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为探讨农作物面积减少及其破碎化对害虫种群的影响,采用微景观试验模型系统连续2年研究5个梯度棉花生境面积(棉花种植比例分别为20%、40%、60%、80%和100%,其余均种植玉米)及2种破碎化(完全连通与完全破碎)对棉蚜Aphis gossypii数量的影响。结果表明,棉花生境面积较小(棉花种植比例为20%)时破碎化程度越高,棉蚜数量越多,而生境面积较大(棉花种植比例为40%)时棉蚜的响应正好相反;生境面积中等(棉花种植比例为60%)时,破碎化程度对棉蚜数量影响不大;生境面积大(棉花种植比例为80%)时,破碎化对棉蚜数量的影响存在年度效应,2014年破碎化程度越大,棉蚜数量越少,2015年则无影响。棉花生境面积、破碎化及两者之间的互作对棉蚜数量无显著影响,棉花生境面积、破碎化与调查时间的互作也不影响棉蚜数量,但调查时间显著影响棉蚜数量,棉花生境面积、破碎化与调查时间三者之间的互作效应呈年度变化。总之,棉蚜对棉花面积变动及其破碎化展示出较强的适应性。  相似文献   
日光温室天幕的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍日光温室的辅助保温设备——天幕的制作及注意事项,着重论述了天幕机械装置的技术特色和创新点:双轨道,细钢索联双滑车(图-5),同向,同步牵引,实现天幕电动收放。  相似文献   
物理改性对大豆蛋白柔性与乳化性的影响及其相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过不同物理改性方法(热处理、超声处理、高压均质处理、微波处理)分别得到不同柔性的大豆分离蛋白(SPI),并利用SPI对胰蛋白酶的敏感性表征柔性,研究物理改性对SPI柔性与乳化性的影响并分析两者之间的相关性。结果表明,各改性方式对SPI柔性和乳化性产生不同的影响且乳化性随柔性的上升而上升。与其他处理条件相比,121℃热处理10 min得到最高的柔性和乳化活性,高压均质处理对SPI柔性影响小但对乳化活性影响大。相关性分析结果表明:热处理、超声处理条件下SPI柔性与乳化活性、乳化稳定性呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.969、0.950和0.942、0.954。超高压均质处理条件下SPI柔性与乳化活性、乳化稳定性呈正相关,相关系数分别为0.771、0.720。微波处理条件下SPI柔性与乳化活性呈极显著正相关,与乳化稳定性呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.976、0.862。  相似文献   
为满足客户化和全球竞争的需求,企业要实现大规模定制(MassCustomization,MC)。本文提出了大规模定制下的产品设计开发模式,并在此基础上,针对先进制造系统的特征--柔性,提出了一种基于柔性度的制造系统的分析方法,给出了柔性度的计算模型。  相似文献   
In pastoral farming systems, pasture production normally exceeds demand in the spring–summer period. Consequently, conserving forage at this time for use during the following winter is a widespread practice. The objective of this study was to assess the possible advantages of incorporating flexibility into a calendar‐based haymaking policy. A range of flexible haymaking strategies were simulated and compared against a calendar‐based strategy by using a simulation model to estimate long‐term performance of cow‐calf farm systems under each strategy. The results suggest that controlling haymaking in a flexible fashion, basing the decisions of closing, releasing and cutting paddocks on a simple pasture budget, could give the system productive advantages over using a calendar‐based approach. In terms of liveweight production per hectare, compared at the same area harvested, the flexible approach had higher average annual calf liveweight production (an increase of up to 0.15) and lower system variability [a reduction of 0.10 in the coefficient of variation (CV)] depending on the stocking rate. The results indicated that allocating more than 0.50–0.60 of the farm area to conservation would only be advantageous at very high stocking rates. In contrast to the calendar‐based strategy, making more hay than required for the immediate next winter, where possible, can reduce system variability.  相似文献   
 框架—剪力墙结构目前在建筑结构中应用较广,现有二维平面力学计算模型现阶段仅根据有无连梁划分为两种结构体系,只要存在连梁简化为刚结体系,否则将作为铰结体系,显然这两种简化无法真实反映其受力情况。本文提出介于两者之间的框架—剪力墙弹性铰结体系,考虑楼板对连梁刚度的增强作用,用连梁刚度来进行结构体系的划分。按不同的结构体系进行内力计算、设计差异较大,本文建立框架—剪力墙弹性铰结体系,使此类结构的内力分析计算、结构构件设计能更好地反映其实际工作状态,对该类结构的理论分析是一个较大的补充。  相似文献   
设3 000、6 000、9 000 lx等3个光强梯度,研究了萎凋光照强度对萎凋叶含水率、容重、柔软性、弹性、塑性、色差等物理特性,以及呼吸特性的影响,并对后续加工叶的物理特性进行了测定。结果表明,随着萎凋进程中鲜叶含水率的逐渐下降,鲜叶容重、柔软性呈先升后降的趋势,在萎凋适度范围内(含水率60%~65%),以6 000 lx处理最高;弹性呈先下降后增加的趋势,不同处理间以6 000 lx处理的弹性相对较高,塑性变化规律与之相反;色差明亮度L值总体呈下降趋势,红绿度a值呈先下降后增加的趋势,以6 000 lx处理下a值最小,即保绿特性最好,感官审评结果也表明6 000 lx处理的干茶样汤色和外形得分最高,品质最优;CO2释放量总体呈先下降后增加再平稳的变化趋势,3个处理均在萎凋6 h时出现拐点,以6 000 lx处理的释放量最大。  相似文献   
三聚氰胺甲醛浸渍树脂的改性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高三聚氰胺甲醛(MF)浸渍树脂的储存稳定性和柔韧性,联合二甘醇和己内酰胺,对MF树脂进行改性。分析甲醛与三聚氰胺的量比,水、二甘醇和己内酰胺的加量等因素,对改性树脂性能的影响。结果表明,二甘醇和己内酰胺联合改性的方法,可同时提高MF树脂的储存稳定性和柔韧性;并提出最优化工艺参数。  相似文献   
水稻机插双膜育秧床土培肥对秧苗素质和秧龄弹性的影响   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
以直立穗型粳稻品种武运粳7号为供试品种,用地力中上等的砂壤水稻田表土作基础床土进行双膜育秧试验,机插移栽人大田,观测秧苗的形态、相关形态生理指标和产量及穗、粒结构。结果表明:床土培肥量较大的处理田间发根力、苗干重等苗质指标显著或明显优于培肥量少的处理,且大田分蘖发生早,最高茎蘖数高,产量随床土培肥量的增加呈明显的提高趋势。据此提出了该品种机插中苗壮秧指标:苗高12cm,苗基粗度2.7mm,糖氮比1.0~2.0;各培肥量较大的处理秧苗地上部干重的峰值出现在播后20d、叶龄为3.8~4.1时,其后秧苗干重下降,苗质迅速变劣,而不培肥和培肥量小的处理秧苗地上部干重的峰值明显延迟,秧龄弹性增大。  相似文献   
Plant processes, such as leaf expansion, stomatal conductance and transpiration, are affected by soil water, particularly in water-stressed environments. Quantifying the effects of soil water on plant processes, especially leaf expansion and transpiration, could be useful for crop modeling. In order to quantify the leaf expansion and transpiration in response to soil water deficit in three millet species, common (Panicum miliaceum L.), pearl (Pennisetum glaucum L.) and foxtail (Setaria italica L.) millets, a pot experiment was performed at the Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran. The soil water status was characterized by the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW). Leaf area and transpiration were measured daily. Relative leaf area expansion (RL) and relative transpiration (RT) data were plotted against FTSW. Finally the FTSW thresholds for RL and RT were calculated using linear-plateau and logistic models. The results showed that the thresholds for RL and RT were 0.68 and 0.62, respectively, based on all measured data of the three millet species using the linear-plateau model, indicating that RL and RT were constant when FTSW decreased from 1 to the threshold point. Thereafter, until FTSW = 0, RL and RT declined linearly with a slope of 1.48 and 1.43, respectively. Although millet is cultivated as a resistant crop in arid, semiarid and marginal lands, it showed an early response to soil water deficit at high FTSW thresholds. As leaf expansion and transpiration can be considered morphological and physiological variables, respectively, the results in this study indicate that millet has strong morphological flexibility when faced with soil water deficit.  相似文献   
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