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The release of active ingredient chemicals in conventional organic amendments is primarily through microbial degradation, whereas in granular phytonematicides, leaching through irrigation water had been implied as a probable mechanism. The objective of this study was to determine the role of effective microorganisms (EM) on the efficacy of Nemarioc-AG (NAG; G?=?granular formulation) phytonematicide on suppression of root-knot (Meloidogyne species) nematodes and growth of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants. A 5?×?6 factorial experiment, with EM at 0%, 0.14%, 0.17%, 0.20% and 0.25% and phytonematicide at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15?g per plant, was conducted under microplot conditions. Each plant was inoculated with 11,000 eggs and second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne incognita. Seventy days after initiating the treatments, the interactions were not significant (P?≥?.05) on all variables, but the main factors were highly significant. Regression of nematode population densities, root gall and dry shoot mass over increasing phytonematicide concentration exhibited quadratic relations, which were explained by 93%, 97% and 99%, respectively. In contrast, stem diameter and phytonematicide concentration had a positive linear relation, which was explained by 98%. Nematode numbers over increasing EM concentration exhibited quadratic relation, which was explained by 97%. All plant variables and EM had no significant relations. In conclusion, the efficacy of NAG phytonematicide on nematode suppression and plant growth was independent of EM activities, suggesting that irrigation water played a major role in the efficacy of the product in granular formulation. 相似文献
Some Protozoan and Metazoan Parasites of the Amberjack From the Balearic Sea (Western Mediterranean) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A survey of protozoan and metazoan parasites of wild amberjack (Seriola dumerili) from the Balearic Sea revealed one myxozoan (Myxobolus sp.), one monogenean (Heteraxine heterocerca), 10 trematodes (Bucephalus polymorphus, Prosorhynchus crucibulum, Bucephalopsis sp., Hemiurus communis, Aponurus sp., Acanthocolpus Iiodorus, Stephanozostomum pristis, Nematobothrium scombri, Wedlia bipartita, Paradeontacylix sp.), one nematode (Philometra globiceps), one copepod (Caligus curtus) and one isopod (Gnathia vorax larva) species to be present. The prevalence and intensity of infection and the distribution of each species is described. Their possible interactions with farmed amberjack are discussed. 相似文献
为了解新疆天山野果林中塞威士苹果Malus sieversii与其林下伴生植物短距凤仙花Impatiens brachycentra两种植物叶斑病病原菌的多样性及同源性,采用组织分离法获得病原菌,基于rDNA-ITS序列构建系统发育树,并进行ITS序列BLAST同源性比对,对病原菌进行鉴定分类,并依据科赫氏法则测定致病性。结果显示,从新疆新源县天山野果林中的塞威士苹果及短距凤仙花病叶上共分离得到18株菌落形态各异的病原菌,分属于2属4种,绝大多数属于半知菌亚门。其中,链格孢属Alternaria sp.为塞威士苹果和短距凤仙花叶斑病病原真菌中的优势菌群。致病性测定结果显示,其中11株病原真菌对塞威士苹果具有致病性,7株病原真菌对短距凤仙花具有致病性;塞威士苹果所有的病原真菌对短距凤仙花均有致病性,而且短距凤仙花所有的病原真菌对塞威士苹果也有致病性。推测2种植物叶斑病可能由相同来源的病原真菌引发,短距凤仙花染病加剧了塞威士苹果叶斑病暴发,可能是野果林退化的重要原因。 相似文献
用适应性强的本地(合浦)野生稻和IR 2061、IR 661等育种材料,通过单交、复交,多世代、多株系的系谱选育,选育成一系列优良株系。用博A等不育系对所选育出的优良株系进行测交,其中第679株系与博A配组最好,定名为博优679。该组合于2003年和2004年参加广西区试和生产试验,增产显著,米质优,抗性好;2005年1月通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定,并被指定为广西主导品种之一,现正在广西、广东、海南等地大面积推广。 相似文献
清凉酸枣饮料生产工艺 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以野生酸枣为原料,经热水浸提,过滤即得酸枣原汁。配以适当比例的白砂糖,柠檬酸,纯净水,放入夹层锅中进行第1次灭菌后装入玻璃瓶中,压封瓶盖,放入蒸汽消毒柜中,经95-100℃再次灭菌30min,即为酸枣加工产品-清凉酸枣饮料。 相似文献
新疆野生木本饲用植物评价及其开发利用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
新疆野生木本饲用植物资源丰富。据统计,共有15科,54属,210种。该类群植物,适口性好,抗逆性强,鲜叶及嫩枝产量同,粗蛋白质,总能,有机质消化率和总消化养分可与野生的优良牧草相媲美。 相似文献
毛乌素沙地野生观赏植物资源及开发利用研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
经野外调查和室内资料统计,毛乌素沙地野生观赏植物共有83科、170属、499种(含变种)。引种试验表明,一些野生观赏植物或形态各异,迎霜傲雪;或花色艳丽,五彩缤纷,具有较高观赏价值。尤其是耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄,抗风沙,适宜在毛乌素沙区自然条件下推广种植。本文对沙区可用于城镇绿化的蓝刺头Echinops latifolius、罗布麻Apocynum venetum16等种主要野生观赏植物进行了比较详细地论述,并提出了可行性利用与保护措施。 相似文献
广西野生蔬菜资源及开发利用探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
广西野生蔬菜资源初步查明共96个科,289种,分别占广西植物科、种的33.33%和3.46%;属高等植物的野生蔬菜有68个科,246种,占广西野生蔬菜种类的85.12%;在广西全境均有分布的有84种,占广西野生蔬菜总数的29.07%;进入21世纪后,广西野生蔬菜由原来的野外采摘进入到野外采摘与驯化栽培相并重的阶段,全省驯化种植新品种20多个,总栽培面积333.3hm2以上。文章提出在广西建立热带、亚热带地域的野生蔬菜资源保护及开发中心,加强立法保护,开展野生蔬菜驯化栽培及开发利用研究,并制订广西野生蔬菜发展规划,使广西的野生蔬菜资源优势转化为经济优势等建议。 相似文献