed pressure. The effect of weed control on yield was dependent on the weed pressure. At low weed pressure, mechanical weed control caused a yield decrease compared with untreated or herbicide treated. At intermediate weed levels there were no differences, whereas at high weed pressure, mechanical weed control and herbicide treatment caused a yield increase compared with untreated. False seedbeds were shown to contribute to a decrease in the soil seed reserve.  相似文献   
为提高高标准农田项目施工成本的预测精度,控制施工成本在合理范围,减少投资风险,该研究从单体灌溉工程施工成本预测角度出发,通过随机森林(random forest,RF)筛选出高标准农田灌溉工程施工成本的关键影响因素,结合卷积神经网络(convolutional neural networks,CNN)和支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)两种模型的优点,通过北方苍鹰优化算法(northern goshawk optimization,NGO)对模型里的惩罚因子和核参数进行寻优,构建基于NGO-CNN-SVM的施工成本预测模型。通过辽宁省2018—2023年高标准农田工程中灌溉工程的施工成本数据,选取样本决定系数R2、平均绝对误差MAE、平均绝对百分比误差MAPE和均方根误差RMSE作为精度指标进行分析,结果表明:基于NGO-CNN-SVM的施工成本预测模型在渠道工程中MAE低于0.615万元,RMSE低于0.512万元,R2达到0.968以上,相对误差小于4.210%;在进水闸工程中MAE低于0.610万元,RMSE低于0.536万元,R2达到0.966以上,相对误差小于4.410%;在桥涵工程中MAE低于0.494万元,RMSE低于0.477万元,R2达到0.970以上,相对误差小于3.548%,并相比较于反向传播神经网络,CNN和CNN-SVM模型,NGO-CNN-SVM模型的预测结果均最优。通过特征选择、模型融合、算法优化以及不同模型对比表明NGO-CNN-SVM模型具有更高的预测准确率和泛化性,可为高标准农田灌溉工程施工成本预测提供理论依据。  相似文献   
陈伟 《林业调查规划》2007,32(1):128-131
介绍了国内外对"注意力"、"注意力管理"研究的现状.论述了注意力管理在生态旅游景区中应用的重要意义.生态旅游景区的注意力管理包涵经营者的注意力管理,对环境保护的注意力管理、员工的注意力管理、生态旅游者的注意力管理、当地居民的注意力管理等.  相似文献   
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