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杂交水稻不同器官镉浓度与累积量   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
以生长于盆钵中的两系杂交稻两优培九、扬两优6号和103S/郑粳2号及三系杂交稻丰优香占、K优818和汕优63为材料,移栽前盆土内加入镉(Cd),使土壤Cd浓度为100 mg/kg,研究水稻植株不同器官Cd的浓度和累积量。与未加Cd的对照相比,Cd处理降低了两优培九和103S/郑粳2号的产量,其主要原因是每穗粒数减少,而对其余组合的产量无显著影响。水稻植株对Cd吸收及分配存在着基因型差异,以汕优63累积量最多,K优818累积量最少。水稻植株不同器官Cd的浓度和累积量的大小顺序为根>茎鞘>叶片。籽粒不同部位Cd的浓度大小顺序为糠层>颖壳>精米。精米中Cd累积量仅为谷粒Cd累积量的30%左右。在抽穗期和成熟期,同一器官Cd浓度及累积量呈显著或极显著正相关,但不同器官之间的相关不显著。在6个供试的杂交稻组合中,精米中Cd的浓度以扬两优6号最高,K优818最低。对不同杂交稻组合植株中Cd浓度和累积量差异的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   
修枝截干对二球悬铃木叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Li-6400便携式光合作用测定系统对修枝截干和自然生长的二球悬铃木中部当年向南枝顶的完全展开叶进行单叶光合特性测定.结果表明,修枝截干和自然生长的二球悬铃木叶片的净光合速率(Pn)日变化均呈双峰曲线,有明显的"午休"现象,最高峰发生在11:00,次高峰在15:00,光强最大时(13:00) Pn最低,即两种生长状态下都受到光抑制.修枝截干二球悬铃木Pn[μmol(CO2)·m-2·s-1]的最高峰为12.16,次高峰为9.21,最低谷为6.47,分别比自然生长高27.06%、69.93%和159.84%,这暗示修枝截干可促进光合作用,减轻光抑制.修枝截干的Pn-光量子通量密度(PPFD)响应可拟合为Pn=12.30(1-1.135 3e-0.030 2PPFD/12.30)(R2 =0.989 1**),自然生长的为Pn=10.92(1-1.130 7e-0.030 5PPFD/10.92)(R2 =0.984 9**),修枝截干的最大光合速率(Pmax)、光补偿点、光饱和点及光合幅度的估算值分别为12.30 μmol(CO2)·m-2·s-1、51.67 μmol·m-2·s-1、1 927.32 μmol·m-2·s-1和1 875.65 μmol·m-2·s-1,分别比自然生长提高12.64%、17.33%、13.85%和13.76%,这意味着修枝截干可提高单叶对光能的利用.修枝截干的Pn-CO2浓度(Ci)响应可拟合为Pn=11.96(1-1.471 6e-0.028 7Ci/11.96)(R2=0.982 4**),自然生长的为Pn=10.70(1-1.465 7e-0.029 2Ci/10.70)(R2 = 0.981 0**),修枝截干的Pmax、CO2补偿点、CO2饱和点及CO2幅度估算值分别为11.96 μmol(CO2)·m-2·s-1、67.54 μmol·mol-1、872.02 μmol·mol-1和804.48 μmol·mol-1,分别比自然生长提高11.78%、-27.44%、0.39%和3.73%,说明修枝截干可增强叶片对低浓度CO2的同化能力.  相似文献   
2014和2015两年度利用Burkard定容式孢子捕捉器监测了高感小麦白粉病品种京双16种植区和中感品种众麦2号种植区田间空气中的病菌孢子浓度变化动态,同时利用小型气象站监测了田间的气象因子,通过分析京双16和众麦2号种植区空气中孢子浓度与空气温度、湿度、降雨、风速和太阳辐射率的相关性,发现空气中的孢子浓度主要与空气温度呈显著的正相关性(r0.348 3,P0.05)。在此基础上,分别分析了田间病情与调查日期前累积孢子浓度、一周前累积孢子浓度、前一周累积孢子浓度和当周累积孢子浓度的关系,结果表明,中感品种众麦2号田间病情与累积孢子浓度的关系均呈指数关系,其中田间病情与调查日期前累积孢子浓度或一周前累积孢子浓度的拟合效果最好,而感病品种京双16的田间病情与累积孢子浓度多呈对数关系,其中病情指数与一周前累积孢子浓度的拟合效果最好。  相似文献   
硝酸钙对荔枝花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同浓度的硝酸钙及EGTA处理对‘妃子笑’荔枝的花粉进行离体培养,通过电镜观察并测定花粉的萌发率与花粉管的生长长度。结果表明,低浓度(0.5~2.0mmol/L)硝酸钙较对照(无钙处理)提高了花粉的萌发率,促进花粉管的生长,以2.0mmol/L硝酸钙处理的花粉萌发率最高(68.5%),与对照相比达到显著水平;而以1.5mmol/L硝酸钙处理的花粉管生长长度最长(255.4μm),比对照达到显著水平。但是加入1.0mmol/LCa2+鳌合剂EGTA时,花粉萌发率为0。以上结果表明钙信号可能调控荔枝的花粉萌发与花粉管生长。  相似文献   
Soil compaction and soil moisture are important factors influencing denitrification and N2O emission from fertilized soils. We analyzed the combined effects of these factors on the emission of N2O, N2 and CO2 from undisturbed soil cores fertilized with (150 kg N ha−1) in a laboratory experiment. The soil cores were collected from differently compacted areas in a potato field, i.e. the ridges (ρD=1.03 g cm−3), the interrow area (ρD=1.24 g cm−3), and the tractor compacted interrow area (ρD=1.64 g cm−3), and adjusted to constant soil moisture levels between 40 and 98% water-filled pore space (WFPS).High N2O emissions were a result of denitrification and occurred at a WFPS≥70% in all compaction treatments. N2 production occurred only at the highest soil moisture level (≥90% WFPS) but it was considerably smaller than the N2O-N emission in most cases. There was no soil moisture effect on CO2 emission from the differently compacted soils with the exception of the highest soil moisture level (98% WFPS) of the tractor-compacted soil in which soil respiration was significantly reduced. The maximum N2O emission rates from all treatments occurred after rewetting of dry soil. This rewetting effect increased with the amount of water added. The results show the importance of increased carbon availability and associated respiratory O2 consumption induced by soil drying and rewetting for the emissions of N2O.  相似文献   
在不同的温度条件下,采用实验生态学方法,研究了氨氮对不同年龄阶段泥蚶的急性毒性试验。经双因子方差分析表明:氨氮浓度、温度以及氨氮浓度和温度的相互作用均极显著地影响二龄和三龄泥蚶96 h的成活率。在24℃、28℃、32℃时,总氨氮对二龄泥蚶的96 h LC50分别为348.40、312.99、219.06 mg/L,SC分别为34.84、31.30、21.91 mg/L;总氨氮对三龄泥蚶的96 h LC50分别为681.25、443.20、285.84 mg/L,SC分别为68.13、44.32、28.58 mg/L。  相似文献   
Here we present results from a field experiment in a sub-arctic wetland near Abisko, northern Sweden, where the permafrost is currently disintegrating with significant vegetation changes as a result. During one growing season we investigated the fluxes of CO2 and CH4 and how they were affected by ecosystem properties, i.e., composition of species that are currently expanding in the area (Carex rotundata, Eriophorum vaginatum and Eriophorum angustifolium), dissolved CH4 in the pore water, substrate availability for methane producing bacteria, water table depth, active layer, temperature, etc. We found that the measured gas fluxes over the season ranged between: CH4 0.2 and 36.1 mg CH4 m−2 h−1, Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) −1000 and 1250 mg CO2 m−2 h−1 (negative values meaning a sink of atmospheric CO2) and dark respiration 110 and 1700 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. We found that NEE, photosynthetic rate and CH4 emission were affected by the species composition. Multiple stepwise regressions indicated that the primary explanatory variables for NEE was photosynthetic rate and for respiration and photosynthesis biomass of green leaves. The primary explanatory variables for CH4 emissions were depth of the water table, concentration of organic acid carbon and biomass of green leaves. The negative correlations between pore water concentration and emission of CH4 and the concentrations of organic acid, amino acid and carbohydrate carbon indicated that these compounds or their fermentation by-products were substrates for CH4 formation. Furthermore, calculation of the radiative forcing of the species expanding in the area as a direct result of permafrost degradation and a change in hydrology indicate that the studied mire may act as an increasing source of radiative forcing in future.  相似文献   
Three large deformation rheological tests, the Kieffer dough extensibility system, the D/R dough inflation system and the 2 g mixograph test, were carried out on doughs made from a large number of winter wheat lines and cultivars grown in Poland. These lines and cultivars represented a broad spread in baking performance in order to assess their suitability as predictors of baking volume. The parameters most closely associated with baking volume were strain hardening index, bubble failure strain, and mixograph bandwidth at 10 min. Simple correlations with baking volume indicate that bubble failure strain and strain hardening index give the highest correlations, whilst the use of best subsets regression, which selects the best combination of parameters, gave increased correlations with R2=0.865 for dough inflation parameters, R2=0.842 for Kieffer parameters and R2=0.760 for mixograph parameters.  相似文献   
农田无线传感器网络的节点部署仿真与实现   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
应用无线传感器网络进行农田信息采集时,针对农田面积大、传感器节点众多的特点,如何有效地部署节点成为研究的热点之一。利用NS2软件从丢包率、平均延时、剩余能量和接收信号强度等网络性能角度对随机部署、正六边形部署及正四边形部署方式进行了仿真比较,最终确定正六边形部署方案,并在农田中进行实地试验。结果表明系统能够实现无缝覆盖,稳定可靠的采集农田信息,为无线传感器网络在农田环境中的进一步应用提供了参考。  相似文献   
以木薯华南205为试材,采用苯酚抽提法提取叶片蛋白质,并通过双向电泳技术研究影响木薯叶片蛋白电泳分析图谱的主要因素。结果表明:pH 4~7的IPG胶条可提高特定范围蛋白质点的分辨率;上样量200 μg可得到较好的双向电泳图谱。本研究不仅为进一步研究木薯叶片蛋白电泳分析提供技术手段,同时也为分析木薯块根、茎和繁殖器官的蛋白质提供参考。  相似文献   
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