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Leaching of inorganic N species to stream waters from upland areas of the UK is increasing, reflecting the increases in atmospheric deposition of nitrogen species due to increased levels of vehicular emissions. Bracken cover in UK uplands is also increasing overall ( Taylor, 1986 ), and the architectural nature of bracken has been shown to both increase deposition of atmospheric constituents to soils and change their chemical and physical nature. We have tested the nutrient status of upland podzols from the Lake District, Cumbria, UK, from under both moorland grass and bracken. The results show reduced levels of base cations and nitrate throughout the profile and decreases in the organic matter content of surface horizons as a consequence of bracken encroachment. We also report increased ammonium concentrations in lower soil horizons under bracken, possibly leading to increased leaching to stream waters. These results suggest either increased leaching of soil nutrients due to bracken encroachment or increased storage of nutrients within the bracken rhizome system. Results also suggest changes in either microbial activity or the microbial community of podzols, possibly due to the allelopathic nature of bracken. This may have caused changes in the soil nutrient dynamics, possibly accounting for some of the changes seen. We hypothesize that increased bracken cover within the British uplands has the potential to increase leaching of inorganic nitrogen to upland streams.  相似文献   
【目的】 分析不同脂尾型绵羊尾部脂肪组织中的长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)的表达谱,探究lncRNA与绵羊尾部脂肪沉积机制的关系,为揭示绵羊尾脂沉积机制提供理论依据。【方法】 选择新疆地方绵羊巴什拜羊(肥尾型)和野生盘羊×巴什拜羊杂交二代(小尾型)作为研究对象,采集2个群体尾部脂肪组织,利用转录组测序技术筛选差异表达lncRNA并预测靶基因,对其进行GO功能和KEGG通路富集分析;利用实时荧光定量PCR技术验证转录组测序的表达结果。【结果】 通过差异表达分析共筛选出728个差异表达lncRNAs,其中270个表达下调,458个表达上调;通过差异表达lncRNA靶基因的GO功能和KEGG通路富集分析,筛选到634个靶基因参与疾病、免疫、蛋白修饰、细胞代谢等相关功能分类,共涉及76条信号通路,部分lncRNA介导的靶基因SCD、GPAM、THRSP、FASN等与绵羊尾部脂肪沉积相关。实时荧光定量PCR与转录组测序结果趋势相同。【结论】 lncRNA在绵羊脂尾进化中对尾部脂肪沉积具有重要的调控作用,为从lncRNA的角度分析绵羊脂肪沉积提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
从植物多样性恢复利用的角度来探讨治理流动沙地的有效途径和方法,对正蓝旗科技支撑示范区的人工模拟飞播植物群落进行了调查和分析,结果表明:项目实施区中的扁蓿豆、冷蒿、冰草等10种植物的重要值均大于对照区;二裂委陵菜、苔草、虫实等10种植物重要值均小于对照区;物种丰富度指数大于对照样地,Alatalo均匀度指数小于对照样地,而多样性指数明显大于对照样地;1年生草本植物种的重要值低于对照区,而多年生草本植物明显高于对照区。  相似文献   
氮沉降是影响陆地生态系统的重要环境因子。丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)作为一种能够与绝大多数植物共生并广泛存在的土壤微生物,对植物生长、养分吸收以及抗逆性等均具有重要的调节作用,而针对氮沉降对植物-丛枝菌根共生体影响的研究往往被忽视。基于此,笔者从氮沉降对菌根侵染特性、菌根多样性、菌根对宿主植物生长发育、氮代谢、磷吸收以及对宿主植物生物多样性影响等方面进行了归纳总结,并提出应重点关注的研究方向,旨为菌根生理生态学的研究提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   
为深入研究静电场对基面液滴蒸发的作用,结合有关国内外研究现状,通过分析电场对基面液滴的变形作用和对液滴内部流动模式和速率的影响,以及电场对液滴在上述两方面的影响与液滴蒸发的关系,分析了电场对基面上液滴蒸发过程的强化作用,对有关基面液滴在电场下蒸发的研究进展进行了介绍,根据前人的理论和试验研究结果探讨了电场对基面液滴蒸发强化作用的基本机制:电场能够使基面液滴的表面电荷分布和形貌特征发生变化,发生电润湿现象,同时改变液滴的内部流动形态,提高液滴的内部流动速率,从而从两方面强化液滴界面处的热交换,促进液滴的蒸发传质.同时,简要评析了目前的研究进展情况,并指出关于电场强化基面液滴蒸发值得进一步研究的方向.研究结果为高热流密度表面的静电雾化冷却技术研究提供了思路.  相似文献   
Adiponectin is a protein hormone secreted exclusively by adipocytes that plays an important role in the modulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. To investigate the effect of adiponectin on lipid metabolism in chicken, rosiglitazone (agonist of adiponectin) and dexamethasone (inhibitor of adiponectin) were used to treat 23‐day‐old broilers in vivo. To verify the functionality of adiponectin on fat deposition, chicken pre‐adipocytes were cultured in the medium containing 10 μg/ml adiponectin. Serum adiponectin and lipids and fat distribution were analysed. Oil Red O staining was used to determine lipid deposition in adipocytes. The expression levels of adiponectin, adiponectin receptors (AdipoR) and lipid metabolism–related genes in different tissues and pre‐adipocytes were measured using real‐time PCR, and the abundance of lipid metabolism–related proteins was measured by Western blot. Rosiglitazone increased serum adiponectin concentration and the expression levels of adiponectin and adiponectin receptor 1 (AdipoR1) in tissues and significantly decreased levels of serum lipids and fat deposition. Rosiglitazone significantly increased the expression levels of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and AdipoR1 and decreased the expression levels of fatty acid synthase (FAS). Dexamethasone had the converse effects compared with rosiglitazone. Oil red O staining results showed a marked decrease in fat deposition in cells treated with adiponectin. In adipocytes, adiponectin could decrease the expression levels of CCAAT/enhancer‐binding protein α (C/EBPα) and FAS and increased the expression levels of ATGL and AdipoR1. These results indicate that adiponectin has a remarkable effect on impairment of adipocyte differentiation, which contributes to the negative regulation of fat deposition in chicken.  相似文献   
[目的]比较速生桉纯林、红椎纯林及两林交界处林地的昆虫群落结构,探讨速生桉人工林对红椎林昆虫群落的影响,为科学合理地规划速生桉发展提供参考.[方法]采用GPS定位样地,用目测、套袋震落、采集鉴定等方法,调查速生桉人工纯林、红椎纯林、两林交界处桉树林和红椎林等4种林分的昆虫种类及种群数量,并分析其丰富度、均匀度、多样性等指数.[结果]4种类型林地共查得昆虫15目74科148种12874头.4种类型林地昆虫群落目数排序为:交界处的红椎林=红椎纯林>交界处的速生桉林>速生桉纯林;科数排序为:交界处的红椎林>红椎纯林>交界处的速生桉林>速生桉纯林,种数排序与科数相同;个体总数排序为:速生桉纯林>红椎纯林>交界处的速生桉林>交界处的红椎林.4种类型林地昆虫多样性指数与丰富度排序相同,为交界处的红椎林>红椎纯林>交界处的速生桉林>速生桉纯林;昆虫群落物种均匀度指数排序为:交界处的红椎林>红椎纯林>速生桉纯林>交界处的速生桉林.[结论]速生桉林昆虫物种多样性低于红椎林,交界处昆虫物种多样性高于纯林.速生桉林与红椎林相邻种植对双方无不利影响.  相似文献   
不同温度下刺参对有机沉积物的摄食与吸收   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以常规实验生态方法,研究了不同温度下不同规格刺参对有机沉积物的摄食与吸收,在水温为13 2~22 3℃时,大、中、小3种规格刺参对有机沉积物平均摄食率[g/(g·h)]依次为0 00324,0 00648,0 00959,对有机沉积物平均吸收率依次为7 32%,13 49%,17 61%。温度为15 13℃时,大规格刺参的吸收率最高(15 32%);当温度上升到23 2℃,中、小两种规格刺参吸收率达最高(依次为23 56%、26 49%)。刺参对沉积物中有机物的吸收与利用,降低了水底有机物的含量,可有效抑制水体有害物质的积累及产生。  相似文献   
High‐energy feeds, with increased fat concentrations, are often used in salmon farming to improve feed:gain ratio. However, fish are thought to regulate ingestion to meet their energy and nutrient intake requirements. Further, feeds with excessive fat content will lead to increased adiposity, which is thought to exert a negative feedback on feed intake via lipostatic regulation mechanisms. A test of the lipostatic model of feed intake regulation was carried out on juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. (c. 165 g) in which body fat content (5.6% and 9.4% body fat) had been manipulated by feeding feeds with different fat concentrations. Thereafter, the fish were offered the high‐ and low‐fat feeds (15.6% and 26.5% dietary fat content) simultaneously, and our hypothesis was that feed preference and intake would reflect the state of fat storage. Thus, we predicted that, when given a choice of feeds, the lean fish would eat more, and that the body fat status of the groups would converge over time. The results indicated a general preference for the leaner feed irrespective of adiposity level, but leaner fish consumed more feed, grew faster and deposited more body fat than their fatter counterparts. Over time, body compositions converged among treatments, and differences in feed intake ablated. These findings seem to provide supportive evidence for a lipostatic regulation of feed intake in fish.  相似文献   
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