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为阐明甘肃省玉米茎腐病优势致病菌禾谷镰孢复合种地理群体的遗传多样性,2015年和2017年从甘肃省4个生态区采集茎腐病样本,经组织分离及鉴定,选取代表性禾谷镰孢复合种菌株114株,采用SSR和VNTR引物结合POPGENE version1.32及NTSYSpc 2.11,进行群体间遗传多样性及亲缘关系的聚类分析.结果...  相似文献   
玉米茎腐病拮抗菌筛选及发酵条件优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用平板稀释法进行菌种选育, 筛选玉米茎腐病的生防菌及对该菌株进行液体发酵。应用响应面法优化发酵条件, 以禾谷镰刀菌为指示菌测定生物活性。筛选得到1株较高活性菌株(YH-1), 将该菌株进行发酵条件优化, 抑菌圈直径由原来的20.60 mm增至25.80 mm。YH-1作为高效玉米茎腐病拮抗菌株, 可为生防菌剂开发奠定良好基础。  相似文献   
黄淮海夏玉米主产区茎腐病主要病原菌及优势种分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】 明确黄淮海夏玉米主产区玉米茎腐病的主要病原菌组成及优势种,为病原菌致病机制、抗性育种及茎腐病防治提供依据。【方法】 于2014—2017年采集黄淮海夏玉米主产区3个省(河北、河南、山东)的玉米茎腐病样本850份。通过形态学、通用引物和特异引物对病组织分离物进行鉴定,并采用上述引物直接检测病组织。整合分析分离物鉴定法和组织分子检测法的结果以确定玉米茎腐病的主要病原菌及优势种;分析主要病原菌在各省间以及同一省份不同年度的检出率,揭示主要病原菌的种群动态变化;分析单个样本中病原菌的检出率,探讨多种病原菌的共存模式。【结果】 有667份样本检测出真菌或卵菌,占总样本的78.47%;年度间样本检出率存在差异,2014年的检出率不足50%,而2015—2017年的检出率相近,均高于90%。在所有样本中共检出20属46种真菌或卵菌,其中镰孢菌(Fusarium spp.)的检出率最高,为89.96%,包括禾谷镰孢复合种(F. graminearum species complex)、层出镰孢(F. proliferatum)、拟轮枝镰孢(F. verticillioides)、厚垣镰孢(F. chlamydosporum)、亚粘团镰孢(F. subglutinans)、尖镰孢(F. oxysporum)、黄色镰孢(F. culmorum)、藤仓镰孢(F. fujikuroi)、变红镰孢(F. incarnatum木贼镰孢(F. equiseti)和茄镰孢(F. solani)11个种;腐霉菌(Pythium spp.)的检出率为34.18%,包括芒孢腐霉(P. aristosporum)、禾生腐霉(P. graminicola)、棘腐霉(P. acanthicum)、孤雌腐霉(P. amasculinum)和寡雄腐霉(P. oligandrum)5个种。拟轮枝镰孢、禾谷镰孢复合种、芒孢腐霉和层出镰孢为4种主要病原菌,检出率依次为62.07%、46.93%、29.09%和28.04%,其中拟轮枝镰孢为优势种。各省之间,上述4种主要病原菌的检出率存在一定差异。拟轮枝镰孢在河北省的检出率为73.98%,明显高于该菌在河南省和山东省的检出率;禾谷镰孢复合种在3个省的检出率相近;层出镰孢和芒孢腐霉在山东省的检出率分别为35.78%和34.31%,均高于在其他两省的检出率。同一省份不同年度上述4种主要病原菌的检出率呈动态变化,其中任何一种病原菌均有可能上升为优势种。进一步分析表明,单个样本中可以检测出一种或多种病原菌,检测出1种菌的样本占38.38%,检出2种和3种病原菌的样本分别占29.24%和19.04%;2种及以上病原菌共存以镰孢菌和腐霉菌、镰孢菌和镰孢菌模式为主。【结论】 黄淮海夏玉米主产区茎腐病主要病原菌为拟轮枝镰孢、禾谷镰孢复合种、芒孢腐霉和层出镰孢,其中拟轮枝镰孢为优势种;拟轮枝镰孢在河北省的检出率最高,层出镰孢和芒孢腐霉在山东省的检出率最高,禾谷镰孢复合种在3个省的检出率相近;单个样本中存在多种病原菌共存的模式。  相似文献   
为了研究小麦茎秆生物力学性质指标与小麦优种特性的相关性,以正在优种选育过程中的4个北方小麦品种为研究对象,试验测定了开花期、乳熟期及蜡熟期茎秆基部第二节间的惯性矩、拉伸强度、弯曲强度、剪切强度、弹性模量、抗弯刚度等生物力学指标及小麦形态、生理特性指标值;应用SAS软件进行相关性分析,筛选出了开花期主要生物力学评价指标为弯曲强度,乳熟期为抗弯刚度.并且确定了与相应生物力学相关度较大的形态、生理特性指标,开花期为:外径、茎秆干质量、株高、节间距、含水率、壁厚、穗质量;乳熟期为穗质量、外径、株高、叶鞘高、茎秆干质量.并且随着生长期的不同,相关度也不同,尤其是与含水率的相关度逐渐减小.该研究为建立生物力学指标评价体系提供了选择依据.  相似文献   
【Objective】 Maize ear rot, stalk rot and sheath rot are the three common Fusarium diseases in maize producing areas in China, and there is a trend of serious mixing occurrence in recent years. The main pathogens of the three major diseases are F. verticillioides, F. graminearum and F. proliferatum. Planting resistant varieties is the most economical and effective method to control this kind of diseases. The objective of this study is to screen out the maize resistant germplasms to ear rot, stalk rot and sheath rot, and to provide references for scientific breeding and rational layout of maize varieties.【Method】 Sixteen common inbred lines of maize including B73, B37, Zheng 58, Chang 7-2, Qi 319 and so on were selected to inoculate F. verticillioides, F. graminearum, and F. proliferatum on maize ears, stalks and sheaths, respectively. The suspension spores of F. verticillioides were injected into healthy maize ears along the filament channel with a continuous syringe at silk stage. The stem of the first aboveground segment of healthy maize was pinned and then injected with the suspension spores of F. graminearum. The suspension spores of F. proliferatum were injected into the sheath of the aboveground 2-5 internodes along the base of healthy maize sheath. Sterile water was used as control. In 2016 and 2018, experiments were conducted in fields to evaluate the disease index of ear rot, sheath rot and the lesion areas of stalk rot, so as to evaluate the resistance level to the ear rot, stalk rot and sheath rot.【Result】 The tested inbred lines Ji 853, OH43 and X178 were moderate resistance to ear rot, 13 of the tested inbred lines such as B73, B37, PH6WC, Ye 478, Zheng 58, 9058, Chang 7-2, Xun 928, Mo17, A619, PH4CV, Qi 319 and 13-1077 were sensitivity or high sensitivity to ear rot; 8 of the tested inbred lines including Qi 319, PH4CV, Mo17, 9058, B37, B73, Chang 7-2 and 13-1077 were moderate resistance and high resistance to stalk rot, 7 of the tested inbred lines such as Zheng 58, Ye 478, PH6WC, Xun 928, Ji 853, A619 and OH43 were sensitivity or high sensitivity to stalk rot; 15 of the tested inbred lines such as B73, B37, Zheng 58, Ye 478, PH6WC, 9058, Chang 7-2, Ji 853, Xun 928, Mo17, A619, PH4CV, OH43, Qi 319 and 13-1077 were moderate resistance or resistance to sheath rot. According to the population of 16 inbred lines, Reid group was susceptible to ear rot. Lancaster group and Tangsipingtou group were resistant to sheath rot. The resistant levels of other groups to Fusarium diseases dispersed to a large extent, and there was no obvious regularity.【Conclusion】 The tested inbred lines Ji 853 and OH43 showed moderate resistance or resistance to sheath rot and ear rot, 8 of the tested inbred lines including Qi 319, PH4CV, Mo17, 9058, B37, B73, Chang 7-2 and 13-1077 showed moderate resistance, resistance or high resistance to sheath rot and stalk rot, but the materials with good resistance to all three diseases had not yet been screened, and other germplasm resources needed to be further screened.  相似文献   
The brain and eyes from a 1-day-old, male mixed-breed lamb with bilateral microphthalmia were examined. Bilateral ventral colobomata of choroid, sclera, retina and optic nerve were accompanied by agenesis of the optic nerve, and dilated lateral and third ventricular cavities that communicated with the subarachnoid space. Abundant neuroretinal tissue extending through the colobomatous defect to retro-orbital connective tissue, the meningeal surface and ventricular system were identified by histologic examination. Positive immunolabeling of these structures for recoverin (a photoreceptor marker) established the retinal origin of ectopic structures. The optic nerve was replaced by a short fibrous stalk containing glial nests. Sections of brainstem revealed extensive architectural disorganization. A developmental abnormality resulting from defective optic nerve and retina compartmentalization, accompanied by abnormalities of midline development consistent with the holoprosencephaly syndrome, was diagnosed. These lesions are consistent with signaling defects in the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway. Genetic and toxic causes of sonic hedgehog signaling defects are discussed.  相似文献   
棉秆切碎及压缩成型的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
采用3种不同切碎方法,即锤片切碎、螺旋刀切碎和直刃刀切碎进行了棉秆切碎的性能研究。试验结果表明,直刃刀对青棉秆的一次切碎,能获得细小颗粒产量高、能耗低的满意效果。切碎物料在英国Shimada螺旋压缩机上进行热压成型试验。成型燃料质量指标的测定结果表明,切碎物料含水率在8%~12%,加热温度在120~150℃,最大粒度控制在12.5mm以下,能获得密度为1.13~1.21g/cm、低位热值为18.34MJ/kg的优质棉秆成型燃料。  相似文献   
降低畜禽养殖污水处理成本是促进养殖业健康发展的重要因素,介质过滤能截留污水中的悬浮性固体,是养殖污水预处理的有效途径之一。其中,以作物秸秆为滤料的自然过滤装置结构简单、能耗低,能有效去除养殖污水中的固体污染物,但仍存在易堵塞、过滤速度慢、秸秆利用率低等问题。对此,该研究提出负压抽滤方案并进行了相关试验:首先通过单因素试验确定了各试验参数的边界条件,再利用二次回归组合试验,优化了负压抽滤的运行参数,试验结果表明当滤层厚度、压实密度、过滤压差分别为10 cm、130 kg/m3、30 kPa时综合过滤效果最佳,此时总固体(total solid,TS)、挥发性固体(volatile solid,VS)、化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)、氨氮(NH4+-N)的去除率分别为40.47%、45.07%、13.56%、11.75%;自然过滤和负压抽滤的对比试验表明,相同滤层条件负压抽滤的污水处理量是自然过滤的4倍,而用时仅占自然过滤的1/5,负压抽滤能有效提高过滤速率和秸秆利用率。最后利用厌氧发酵试...  相似文献   
球磨处理玉米秸秆纤维素原料的工艺参数优化(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了玉米秸秆水解过程中球磨预处理工艺的优化,采用Plackett- Burman(PB) 试验设计和均匀试验设计法,用数据处理软件对试验结果进行分析,筛选出了球磨预处理过程中的主要影响因素,得到了具有较好拟合度的回归方程;通过分析原料粒径(mm),转速(r/min),原料填装量(g),研磨介质,交替时间(min)等球磨条件对酶解效率的影响,得出行星式球磨机粉碎玉米秸秆的最佳工艺参数为:原料粒径0.5 mm,转速340 r/min,原料填装量3.4 g,装球量15个(Ф=10.0 mm),交替运行时间5 min。  相似文献   
添加尿素和乳酸菌制剂对玉米秸秆青贮料品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国玉米秸秆资源丰富,由于饲用品质差,而饲用开发利用不足。为了研究尿素、乳酸菌制剂(青宝2号)对玉米秸秆青贮饲料品质的影响,试验分别设置添加尿素(3kg/t或6kg/t)、青宝2号(2.5g/t)和青宝2号+尿素(3kg/t+2.5g/t或6kg/t+2.5g/t)5个处理,青贮发酵60d后取样分析。结果表明:玉米秸秆直接青贮,发酵品质较好,但粗蛋白含量较低。尿素(3kg/t或6kg/t)能够显著提高玉米秸青贮饲料的粗蛋白含量(P<0.05),乳酸菌制剂(2.5g/t)并没有明显改善玉米秸秆青贮饲料的发酵品质,与单独添加尿素(3kg/t或6kg/t)相比较,尿素和乳酸菌制剂一起添加(3kg/t+2.5g/t或6kg/t+2.5g/t)并没有进一步改善玉米秸秆青贮饲料发酵品质。  相似文献   
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