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Guanguang Chen Dongxia Yue Yanyan Zhou Dong Wang Hai Wang Cang Hui Jianjun Guo 《Land Degradation u0026amp; Development》2021,32(1):323-337
Groundwater, as the limiting resource in arid ecosystems, can have profound effects on the functional structure and distribution of plant communities. However, studies are too few to unveil the impacts of groundwater depth on plant functional traits in such communities. We collected data on vegetation, topography and soil properties from 180 quadrats (60 trees/shrubs and 120 herbaceous) in the desert‐wetland ecosystem of Shule River Basin in Northwest China. We measured 10 key community‐level functional traits, together with the resource topography (i.e., groundwater depth) and seven soil properties. We found that the increase of groundwater depth significantly reduced community‐level specific leaf area and maximum leaf photosynthesis rate, while boosted leaf dry mass content and leaf thickness. However, the leaf phosphorus content remained relatively stable. By contrast, with the increase of groundwater depth, soil carbon, soil nitrogen, soil phosphorus and total dissolved salts first increased but then declined, while soil pH and soil bulk density exhibited the opposite trend. The soil moisture content decreased drastically with the decline of groundwater. The change in groundwater depth, thus, was found the main driver of species distribution in the arid zone, contributing 21.16%, followed by soil K+ (9.94%) and soil total nitrogen content (4.9%), as well as a strong interaction of the three (41.7%). Changes in groundwater depth can thus alter the structure and nutrient enrichment of the soil, which in turn affects the distribution of vegetation through water–soil–plant interactions. 相似文献
通过对三峡库区迎江坡面8种连续经营8年以上的代表性土地单元间农林复合结构模式的土壤水分状况监测,研究土壤水分分布规律。结果表明:由相同土地单元组成的农林复合结构模式,因土地单元的配置结构不同,土壤水分的动态变化存在着显著差异,土壤涵养水源的能力相异。林地-经济林-坡耕地、坡耕地-林地-经济林土壤水分状况优于其他结构类型。对三峡库区经济林生产而言,坡耕地-林地-经济林结构模式最优,林地-经济林-坡耕地次之。林地-经济林-坡耕地模式土壤贮水容量最大,林地-坡耕地-经济林模式次之,坡耕地-经济林-林地模式最小。林地中配置坡耕地会显著降低土壤涵养水源能力,在暴雨后,48h内1m3表层土壤贮水容量减小2.496t;坡耕地中配置林地能显著增加土壤持水能力,48h内1m3表层土壤持水量增加2.02t;林地开垦比坡耕地上造林对土壤水分特性的影响更显著。 相似文献
[目的] 研究澜沧江黄登水电站库周土壤崩解特性,为库周土壤侵蚀防控,减少入库泥沙提供依据,也为三江并流区水土保持和生态修复提供科学参考。[方法] 采用野外调查取样与室内试验相结合的方法,测定库周5种典型土壤的崩解速率和理化性质,分析土壤崩解速率与土壤性质的相关性。[结果] 土壤崩解性由强到弱依次为:红壤、黄棕壤、淤积土(上)、淤积土(下)、紫色土,饱和状态下,土壤平均崩解速率之比依次为8.76∶5.65∶5.24∶4.29∶1;土壤崩解性与土壤液塑限、机械组成、孔隙度等性质密切相关;土壤平均崩解速率与土壤粉粒、液塑限之间存在显著负相关,与土壤粗砂粒含量、孔隙度显著正相关,在初始含水量(ω0)较高时与土壤有机质、水解性氮、有效磷、全氮存在显著负相关;5种土壤在ω0饱和时土壤崩解速率与全氮、粉粒和液限的线性方程拟合度高(R2>0.9)。[结论] 对ω0饱和的红壤、黄棕壤、淤积土、紫色土,可用土壤全氮含量、粉粒含量和液限来预测土壤的崩解性。对黄登电站库周的红壤和黄棕壤采取必要的林草或工程措施进行综合治理;对淤积土应种植适生的消落带植物,对紫色土在加强保护的前提下宜农则农、宜林则林,为库区乡村振兴提供更多农林用地资源。 相似文献
为探明盐渍化灌区不同灌排模式下土壤盐分及离子迁移及聚集规律,于2021年5—10月在巴彦淖尔市五原县盐碱化耕地改良示范区分别对“滴灌+明沟排水”与“黄灌+暗管排水”模式下农田进行土壤水盐监测与灌排水量监测,分析不同灌排模式下农田土壤盐分迁移分布规律,利用均衡分析探讨土壤盐分和盐分离子积盐及脱盐特征,为灌区的节水规划及盐渍化防治提供科学依据。结果表明:不同灌排模式下农田土壤均处于脱盐状态,黄灌与暗管排水模式下土壤脱盐效果相对较好,脱盐率为37.73%;滴灌与明沟排水条件下农田中出现HCO3-累积,积累量为0.3 t,黄灌与暗管排水模式下农田中出现Ca2+与Mg2+的累积,积累量分别为2.962 4,0.577 4 t。滴灌与明沟排水模式下整个生育期内,0—40 cm土层处于脱盐状态,40—80 cm土层出现盐分积累现象,黄灌与暗管排水模式下整个生育期0—100 cm土层处于脱盐状态。不同灌排模式下地下水埋深变化趋势相同,黄灌与暗管排水模式下地下水埋深较低,滴灌与明沟排水模式下土壤积盐与地下水质整体呈负... 相似文献
为了揭示节水改造对区域地下水埋深的影响,以沈乌灌域44眼地下水观测井资料为基础,研究节水改造下地下水动态演变趋势。结果表明:整个灌域地下水埋深受灌溉影响明显,夏灌和秋浇后整个灌域地下水埋深都有上升趋势,秋浇后灌域大部分地区地下水埋深处于最浅值,有一定的周期性变化规律,但灌域中心地区存在深埋区,对于地下水资源要加强管控;节水改造后,各渠系下游耕地区平均埋深降幅(12.46%)大于上游耕地区平均埋深降幅(7.13%),最大埋深平均降幅(16.54%)大于最小埋深平均降幅(15.78%);荒地区、湖泊旁地区和林地区的地下水平均埋深分别下降0.33、0.24 m和0.36 m。研究表明,节水改造对耕地区、荒地区、湖泊旁和林地区影响较明显,对盐碱区和渠道旁地区影响较微弱。 相似文献
Patricia Sarai da Silva Leandro Esteban Miranda Sergio Makrakis Lucileine de Assumpo Joo Henrique Pinheiro Dias Maristela Cavicchioli Makrakis 《水产资源保护:海洋与淡水生态系统》2019,29(2):258-269
- Conservation of fish assemblages in severely impounded rivers has often focused on providing longitudinal and lateral connectivity along the main stem. Less attention has been given to tributaries, some of which remain unimpounded.
- This study shows that the biodiversity of ichthyoplankton in tributaries to the largest reservoir in the Paraná River, Brazil, is similar to that of tributaries of the few remaining unimpounded stretches of the Paraná River.
- Annual and seasonal variability in discharge within and among tributaries attracts and supports a diverse mix of species in each spawning season.
- Tributaries enrich the fish biodiversity of the entire system by providing a variety of environmental conditions, access to spawning habitat, refugia for early life stages, and by promoting ecological heterogeneity. Thus, tributaries can mitigate the adverse influence of an impounded main stem.
- Tributaries also support populations of endangered and threatened species. A focus on tributaries offers conservation alternatives that are more feasible given the scale and large number of impoundments constructed on the main stem.
- Conservation in the main stem may focus on maintaining passage through dams and access to large floodplains. Conversely, in tributaries conservation may focus on managing the quality of inflows from catchments, preserving suitable instream habitats and flows, and preserving access to smaller but more numerous floodplains.
Larissa Strictar Pereira Jos Antnio Demtrio Almir Manoel Cunico Joo Diro Latini Luiz Carlos Gomes Angelo Antonio Agostinho 《Aquaculture Research》2019,50(10):2896-2906
The influence of cage aquaculture on the attraction and aggregation of wild fish was evaluated with an experimental tilapia farming structure. The structure was installed in the Corvo River, Rosana Reservoir, Paranapanema River basin, for 140 days. Samples were taken before and after farming began. Gillnets on the surface and near the bottom at different distances from the cages (0, 100 and 400 m) were used for fish sampling. The effects of the food supply at two protein levels were also analysed: Phase 1 = 32% PB and Phase 2 = 28% PB. Changes in species richness and abundance were observed, with the number of individuals and the fish biomass increasing significantly just after the farming began. Some species, such as Iheringichthys labrosus, presented increased abundance near the cages, while others, such as Plagioscion squamosissimus, were more abundant far from the cages. Auchenipterus osteomystax was the most abundant species during the experiment, especially when the protein content of the pellets was higher. It was demonstrated that farming tilapia in cages profoundly altered the abundance and composition of the wild ichthyofauna, suggesting the need to propose effective regulations for such activities, including fisheries restrictions in farmed areas or even the prohibition of cage farming. 相似文献
Desrayni Hanadhita Anisa Rahma Andhika Yudha Prawira Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari Aryani Sismin Satyaningtijas Eiichi Hondo Srihadi Agungpriyono 《Anatomia, histologia, embryologia》2019,48(4):315-324
Spleen is one of the important lymphoid organs with wide variations of morphological and physiological functions according to species. Morphology and function of the spleen in bats, which are hosts to several viral strains without exhibiting clinical symptoms, remain to be fully elucidated. This study aims to examine the spleen morphology of fruit bats associated with their physiological functions. Spleen histological observations were performed in three fruit bats species: Cynopterus titthaecheilus (n = 9), Rousettus leschenaultii (n = 3) and Pteropus vampyrus (n = 3). The spleens of these fruit bats were surrounded by a thin capsule. Red pulp consisted of splenic cord and wide vascular space filled with blood. Ellipsoids in all three studied species were found numerously and adjacent to one another forming macrophages aggregates. White pulp consisted of periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths (PALS), lymphoid follicles and marginal zone. The lymphoid follicle contained a germinal centre and a tingible body macrophage that might reflect an active immune system. The marginal zone was prominent and well developed. This study reports some differences in spleen structure of fruit bats compared to other bat species previously reported and discusses possible physiological implications of the spleen based on its morphology. 相似文献