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为了满足宏观经济管理和工程规划的需要,本文利用逐步多元回归和主分量分析建立估算林区机械总量的经验公式,其中公式(11)是精确计算用,公式(16)是常用简化计算式,而公式(17)是粗略估算式。由于原始数据不够完整,公式的进一步精确化,有待充实统计数据。  相似文献   
Based on yield variability in orchards, it is evident that many trees receive too much or too little water and fertilizer under uniform management. Optimizing water and nutrient management based on the demand of individual trees could result in improved yield and environmental quality. A microsprinkler sensor and control system was developed to provide spatially variable delivery of water and fertilizer, and a prototype was installed in a nectarine orchard. Fifty individually addressable microsprinkler nodes, one located at every tree, each contained control circuitry and a valve. A drip line controller stored the irrigation schedule and issued commands to each node. Pressure sensors connected to some of the nodes provided lateral line pressure feedback. The system was programmed to irrigate individual trees for specific durations or to apply a specific volume of water at each tree. Time scheduled irrigation demonstrated the ability to provide microsprinkler control at individual trees, but also showed variation in discharge because of pressure differences between laterals. Volume scheduled irrigation used water pressure feedback to control the volume applied by individual microsprinklers more precisely, and the average error in application volume was 3.7%. Fault detection was used to check for damaged drip lines and clogged or damaged emitters. A pressure monitoring routine automatically logged errors and turned off the microsprinklers when drip line breaks and perforations caused pressure loss. Emitter diagnosis routines correctly identified clogged and damaged microsprinkler emitters in 359 of 366 observations. Irrigation control at the individual tree level has many useful features and should be explored further to characterize fully the benefits or disadvantages for orchard management.  相似文献   
探讨了喷油嘴四孔流量分布对燃油喷雾和柴油机性能的影响.结果表明,不正常的流量分布可以改变喷雾的形状及各孔油束的射程,导致燃油在燃烧室中分布情况恶化,从而使柴油机性能,特别是在低速大负荷工况下的性能下降.  相似文献   
太湖银鱼资源变动关联因子及资源测报方法探讨   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
严小梅 《水产学报》1996,20(4):307-313
据1989 ̄1994年汛期前后测试结果,结合实际产量,运用灰色系统理论关联方法,得知与银鱼资源密切相关因子是水位和捕捞强度。汛后留湖量与捕捞强度呈负相关,秋汛银鱼产量与春汛留湖量呈指数回归,与太湖新银鱼春群留湖数量呈线性相关。  相似文献   
射流喷嘴几何参数对喷灌泵自吸性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探索射流喷嘴几何参数对射流式自吸喷灌泵自吸性能的影响规律,该文选择射流喷嘴的喷管总长L1、喷管角度θ、出口长度L2及出口直径D2为变化因素,按L9(34)正交试验的方法设计了9种不同参数的射流喷嘴,通过数值模拟得到使用9种不同射流喷嘴的泵自吸过程气液两相体积流率、叶轮进口速度、叶轮进口气相体积分布及叶轮气相体积分布规律。分析结果表明:射流喷嘴几何参数对射流式自吸喷灌泵气相及液相流率影响的主次顺序为D2>L2>L1>θ;对叶轮进口速度影响的主次顺序为L2>θ>D2>L1;对叶轮进口气相体积分布影响的主次顺序为θ>L1>D2>L2;对叶轮气相体积分布影响的主次顺序为D2>θ>L1>L2;对该射流式自吸喷灌泵射流喷嘴各几何参数最佳组合为射流喷嘴的喷管总长L1=55mm、喷管角度θ=42°、出口长度L2=2mm及出口直径D2=13mm。研究结果可为射流式自吸离心泵射流喷嘴的设计提供参考。  相似文献   
基于PDA系统单喷嘴雾滴参数的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雾滴粒径和速度分布共同影响着农药雾滴在靶标上的沉积量和分布的均匀性。使用PDA系统对空心圆锥喷雾喷嘴进行试验与分析,测量TR80-03C空心圆锥雾喷嘴的雾滴粒径和速度分布情况。探究了在不同压力条件下雾滴粒径和速度在喷雾空间中水平方向和垂直方向的分布,结果表明:在距离喷嘴相同的位置,压力越大,雾滴粒径越小,在相同压力条件下,喷雾范围内沿水平方向的距离越远,雾滴粒径越大;在中轴线方向,距离喷嘴200~500mm范围内,距离喷嘴越远,雾滴粒径越大。为了进一步了解雾滴粒径分布规律,对雾滴的Dv0.5和D32进行多项式拟合以及曲面拟合,结果表明:在相同阶数的拟合函数中,Dv0.5与D32的拟合趋势是一致的,压力越大,拟合结果越好;D32与Dv0.5的拟合结果相比,表现更优一些。借助拟合函数,可以更加形象地描绘雾滴粒径在空间分布规律,预测一些非测试点的粒径,进而可以有针对易飘移区域进行防飘移,提高农药的有效利用率。  相似文献   
微型指数振子低频超声雾化喷头的研制及喷雾试验   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
针对现有低频超声雾化喷头存在驱动电压高、工作效率低、电路和喷头发热严重以及体积较大等缺点,该文研制了一种工作频率为60kHz的微型指数振子超声雾化喷头及喷头的驱动电路。根据频率方程确定了喷头的基本尺寸,建立了喷头的有限单元模型,根据该模型进行了喷头的模态分析和谐响应分析,该喷头的谐振频率计算值为61550Hz,驱动电压为36V时雾化面振幅计算值为8μm;应用阻抗分析仪Pvc70A和激光微位移传感器CD5-L25对该喷头样机的谐振频率和雾化面的振幅进行了测试,喷头谐振频率的测试值为59699 Hz,与设计频率的相差0.5%,与有限元模态计算的频率相差3.0%,驱动电压为36V时振幅的测试值为8.63μm,与有限元谐响应分析结果相差7.8%;应用Winner318B工业喷雾激光粒度分析仪对驱动电压分别为36和30 V喷头所产生的雾滴尺寸进行了测量,测量结果表明,电压对雾滴粒径分布没有显著影响,但是对最大雾化量影响较大;与28 kHz的超声雾化喷头相比,喷头的最大雾化量基本一致,体积和质量分别仅为28kHz超声雾化锥状喷头的5.54%和9.81%,并且其产生的雾滴更细。  相似文献   
Live retention trees are expected to support the recovery of epiphytes in regenerating stands by retaining a part of the populations in cutover sites and receiving propagules from adjacent forests. So far, the research has been focused on immediate post-harvesting mortality caused by microclimatic stress while a broader perspective on epiphyte community dynamics is lacking. We studied lichen and bryophyte communities on the trunks of retention trees and adjacent forest trees in Estonia, where significant desiccation (particularly of bryophytes) had been documented within 2-3 years after timber harvesting. The resampling 5-6 years after harvesting indicated that, during the 3 years passed, (1) lichen species richness per surviving tree increased and bryophyte species richness stabilised, (2) there were no clear successional changes in the composition of the communities and (3) retention trees were more frequently colonised than forest trees. Most epiphyte extinctions between the sampling years were related to the death of trees (particularly in the forests because of harvesting) and stochastic disappearances of the smallest populations. Also, retention trees were very rarely colonised by species of conservation concern. We conclude that, in addition to addressing the microclimatic stress in the first post-harvesting years, crucial elements in sustaining epiphytic bryophyte and lichen populations in green-tree retention systems include careful selection of the retention trees and a supportive reserve network. The selection of the trees should assure representativity and long-term survival of local populations, while reserves should host the most demanding species and be stable colonisation sources in general.  相似文献   
异形喷嘴变量喷头结构设计及其水量分布试验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为提高灌溉质量,降低喷灌系统工程投资,在摇臂式喷头基础上安装动静片和改装异形喷嘴装置,研制了一种新型的异形喷嘴变量喷洒喷头,介绍了其结构形式及工作原理。对安装异形喷嘴的变量喷头和圆形喷嘴变量喷头进行了对比试验研究及分析,并绘制了单喷头三维水量分布图和径向水量分布曲线。研究表明,异形喷嘴变量喷头运行可靠、基本能够实现三角形喷洒域,减小了现有的变域喷洒喷头喷洒均匀性容易受工作压力波动的影响,与圆形喷嘴的摇臂变量喷头相比其喷洒性能良好,减小了雨滴打击强度,改善了喷灌均匀性。经计算其平均喷灌强度为6.74 mm/h。用异形喷头装置可以改善变量喷头喷洒均匀度。  相似文献   
温室对靶喷雾机器人控制系统   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为提高施药作业中农药的有效利用率,减少农药残留与化学污染,根据现代化温室中篱架型植物的种植方式和生长特点,设计了3自由度喷雾机器人控制系统。机器人能够在高架导轨上根据黄瓜病害垄位置启停,并控制机械臂对植株病害表面进行预定位。设计了机器人系统手动与自动两种工作模式。研究了基于PC—PLC的机器人系统对靶喷雾策略,由电磁阀单独控制喷杆上各喷嘴的开闭。实现了对黄瓜植株以200 mm×200 mm区域的对靶作业。试验表明,机器人控制系统定位工作稳定,操作灵活,系统X轴定位精度:±3.6 mm,Y轴定位精度:±3.  相似文献   
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