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Tropical forests worldwide are undergoing rapid changes due to increasing human populations and varied land use practices. In an effort to protect these forests and their species, the number of protected areas has increased exponentially in recent decades. Clearly protected areas play a crucial role in conservation efforts and this strategy has been found to be successful in several studies. However, protected areas are often embedded within a matrix of other land cover types, including non-protected forests, agricultural fields, or urban areas. It is therefore critical for park management to think beyond the borders of their protected areas and work to maintain ecological integrity of the surrounding matrix and the connectivity between protected areas. This study integrates remote sensing, GIS and field observations to examine the effects of different management strategies on land cover changes. As a case study we examine a tiger reserve in Central India which is surrounded by commercially managed forests, representative of many protected areas throughout India. Findings of this study show that while protected areas play an important role in conservation, alternative approaches including favorable management policies could also be effective to extend conservation over larger areas.  相似文献   
Understanding users’ spatial distribution in forest park is crucial for providing visitors with quality recreation experiences and for park planning and management. Utilizing users’ spatial distribution data, this study aims at investigating associations between trail use level and trail spatial attributes, through examining two large urban forest parks (Gongqing forest park and Paotaiwan forest park) in Shanghai, China. Users’ spatial distribution was measured utilizing GPS trackers with the interval of 10 seconds. This study conceptualizes trail spatial attributes as trail metric attributes and trail configurational attributes. Trail metric attributes include trail mean distance to gates, length, width and level of enclosure, which are calculated based on park map and on-site observation. We computed trail configurational attributes utilizing space syntax theory, which comprise measures of global integration, control, and connectivity. Trail connection with features/facilities, visual connection with water and shading are included as covariate variables. In total, we obtained 134 valid samples in Gongqing forest park and 210 valid samples in Paotaiwan forest park for analysis. Multivariate regression analyses indicate that when involving covariate variables, consistently in both parks, a greater trail usage is significantly related to trail shorter mean distance to park gate, trail width wider than 3 meters, higher global integration and higher control values. Collectively, these four trail spatial attributes explained 31.7 % (p < 0.001) and 27.3 % (p < 0.001) of the variances in trail use level in Gongqing forest park and Paotaiwan forest park. These findings provide direct implications to park designers and managers for providing visitors with different desirable social conditions, and ultimately improve users’ experiences and satisfactions.  相似文献   
目的 林内降雨的空间变异对林地土壤水分、林下植被生长有重要影响,准确刻画其空间变异特征,并确定其收集器的合理布设数量,有助于准确理解森林对水文的影响。 方法 于2021年6—10月,在六盘山半湿润区香水河小流域的华北落叶松(Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii (Mayr) Pilg.)纯林样地,利用样地内布设的40个林内降雨收集器收集每场降雨事件的林内降雨量,分析展叶和落叶期林内降雨的空间变异特征,并量化雨量收集器的合理布设数量。 结果 (1)整个生长季,林内总降雨量440.0 mm,占同期林外降雨量的77.5%,林内降雨空间变异系数28.23%;展叶和落叶期,林内总降雨量分别为153.8 和290.2 mm,占同期林外降雨量的73.0%和80.2%,林内降雨空间变异系数分别为36.0%和18.5%。总体上,林内降雨空间变异随次降雨量、雨强和降雨历时的增加先快速下降后逐渐趋于稳定。(2)整个生长季及展叶和落叶期林内降雨的块基比分别为0.042、0.012和0.275,变程分别为4.8、4.0和6.5 m。(3)在95%置信区间内,若将误差控制在5%内,至少需在展叶和落叶期分别布设17和14个截面积为235.58 cm2的雨量收集器。 结论 受降雨量和冠层结构差异影响,华北落叶松林内降雨空间变异在展叶和落叶期存在差异,不同时期雨量收集器合理布设数与林内降雨空间变异密切相关,要确保整个生长季林内降雨评估的准确性,应重视不同时期雨量收集合理布设数差异的影响。  相似文献   
利用ENVI软件,基于像元二分模型法的剑川县2013年和2021年冬季Landsat 8影像,结合归一植被指数,计算剑川县不同时期植被覆盖度,利用决策树分类方法获得2013年和2021年两个时期的植被覆盖动态变化特征。结果表明,8年来剑川县高覆盖度植被区域面积不断增加,生态环境得到不断改善。分析剑川县各乡镇生态特色,结果表明,剑川县文化底蕴深厚,具有较好的森林城市创建潜力。  相似文献   
分别采用2种不同的冠层阻力模型和土壤阻力模型,组合成4种Shuttleworth-Wallace(S-W)模型,模拟夏玉米农田灌浆期的逐时蒸散量,以涡度相关法观测蒸散量为实测值检验模型改进的效果,找出最优冠层阻力模型和土壤阻力模型,并分析最优S-W模型对各阻力参数的敏感性。结果表明:李俊改进型有效叶面积指数冠层阻力模型和Sellers土壤阻力模型组合的S-W模型模拟效果最好,S-W模型估算玉米田蒸散的精度显著提高,蒸散发模拟值与实测值的相关系数、一致性指数更接近1,蒸散发模拟的相对误差和均方根误差变小。敏感性分析表明,在计算各个阻力参数模型中,S-W1模型估算蒸散发对冠层阻力最敏感,其次是土壤阻力和有效叶面积指数;采用改进型有效叶面积指数冠层阻力模型和Sellers土壤阻力参数模型组合后,在一定程度上提高了模型精度,提高了计算准确率。  相似文献   
Caatinga is a Brazilian dry ecosystem that occupies around 1 million km2 and is one of the largest tropical dry forests of the world. About 46% of the area that was originally covered has been deforested. Land use can cause pronounced reduction in soil carbon stocks that play a major role in the global carbon cycle. The objective of this study was to improve our understanding of the effect of land use on oxidizable carbon fractions, total carbon stocks and humic substances in different layers of soil in a Brazilian semi-arid region. We analyzed soils from tropical dry forest (TDF), forest succession with Anadenanthera falcata (ANA), with Tabebuia alba (TAB), secondary scrubby regeneration (SCR), and non-irrigated maize (MS). Forests showed larger fractions of more labile carbon, except for TDF. The most recalcitrant fraction of carbon stock, humin fraction stock, with the different land use decreased by 38–53% compared to TDF. Oxidizable carbon fractions, carbon stocks, and humic fraction stocks were able to differentiate the successional land uses and agricultural cover from TDF, mainly in the 0–5?cm layer. Our results show that changes in land use, especially with ANA forest succession, showed a larger labile carbon fraction, indicating easy decomposition and loss. Our results provide an alternative tool for the management of deforested areas in tropical dry caatinga ecosystems. This would contribute to the conservation of dry forest systems and could serve as guideline for sustainable management of agriculturally impacted caatinga areas.  相似文献   
北京小龙门森林公园野生花卉资源评价与应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为丰富北京园林绿化植物的多样性,通过样地法对北京小龙门国家森林公园野生花卉资源进行了实地调查研究,共调查到野生花卉植物58种,隶属于23科。以花色、花径、花序、花型为评价指标,评价出20种具高观赏价值的野生花卉;对这些野生花卉的观赏性进行了评述,最后提出了合理开发利用的建议,以期为北京园林绿化提供可参考的乡土植物资源。  相似文献   
异龄林既是一个自然生态系统,又是一个复杂的森林经营系统。一个经营工作者要对异龄林进行高效率的经营,就必须掌握现实林的动态变化规律,以便有目的地制定经营措施。异龄林系统从经营角度出发,可以划分成如下三个组成单元:进界生长量、向上生长量和枯损量。上述三个单元的相互作用构成了异龄林系统的动态变化规律。本文的主要目的就是通过对上述三个生长单元的动态进行模拟,寻找出异龄林的动态变化规律,所用方法是对每个生长单元用多个数学模型进行拟合,再通过统计量分析和实际验证从中选出最理想的模型,并据此对现实异龄林的动态进行预测。证明了以曲线形式反映异龄林的动态变化远优于线性形式。所用材料取自黑龙江省小兴安岭和牡丹江林区的冷杉(Abies nephrolepis)为主的异龄针阔混交林。  相似文献   
对退耕还林还草有关问题的进一步思考   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
张自和 《草业科学》2003,20(11):7-10
阐述了“一退双还”政策措施提出的意义和实施情况,提出应进一步明确“一退双还”的目的,从思想和政策上解决重林木轻草灌的倾向,力戒形式主义和表面文章、讲求实绩实效,“以林为主”的绿化方针值得进一步深思和商榷,“一退双还”的责任制和利益机制需进一步完善等一系列问题,值得进一步深入思考和认真解决,以保证“一退双还”和国土绿化工作的持续和健康发展。  相似文献   
许多固氮树种速生丰产,萌生能力强,叶片,木屑含氮率较高,可为食用菌栽培提供理想原料,而且固氮树种在绿花荒山,保持水土,提高地力方面作用显著,以固氮树种发展短轮伐期食用菌专用林,具有较高的经济效益和生态效益,本文介绍了银合欢,黑荆,大叶相思,银荆,桤木,南洋楹和马占相思等在食用菌栽培上的应用概况,各地可因地制宜栽培合适的固氮树种作为食用菌专用林。  相似文献   
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