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二步法催化高酸值大豆油制备生物柴油   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用两步法催化高酸值大豆油制备生物柴油.第一步在固定床反应器中,以002CR型阳离子交换树脂为催化剂,高酸值大豆油中游离脂肪酸和甲醇酯化生成脂肪酸甲酯(生物柴油);然后用氢氧化钾催化油中的甘油三酯和甲醇进行酯交换.结果表明,最佳酯化条件为:醇酸摩尔比2:1,反应温度60℃,进耕速度3 mL/min.该条件下大豆油酸值可降至1 mgKOH/g以下.酯交换条件为:催化剂用量1.5%,醇油摩尔比6:1,反应温度65℃.产品技术指标达到我国0#柴油(GB252-1994优级品)的要求.  相似文献   
菌材伴栽与天麻高产栽培技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
菌材伴栽与培育栽培天麻法与室外林地常规田字格栽培法、菌材+枝条栽培法、双层菌材栽培法和单层菌材栽培法比较,菌材伴栽法能显著提高天麻产量、生物效益、产值和投入产出比等各项经济技术指标,减少了菌材提前培育过程。该方法实用性强,具有应用和推广价值。  相似文献   
Increasingly, weeds have been taking on global distributions. With the proliferation of invasive weeds has come the challenge of managing these species over broad geographical regions, with diverse habitats and political jurisdictions. Here, we review the management of Mikania micrantha Kunth (Asteraceae; mile‐a‐minute) throughout its invaded range, extending through most of the Pacific islands and southern and south‐east Asia. Context matters when determining the best course of action for managing M. micrantha, as it has invaded a large variety of agricultural and natural systems. In Queensland, Australia and Florida, USA, M. micrantha has been targeted in relatively successful eradication campaigns, highlighting the importance of early detection and rapid response methods, while elsewhere in its invaded range, populations are either still increasing or showing limited signs of decline. An inter‐regional approach to research and management should incorporate successful management strategies employed throughout the invaded range including, but not limited to, chemical and cultural control practices, manual and mechanical control, classical biological control using the rust fungus Puccinia spegazzinii, plant–plant competition and integrated approaches utilising two or more control methods concurrently. Additional knowledge of M. micrantha genetics is required to determine if management approaches could be fine‐tuned for particular populations. Countries bordering the Mekong River formed a network in 2011 to co‐ordinate the management of invasive species such as M. micrantha. Expanding such a collaborative approach to other regions could further reduce populations of M. micrantha and limit its spread.  相似文献   
低温对两系稻的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从2006年晚造两系杂交水稻由于受低温冷空气影响,导致不同程度、不同范围的结实率低、不结实现象,结合历年贺街镇种植两系水稻品种状况,进一步阐述了两系水稻品种对气候影响的敏感性,并对以后推广种植两系水稻提供一些建议。  相似文献   
针对目前市场上种子分选装置多以传统机械式、半自动式为主,智能化程度不高、分拣准确率较低的问题,基于机器视觉技术设计一种智能种子分选机,主要由传输系统、供料系统、图像采集系统、种子筛选系统和控制系统五大部分构成。以‘郑丹958’玉米种子为研究对象,以种子气流下斜抛的水平距离和传送带传输速度为寻优条件进行试验,确定最优气泵压力值和控制器脉冲频率。对960个种子样本(优质、劣质种子分别为824和136 个)通过目标检测模型进行质量识别,判别种子质量,对种子状态进行标注框选和坐标记录。使用PLC(SIMATIC S7-200 CN,CPU224XP)分选模块控制直动式电磁阀组,对种子进行分选试验。结果表明:1)最优组合气泵压力值为0.3 MPa,控制器脉冲频率为3 175 Hz。2)优质、劣质种子识别率分别为93.69%和91.91%,种子分选率为89.6%。该分选机能够有效满足种子分选要求。  相似文献   
2004年3~6月,选择胶州湾口近海作为研究海区,在栈桥、湛山湾和石老人3个站位每月取样两次,每次退潮后,在潮间带固定地点采集底质样品,分别测定样品中叶绿素a、b、c和脱镁叶绿素a的含量,同步观测海水温度、海水密度和pH值。结果显示,青岛近岸春季海水水温上升较快,海水密度和pH比较稳定。栈桥取样点底质中叶绿素a、b、c和脱镁叶绿素a的平均含量分别为0·58、0·47、0·34和0·16μg/g。湛山湾取样点底质中的叶绿素含量最高,波动较小,叶绿素a、b、c和脱镁叶绿素a的平均含量分别为0·72、0·56、0·36和0·45μg/g。石老人海水浴场底质中的叶绿素含量最低,波动较大,叶绿素a、b、c和脱镁叶绿素a的平均含量分别为0·36、0·28、0·20和0·29μg/g。  相似文献   
文章针对深水网箱养殖过程中岸电供应不便而给网衣的水下清洗带来极大困难的问题,研制了歧管式高压射流水下洗网机,克服了高压仓式洗网机水头损失大的缺点。通过水力学计算得到歧管式高压射流水下洗网机射流压力P=5.57MPa、喷嘴孔径d=2.6mm、射流速度v=104.1m·s。和射流功率P=12.3kW、射流反冲力F=234.96N。水下洗网机的海上清洗试验表明,在工作泵满足工作压力和设计流量条件下,歧管式高压水射流水下洗网机的综合性能达到了设计要求。  相似文献   
深水张网是吕四渔场传统的作业方式,渔获量占江苏省海洋捕捞总量的比重较大。根据2004年4月~2005年11月吕四渔场深水张网渔业监测资料,结合渔业统计数据,分析了该渔业渔获物种类组成及其季节变化,以及主要经济鱼类渔获物种类组成和幼鱼比例。结果表明,各季节深水张网优势渔获物种类组成具有明显的季节变化特征,春季主要以小黄鱼、黄鲫、焦氏舌鳎和葛氏长臂虾为主,夏季为小黄鱼、黄鲫、焦氏舌鳎和银鲳,秋季为小黄鱼、焦氏舌鳎、棘头梅童鱼、灰鲳和银鲳,冬季为小黄鱼、焦氏舌鳎、棘头梅童鱼和斑鰶;小黄鱼和焦氏舌鳎是深水张网渔业常年优势渔获物。主要经济鱼类小黄鱼以6月份平均网产最高,但主要以幼鱼为主,2004年和2005年的平均体重分别仅0.81 g/ind和1.04 g/ind,幼鱼渔获尾数分别占到99.1%和99.8%,累计损害幼鱼尾数分别达1.84×107ind和2.37×107ind;银鲳平均体重3.22 g/ind和3.8 g/ind,累计损害幼鱼尾数分别为4.84×105ind和4.41×105ind。建议对深水张网渔业加强管理,可对该渔业提前一个月休渔,提高网囊网目尺寸,并强化管理力度。  相似文献   
Irish Sea fisheries have undergone considerable change in recent years following the decline of commercially important finfish stocks and their slow response to management's recovery plans. In 2015, the fishing industry called for a holistic exploration into the impact of environmental change and food web effects to identify the drivers underpinning stock dynamics. In this study, we identify correlations between large‐scale climatic indicators, temperature, primary and secondary productivity, and fish recruitment in the Irish Sea and incorporate them into an Ecopath with Ecosim food web model co‐created by scientists and fishers. Negative correlations were found between the North Atlantic Oscillation winter index (NAOw) and large zooplankton abundance and between the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the recruitment of cod (Gadus morhua) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus). Using correlation analyses to direct the addition of environmental drivers to the Irish Sea ecosystem model improved the models fit against observed biomass and catch data and revealed the indirect impacts of environmental change as mitigated through trophic interactions. Model simulations suggest that historic environmental change suppressed the overall production of commercial finfish, limiting opportunities for the fishing industry, whilst also dampening the rate of stock recovery despite marked reductions in fishing effort. These results suggest that failure to account for ecosystem information may lead to misconceived expectations and flawed fisheries management; therefore, there is a need to operationalize ecosystem information through management procedures to support fisheries advice.  相似文献   
一品红不同品种叶片叶绿素荧光特性比较   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
李畅  苏家乐  刘晓青  李倩中  陈璐  陈尚平 《园艺学报》2009,36(10):1519-1524
 利用叶绿素荧光技术测定了一品红4个品种‘金多利’、‘圣诞天使’、‘索诺拉飞雪’、‘旗帜’叶片光强依赖的叶绿素荧光特性。结果表明: ‘金多利’初始荧光( Fo ) 、最大荧光( Fm ) 和可变荧光( Fv ) 值极显著高于其它3个品种。在各个光强( PAR, 0~2 171μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 ) 下, 表观电子传递速率( rETR) 、实际光化学效率(Yield) 和光化学淬灭( qP ) 的变化趋势一致, 均为‘金多利’ > ‘圣诞天使’ > ‘索诺拉飞雪’ > ‘旗帜’, 在高PAR下这种差异更明显。拟合参数最大潜在相对电子传递速率( rETRmax ) 、半饱和光强( Ik) 和光抑制参数(β) 也同rETR等具有一致变化。说明‘金多利’有较高的PSⅡ活性, 耐强光; 而‘旗帜’则光化学效率较弱, 高光强下易受光抑制。  相似文献   
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