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为了解γ射线对荷花(Nelumbo Adans.)野生型和栽培品种莲子的辐射效应及其差异,本研究利用不同剂量60Co-γ射线对野生型荷花微山红(N. nucifera Weishan Hong)和50个栽培品种的莲子进行辐射处理。结果表明,微山红莲子的钱叶展开数量、生根效果和存活率在320 Gy处理下急剧下降,750和1 000 Gy处理严重抑制了莲子的钱叶发育,幼苗存活率分别为0.6%和0。利用线性回归方程,计算微山红野生型莲子和其他品种莲子的半致死剂量分别为192和173 Gy,即两者对60Co-γ射线的耐受性存在19 Gy剂量差异。基于1 150粒微山红莲子的辐射处理,筛选得到1株花被片狭长的变异个体,以此培育为新品种辰山飞燕。该品种花被片宽长比均值为0.31,显著小于野生型(0.44),且其花被片数量、花密度及立叶密度也显著降低。后续荷花辐射育种及突变体筛选时,野生型和栽培品种莲子的辐射剂量范围建议分别参考150~200 Gy和130~180 Gy。本研究为荷花产业中利用γ射线大规模辐射莲子创制新种质提供了技术参考,也为荷花瓣形育种提供了良好亲本。 相似文献
We investigated the phytosociology, structure and dynamics of Pinus roxburghii in 40 stands in northern areas of Pakistan by using cluster analysis (Ward’s agglomerative clustering) and ordination (Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling). Cluster analysis revealed three major groups associated with specific environmental characteristics: (1) P. roxburghii (2) Pinus-Quercus baloot and (3) Pinus-Olea ferruginea community types. NMS-ordination showed the major gradient as an amalgam of elevation (r2=0.441, p<0.01) and slope (r2=0.391, p<0.05) as the two topographic factors correlated with species distribution. The first ordination axis also showed positive correlation with soil variables like pH and electrical conductivity, suggesting that soil chemistry was related to topographic characteristics and probably acted as a secondary gradient. We also examined size class distributions, age structures and growth rates of the three communities in order to describe community development and dynamics. Total tree density was 14700 plants/ha, with P. roxburghii having a relative density of 82%to 100%. Density of juve-nile and total density and basal area of the subordinate tree species were low. The low density of trees in the smallest diameter size-class sug-gested that the recruitment of small P. roxburghii plants into the adult population may be lower than the required replacement rate for the stands. Pooled size-class distributions for the species showed a multimo-dal pattern with some regeneration gaps. Browsing, heavy logging and other anthropogenic activities were the overriding factors responsible for the poor recruitment of P. roxburghii. We concluded from the age struc-ture that the forests were characterized by the dominance of young trees. Growth rate analysis revealed that P. roxburghii was the fastest growing species among the conifers species in Pakistan. In view of its relatively fast growth and longevity, P. roxburghii seems to be a suitable choice for short-t 相似文献
新年伊始,德宏傣族景顿族自治州陇川县林业局副局长许本莲被云南省委,省人民政府授予第五届“云南省青年科技红河奖”。她是全省获此殊荣的10名青年科技工作者中唯一的一位女林业科技工作者。 相似文献
百子莲种植地土壤养分分析与改良研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选取即将用百子莲作为地被植物绿化的绿化区和原百子莲种植基地的土壤,测定了其pH值、电导率、有机质含量、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾的含量,通过对土壤养分现状进行对比分析,发现因夹杂着各种建筑垃圾导致pH偏高,含盐量高,土壤有机质和碱解氮仅为原种植基地的1/2,速效磷和速效钾仅为1/4,并对此土壤改良以适应百子莲的生长。 相似文献
金线莲与菊芋在组织培养中细菌污染的防治 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
被细菌污染的金钱莲AnoectochilusfrmosanusHay.试管苗选用自配消毒剂D进行灭菌有较好的效果,且在校长时间范围内对材料伤害较小,对菊芋Helianthustuberosus外植体进行消毒也比用吐温效果好。未试验同时还揭示了培养体培养时间与细菌入侵程度的关系,探讨了两种材料在组织培养中细菌污染的防治方法。 相似文献