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Pasture productivity depends on soil hydro-physical properties, which in turn are deeply affected by livestock grazing. However, the comparative response of different soil types, and particularly gypseous soil types, to grazing has hardly been studied before. This paper compares the effect of grazing on the soil hydro-physical properties of silty gypseous (Gy) and non-gypseous (NGy) soils located in a semi-arid region (Middle Ebro Valley, NE, Spain). Two different soil managements were selected: ungrazed natural shrubland (N) and grazed shrubland (GR) soils. The gypsum, CaCO3 and organic matter content (OM), soil texture, soil bulk density (ρb), penetration resistance (PR), saturated sorptivity (S), hydraulic conductivity (K), and the water retention curve (WRC) for undisturbed soil samples from 1 to 10 cm depth soil layer were measured. The ρb and PR in NGy soils were significantly higher than those observed in the Gy ones. Soil compaction due to grazing treatment tended to increase ρb and decrease the K and S values. While no differences in PR were observed in the Gy soils between grazing treatments, the PR measured in the NGy soils under GR was significantly higher than the corresponding values observed under N. Differences in K and S between GR and N treatments were only significant (p < 0.05) in NGy soils, where K and S values under the N treatment were almost four times greater than the corresponding values measured under GR. Overall, no differences in the WRCs were observed between soil types and grazing treatments. While the WRCs of NGy soils were not significantly affected by the grazing treatment, Gy soils under N treatment present a significantly higher level of soil macropores than under GR treatment. The hydro-physical features of Gy soils tended to be less affected by grazing than those of the NGy soils. These results suggest that livestock grazing, in both Gy and NGy soils, has a negative effect on the physical soil properties, which should be taken into account by land managers of these semi-arid regions where silty gypseous and non-gypseous areas coexist.  相似文献   
基于Matlab的挖掘机工作装置动力学方程   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据机械手结构原理,将液压挖掘机工作装置机器人化。运用拉格朗日功能平衡法,结合Matlab软件编程运算,构造了工作装置的动力学模型。输入已知参数即可由程序快速、准确地输出动力学方程,为进一步研究自动控制和仿真问题奠定了基础。  相似文献   
土壤性质的空间变异性对于土壤改良和作物高产都是重要的。本文就土壤饱和水力传导度的空间变异性、孔性数值与饱和水力传导度的相关分析和用大孔隙度标定饱和水力传导度的空间变异性进行了研究。研究结果表明土壤饱和水力传导度的半方差图体现了该土性的空间结构;土壤饱和水力传导度主要通过大孔隙度来表征,二者的关系可以用直线函数和幂函数的关系式来表示;可以从大孔隙度的分布导出和表征饱和水力传导度标定因子的频率分布,作为他和水力传导度的空间分布的度量。  相似文献   
在工程结构中,水工混凝土是用以修建经常或周期性的承受淡水、海水或冰块的冲刷、侵蚀、渗透和撞击作用的水工建筑物所用的混凝土,其有特殊的要求和规定。本文针对水工混凝土的特殊性设计几种特殊的水工混凝土。  相似文献   
[目的]为高效、低耗地处理村镇生活污水提供参考。[方法]研发了新型滴滤池工艺,考察滴滤池的最佳运行参数以及改善系统脱氮效果的措施。[结果]采用新型滴滤池工艺对COD、NH3-N、TN的去除率分别可达80.63%、81.7%、84.7%。滴滤池的水力负荷宜控制在2.0~4.0m3/(m^2·d)。用滴滤法处理村镇生活污水,能显著降低废水COD、NH3-N浓度,加设厌氧段能增强滴滤池的抗冲击能力,增强滴滤塔生物膜的稳定性。[结论]研发的新型滴滤池工艺能显著提高村镇污水的处理效果。  相似文献   
羧甲基纤维素钠对壤砂土水分运动及水力参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学使用羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)实现保水控盐对于滨海壤砂盐碱土改良具有重要意义,而明晰CMC对滨海壤砂土水分运动规律的影响是科学使用CMC的重要基础。为研究施加CMC滨海壤砂土水分运动规律,本文通过开展一维垂直土柱积水入渗试验,探索不同CMC施量(0、0.1、0.2、0.4、0.6 g?kg-1) 对壤砂土入渗特性、水分分布和土壤水力参数的影响。结果表明,施用CMC土壤的最终累积入渗量增加了4.90%~15.17%、达到预设湿润锋深度的入渗时间增加了61.90%~604.73%;Philip入渗模型参数吸渗率S和Green-Ampt模型参数KsSf均随CMC施量的增加而减少,吸渗率S和平均土壤水扩散率与CMC施量之间的数学关系分别可用二次多项式和指数函数来表示;CMC增强了土壤的持水能力,土壤剖面含水量提高了0.72%~3.74%;CMC通过改变土壤结构影响了土壤水力参数,滞留含水率θr、饱和含水率θs及进气吸力倒数α均与CMC施量呈正相关关系,而与饱和导水率Ks和形状系数n呈反比关系。通过对变异系数CV的分析发现,CMC对饱和导水率Ks和进气吸力倒数α影响表现为中等差异,对滞留含水率θr、饱和含水率θs和形状系数n表现为弱差异。研究结果揭示了CMC对滨海壤砂土减渗保水的内在机理,为滨海盐碱地的改良提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
Detachment of road surface soil by flowing water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An agricultural watershed generally consists of two land use categories, farmland and the unpaved road or path networks with different traffic frequency and size. Road surfaces are quite different from farmland soil in physical properties, resulting in it's distinguish production transportation process. Hydraulic flume experiments were conducted with the flow discharges ranging from 1 to 5 L s− 1 and the slope gradients ranging from 8.8% to 46.6% to simulate the soil detachment process on a road surface and to develop tools in order to calculate detachment rates occurring on that road surfaces. The results illustrate that road surfaces behave characteristically in the runoff detachment and sediment delivery process due to the difference in the bulk density and functions of agricultural soils. The soil detachment rate is closely related to flow depth, slope gradient and other hydraulic parameters such as shear stress, stream power and unit stream power. Multiple non-linear regression analyses indicate that detachment rates for all roads can be accurately predicted by power functions of flow depth and slope gradient. According to the experimental results, stream power was suggested as an indicator to estimate soil detachment rate instead of shear stress in soil erosion models. However, considering the simplicity and availability, power function of flow depth and slope gradient is also recommended to predict detachment rate on the road surfaces.  相似文献   
计算机建模和仿真软件可协助液压控制系统对已有系统进行校验,当1种液压控制系统不能正常工作时,基于模型的控制能够提供1种精确的指示工具,其控制方法具有很大的灵活性.本文着重介绍了在液压伺服控制系统中,若结合计算机软件进行仿真,对系统的参数可进行较精确地调整,并对可靠性做进一步验证,最终可以得出比较可靠的液压伺服控制系统.  相似文献   
[目的]为灰水的利用提供依据。[方法]利用改进型微动力一体式生物膜反应器处理灰水,监测了进出水的CODCr、LAS、TN和SS以及反应器的温度、pH值和DO。[结果]进水CODCr平均为188 mg/L,出水CODCr平均为32 mg/L,CODCr去除率为80.2%~86.9%。当水力停留时间(HRT)≤3 h时,系统对污染物的去除率随停留时间的延长增长较快。当HRT>3 h时,系统对污染物的去除率随停留时间的延长增长变缓;HRT=3.5 h时,系统对CODCr、LAS的去除率分别为91.7%、81.2%。反应器在常温下按HRT=3.5 h运行时,处理后灰水符合《生活杂用水水质标准》的要求。CODCr、LAS的去除率随温度变化变化不大,TN的去除率下降了40.4%。[结论]改进型微动力一体化生物膜反应器的最佳水力停留时间为3.5 h,系统对CODCr、LAS的去除率分别为91.7%、81.2%。  相似文献   
Soil compaction affects hydraulic properties, and thus can lead to soil degradation and other adverse effects on environmental quality. This study evaluates the effects of three levels of compaction on the hydraulic properties of two silty loam soils from the Loess Plateau, China. Undisturbed soil cores were collected from the surface (0–5 cm) and subsurface (10–15 cm) layers at sites in Mizhi and Heyang in Shaanxi Province. The three levels of soil compaction were set by increasing soil bulk density by 0% (C0), 10% (C1) and 20% (C2) through compression and hammering in the laboratory. Soil water retention curves were then determined, and both saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity were estimated for all of the samples using standard suction apparatus, a constant head method and the hot-air method, respectively. The high level of compaction (C2) significantly changed the water retention curves of both the surface and subsurface layers of the Heyang soil, and both levels of compaction (C1 and C2) changed the curves of the two layers from the Mizhi site. However, the effects of compaction on the two soils were only pronounced below water tensions of 100 kPa. Saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ks) were significantly reduced by the highest compaction level for both sampled layers of the Heyang soil, but no difference was observed in this respect between the C0 and C1 treatments. Ks values decreased with increasing soil compaction for both layers of the Mizhi soil. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities were not affected by soil compaction levels in the measured water volume ratio range, and the values obtained were two to five orders of magnitude higher for the Mizhi soil than for the Heyang soil. The results indicate that soil compaction could strongly influence, in different ways, the hydraulic properties of the two soils.  相似文献   
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