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为探究MADS-box基因家族对德国鸢尾多季花品种花期的影响,本研究基于德国鸢尾(Iris germanica)转录组数据,利用生物信息学方法对MADS-box家族基因进行筛选鉴定,并对其理化性质、功能域及亲/疏水性等方面进行预测分析,且构建德国鸢尾和模式植物拟南芥MADS-box蛋白家族的系统进化树。结果表明,在德国鸢尾中鉴定出39个MADS-box基因家族成员,其编码的氨基酸序列分子量在4704.58~30112.19 k D之间,理论等电点(pI)介于5.01~10.92之间,其中32个表现为碱性蛋白,7个表现为酸性蛋白。大多数MADS-box蛋白定位于细胞核和线粒体基质,少许分布在其他细胞器均不含有信号肽。α-螺旋和无规则卷曲为二级结构的主要原件,所有蛋白均表现为亲水性蛋白。进化树分析结果显示,德国鸢尾MADS-box蛋白可聚为5大类(MIKC,Mα,Mβ,Mγ,Mδ)。本研究可为今后进一步研究德国鸢尾MADS-box蛋白的生物学功能提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
Two tropical maize composites were subjected to four cycles of reciprocal recurrent selection to develop divergent inbred lines with good combining ability. This study was conducted to examine the extent of genetic diversity, changes in allele composition and genetic structure, of 100 randomly selected S1 lines each from the original (C0) and advanced (C4) selection cycles of TZL COMP3 and TZL COMP4, genotyped using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Results revealed that the proportion of alleles at both low and high frequencies decreased from C0 to C4, whereas those at intermediate frequencies increased at C4 in the two composites. More unique and other alleles were lost at C4 in TZL COMP3 relative to those in TZL COMP4. The changes in different measures of genetic diversity were either small or negligible with selection in the two composites. The proportion of markers departing from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) decreased with selection, whereas the total number of pairs of markers in linkage disequilibrium increased with selection in the two composites. Examination of changes in population structures using a model‐based approach as well as cluster and multivariate analyses found a high degree of concordance in stratifying the 400 S1 lines into four non‐overlapping groups corresponding to the two selection cycles each within the reciprocal composites. The observed molecular‐based divergence between cycles within the same composite and the clear differentiation between the complementary composites highlight the importance of reciprocal recurrent selection for preserving genetic diversity for long‐term selection. This increases the potential of the advanced selection cycles to sustain genetic gain in productivity of hybrids adapted to the savannas in West and Central Africa.  相似文献   
白菜型冬油菜叶片结构和光合特性对冬前低温的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确白菜型冬油菜在冬前低温下叶片结构特征、光合作用特性及其抗寒性,本研究在0℃和–7.6℃自然低温条件下,选用白菜型冬油菜品种陇油7号(超强抗寒)和天油4号(弱抗寒),测定并比较其叶片气孔性状、解剖结构和光合、荧光参数的日变化等指标。结果表明,随着冬前温度下降,2个白菜型冬油菜叶片气孔密度、气孔面积、气孔周长、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度均变小,细胞间隙变大,叶片变薄;P_n日变化呈"单峰"型曲线,无光合"午休"现象;叶片的P_n、G_s、T_r和CE均降低,而C_i均升高,说明是非气孔限制引起P_n降低。白菜型冬油菜在冬前低温条件下发生了光抑制现象,表现为F_m和F_v/F_m下降,F_o上升。与超强抗寒品种陇油7号相比,弱抗寒品种天油4号叶片气孔密度和气孔面积均较大,气孔总周长较长,叶片较厚,P_n、F_m和F_v/F_m均较高,说明冬前低温条件下,天油4号光合能力较强,光抑制程度较弱。白菜型冬油菜在冬前低温条件下的叶片气孔密度越大、气孔面积越大、气孔周长越长、叶片及栅栏组织和海绵组织越厚,光合能力越强,地上部生长越旺盛,品种抗寒性越差。本研究为冬油菜抗寒种质创新和育种提供了部分理论支撑。  相似文献   
为深入了解黑龙江农村居民消费率持续走低的原因,挖掘农村居民消费潜力,基于黑龙江2000—2012年时间序列数据,运用统计分析方法,对黑龙江农村居民的消费水平、消费结构及其变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:城乡居民收入和消费差距均很大,农村居民内部收入差距较大,但消费差距不大,虽然消费倾向高,但购买力较弱,仍以生存型消费为主,消费受政策影响明显。最后结合黑龙江的实际情况提出了积极深化和扩展各种惠农、利农政策和拓宽农村居民的收入渠道等建议。  相似文献   
根据2006—2014 年民勤荒漠植物4 个样区36 个样方调查数据,对该区沙蒿、梭梭、麻黄和白刺4种典型荒漠植物群落结构及物种多样性进行分析。结果表明:该区群落结构简单,物种相对单一且数量较少,植物都是以较低的芽位适应生境条件;灌木层物种的变化不大,草本层物种有所增加;多样性指数沙蒿群落、梭梭群落和白刺群落的略有增加,而麻黄群落略有减小;该区群落结构和物种多样性的变化主要由于草本层的物种变化引起。了解和掌握民勤荒漠植物群落的结构和物种多样性变化规律,对于推动干旱荒漠区植被恢复和物种多样性的保护提供依据。  相似文献   
新疆地域广阔,受各地州市自然基础、资源禀赋、历史文化等条件差异的影响,第二产业内部各行业地区差异较大,就业人口分布也不均衡。本文利用2000-2011年新疆分行业就业人口统计数据、行政区划面积和行政区划图等资料,采用地统计学、时间序列分析方法,结合GIS、Geoda空间分析工具,对新疆第二产业内部的空间结构特征和时序变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:①新疆第二产业内部各行业具有独特的形态分布。2011年新疆第二产业内部采矿业,制造业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,建筑业分别呈现出两个独立中心-外围结构、两个“C” 型结构、“一轴两翼”结构、和“一”字型结构;②2011年新疆第二产业内部存在空间集聚现象,行业和地域分布不同。阿克苏地区、喀什地区是采矿业、制造业显著聚集的区域,阿克苏地区是电力行业显著聚集的地区。③2000-2011年期间新疆第二产业内部不同行业之间比重有较大的差别,采矿业和电力行业对第二产业内部结构的变动起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
为有效利用茶园天敌控制病虫害,对茶园不同生产管理方式中的结网型蜘蛛进行调查,分析其群落的种类、组成和多样性。结果表明:结网型蜘蛛共采集到16科40种,多刺新园蛛(Neoscona polyspinipes)为优势种;低碳管理茶园(DT)与常规管理茶园(CG)间结网型蜘蛛群落组成存在明显差异,DT比CG的种类和个体数分别高出2.33倍和0.67倍。此外,多样性指数中,DT与CG差异明显,夏秋和冬春茶期间DT比CG分别增加1.39倍和1.05倍;DT均匀性指数数值较大,而CG优势度指数数值较大。主成分分析表明,DT明显向多刺新园蛛、雪银斑蛛(Argyrodes argentatus)、草间钻头蛛(Itatsina praticola)、卡氏盖蛛(Neriene cavaleriei)和温室希蛛(Achaearanea tepidariorum)等结网型蜘蛛群落数量分布较多的方向偏移。由此可知,茶园实行低碳管理,生境结构植物丰富,人为干扰少,有利于保护结网型蜘蛛种类多样性。  相似文献   
石羊河中下游河岸植被的结构及其功能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究石羊河中下游的河岸植被结构和功能对区域生态环境管理和恢复的意义,依径流量将研究区域分为丰水河段和干涸河段,调查距河床不同间距的植被结构与空间分布,进行植被分类和空间格局分析,讨论其功能。石羊河中下游的河岸植被带宽约200~500 m,分布区域内植物群落类型的80%以上的建群种,拥有18个群丛。河岸植被类型依河床间距呈梯级分布,河岸植被盖度随河床间距增大成指数下降。河岸植被带不仅拥有乔木和沼泽植物组成的隐域性植被类型,是区域特有种栖息地;而且形成景观廊道,连结斑块,稳定区域生态系统,保护河岸、稳定河床、防治水流和风沙灾害,为当地人们提供多用途的娱乐场所和舒适的生活环境。  相似文献   
Over the past decades Vietnam has seen striking efforts to reinvent the exercise of democratic rural development. Promotion of grassroots democracy, notably under the Grassroots Democracy Decree (GDD), has been an acute response by Communist Party and government to large scale unrest among the rural populace owing to dissatisfactions with a felt mismatch between espoused commitments to ‘good governance’ and its actual practice. Through evidence from field work, this paper assesses the implications of the GDD in the central and northern highlands, analyzing how the promotion of grassroots democracy is discursively constructed by rural development professionals. The results outline three dominant discourses, which center on their respective interests in liberalist democratization, improved efficiency in state renovation, and enhanced accountability in governing local policy ambiguities. It argues that ‘grassroots democracy’ is serving as a conceptual mediator, supporting learning between diverging interests associated with rural development and different ideological positions shrouding the notion of democracy itself. Yet, given the extent that discourses are reflective of how professionals relate to grassroots aspirations, grassroots movements, which originally ushered the Party and central government to pass the GDD, have a significant struggle ahead of them to affect concrete changes in professionals' practices.  相似文献   
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