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INTRODUCTIONAtpresent,oxygenbleachinghasbecomeanlndustrializedtechnolOgy.Uptol989,thistechnologyhadbeenusedin58paPerndlls,and50%ofthemwereinEuroPe,20%inNorthemAmencaand20%inJapan.Inrecentyears,severaloxygnbleachiofequiPmenthadbeenintroducedintoChina.Inaword,oxygenbleachinglsasuccessfulandenviron-mentallyaccePtableprocessfOrPulpbleaching.However,littleworkhadbeendevotedtounderstandingthefundamentalaspectsofthissysten1,sotherewaslittledetailedinfOrmationonthel11echanismsofoxygenbleachi…  相似文献   
紫色土丘陵区不同耕作模式土壤抗冲性对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于径流小区定位观测研究,分别研究紫色土丘陵区坡耕地不同耕作模式(横垄、顺垄、混合耕作)和不同土层(0~15 cm、15~30 cm)对土壤径流冲刷过程中径流含沙量及抗冲指数的变化特征的影响,以及影响因素的内在关系。研究结果表明:(1)在整个冲刷过程中,不同土层土壤表面径流泥沙流失量呈递减趋势,最后基本趋于稳定;(2)在整个冲刷过程中,径流泥沙流失量总体表现为0~15 cm土层>15~30 cm土层,这主要与土壤剖面特性有关,而农业耕作和根系的影响占次要地位;(3)在各种耕作模式中,抗冲指数的大小均表现为0~15 cm土层<15~30 cm土层,且后者分别是前者的2~3倍。  相似文献   
对齐齐哈尔(沙壤土区)、杜蒙(风沙土区)、青冈(黑土区)等3个代表黑龙江省半干旱区典型地点防护林区内7、8、9月主要气象因子(气温、气湿、风速、降雨量等)及土壤入渗率情况进行了定期观测,结果表明:3个月份平均气温杜蒙>齐齐哈尔>青冈,气湿为青冈>齐齐哈尔>杜蒙,风速为杜蒙>齐齐哈尔>青冈,土壤入渗率为杜蒙>齐齐哈尔>青冈,揭示了黑龙江省半干旱区防护林内不同土壤类型之间主要气象因子的变化特征及规律,为半干旱区防护林功能评价提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
木材干燥导水系数和换水系数的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尚德库  艾沐野 《林业科学》1992,28(5):476-479
木材(板、方材)的导水系数和换水系数是反映木材干燥或存放过程中水分迁移的重要物性参数。然而,我国对木材导水系数和换水系数的研究和测定工作十分有限。木材干燥有关的理论计算中,常用原苏联的数据。由于这些数据本身可能存在的误差及用于我国树种的可靠程度难以估计,故使理论结果的实际运用受到限制。本文采用等厚试件系数分离法研究和测定了木材干燥过程动态导水系数和换水系数。  相似文献   
竹材表面润湿性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从竹材表面润湿性的原理推导入手,采用测定竹材表面接触角的方法,对竹材表面的自由能、路易丝-范得华力和酸碱力关系进行研究,并分析不同部位和不同处理方法对竹材表面湿润性的影响.结果表明:表面粗糙度,抽提物的含量和分布是影响竹材表面润湿性的主要原因;竹材的表面自由能是以路易丝-范得华力为主体;竹材表面的自由能差异主要由竹材表面的酸碱力引起;竹材表面具有稳定的路易丝-范得华力,其数值大小不受竹材表面的化学成分的影响.  相似文献   
微波处理对稻草表面特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用FEIXG型电子自旋共振波谱仪和Nicolet Nexus 670型傅立叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)研究了微波处理对稻草表面特性的影响。研究结果表明,经微波处理后的稻草表面自由基浓度显著增加,最高可以达到处理前自由基浓度的7倍左右。且随着处理时间的延长和微波强度的增加,稻草表面自由基浓度的增加幅度有所上升。经微波处理后,稻草外表面的化学成分(包括SiO2、羟基、木素和纤维素)变化都不明显,而稻草内表面SiO2略有减少,羟基显著增加,木素和纤维素也有一定变化。微波处理可以改善稻草内表面的特性,使之比外表面更具活性,有利于稻草与胶黏剂之间的交联。  相似文献   
采用国家标准森林分析方法进行了沙棘与油松、侧柏人工混交林的水文影响研究,结果表明:混交林内年均降水量较林外减少了20.1%;林内月降水量的季节变化以夏、秋、春、冬依次递减;年均气温比纯林内低0.1℃,相对湿度高4.5%;乔木层年均截留量较纯林提高了56.6%,灌木层提高了395.7%;年均地表径流量105.8 L,径流摸数为10.58 m3·km-2·a-1,纯林分别为1 349.05 L和134.9 m3·km-2·a-1,土壤侵蚀模数为0.65 t·hm-2·a-1,纯林为9.2 t·hm-2·a-1;枯枝落叶层现存量增加了200%;平均容水量为自身质量的3.1倍;土壤密度和土粒密度分别减少了6.3%和17.7%,含水量、孔隙度和通气度分别提高了6.1 %、13.9%、20.3%.不同土层土壤密度和土粒密度由上到下逐渐增大,孔隙度和通气度表层较高,向下逐渐减少;底层、中层和表层土壤非毛管孔隙度分别提高了113.3%、38.6%和32.6%;最大持水量、最小持水量、毛管持水量分别较纯林平均高11.0%、9.8%、10.5%,较荒地高36.0%、16.0%、25.6%;储水量和0~40 cm储水量分别较纯林和荒地提高了12.4%、22.7%,排水能力也较强.  相似文献   
人工降雨条件下不同坡度红壤坡面迳流泥沙变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工模拟降雨强度为1.44 mm/min的条件下,研究了不同坡度(β)红壤近似裸地坡面迳流、泥沙的变化特征,研究结果表明:①地表迳流量随坡度的增大而迅速增加。②当β≤23°时,土壤侵蚀量随坡度的增大而迅速增加;当25°≤β≤40°时,土壤侵蚀量随坡度变化较小。③坡面土壤侵蚀的临界坡度则介于23°~25°之间。④坡度与侵蚀量关系可用函数表示为:S=199.1×L1.65×tan1.4β(0°≤β≤23°)。  相似文献   
According to fixed-position data for 1985–2003 from nine runoff plots of Caijiachuan watershed which lies in Jixian County of Shanxi Province in Loess area, this paper studied the relationship between vegetation and runoff and sediment production in sloping lands in detail, which helps to provide scientific basis for vegetation re-construction and studies on environmental transformation of water and sediment in watersheds of Loess area. Although, many study results testify that forest vegetation has an important function in soil and water conservation and cutting runoff, the effect of vegetation on runoff and sediment transmission is complicated, and this needs to be studied in depth. The results of the paper showed the following. Firstly, the natural secondary forest performs better function of soil and water conservation than artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forest, and runoff and sediment produced in the former in individual rainfall were 65%–82% and 23%–92% of those produced in the latter. At the same time, better correlative relationship between runoff and sediment production and rainfall and rainfall intensity were testified by multiple regression, but the correlation decreased gradually with the increase of canopy density of forest. Secondly, the difference of runoff and sediment production in several land use types was very distinct, and the amount of runoff and sediment produced from Ostryopsis davidiana forest and natural secondary forest were the least, and runoff and sediment produced from in artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forest and Pinus tabulaeformis forest were 5-fold as much as those from O. davidiana forest. Besides, runoff and sediment produced in mixed planting of apple trees and crops were 16.14-fold and 2.96-fold than those of O. davidiana forest, respectively, but the amount decreased obviously after high-standard soil preparation in the case of the former. Thirdly, based on gray cognate analyses of factors affecting runoff and sediment production in sloping land, the factors of stand canopy density and herb and litter biomass were the most significant ones, whose gray incidence degree exceeded 0.6. Therefore, mixed forest with multi-layer stand structure and shrub forest should be developed in vegetation re-construction of Loess area, which will help to increase coverage and litter thickness in order to cut down the runoff and sediment dramatically in sloping land. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(9): 1,613–1,617 [译自: 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(9): 1,613–1,617]  相似文献   
采用正交试验法,研究涂饰工艺对木质体育地板表面滑动摩擦系数的影响,试验因素为面漆涂饰次数、涂料种类和面板砂光目数,试验测试指标为表面滑动摩擦系数。方差分析结果表明,涂料种类与测试指标呈极为显著的影响关系,水性面漆涂饰的试件表面滑动摩擦系数相对较高;其他2个因素与测试指标之间无显著影响关系。砂光目数极可能对表面滑动摩擦系数有一定影响,但这一影响关系被底漆涂饰工艺所覆盖,因此所有试件的表面滑动摩擦系数全部达到了国家标准的要求。  相似文献   
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