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Agent-based land-use models: a review of applications   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Agent-based modelling is an approach that has been receiving attention by the land use modelling community in recent years, mainly because it offers a way of incorporating the influence of human decision-making on land use in a mechanistic, formal, and spatially explicit way, taking into account social interaction, adaptation, and decision-making at different levels. Specific advantages of agent-based models include their ability to model individual decision-making entities and their interactions, to incorporate social processes and non-monetary influences on decision-making, and to dynamically link social and environmental processes. A number of such models are now beginning to appear—it is timely, therefore, to review the uses to which agent-based land use models have been put so far, and to discuss some of the relevant lessons learnt, also drawing on those from other areas of simulation modelling, in relation to future applications. In this paper, we review applications of agent-based land use models under the headings of (a) policy analysis and planning, (b) participatory modelling, (c) explaining spatial patterns of land use or settlement, (d) testing social science concepts and (e) explaining land use functions. The greatest use of such models so far has been by the research community as tools for organising knowledge from empirical studies, and for exploring theoretical aspects of particular systems. However, there is a need to demonstrate that such models are able to solve problems in the real world better than traditional modelling approaches. It is concluded that in terms of decision support, agent-based land-use models are probably more useful as research tools to develop an underlying knowledge base which can then be developed together with end-users into simple rules-of-thumb, rather than as operational decision support tools. This paper arises from research conducted as part of the UK Research Councils’ RELU Programme (award number RES-224-25-0102). RELU is funded jointly by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Natural Environment Research Council, with additional funding from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department.  相似文献   
近年来光泽县中药材产业发展较快,但在产业规划、产业结构、政策引导等方面还存在诸多问题。因此,笔者深入相关部门、基层农村组织、专业合作社、中药材种植加工企业,对光泽县中药材产业发展现状进行调研,分析其中存在的问题和原因,在此基础上提出了制定产业发展规划、加强政策引导、扶持龙头企业和开展科企合作的发展对策,以期为光泽县中药材产业发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   
浅析内蒙古草地现状、退化成因及发展建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简析了内蒙古草地现状、退化成因,针对其退化的成因提出了几点发展建议,以便为今后发展内蒙古牧畜业提供借鉴参考作用。  相似文献   
万千  潘焕学  秦涛  陈荆 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(30):18885-18887
以江西省吉安市为例,阐述了该市政策性森林保险开展的基本情况和特点,并分析了当前存在的主要问题,即森林保险宣传力度不够,林农保险意识低下,森林保险有效需求不足,森林保险技术人才匮乏,经营成本较高,各部门之间的协调配合不到位。针对这些不足与问题,提出了推动吉安市政策性森林保险发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
结合国际合作项目对漳河灌区的主要农业作物-水稻在费改税制度实行前后灌溉成本和产量的变化情况进行调查,并对调查结果进行分析。结果表明:实施费改税制度的实行可以减轻农民的负担,但是增加了灌区水库供水和水管理的难度,增加了水稻生产灌溉成本。由于没有采取相应的措施,造成了水稻减产。因此,有必要对费改税前后水稻生产的变化情况做进一步的研究,减少不利影响,使得农民既能减少税费开支,又能增加水稻产量。  相似文献   
实现林木种苗产业化的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从不同角度论述了种苗走产业化道路的必然性,探讨了种苗实施专营与搞活经营的关系,深层次地研究了目前吉林省种苗产业存在的问题,并针对问题提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   
探讨论述建立林业政策预警系统的理论和方法,并结合经济预警理论,提出了林业政策预警的基本框架。旨在为进一步健全和完善林业宏观调控功能提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Cities around the world are increasingly expanding their sustainability agendas and adopting urban green and blue infrastructure planning as a strategy to become more resilient, healthy and sustainable. However, the development of urban greening governance often lacks a holistic vision that considers social inequities within the planning, implementation and management of green and blue spaces. Further, gender inequities have been a specific dimension particularly overlooked in urban greening planning, despite gender concerns gaining increasing political relevance in recent years. In this research, we assessed the extento to which social and gender equity are being considered in urban greening plans and projects at the local level. We chose Barcelona (Spain) as main case study due to its pioneering role in implementing crosscutting equity and gender policies at the municipal level. Building on document analysis and semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, we examined how social justice and gender are understood and operationalized in practice, from the design phase to implementation and maintenance of greening projects. Our findings suggest a shift in the role of urban greening which evolved from an ornamental role to a multifunctional vision of greening and is recently incorporating equity and inclusivity concerns. We identified three action areas of inclusive, gender-sensitive urban green planning practices: first, the incorporation of inclusivity and care as guiding visible values to recognize multiple needs of city residents; second, urban design for different uses and perceptions of greenspaces, particularly in relation to accessibility and autonomy; and third, the awareness and expertise from municipal staff vis-à-vis the consideration of social and gender equity in green planning and participatory approaches. Finally, we provide practical examples of the strategies that the City of Barcelona is implementing in each area and discuss some challenges and limitations, including what we identify as ad hoc intersectional greening.  相似文献   
欧盟的粮食安全政策及对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
分析探讨了欧盟国家对粮食安全的认识,介绍和分析了欧盟国家在粮食安全问题上的政策和措施,通过与我国农业发展现状的比较,揭示了欧盟食物安全政策对我国粮食安全和现代化农业建设所具有的重要启示作用,提出了加强粮食安全和农业发展的建议和措施.建立符合中国国情的粮食预警体系;实施农业保护政策,提高农业综合生产能力;深化粮食流通体制改革,建立安全可靠的粮食储备系统;建立食物安全生产的诱导机制;生态建设要与粮食生产能力建设和储备相结合.  相似文献   
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