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针对湖泊水质影响因素指标值为四参数区间数的不确定性多属性决策问题,提出决策信息为四参数区间数的湖泊水质综合评价的距离熵模型。定义了四参数区间数距离熵测度的算法,利用多指标决策的逼近理想点法,通过计算各方案的正理想解之间的贴近度,根据正理想解之间贴近度的大小对各方案从优到劣进行排序。最后,将建立的距离熵模型应用到湖泊水质的综合评价中,结果体现了决策方法的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   
李伟  金梁  杜丽 《灌溉排水学报》2022,41(1):57-61,71
[目的]解决传统温室环境参数较难控制、水肥利用效率低等问题.[方法]引入灰色熵权理论,将各种环境要素视为不确定型多属性决策,计算与理想情况的接近度,建立了评价植物生长环境要素的数学模型;通过无线传感网络片上系统CC2530与传感器、物联网相结合,设计温室环境调控系统,调配温湿度、光照等各生长要素达到最优值,从而给植物配...  相似文献   
Agricultural activities are the main sources of water pollution to surface water and groundwater in rural areas. Extensive soil disturbance and application of fertilizer and manure in agriculture cause nonpoint source losses of soil and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. How to generate preferred decision schemes for agricultural activities that cause such nonpoint source water pollution is a critical issue for the decision makers. In this study, an inexact agricultural water quality management (IAWQM) model is developed and applied to a case study to generate optimal decision schemes for integrated water quality management within an agricultural system. The model is based on a hybrid fuzzy possibilistic robust programming approach, which improves upon the existing fuzzy possibilistic programming and fuzzy robust programming methods by allowing fuzzy information in the model's objective and constraints to be directly communicated into the optimization processes and resulting solutions. Optimal decision schemes for agricultural activities can be generated, including cropping area, manure/fertilizer applied, and livestock husbandry size, where implications of water quality/quantity restrictions for achieving regional economic development objectives are studied. The results of the case study indicate that useful information can be obtained through the proposed IAWQM model for providing feasible decision schemes, which reflect tradeoffs between economic and environmental considerations. The decision variables are useful for the decision makers to justify and/or adjust the decision schemes for agricultural activities through incorporation of their implicit knowledge on water quality management.  相似文献   
基于SVM和D—S证据理论的多特征融合杂草识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对单一特征识别杂草的低准确率和低稳定性,提出一种支持向量机( SVM)和D-S证据理论相结合的多特征融合杂草识别方法.在对田间植物图像处理的基础上,提取植物叶片的颜色、形状和纹理等3类视觉特征,分别以3类单特征的SVM分类结果作为独立证据构造基本概率指派(BPA),运用D-S证据组合规则进行决策级融合,根据分类判决门...  相似文献   
基于Web的农业机械化发展决策支持系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一个网络化农业机械化发展决策支持系统软件。以Intranet为核心技术,采用先进的Client/Server/Server(CSS)多层体系结构,以Visual InterDev,Dhtml,MSDN,IESDK,VB Script,SQL Server7.0,Active Server Pages动态服务器网页,以及Photoshop 6.0图像处理等软件为开发工具,以Windows NT4.0/Windows 2000为服务器应用软件平台,对农业机械化水平评价、关键因素分析、发展阶段评判、水平区域分类等4个基本模块进行了系统集成。  相似文献   
基于生长模型的稻麦轮作生产管理决策支持系统研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为建立一种具有时空适应性、适用于稻麦轮作生产的管理决策支持系统,运用系统分析原理和数学建模技术,构建了具有较强机理性和预测性的稻麦轮作生长模拟模型,并进一步结合气象生成模型与策略分析评价模型,以C#.net为编程语言,应用面向对象的程序设计与软件技术,建立了综合性的稻麦轮作生产管理决策支持系统.系统具有农田信息管理、专家咨询、动态模拟、方案评估、因苗预测和系统维护等功能,实现了模拟预测、决策支持和人机交互技术的有机耦合.系统的建立为稻麦轮作生产管理和策略制定提供了定量化的辅助决策工具.  相似文献   
The DSSAT cropping system model   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
The decision support system for agrotechnology transfer (DSSAT) has been in use for the last 15 years by researchers worldwide. This package incorporates models of 16 different crops with software that facilitates the evaluation and application of the crop models for different purposes. Over the last few years, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain the DSSAT crop models, partly due to fact that there were different sets of computer code for different crops with little attention to software design at the level of crop models themselves. Thus, the DSSAT crop models have been re-designed and programmed to facilitate more efficient incorporation of new scientific advances, applications, documentation and maintenance. The basis for the new DSSAT cropping system model (CSM) design is a modular structure in which components separate along scientific discipline lines and are structured to allow easy replacement or addition of modules. It has one Soil module, a Crop Template module which can simulate different crops by defining species input files, an interface to add individual crop models if they have the same design and interface, a Weather module, and a module for dealing with competition for light and water among the soil, plants, and atmosphere. It is also designed for incorporation into various application packages, ranging from those that help researchers adapt and test the CSM to those that operate the DSSAT–CSM to simulate production over time and space for different purposes. In this paper, we describe this new DSSAT–CSM design as well as approaches used to model the primary scientific components (soil, crop, weather, and management). In addition, the paper describes data requirements and methods used for model evaluation. We provide an overview of the hundreds of published studies in which the DSSAT crop models have been used for various applications. The benefits of the new, re-designed DSSAT–CSM will provide considerable opportunities to its developers and others in the scientific community for greater cooperation in interdisciplinary research and in the application of knowledge to solve problems at field, farm, and higher levels.  相似文献   
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