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Downstream passage for juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) and steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) through the fish weir at Foster Dam, Oregon, was evaluated to assess the weir's efficacy as a long-term passage solution. Radio telemetry was used to estimate survival, passage and effectiveness for the fish weir, spillway and turbines. Survival of Chinook salmon through the fish weir varied by season and reservoir elevation (66%–87%), and passage proportions were low (8%–20%). Fish weir effectiveness was low to moderate (0.39–2.09). Steelhead survival was lower (57%–77%) but passed the fish weir in higher proportions (77%), and weir effectiveness was consistently high (2.96–5.49). The results indicate the existing fish weir will not be a suitable long-term passage solution for all species. However, because of the high passage proportions and effectiveness observed for steelhead, further development of the surface-flow concept appears to be promising for safely passing downstream-migrating fishes.  相似文献   
Radio telemetry data were analysed to assess the microhabitat use, movement patterns, home range overlap and interspecific interactions of non‐native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (L.) and native brown trout Salmo trutta (L.) in a small English stream located immediately below a commercial angling lake from which pumpkinseed escaped. Although both species favoured pool habitats, brown trout preferred higher velocities and coarser substrata compared with pumpkinseed. Also, some individual brown trout preferred deeper waters than did pumpkinseed. Home range area of brown trout was substantially larger than that of pumpkinseed in spring and summer, and for both species, home range area in autumn was significantly smaller than in the other seasons. Range centre distribution analysis revealed that both species were distributed significantly nonrandomly within the stream during all seasons. There was substantial home range overlap between the two species in all seasons, the greatest being in spring. Overall distances moved were greatest during spring for both species, with brown trout moving greater distances relative to pumpkinseed. However, the absence of mutual attraction or avoidance between the species, as well as the lack of cohesion in preferred habitats and strong territorial fidelity, suggests little or no impact of introduced pumpkinseed on resident brown trout.  相似文献   
在受污染地区进行基础建设时,需考虑结构防腐问题,国内外曾发生过多起由于防腐处理不好而造成结构报废的重大事故。介绍了济南顺河高架桥施工过程中的砼防腐技术。  相似文献   
Abstract – During 6 November to 24 December 2000, 23 tigerfish [( Hydrocynus vittatus ), 30–54 cm] were tagged with radio transmitters in the Zambezi River (Namibia) to record habitat utilisation during low, rising and high water levels. The fish were tracked, on average, every fourth day during 23 November to 18 May. Two movement patterns were detected. Approximately 50% of the fish moved <1000 m among tracking surveys, staying within 'defined' home ranges. The remaining fish showed consistent site fidelity for periods, with long distance movements (>1000 m) to new areas among residency periods. Overall, mean distance moved between tracking surveys was 1447 m. Home range size varied among individuals, with a 95% probability of localisation within an average area of 276,978 m2. The fish utilised a mean river stretch of 18,836 m (range = 90–71,840). All the fish were recorded in the main stem, and on average, 95% of the fixes were in the main stem during low water. However, the fish used temporary flooded areas to an increasing extent during the rising and high water period, but did not undertake long-distance migrations into the floodplains. Fish were sometimes near vegetation, but were never recorded into or under vegetation.  相似文献   
采用G-T-洗必太研究了兽药新剂型“8405”的有效成份洗必太,及其代谢物在大白鼠主要脏器,组织,尿和血液中残留的变化。测定结果表明,连续注药三日后第2小时,在所观察的器官、组织和尿液中,发现有不同数量的洗必太存在。第240小时,在肝、肾、肌肉、脂肪体和尿液中,洗必太趋于消失。但是,直至第1080小时(第45天),在所观察的脏器、组织和尿液中,仍有洗必太的代谢物残留。  相似文献   
随着传统农业逐渐向智慧农业转型,室温条件下具有低成本、长寿命、低功耗、小型化的检测手段对于农业环境及动植物本体指标检测至关重要,尤其对于无法进行电路有线连接的农业场景。随着器件传感和无线通信的整合,无芯片射频识别(chipless radio frequency identification, CRFID)因为具有轻量、价格合理、普适性等优势被广泛应用,CRFID标签具有理论上的\  相似文献   
土壤消毒领域经过多年发展,已经形成较为成熟的应用市场。针对化学、生物等传统消毒方式已经不能满足目前土壤消毒多元需求的问题,该文聚焦现代土壤消毒的应用需求,较为明确的分析了传统消毒方式的显著效果及典型缺陷,基于现有研究基础,探索性的提出将射频制热消毒技术应用到土壤消毒领域并研制对应装备的设想。首先,综合归纳了射频制热系统的组成、分类及制热性能影响因素,并分析了射频制热不均性的基本原因;其次,梳理总结了射频制热技术在工业、医疗、纺织轻工业、林业产品加工、农副产品加工等领域的应用现状,并针对农副产品的消毒杀菌、干燥解冻等加工的发展历程进行了重点概述;再次,基于搭建的射频制热试验平台进行的土壤制热试验表明:电极结构形式对土壤制热性能的影响明显,是制热不均匀的显著影响因素;此外,结合学者的研究及土壤制热试验,从射频制热系统自身制热机理、土壤自身受热特性、物料与射频的匹配等角度深入分析了射频这种物理制方式的应用缺点,根本原因及改进方法,提出了改善土壤射频制热均匀性的建议;最后,针对未来土壤消毒领域的应用提出了田间土壤、有机质土壤射频消毒装备分开设计的思路,并基于对射频制热在其他领域应用缺陷的认知,分别提出了更合适射频制热电极结构形式与受热物料的匹配方案。该文论述可为土壤射频消毒应用领域的装备研发提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   
射频识别技术(RFID)在鱼道监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过鱼效果的监测评价及相应技术优化是鱼道成功运行的保证。通过对比射频识别技术与其他水生生物监测技术之间的优缺点,从鱼类生理伤害度、监测精度、标签遗失率以及适用鱼类个体尺寸范围和监测成本等方面,阐述了射频识别技术在鱼道监测工作中的优越性。结合射频识别技术在鱼道内部通过效果、鱼道进口吸引效果和鱼道河流连通性修复方面的应用,概括了射频识别技术应用现状及其所包含的关键技术,加强射频识别技术的研究对鱼道监测、评价、优化具有重大意义。  相似文献   
水生植物对水体中放射性锶的富集动态   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用模拟污染物的同位素示踪技术研究了水生植物卡州萍、水葫芦和金鱼藻对水体中 89Sr的富集动态。结果表明 :水体中 89Sr的比活度由于水生植物和底泥的吸收或吸附作用随时间而减少 ;水生植物对水体中的 89Sr均具有一定的的富集能力 ,CF值多在 1 0~ 2 0之间 ,最大不超过 3 0 ,经综合比较 ,其中水葫芦的富集能力优于卡州萍和金鱼藻 ,因此可选用水葫芦作为净化水体中放射性锶的生物材料。此外 ,底泥对水体中的 89Sr也具有较强的吸附与固着能力。  相似文献   
Abstract –  Precise homing by salmon to natal habitats is considered the primary mechanism in the evolution of population-specific traits, yet few studies have focused on this final phase of their spawning migration. We radio tagged 157 female sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) as they entered Lake Clark, Alaska, and tracked them every 1–10 days to their spawning locations. Contrary to past research, no specific shoreline migration pattern was observed (e.g., clockwise) nor did fish enter a tributary unless they spawned in that tributary. Tributary spawning fish migrated faster (mean = 4.7 km·day−1, SD = 2.7, vs. 1.6 km·day−1, SD = 2.1) and more directly (mean linearity = 0.8, SD = 0.2, vs. 0.4, SD = 0.2) than Lake Clark beach spawning fish. Although radio-tagged salmon migrated to within 5 km of their final spawning location in an average of 21.2 days (SD = 13.2), some fish migrated five times the distance necessary and over 50 days to reach their spawning destination. These results demonstrate the dynamic nature of this final phase of migration and support studies indicating a higher degree of homing precision by tributary spawning fish.  相似文献   
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