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松突圆蚧林间种群动态的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
连续6年的林间定点定期观察表明,松突圆蚧侵入马尾松林后,由于缺乏有效天敌的控制,其种群将迅速增殖膨胀。经过3~4年的急剧增殖后,则迅速走向衰退,而导致松突圆蚧种群衰退的首要因素是受害的马尾松正常生长的崩溃。  相似文献   
马鑫  缪勇  黄凯  李辉  李宾宾 《中国农学通报》2014,30(28):310-314
在田间系统调查的基础上,采用模糊聚类分析和时间动态空间生态位宽度与种群密度关系分析方法,研究了合肥地区春甘蓝田小菜蛾的种群动态,旨在为小菜蛾的科学治理提供依据。研究结果表明,春甘蓝田小菜蛾种群动态可分为3 个发展阶段——点片发生阶段(低密度、高聚块)、扩张发生阶段(中密度、低聚块)和猖獗发生阶段(高密度、低聚块)。小菜蛾对春甘蓝的为害情况比较复杂,种群密度较低时主要为害甘蓝心叶;随着甘蓝的生长和小菜蛾种群密度的上升逐渐向内层叶和外层叶扩展,最终导致甘蓝全株受害。小菜蛾种群处于点片发生阶段时是春甘蓝田小菜蛾防治的关键时期。  相似文献   
This paper presents a new method by using mass and acceleration parameters for balancing inertial force of mechanism. Compared with other balance methods, this one is simple, clear and superior in regularity when the balancing equation of complex mechanism is established, and its solving procedure is also easy. The new methcd is convenient to learn and use as well as convenient to program.  相似文献   
采用大涡模拟方法,运用CFD软件CFX对设计工况下的立式导叶自吸泵内部三维不可压缩湍流流场进行数值模拟。得到了其内部流场的压力分布和速度分布情况,对立式导叶自吸泵内部流场的相对速度分布和压力分布进行分析,对模型泵进行性能预测,得到了性能预测曲线,并进行了性能试验,结合预测结果与试验结果进行对比,说明大涡模拟法能够较准确地预测立式导叶自吸泵性能和内部流动特性,为立式导叶自吸泵的设计研究提供参考。  相似文献   
为了探究磺胺甲恶唑(sulfamethoxazole,SMZ)在渔业水体中的自然降解规律,本试验选取了养殖水环境中常见的因素(温度、pH和敞蔽条件),通过正交实验探究这三个因素对SMZ在自然养殖水体中消解动态的影响。试验初期各处理SMZ浓度保持一致,实验周期内定期取水样检测水体中SMZ的浓度变化,符合一级反应动力学方程,计算各处理中SMZ药物的半衰期和消除率。结果表明,18个处理组SMZ的半衰期及其消除率变化范围为4.88-12.89d,28%-77%。方差分析得出:在实验水平范围内,温度、pH因素对SMZ的消解结果有显著影响,但敞蔽的影响较小,因此提高养殖水体高温度、调节酸碱性pH等条件均有利于促进SMZ的降解。  相似文献   
The detection of small amounts of free peritoneal fluid in the canine patient can be a diagnostic dilemma. Ultrasonography and radiography have been advocated to detect intraabdominal fluid not detectable by physical exam. The purpose of this study was to determine the more sensitive method for detecting small amounts of free peritoneal fluid. Ultrasound examinations and radiographs were performed after increments (1 ml/lb body weight) of fluid were injected intraperitoneally. Ultrasonography detected fluid in one animal at 2 ml/lb. AH other animals had fluid detected at 3 ml/lb. With radiographs fluid could be detected with a high degree of accuracy at 4 ml/lb. The lateral view was more accurate than the ventrodorsal view in detecting fluid. The authors concluded that Ultrasonography is more sensitive than radiography and is the method of choice to detect small amounts of free peritoneal fluid.  相似文献   
This report represents a scientific and working clinical consensus statement on seizure management in dogs based on current literature and clinical expertise. The goal was to establish guidelines for a predetermined, concise, and logical sequential approach to chronic seizure management starting with seizure identification and diagnosis (not included in this report), reviewing decision‐making, treatment strategies, focusing on issues related to chronic antiepileptic drug treatment response and monitoring, and guidelines to enhance patient response and quality of life. Ultimately, we hope to provide a foundation for ongoing and future clinical epilepsy research in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

Excessive use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers in wheat fields has led to elevated NO3-N concentrations in groundwater and reduced N use efficiency. Three-year field and 15N tracing experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of N application rates on N uptake from basal and topdressing 15N, N use efficiency, and grain yield in winter wheat plants; and determine the dynamics of N derived from both basal and topdressing 15N in soil in high-yielding fields. The results showed that 69.5–84.5% of N accumulated in wheat plants derived from soil, while 6.0–12.5%and 9.2–18.1% derived from basal 15N and top 15N fertilizer, respectively. The basal N fertilizer recovery averaged 33.9% in plants, residual averaged 59.2% in 0–200 cm depth soil; the topdressing N fertilizer recovery averaged 50.5% in plants, residual averaged 48.2% in 0–200 cm soil. More top 15N was accumulated in plants and more remained in 0–100 cm soil rather than in 100–200 cm soil at maturity, compared with the basal 15N. However, during the period from pre-sowing to pre-wintering, the soil nitrate moved down to deeper layers, and most accumulated in the layers below 140 cm. With an increase of N fertilizer rate, the proportion of the N derived from soil in plants decreased, but that derived from basal and topdressing fertilizer increased; the proportion of basal and top 15N recovery in plants decreased, and that of residual in soil increased. A moderate application rate of 96–168 kg N ha?1 led to increases in nitrate content in 0–60 cm soil layer, N uptake amount, grain yield and apparent recovery fraction of applied fertilizer N in wheat. Applying above 240 kg N ha?1 promoted the downward movement of basal and top 15N and soil nitrate, but had no significant effect on N uptake amount; the excessive N application also obviously decreased the grain yield, N uptake efficiency, apparent recovery fraction of applied fertilizer N, physiological efficiency and internal N use efficiency. It is suggested that the appropriate application rate of nitrogen on a high-yielding wheat field was 96–168 kg N ha?1.  相似文献   
新疆莎车县棉田自然天敌数量动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2002-2004年研究了新疆莎车县棉田节肢动物类自然天敌种群动态及棉花品种的影响。结果发现节肢动物类自然天敌67种,数量较多的共10类,即瓢虫类、蝽类、隐翅虫类、蓟马类、草蛉类、食蚜双翅目、胡蜂类、蚜茧蜂类、蜘蛛类和捕食螨类。其中瓢虫类、蝽类和蜘蛛类占天敌个体总数85%~93%。3年中这三类天敌各自所占比例,瓢虫为4%~65%,食虫蝽为19%~57%,蜘蛛为6%~34%。瓢虫、食虫蝽和蜘蛛的最高密度2002年分别为237.2、164.0、87.0头/百株,2003年分别为28.3、533.3、232.0头/百株,2004分别为1506.5、237.0、55.3头/百株。对转基因抗虫棉GK19(表达Cry1A杀虫蛋白)、SGK321(表达Cry1A CpTI杀虫蛋白)和普通棉花泗棉3号、石远321的研究表明,各种天敌在不同品种上的种群数量没有显著性差异,而喷施化学农药可以造成天敌数量明显减少。  相似文献   
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