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Abrasive belt grinding experiments of Zr-4 nuclear power tube are carried out by using three different abrasive belts with same size, and the interactive generating mechanism between abrasive and workpiece is analyzed, the main factors of material removal rate and surface roughness of Zr-4 alloys are obtained. With the help of the advanced test facilities, the abrasive grain abrasion and surface topography of the workpiece are observed. The metallographic structure and microhardness of the layer of burnt surface during Zr-4 alloys Grinding are analyzed. Some conclusions are given as follows: the material removal rate and surface roughness are mainly affected by the factors of belt speed, grinding pressure, hardness of the contact wheel and abrasive type, of which, the belt speed is the strongest factor. The adhesion wear of the Zirconium corundum and aluminium oxide abrasive grit is more serious, the most important wear form of silicon carbide is abrasion wear. With the onset of grinding burn, the mechanical properties of Zr-4 alloys are deteriorated obviously. The results provide a theoretical and experimental basis for technical optimization in the grinding of Zr-4 alloys with efficiency and high quality.  相似文献   
以高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)、马来酸酐接枝聚乙烯(MAPE)、竹浆纤维、竹造纸剩余物竹屑、白泥为试验原料,制造竹塑复合材料。采用基本断裂功(EWF)方法对竹屑/HDPE、白泥/竹屑/HDPE和竹浆纤维/竹屑/HDPE3种复合材料的冲击韧性进行了研究,比较了不同质量分数的竹屑、白泥、竹浆纤维对复合材料各性能参数的影响。结果表明:复合材料的比基本断裂功(we)随着竹屑和白泥的增加逐渐下降,随着竹浆纤维的增加显著提高;竹屑和竹浆纤维的质量分数对竹塑复合材料的比非基本断裂功(βwp)影响较小。  相似文献   
以国产和西班牙产破茬刀为研究对象,采用试验方法对比考察了两种破茬刀的化学成分、微观组织和硬度,并利用球-盘摩擦磨损试验机对其摩擦磨损性能进行研究。结果表明:两种破茬刀成分相近,西班牙刀材质为优质硼钢,韧性好,国产刀材质为中碳优质锰钢。西班牙刀显微组织为针状马氏体,组织更加细密,洛氏硬度值为50 HRC,是国产刀的1.1倍。在干摩擦条件下,西班牙刀表面摩擦系数较小,为0.48~0.52;相同条件下,国产刀表面的磨损量是西班牙刀的2.5倍,西班牙刀具有更好的耐磨性。两种破茬刀的磨损机制均为磨粒磨损。  相似文献   
为了研究粉气混合流在摩擦副间的润滑状况,采用空气压缩机及油水分离器提供高压干燥空气,并结合粉末流化和喷粉设备构建了向环块摩擦副间输送粉气混合流的粉末润滑试验装置。基于Timken摩擦磨损试验机,用石墨粉末进行一系列润滑试验。结果表明:此供粉装置能提供稳定持续的粉气混合流;石墨粉气混合流能进入到环块摩擦副中,使其保持良好的线接触并起到良好的润滑作用,摩擦系数在载荷达到450N时还不足0.1,并且随着载荷增大有减小趋势;摩擦力随着载荷的提高而增大,但总体上相对较小;磨损量也比较小,试件块的磨痕呈细细的条状;石墨粉气流通过环块摩擦副时将环块表面间的摩擦转换为石墨颗粒间的摩擦,并通过空气流将大部分热量带走,从而有效降低摩擦副的温度。  相似文献   
The important question of taxonomy and its impact on conservation efforts was brought to general attention by Robert May in 1990 with a News and Views article in Nature entitled “Taxonomy as destiny.” Taxonomy, however, has built-in instabilities that result in name changes, raising the question of whether name changes have a consistent impact on conservation efforts. Our review investigates three possible outcomes of taxonomic change, namely a positive impact on protection efforts, a hampering impact, or no measurable impact. We address these cases with a review of the relevant literature: specifically, government and conservation agency reports, scientific papers, and the general press, as well as correspondence with biologists active in plant and animal conservation. We found no evidence of a consistent effect of taxonomic change on conservation, although splitting taxa may tend to increase protection, and name changes may have the least effect where they concern charismatic organisms.  相似文献   
Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMW-PE) is a kind of high anti-wear engineering plastic with many excellent physical and mechanical performances. It has been widely applied in the field of mechanism such as bearing and pump. Effect of load, speed, time on friction and wear properties of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene(UHMW-PE)plastic alloy bearings under different Lubricating Condition are studied by using MPV-200 model friction and wear testing machine. The test results show that water lubrication reduces the friction coefficient of bearings but increases the wear rate as compared with dry friction. At the same time, wear mechanisms are analyzed systemically. It provides a theoretic basic for practical application of plastic alloy bearings  相似文献   
国际金融危机下无锡旅游业的发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱杰 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(23):11262-11265
分析了国际金融危机对无锡旅游业产生的负面影响,提出了加大投资、扩大内需、注重营销、企业联合、区域合作、稳定队伍、提升服务、政府帮扶等发展思路和措施。  相似文献   
在分析高速公路建设对野生动物影响的基础上,讨论了对野生动物监测的内容、方法,提出了野生动物生存繁衍的定量评价方法及生存环境的定性评价标准。应用该方法可实时掌握和预测野生动物繁衍发展的情况,为公路环保设计提供参考。  相似文献   
In the last decades, urban sprawl and soil sealing led to an increase of urban flooding phenomena. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) seem able to weaken stormwater-related criticalities, enhancing sustainability and city resilience.Relying on a detailed and feasible preparatory study of SuDS feasible retrofit design, based on a punctual identification of the areas suitable for retrofitting and the most appropriate combination of SuDS technologies, the reported research aimed to assess the effectiveness of a sustainable drainage approach in Sesto Ulteriano (Italy), an urban catchment suffering from stormwater management concerns. In particular, using the approach of a typical scenario analysis, this comparative modeling analysis involved SWMM5 for the assessment of the differences in the catchment hydrological behaviour between the mentioned specific and feasible SuDS retrofitting scenarios and a potential one, where non-specificity is considered for SuDS retrofitting location. Besides, the analyses focused on investigating how rainfall severity, areal extension and land use typical feature could influence the effectiveness of the sustainable redevelopment of the urban area.Results indicate that SuDS projects based on potential designs, which does not account for the feasible suds location, might result in a significant overestimation of the hydrological benefit. They showed, indeed, an improved hydrological performance, with average total volume reductions of the Combined Sewer Overflows up to over 70 % (retrofitting the 8.3 % of the catchment area), that is about 40 % higher than those obtained under the same areal extension by the feasible scenarios. Moreover, it was found that there could be an optimal SuDS retrofitting percentage above which additional hydrological benefits are undetectable. Land use, resulting in the variability in the degree of imperviousness necessarily associated to a variability in the retrofitting potential, also seemed to affect SuDS hydrological performance and for this reason should be included in an overall assessment. SuDS also proved to act successfully on the actual maximum percentage of nodes of the drainage network above a 0.7 filling degree threshold (about 52 % under 10-year return period rainfall) reducing it to 24 % with a feasible retrofitting involving the 8.3 % of the study area.  相似文献   
西昌市土壤Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn有效性评价及其影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在分析西昌市土壤微量元素Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn有效含量状况及其分布特征的基础上,从成土母质、土地利用方式、有机质和pH等4个方面探讨其对土壤微量元素有效含量的影响。结果表明:西昌市土壤有效Fe含量丰富,有效Cu和Zn略低且分布不均,有效锰有32.18%的土壤缺乏。成土母质是重要的影响因素,第四纪紫色洪冲积物发育的土壤Fe、Mn、Zn有效含量较高,二迭纪岩浆岩洪冲积物发育的土壤有效Cu含量较高,坡残积物发育的土壤4种微量元素有效态含量均较低;水田土壤各元素有效含量均大于旱地;有机质与有效Fe、Cu间显著正相关;pH值在中性偏碱时,有效Cu和Zn含量较低。  相似文献   
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