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双卧轴混凝土搅拌站主机筒体以往采用整体焊接、划线找正、调头镗孔的加工工艺,此方法不易达到设计要求。介绍了用几套工装辅助来加工主机筒体的新工艺,提高了筒体的加工精度和工效。  相似文献   
云峰 《云南农业》2005,(4):31-32
拨号上网。拨号上网是电信部门提供的一种通过电话线接入因特网的一种入网方式。目前提供的接入网站有136、169、263等。这种方式简单易行,只要有电话线的地方就能上网。拨号上网所需设备:一套终端计算机主机、显示器、键盘、鼠标、打印机等。一个调制解调器,调制解调器(调制解调器有内置和外置两种)又叫MODEM,它的作用是数字信号和模拟信号之间的相互转换。  相似文献   
冯森 《福建水产》1992,(3):6-13
拖网渔业在我省发展很快,1990年全省拖网产量21.7万吨,占当年海洋捕捞量29.2%。近年来,随着渔船技术改造的深入开展,群众拖网渔船的设备有了长足进步,新造船多在100总吨以上,主机功率也多在295千瓦以上,甲板机械有很大改善,续航保鲜能力提高,已能适应外海生产的需要,形成了一支相当规模的群众外海拖网作业船队。但网具的改革却远落后于渔船的设备更新,  相似文献   
中国造船工程学会和中国水产学会联合举办的第二次渔船学术会议,于一九八一年七月八日至十三日在福建省厦门市召开。参加这次会议的有来自科研、设计、院校、建造、使用等单位的代表共七十一名。  相似文献   
主机轴带发电机可节省一台辅机,使狭窄的机舱间有较大的空间。因辅机不开机,维修间隔延长、机舱的噪音降低。一般说主机的燃费率要优于辅机,故又有节能之效果。但渔船又不同于商船,有相当部份是渔捞作业时间,随着渔捞作业的不同,螺旋桨、发电机、油泵等所需驱动动力变动范围相当大。因此相对运行条件不一样,主机轴带发电的效果差异也相当大。  相似文献   
停泊欧盟港口的船舶使用的燃油含硫量不高于0.10%指令生效后,船上的辅机和锅炉在靠港期间使用,就不得不换用轻油。平常停泊状态,各油舱柜可以不用加温,开航前重油日用柜适当预热就可以了,锅炉的作用是给主、辅机的燃油加温,各油舱柜加温保温,各重油管路蒸汽伴行保温以及提供日用蒸汽。当辅机使用轻油,主机停泊状态时,  相似文献   
国内首艘大型秋刀鱼渔船开工建造我国自主设计研发的大型秋刀鱼捕捞船开工仪式以及远洋渔船建造与技术示范基地授牌仪式日前在山东蓬莱市中柏京鲁船业有限公司举行。该船长约76 m,总吨位约980 t,主机功率1 912kW,是目前国内第一艘完全与国际接轨的秋刀鱼兼鱿鱼捕捞船;采用了世界最先进的LED集鱼灯  相似文献   
Pietro  D  Spanu 《农业科学学报》2014,13(2):233-236
The genomes of the barley, Arabidopsis and pea powdery mildew are significantly larger than those of related fungi. This is due to an extraordinary expansion of retro-trasposons that are evident as repetitive elements in the sequence. The protein coding genes are fewer than expected due to an overall reduction in the size of gene families, a reduction in the number of paralogs and because of the loss of certain metabolic pathways. Many of these changes have also been observed in the genomes of other taxonomically unrelated obligate biotrophic pathogens. The only group of genes that bucks the trend of gene loss, are those encoding small secreted proteins that bear the hall marks of effectors.  相似文献   
朱光文 《农家致富》2010,(14):30-31
四、安装后墙固定式大棚卷帘机的安装较为简便,即在棚中间固定主机→安放支架(可双支架,也可使用底座带水泥圆盘的单支架,不过要在后墙上埋设地锚拉线)→卷杆连接→草苫铺盖并固定在下部卷轴上→调试。而对于棚面自走式大棚卷帘机的安装、调试比较复杂:  相似文献   
On the Kpinnou ranch in Benin, it was observed that the Girolando dairy cattle which graze Panieum maximum var. CI are more susceptible to infestation of ticks. The purpose of this study was to highlight the interactions between ticks and their bovine hosts and two types of artificial grazing pastures. Nineteen young Girolando dairy cattle were used during the big rainy season (March-June) 2009. All present ticks on the animals have been counted according to the body region. The bovine have been divided into two relatively homogeneous groups often and nine animals. The group I of 10 animals had been grazed on Panicum maximum whereas the group 2 of 9 animals had been grazed on Panicum maximum var. C 1. During the two months of grazing, a weekly monitoring of the evolution of the load in ticks has been achieved. Four genera of ticks were identified on the bovine Girolandos (Amblyomma, Hyalomma, Rhipicephalus and Boophilus). The Boophilus genus is the most abundant (P 〈 0.05). The animals having grazed Panicum maximum var. C I are more infested than those that have been grazed Panicum maximum. A variation of the rate of infestation of the animals has been observed in relation to the different body areas. The colour of the coat also has an effect on the load in tick of the bovine. The bovine of dark coat are in general more infested (P 〈 0.05) than those of clear colour.  相似文献   
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