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胚胎取样后由于透明带受损、细胞数减少使得冷冻存活率低于常规胚胎,本试验通过在冷冻液中添加聚蔗糖和阿拉伯半乳聚糖分析其对取样胚胎冷冻效果的影响。通过将各种冷冻液的胚胎回收率、培养24和48 h发育率同对照组进行比较,结果发现,在阿拉伯半乳聚糖系列冷冻液中,0.03 EAS1冷冻效果最好;在聚蔗糖系列冷冻液中,0.6 EFS1冷冻效果最好,且移植妊娠结果同培养结果一致。  相似文献   
Objective : To investigate the association between synthetic colloids and biomarkers of acute kidney injury (AKI) in dogs with hemorrhagic shock. Design : Experimental interventional study. Setting : University. Animals : Twenty‐four healthy ex‐racing Greyhounds. Interventions : Anesthetized Greyhounds subjected to hemorrhage for 60 min were resuscitated with 20 mL/kg of fresh whole blood (FWB), 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) 130/0.4, 4% succinylated gelatin (GELO), or 80 mL/kg of isotonic crystalloid (CRYST) over 20 min (n = 6 per treatment). Concentrations of biomarkers of AKI were measured at baseline, end of hemorrhage, and at 40 (T60), 100 (T120), and 160 (T180) min after fluid bolus. Biomarkers included neutrophil gelatinase‐associated lipocalin in urine and serum (uNGAL; sNGAL), and urine cystatin C (uCYSC), kidney injury molecule‐1 (uKIM), clusterin (uCLUST), osteopontin, gamma‐glutamyl transferase, monocyte chemoattractant protein‐1 (uMCP), interleukin‐6, interleukin‐8, protein (uPROT), hyaluronan, and F2‐isoprostanes. Renal histology was scored for tubular injury and microvesiculation. Biomarker fold‐change from baseline was compared between groups using mixed effects models (Bonferroni–Holm corrected P<0.05). Frequencies of histology scores were compared by Fisher's exact test. Measurements and main results : In dogs treated with GELO, uNGAL fold‐change was markedly greater compared with all other groups at T60, T120, and T180 (all P<0.001), and uCYSC was greater at T60 compared with CRYST (P<0.001), and at T120 and T180 compared with all other groups (all P<0.001). Smaller, albeit significant, between‐group differences in uKIM, uCLUST, uMCP, and urine protein concentration were observed across the FWB, GELO, and HES groups, compared with CRYST. The GELO group more frequently had marked tubular microvesiculation than the other groups (P = 0.015) although tubular injury scores were comparable. Conclusion : In dogs with hemorrhagic shock, GELO was associated with greater magnitude increases in urine biomarkers of AKI and more frequent marked tubular microvesiculation, compared with FWB, CRYST, and HES.  相似文献   
Long‐term monitoring is critical to determine the stability and sustainability of wildlife populations, and if change has occurred, why. We have followed population density changes in the small mammal community in the boreal forest of the southern Yukon for 46 years with density estimates by live trapping on 3–5 unmanipulated grids in spring and autumn. This community consists of 10 species and was responsible for 9% of the energy flow in the herbivore component of this ecosystem from 1986 to 1996, but this increased to 38% from 2003 to 2014. Small mammals, although small in size, are large in the transfer of energy from plants to predators and decomposers. Four species form the bulk of the biomass. There was a shift in the dominant species from the 1970s to the 2000s, with Myodes rutilus increasing in relative abundance by 22% and Peromyscus maniculatus decreasing by 22%. From 2007 to 2018, Myodes comprised 63% of the catch, Peromyscus 20%, and Microtus species 17%. Possible causes of these changes involve climate change, which is increasing primary production in this boreal forest, and an associated increase in the abundance of 3 rodent predators, marten (Martes americana), ermine (Mustela ermine) and coyotes (Canis latrans). Following and understanding these and potential future changes will require long‐term monitoring studies on a large scale to measure metapopulation dynamics. The small mammal community in northern Canada is being affected by climate change and cannot remain stable. Changes will be critically dependent on food–web interactions that are species‐specific.  相似文献   
超临界萃取技术及其在蜂产品加工中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要介绍了超临界萃取技术及其在蜂产品提取中的应用。  相似文献   
高尔夫球场草坪地下害虫蛴螬的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本研究以北京市昌平县国际高尔夫球场为试验基地 ,依不同的植被种类及管理水平 ,将该球场划分为 3个区 :草坪区 (球道和高草区 )、水域区和林灌区。对高尔夫球场这一特殊生态系统中蛴螬 (White grub)的种类、种群动态及空间生态分布进行了系统的调查和分析研究。据调查 ,共有 7个属、13个种 ,分别属于丽金龟科 (Rutelidae)和鳃角金龟甲科 (Melolonthidae) ;在草坪草全年的生长期中 ,蛴螬种群动态数量有 2个高峰期 :5月上旬至 6月上旬和 8月下旬至 9月中下旬 ;蛴螬种群数量变化的年际间无差异 ,高水平的草坪管理措施对蛴螬种群数量的增长具有一定的控制作用。春季是防治蛴螬的最佳时期 ,高草区、结缕草草坪、槐树林是防治的重点区域。  相似文献   
杀菌剂多菌灵在桑叶中的消解动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多菌灵(carbendazim)是家蚕微粒子病的防治药物。将50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂分别稀释至1000和500倍药液后喷洒桑树,用高效液相色谱(HPLC)检测桑叶中多菌灵的残留和消解动态。结果表明:桑树喷洒稀释1000倍的多菌灵药液后,桑叶中药物的消解动态方程为Ct=4.5339e-0.2215t,药物的半衰期T1/2=3.13d;喷洒稀释500倍的多菌灵药液后,桑叶中药物的消解动态方程为Ct=6.0527e-0.1030t,药物的半衰期T1/2=6.73d。多菌灵在桑叶中的残留与消解动态显示低浓度(稀释1000倍)的药液在桑叶中的降解更快,所以建议生产上适当采用高浓度药液喷施桑树,并根据相应的药物消解动态数据确定桑叶采摘时期,以保证家蚕食下药叶对微粒子病的防治效果。  相似文献   
瘤胃液移植是一种将健康供体动物的瘤胃液转移给受体动物的技术。目前,针对瘤胃液移植的报道还相对有限,但越来越多的研究结果显示,瘤胃液移植可以影响反刍动物的干物质采食量、产奶量等,还具有重建瘤胃菌群结构的潜力。本文综述了瘤胃液移植的方法及实践中的应用研究,分析其对反刍动物生长性能、瘤胃发酵、瘤胃微生物区系的影响以及在治疗某些疾病方面的作用,为反刍动物瘤胃液移植的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Fire products have been widely identified as germination cues for a number of species from both fire-prone and fire-free ecosystems. However, there is uncertainty about the effects of fire products on seed germination of semi-arid rangeland species. We examined the germination of seven dominant species from Central Zagros rangelands in the semi-arid region of Iran under various heat shock (60, 80 and 120 °C), aerosol smoke, ash and control treatments. Our findings showed that fire products could enhance, inhibit or not affect the seed germination of rangeland species in this area. The germination percentage of Astragalus adscendens increased following 60 °C heat treatment in comparison with the control. The germination of Astragalus verus, Bromus tectorum, B. tomentellus and Phlomis olivieri were increased significantly using smoke treatment (P<0.0001). The seed germination of B. tomentellus and B. tectorum was promoted by ash treatment, whereas the other species exhibited no response or were inhibited by fire products. In addition, smoke treatment shortened the overall germination time of B. tectorum. These findings suggest that fire products affect the germination of several species and can serve as potential tools for understanding the vegetation dynamics and restoration of disturbed semi-arid rangelands.  相似文献   
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