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中国奶牛养殖模式及效益分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国奶牛养殖正由数量增长向质量增长方式转变,目前我国奶牛养殖仍以奶牛饲养小区为主体(集中饲养地、集中挤奶、统一防疫、分户管理、分户结算),奶牛养殖小区农户养殖的奶牛总数占全国总存栏的70%以上,这对我国奶牛养殖业发展产生巨大影响,暴露出很多问题,必须向现代养殖模式转型,转型的主要方向是适度规模的家庭式奶牛场或股份合作制奶牛场,与其他大中型奶牛场一起成为我国现代奶牛场养殖组织模式,用5年时间使我国成乳牛胎泌乳量达到7 000 kg/头,实现奶牛养殖业发展以质量型发展为主,通过奶牛养殖模式转型促进我国奶牛养殖业可持续健康发展. 相似文献
Nicholas J. Macdonald BVetMed Carolyn A. Burton BVetMed PhD Robert N. White BSc BVetMed 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2002,43(6):534-540
A visual analog scale and a numeric scoring scale were designed for the assessment of dynamic intraoperative mesenteric portovenography in the dog and cat. Two independent observers evaluated both scoring scales for reproducibility (differences between observers) and repeatability (within-observer differences) in the assessment of 60 trial portovenograms. Agreement (interchangeability) of both scales was evaluated by comparing the scores obtained in the assessment of 200 portovenograms obtained from 100 dogs and cats. There was no statistical difference between the two observers when scoring the same portovenogram for either the visual analog scale (p = .730, reproducibility coefficient = 17.85 units) or the numeric scoring scale (scores identical, reproducibility coefficient = 0). There was no statistical difference, for either of the observers, when the same portovenogram was assessed on two separate occasions using the visual analog scale (observer 1, p = .35, repeatability coefficient = 17.93 units; observer 2, p = .42, repeatability coefficient = 8.27 units) or the numeric scoring scale (scores given by both observers were identical, repeatability coefficient = 0 for both observers). The results of comparison between the visual analog scale and numeric scoring scale confirmed that the two scoring systems were not directly interchangeable. Although both scoring systems demonstrated good reproducibility and repeatability, the numeric scoring scale possessed a number of inherent deficiencies that suggested it was not the method of choice for the assessment of the subjective data obtained from dynamic intraoperative mesenteric portovenography. 相似文献
气候变化适应及其影响因素研究——山东胶州湾地区居民的实证分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探索气候变化感知在适应决策过程中的作用机理,本研究以深度访谈数据为基础,基于“感知-适应”分析框架,采用二元Probit模型和泊松回归模型,分析胶州湾地区居民气候变化适应决策和适应选择的影响因素。研究表明,胶州湾地区绝大多数居民已经感知到气候变化,半数以上居民采取了一定的适应措施,大多数居民对适应措施效果的感到满意。居民采取适应措施介于0-4项,平均为1.07项,适应措施的普及率和多样化仍有提升空间。影响胶州湾地区居民气候变化适应决策与适应选择的主要因素存在一定差异性,但“居民对气候变化的感知”不论是对适应决策还是对适应选择的影响都较大,其中又以“对降水变化的感知”和“对气象灾害损失的感知”最为显著。 相似文献
CHEN Yao-hui~ 《保鲜与加工》2004,(8):86-91
We prove a Donsker type approximation theorem for the fractional Brownian motion in the case of the Hurst index greater than one half. With this approximation we construct an elementary market model that converges weakly to the fractional analogue of the Black Scholes model. We show that there exist arbitrage opportunities in this model. 相似文献
轴流泵装置模型断电飞逸过程三维湍流数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对轴流泵装置模型断电飞逸过程特点,对应叶轮区所采用的冻结叶轮的变速旋转坐标系方法与基于任意拉格朗日-欧拉方法(ALE)的变速滑移网格法,构建基于三维非定常RANS方程与Spalart-Allmaras湍流模型的数值模拟方法,采用有限体积法对控制方程组进行离散,时间项采用一阶向后差分隐式格式,方程组中扩散项采用二阶中心差分格式,对流项采用二阶迎风格式,应用SIMPLEC方法进行速度压力耦合求解,采用初始工况的定常计算结果作为非定常计算的初始流场.经过轴流泵装置模型断电飞逸过程的数值模拟,获得了机组到达最大转速时所需时间为20.35 s,以及两种数值方法所得最大飞逸转速分别为1 610,1 989 r/min,装置模型稳态飞逸试验转速1 720 r/min,介于两者之间,同时揭示了机组转速、流量、转矩与测点压力等参数随时间变化规律与装置模型流道子午截面流速场、叶轮叶片压力场的瞬变过程,从而为机组结构优化设计和运行管理提供科学的参考依据. 相似文献
关中西部畦灌优化灌水技术要素组合的初步研究 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9
在杨凌区砂壤土、中壤土的冬小麦和果树地,进行了畦田规格和灌水技术要素对水流推进和消退过程、灌水效率与灌水均匀度影响的田间试验,利用地面灌溉水流运动数学模型对畦灌条件下的最佳灌水技术要素组合进行了模拟和分析。结果表明,零惯量模型可以很好的模拟畦灌灌水过程中水流运动规律;畦田规格和灌水技术要素对灌水效率和灌水均匀度具有明显影响,对所研究的砂壤土冬小麦地在1‰、3‰田面坡度条件下,单宽流量以7L/(s·m)为宜,最大畦长应分别以40m、90m;对中壤土果树地1‰、3‰、5‰坡度条件下的畦长和单宽流量组合为分别以50m和6.0L/(s·m)、90m和6.0L/(s·m)、90m和5.0L/(s·m)左右为宜。同时为达到较高的灌水效率和灌水均匀度,畦田坡度不宜过大。 相似文献
In order to improve the prediction performance of single model based soft sensor, the features of the current model combination frameworksby analynizing, a new multi model combination framework based on the bayesian model comparison is proposed. In this framework, fuzzy c means clustering to the historial data is used to analyze the production states, then the prediction performance of sub models at different states are compared based on bayesian model comparison. The comparing results are the basis of the model combination stratery at different states. With adapting cross validation predictive distribution, the samples got from the trained models are used to successfully reduce computation load of model comparion.The framework has obtained good results in the practical application. 相似文献
采用四元二次回归正交旋转组合设计,对影响冀西北坝上半干旱区旱滩地春油菜产量形成的密度、磷肥、氮肥、追氮比例四项关键农艺措施进行了定量化的综合研究,建立了高产栽培的数学模型,分析了单因素和二因素产量效应。四项农艺措施对产量作用的大小依次是:氮肥>密度>磷肥>追氮比例。优化农艺措施组合是:每公顷密度24.3~30.1万株,P_2O_5 53~80kg,N 107.8~120.9kg,追N比为总量的73%~93%。 相似文献