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长输管道在建设、改线或维抢修作业时,常会遇到管道对口处有磁偏吹现象,使得在焊接施工时,电弧发生偏离,导致焊接缺陷甚至无法焊接施工,严重影响了工程进度及管道的本质安全。中俄东线天然气管道工程采用1 422 mm口径、X80钢级管道,以往所采用的消磁方法和消磁设备已无法满足其大口径、高钢级管道的消磁作业。通过分析管道剩磁的产生机理和影响因素,得到不同消磁方法对中俄东线管道的适用性。通过现场试验验证直流消磁法,分析直流消磁和直流焊机消磁的优缺点及工作参数,提出可行性建议。(图3,表4,参25)  相似文献   
To examine the effects of plastic film removal on grain yield and soil organic matter (SOM), a spring maize (Zea may L.) field experiment was conducted for 5 yr at Changwu Agricultural and Ecological Experimental Station of Northwest China. Compared with traditional plastic film mulching during entire growing stages (FM), plastic film removal at the silking stage (RM) resulted in a 6.3% higher average maize yield. Under the RM treatment, soil organic carbon and total nitrogen significantly increased after the 5‐yr cultivation in the 0‐ to 20‐cm layer. Significant increases in extractable organic C (EOC), KMnO4‐oxidizable C (KMnO4‐C) and C management index (CMI) in the 0‐ to 20‐cm layer, and light fraction organic C and EOC in the 20‐ to 40‐cm layer were observed in response to plastic film removal after the 1‐yr treatment; the responses were more significant after 5 yr. Under the RM treatment, significant increases in microbial biomass C, light fraction organic N, extractable organic N, KMnO4‐C and CMI were also observed after five years in the 20‐ to 40‐cm layer. Moreover, KMnO4‐C and EOC were much more sensitive than other labile SOM fractions to the application of RM, even after only 1 yr of cultivation. Therefore, compared with mulching for the whole growing season, plastic film removal at the maize silking stage is an effective option for increasing yields and enhancing SOM concentration and soil sustainability in the regions with semiarid monsoon climates that have sufficient rainfall during maize reproductive stages.  相似文献   
本文就西吉县农用地膜的应用现状和污染现状进行了分析,并就这一现状提出了促进旱作农业可持续发展的对策措施。  相似文献   
文章介绍了以STC12C5201AD为核心的可燃气体检测与报警装置设计.该装置用催化型可燃气体传感器将气体浓度转换为对应的电压值,然后采用A/D进行采集和标度变换,最后由单片机进行信息处理,判断浓度是否超标,并控制报警动作.  相似文献   
空气质量问题是近些年来广受关注的问题,尤其对国际性盛会冬奥会而言,举办地的空气质量也是其能否举办成功的重要评估标准。为评估冬奥会举办地近6 a空气质量状况及动态变化环境相应机理,该研究收集了2014年以来3个冬奥会场馆所在地(北京延庆、奥体中心和河北张家口)的空气质量数据,分别分析了3个监测点的6个空气质量指标(CO、NO2、O3、SO2、PM2.5、PM10)的浓度动态,并结合2016年奥体中心的气象数据分析了6个指标环境因子的响应机制,结果表明:1)张家口空气质量相对最佳,PM2.5达标率均在80%以上,但春季大颗粒物污染仍需治理;2)2014-2019年3个监测点的空气质量有明显改善,尤其张家口SO2从37.50 μg/m3(2014)降至11.06 μg/m3(2019),但截至2019年奥体中心NO2仍高于国际标准,气体污染物仍是其治理的重点;3)CO和NO2日变化呈“U型”,O3和SO2为“单峰型”,CO、O3、SO2季节变化明显。各空气质量指标的主要影响因子分别为CO-太阳净辐射(Rn)、NO2-太阳净辐射(Rn)、O3-空气温度(Ta)、SO2-空气温度(Ta),其中风速(Ws)与各空气质量指标呈负相关关系;6个指标年最大值(7.6 mg/m3、155.5、186.9、68.4、373.2 μg/m3和465.5 μg/m3)均出现在Ws<1 m/s时;然而,由于各空气质量指标的来源及彼此转换,各空气质量指标之间的相关性强于与环境因子的相关性。  相似文献   
通过热力学计算分析了水热电化学法制备LISICON薄膜的反应机理,结果表明:在水溶液体系中制备Li-3+.x.V-1.-x.Si-.x.O-4薄膜很困难,制备Li-3V-1-.x.P-.x.O-4薄膜是可行的.碱性水溶液体系中SiO-2与OH-,Li+反应生成Li-4SiO-4,V-2O-5与OH-, Li+反应生成Li-3VO-4, Li-3VO-4与Li-4SiO-4反应生成Li-3+.x.V-1-.x.Si-.x.O-4,其中,生成SiO4--4离子的反应是关键步骤,.a.-OH-≥1.0 mol/L是反应进行的必要条件,.a.-Li+>1.0 mol/L时,SiO4--4与Li+反应生成Li-4SiO-4.碱性水溶液体系中H-2PO--4与OH-,Li+反应生成Li-3PO-4,V-2O-5与OH-,Li+反应生成Li-3VO-4,Li-3VO-4与Li-3PO-4反应生成Li-3V-1-.x.P-.x.O-4..a.-OH->0.15 mol/L时,可生成VO3--4和PO3--4..a.-Li+>0.5 mol/L时,VO3--4和PO3--4分别与Li+反应生成Li-3VO-4和Li-3PO-4.  相似文献   
为研究可食性酪蛋白膜对食品贮藏过程中油脂氧化和抗氧化能力的影响,以草莓、马铃薯、鸡胸肉为材料,研究不同可食性酪蛋白膜处理对其蛋白质含量、可溶性糖含量、抗坏血酸含量、过氧化值、TBA值和正己醛浓度的影响。结果表明,草莓涂膜组的蛋白质、可溶性糖、抗坏血酸含量最高,脂溶性涂膜组次之,水溶性涂膜组稍高于对照组;马铃薯涂膜组比对照组的氧化程度低;鸡胸肉涂膜与未涂膜样品感官明显不同,抗氧化作用明显。由此可知,酪蛋白涂膜液优于涂膜对食品的保鲜效果,脂溶性涂膜效果优于水溶性涂膜,涂膜食品保鲜技术具有较佳的抗氧化能力和抑菌效果,在一定程度上可延长货架期。  相似文献   
通过对半地下带保温夹套的发酵罐与普通发酵罐24 h的温度变化和6 d的产气量的对比试验分析,结果表明:采用半地下带保温夹套发酵罐发酵,24 h的温度变化缓慢,受外界温度变化影响小,高温持续的时间较长,利于微生物发酵;产气总量多,持续时间长。  相似文献   
为提高水性聚丙烯酸酯木器漆的耐磨性和硬度,进行纳米Al2O3浆料的制备及其对水性木器漆改性的研究,探讨分析不同制备方法和Al2O3添加量对漆膜耐磨性和硬度的影响。结果表明:以聚丙烯酰胺为分散剂、聚乙二醇和辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚为润湿剂、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮为稳定保护胶,在高速搅拌下制成的纳米Al2O3浆料,在透射电镜下观察发现纳米Al2O3颗粒分布均匀,具有良好的分散性;在不影响漆膜透明度的情况下,漆膜耐磨性和硬度随Al2O3添加量增加得到提高,添加量在1.5%时漆膜具有较好的耐磨性和硬度;纳米杂合工艺法的漆膜耐磨性和硬度优于后添加法制备的水性木器漆涂膜。  相似文献   
Cannabis sativa L. is an annual herbaceous plant. It was used for centuries to obtain different products. In the last century, hemp cultivation was forbidden due to the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannabinol acid (THCA). In the last years, new strains, characterized by high cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) and low THCA level, were developed renewing the interest in hemp cultivation to obtain food or to extract essential oils from flowers. All these processes produce many residues with different chemical–physical characteristics. In order to evaluate their potential use also in animal nutrition, some hemp co-products were evaluated. Two different co-products of seed processes (flour and oil) and two co-products obtained trimming the flowers, differing in granulometry were used. The samples were analysed for chemical composition and evaluated in vitro using the gas production technique with buffaloes' ruminal inoculum. All hemp co-products showed interesting nutritional characteristics, such as crude protein content always higher than 20% on a dry matter basis, and high neutral detergent fibre concentration partially lignified. The in vitro gas production parameters at 120 h of incubation showed quite low fermentability testified by the low organic matter degradability and cumulative gas volume (OMD from 28.09 to 45.64% and OMCV from 110 to 164 ml/g, respectively). Also, the methane produced after 24 h of incubation was particularly low (from 1.78 to 11.73 ml/g dOM). These results could be due to the high lipid and ash amounts or to the CBDA content that probably affected the CH4 formation processes. According to preliminary results obtained by this study, it is possible to hypothesize that these co-products could be useful to mitigate the methane production into the rumen. Further studies are necessary in order to evaluate the correct inclusion into the diet for ruminants.  相似文献   
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