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城市绿地空间格局与其功能研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对城市绿地空间格局与功能研究进展进行综述,从城市绿地空间格局、城市绿地空间格局与功能关系两方面阐述城市绿地研究现状。提出目前研究存在的问题和今后研究方向。  相似文献   
在DEM和已有降水模拟数据的基础上,充分利用GIS空间插值技术和气象统计数据,完成了对张家口地区多年年均温和降水量的空间模拟。研究表明,张家口地区年均气温受地形影响很大,中西部和东南部山区属低温区,洋河河川区年均气温7℃以上,属于高温区,其余丘陵、低山区年均气温一般在4~6℃;区内气温年较差偏大,进一步表明张家口地区大陆性气候特征显著;1992~2001年的年均温模拟结果高值区较1949~2001年明显增加,是全球气候变暖的又一例证。张家口地区年均降水量有从东南向西北减少的趋势,降水分布不均匀;局部地区由于受地形变化的影响,年降水量的空间分布有一定的起伏变化,形成几个高值区,崇礼县降水相对较高,而康保、张北等坝上地区降水相对较少。实践证明,GIS空间插值技术是将统计数据栅格化的理想手段和工具,该研究对张家口地区的农业生产有一定的实际指导意义。  相似文献   
对热带海岸次生林群落主要乔木种群的重要值、方差比率、χ~2统计量和Ochiai(OI)指数等种间联结性指标进行测定,旨在揭示该群落优势种群之间相互作用的内在关联及种对间关联性的内在规律。结果表明:香蒲桃是热带海岸次生林群落的主要建群种;热带海岸次生林群落19个主要种群总体关联性表现为不显著正关联,反映了该群落尚未达到稳定的演替阶段;χ~2检验结果显示该群落优势种群正关联种对与负关联种对数量相当,无关联种对数较少,分别占总对数的42.7%、43.3%和14.0%,显著正关联种对数为1对,极显著和显著负关联种对数为2对;Ochiai(OI)指数显示66对种对的OI值落在[0.6,1],反映出热带海岸次生林主要种对间关联程度较为紧密。综上所述,热带海岸次生林群落优势种群种对间种间关联明显,物种之间存在一定的独立性,整体趋向稳定发展,实践中为加快热带次生林演替的进程,应重点保护正联结性较强的树种。  相似文献   
科学认识乡村地域结构是全面推进农业农村现代化和乡村振兴的基础。本文以扶余市第二次土地调查调数据为基础,借助ArcGIS空间分析软件,运用规模分析、核密度估算、缓冲区分析,从用地规模、分布格局与土地利用条件方面探讨扶余市农村居民点地域分异特征。研究表明:扶余市以微、小型居民点居多,居民点数量随着规模的增大逐渐减少,居民点之间的距离差异较大,总体呈现大散居、小聚居,不均匀分散分布;农村居民点的平均核密度为0.4个/km2,空间布局呈东南部高密度集聚成片,向西逐渐密度降低,西部零散错落分布;居民点分布呈现较强的城镇指向性,交通用地对居民点有集聚的作用,河流对微型居民点和大型居民点有集聚吸引的功能。  相似文献   
Bark beetles are notorious pests of natural and planted forests causing extensive damage. These insects depend on dead or weakened trees but can switch to healthy trees during an outbreak as mass-attacks allow the beetle to overwhelm tree defences. Climatic events like windstorms are known to favour bark beetle outbreaks because they create a large number of breeding sites, i.e., weakened trees and for this reason, windthrown timber is generally preventively harvested and removed. In December 1999, the southwest of France was struck by a devastating windstorm that felled more that 27 million m3of timber. This event offered the opportunity to study large-scale spatial pattern of trees attacked by the bark beetle Ips sexdentatus and its relationship with the spatial location of pine logs that were temporally stored in piles along stand edges during the post-storm process of fallen tree removal. The study was undertaken in a pure maritime pine forest of 1300 ha in 2001 and 2002. We developed a landscape approach based on a GIS and a complete inventory of attacked trees. During this study more than 70% of the investigated stands had at least one tree attacked by I. sexdentatus  . Spatial aggregation prevailed in stands with n≥15n15 attacked trees. Patches of attacked trees were identified using a kernel estimation procedure coupled with randomization tests. Attacked trees formed patches of 500–700 m2 on average which displayed a clumped spatial distribution. Log piles stemming from the sanitation removals were mainly distributed along the large access roads and showed an aggregated spatial pattern as well. The spatial relationship between patches of attacked trees and log pile storage areas was analyzed by means of the Ripley’s statistic that revealed a strong association at the scale of the studied forest. Our results indicated that bark beetle attacks were facilitated in the vicinity of areas where pine logs were stored. The spatial extent of this relationship was >1000 m. Similar results were obtained in 2001 and 2002 despite differences in the number and spatial distribution of attacked trees. The presence of a strong “facilitation effect” suggests that log piles should be removed quickly in order to prevent outbreaks of bark beetles.  相似文献   
Soil physicochemical properties and microbial communities are highly heterogeneous and vary widely over spatial scales, necessitating careful consideration of sampling strategies to provide representative and reproducible soil samples across field sites. To achieve this, the study aimed to establish appropriate sampling methodology and to determine links between the variability of parameters, utilising two sampling strategies. The first (design 1) involved extracting 25 cores from random locations throughout the field and pooling them into five sets of five cores. The second (design 2) involved a further 25 cores within five 1 m2 sub-plots. Sub-samples from each sub-plot were pooled in order to determine between and within sub-plot variability. All samples were analysed independently and as pooled sub-samples. Results indicate that pooling spatially separated samples significantly reduced the variability in pH, compared to individual samples. Pooling samples from a small area resulted in lower within sub-plot variability than between sub-plots for pH and bacterial community composition assessed by terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Following multivariate statistical analysis, a large amount of variation in community composition was explained by soil pH, which is remarkable given the relatively small size of the sampling area and minor differences in pH. Moisture content was also important in determining bacterial communities in the random design (design 1). In the 1 m2 sub-plot design (design 2), the spatial location of the plots explained a large degree of the variation in bacterial community composition between plots, which was due to spatial autocorrelation of pH and possible additional environmental parameters. This study emphasises the importance of sampling design for obtaining representative samples from soil.  相似文献   
对长江三角洲地区某废旧电容器拆解场地周边农田基本保护区表层水稻土中含氯有机化合物的组成及含量进行初步研究。结果表明,供试土壤中20种PCBs总含量在84.19~377.4μg kg-1之间,平均含量为204.8μg kg-1,其中二氯、三氯、四氯代同系物总和占总PCBs的73.7%~96.2%,存在着PCBs的外源输入。HCH的总含量为10.61~33.11μg kg-1,DDT总含量为11.36~33.28μg kg-1,残留水平较低,但β-HCH、γ-HCH、∑HCH和∑DDT的平均含量均高于荷兰土壤标准的目标值。此外,DDT与土壤有机碳呈显著负相关,而其他含氯有机化合物的含量并未呈现出与土壤有机碳的相关性。  相似文献   
基于AHP和GIS的省级耕地质量评价研究——以吉林省为例   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
传统的耕地质量评价方法有评价范围小、周期长、时效性差、耗费大量的人力物力等特点。本文以吉林省为例,探讨基于GIS空间分析技术、层次分析法(AHP)和遥感数据的省级耕地质量评价理论框架体系,通过提取各项评价指标信息,进行空间权重叠加,获得最小评价单元,最后将耕地质量划分为5个等级,其中一二三级分别占18.87%,28.67%和33.15%。其研究结果表明,吉林省耕地质量空间分布有一定的规律性,中部耕地质量等级高于东西部,西部整体上好于东部。各县市的分布特点与其耕地质量分布具有较强的一致性,其结果验证了使用遥感数据评价耕地质量的适用性。该方法克服了传统耕地质量评价的局限性,基于层次分析和GIS空间分析的方法简单快速,时效性强,适用于省级耕地质量评价。  相似文献   
Teats number is one of the most important reproductive traits,and closely related to the economic benefit in pig industry.In order to reveal the underlying genetics of left teats number,right teats number and total teats number traits,a genome-wide association study(GWAS)was performed.Samples of DNA were collected to genotyping for 22 Kele pigs using the Illumina Porcine SNP 60K Chip.The GWAS was performed using a mixed-effects model and linear regression approach.When a genome-wide threshold was determined using the Bonferroni method(P<2.06E-5),4 single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)markers were potentially associated with left teats number,right teats number and total teat number.However,3 SNPs were significant associated and 18 SNPs were potentially associated in chromosomes level.304 Ensembl genes were retrieved around 1 cM of the associated SNPs.The candidate genes in Wnt and Fgf signaling pathway(BTRC,FGF5,FGF8,BMP3,RASGEF1B and HMGB3)might have effect on target traits.These results provided valuable information about the selective breeding for Kele pigs.  相似文献   
以衡水市桃城区为例,探讨了农用地分等成果在耕地整理潜力计算中的应用。在MAPGIS支持下,采用耕地因素组合法测算了该区的耕地整理潜力。结果表明:桃城区耕地共有15种因素组合类型。其中具有整理潜力的耕地因素组合类型13种,约为31879、8hm^2,占有效耕地面积的93.5%;在现有的经济技术条件下。通过耕地整理。可以实现粮食增产40585.5t。这种以耕地因素组合为基础的耕地整理潜力计算方法,不仅为桃城区耕地整理规划提供了科学依据。同时为同指标控制区内的其他县市进行耕地整理潜力计算提供参考。  相似文献   
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