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自寿词是南宋出现的新词体,其创制主要缘于词人自我抒写的需求。早期自寿词表达对人生的反思与对功名的超脱,中后期则展现了宋室衰亡背景下词人对世事人生的悲观绝望心理。  相似文献   
随着社会经济的高速发展和城市化的加快,人类社会日益面临着人口巨增、资源短缺、环境污染、生态恶化等一系列问题,因此,生态问题已成为中国乃至全球共同的问题.本文以郭兴庄村为切入点,运用了景观生态学的观点,浅析了其景观生态问题,并对其发展做出了一些初步建议.  相似文献   
调查了漓江沿岸的竹类资源,发现两岸分布竹子7属37种、变种或变型,以箣竹属Bambusa居多,占竹种数量的45.9%;其次为刚竹属Phyllostachys,占21.6%。从竹子类型区分,丛生竹占62.2%,散生竹占37.8%。在两岸还发现木竹Bambusa rutila、狭耳坭竹B.angustiaurita、大绿竹B.grandis等多种广西濒危、特有竹种的分布。种植环境和利用方向对竹子的分布区域和种植量影响较大。多数竹林竹丛老化,竹蔸上浮,景观效果差。漓江景区的精华段——阳朔段两岸景观带主要由车筒竹B.sinospinosa、撑篙竹B.pervariabilis构成,环境卫生问题不容乐观。濒危、特有竹种保护可通过扩繁和开发新用途来实现。  相似文献   
韦建秋 《防护林科技》2019,(5):52-55,71
通过对广西国有黄冕林场马尾松生长量的调查,选取标准木进行树干解析,分析马尾松直径、树高、断面积、材积的生长量,研究其生长规律。结果表明,该林场马尾松在前8年呈快速生长趋势,10~20年期间稳定生长,21年后生长缓慢,但还在生长,尚未达到马尾松的成熟期。  相似文献   
为了解箬叶竹不同地理种源的形态差异,探讨其亲缘关系,将来自广西6个地方的箬叶竹引种至南宁市集中培育,成林后观察其形态特征以及出笋物候。结果发现,不同地理种源的箬叶竹之间存在着差异,其中贵港中里、金秀长垌的箬叶竹笋箨颜色均带有明显的紫色,出笋时间一致,形态相似;南丹山口、融水香粉、金秀忠良的箬叶竹的笋箨形态一致,均为绿色,略带紫色,亲缘关系较近;武鸣太平的箬叶竹箨鞘背面生疣基刺毛,形态相对独特,与其他5个种源有较大差别。  相似文献   
This paper was aimed to study the impact of hatching egg weights and egg shape indexs on hatching of Zi goose,and then sum up the best scheme for hatching eggs screening,so as to provide scientific reference for the selection and retention of Zi goose individuals and family hatching eggs,as well as the breeding and incubation production.2469 hatching eggs of Zi geese of the second year were chosen with the weight range of 94.8 to 154.4 g and an average weight of (123.3±9.5) g;the egg shape index range was 1.24~1.63 and the average index was 1.45±0.05.Using 2 factors 4 levels test design,the weight and the shape index of eggs were divided into four levels and all the eggs were separated into 16 hatching groups.The weight and the shape index were measured and labeled on eggshells.Two hatching experiments were conducted in the same instrument and the hatching conditions were same.The results showed that:① Egg fertility rate was the highest in egg weight <118.0 g group,followed by >131.9 g group;Hatchability of fertilized eggs was the highest in >131.9 g group,followed by 125.0~131.9 g group,and the hatchability of fertilized eggs increased along with the increase of egg weight;The highest healthy chick rate of breeding egg hatching lay in 125.0~131.9 g group,followed by >131.9 g group;The highest breeding egg hatching gosling birth weight lay in >131.9 group.② When egg shape index was between 1.47 to 1.51,the egg fertility rate and healthy chick rate were the highest,followed by >1.51 group;In the group 1.47 to 1.51,hatchability of fertilized eggs was the highest,followed by 1.42 to 1.46 group.In conclusion,hatching egg weight of Zi goose had significant impact on egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs,healthy chick rate and gosling birth weight (P<0.05),and the egg weight of Zi goose between 125.0~154.4 g was advisable;on the other hand,egg shape index also had significant impact on egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs and healthy chick rate (P<0.05),but had no impact on gosling birth weight (P>0.05),and the egg shape index between 1.47 to 1.51 was appropriate.Egg fertility rate,hatchability of fertilized eggs,healthy chick rate and gosling birth weight were affected by interaction of egg weight and shape index.Compared with the weight of eggs,the egg shape index had greater influence on healthy geese rate.The egg shape index had no direct impact on birth weight of young geese,but it could be influenced by the interaction between the egg shape index and the weight.Thus it was not very scientific to take either the weight or the index as the only basis for choosing qualified hatching eggs.  相似文献   
随机选择朗德鹅与籽鹅、莱籽鹅的杂交鹅雏各50只,待养至4月龄后达成年体重时,每组选择20只,进行为期3~4周的填饲试验。测量填饲肥肝平均重、平均耗料量和肝料比。结果表明:朗德×菜籽鹅的平均肝重为669.00g,极显著高于朗德×籽鹅(P〈0.01),较朗德×籽鹅、菜籽鹅与籽鹅分别提高了163.09g、289.00g和365.85g,即分别提高了32.24%、76.05%和120.68%;同时降低了单位肥肝的饲料消耗量,肝料比为1:33.71。因此,从肥肝重和耗料上综合评价得出,朗德×菜籽鹅组的填饲效果最佳,是生产肥肝最好的杂交组合。  相似文献   
[目的]研究不同清理方式下人工幼林地的水土流失规律,为人工林科学经营和生态管理提供科学依据。[方法]在广西壮族自治区南部马尾松采伐迹地人工更新的林地上,基于2018—2020年野外径流小区定位观测数据,对比研究了炼山和不炼山两种林地清理方式下的水土流失规律。[结果](1)林地清理方式对水土流失的影响随炼山后林地恢复年限的增加急剧减小,但炼山后的前2 a,无论是按年、月统计的水土流失量,还是按场次降雨量统计的水土流失量,炼山均显著高于不炼山(p<0.05)。(2)炼山降低了发生地表径流的最小降雨量。且随次降雨量的增加,炼山区域水土流失量的增加幅度明显大于不炼山区域。[结论]在广西南部皆伐林地,炼山后的前2 a是水土流失发生的主要时期,也是防治水土流失的关键时期。  相似文献   
采用实时定量PCR技术定量检测产蛋前期和产蛋期籽鹅卵巢组织中铁蛋白重链基因(FTH)和8个新ESTs(ODEUG01~ODEUG08)的mRNA表达水平。结果表明:产蛋期籽鹅卵巢组织中FTH和8个新ESTs的相对表达量分别比产蛋前期卵巢组织高13.25、7.68、11.82、14.23、8.25、15.14、9.78、6.48、14.21倍。本研究进一步证实,FTH和8个新ESTs在产蛋期籽鹅卵巢组织中高效表达,FTH和8个新ESTs可能参与籽鹅卵巢功能的调节,并影响籽鹅的产蛋性能。  相似文献   
分别以1日龄健康籽鹅肝脏、肾脏、心脏、肌肉和卵巢为研究对象,应用实时定量RT-PCR技术,探讨28SrRNA、18SrRNA、GAPDH、ACT、HPRT1、SDH和TUB等7个内参基因mRNA的表达水平。经过geNorm和NormFinder程序分析,结果显示7个内参基因稳定度由高到低依次为GAPDH=HRPT1〉28SrRNA〉TUB〉SDH〉ACT〉18SrRNA;基因表达的稳定值分别为0.215(GAPDH),0.215(HRPT1),0.339(28SrRNA),0.471(TUB),0.721(SDH),0.888(ACT),1.177(18SrRNA);表明GAPDH和HRPT1这2个内参基因适合用于目的基因表达的校正。  相似文献   
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