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“数字清江”实时水情调度联合计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了快速、准确的分析水情实况、预测未来的发展趋势,结合清江流域防洪减灾工作实际情况,设计了实时水情调度联合计算方案。根据清江流域地理位置的特点,将其分为7个子流域,依次进行降雨径流预报、洪水演算,为防洪减灾提供真实有效的决策依据。通过对该方案的分析,探讨了设计思路,并给出了其实现机理。该方案已在“数字清江”项目中得到成功应用。 相似文献
Hossein Dehghanisanij;Somayeh Emami;Amir Nourjou;Vahid Rezaverdinejad; 《Irrigation and Drainage》2024,73(3):1119-1137
It is necessary to use different planning models, including decision support systems (DSSs), to allocate water resources. For this purpose, in this study, an irrigation decision support system (IDSS) was developed to improve irrigation management in the farming fields of Mahabad Plain located to the south-east of Lake Urmia. Next, the compatibility of the IDSS with the conditions of the Mahabad irrigation and drainage network, water and soil resources, meteorological data and soil moisture (SM) were investigated. The statistical indices of coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (EF) and Wilmot agreement (d) were used to evaluate the adaptability of the IDSS. The results showed that the IDSS has reasonable compatibility with soil and water resources, crop yield and meteorological data. Irrigation scheduling provided by the IDSS led to a 13.9% reduction in water consumption and a 6.7% increase in crop yield. The IDSS estimated minimum and maximum temperature and sunshine hours to a satisfactory degree and relative humidity with an acceptable degree (NRMSE = 0.72–0.77) compared to regional synoptic station data. The performance of the IDSS in simulating SM is ranked from good to well (NRMSE = 0.75–0.83). The results indicate that the IDSS has a sufficient performance in estimating meteorological and soil moisture data with R2 = 0.90, RMSE = 4.65, NRMSE = 0.78, EF = 0.76 and d = 0.80. In addition, the IDSS provides the optimal irrigation schedule by considering the ability to deliver water from the irrigation and drainage network to the third-grade canal and agricultural fields as the upstream condition. 相似文献
ABSTRACTProper irrigation timing can minimize the negative impacts that reduce crop yields. Therefore, in an initial pot experimental study, we assessed the SPAD (Soil–Plant Analysis Development)-chlorophyll meter as a tool to determine proper irrigation timing of wheat under different soil water deficit conditions in a controlled-environment greenhouse. The treatments were controlled irrigation at 100% (T1), 70% (T2), 50% (T3) and 30% (T4) of soil water content at field capacity; and the growth stages were development, mid-season and late-season. SPAD readings were measured pre-irrigation events. The results indicated that the T3 and T2 achieved maximum grain yield per accumulated crop evapotranspiration, i.e. water productivity (0.82 and 0.76 kg m?3), and were at par with T1. Moreover, the SPAD readings had a high Pearson’s correlation coefficient with crop evapotranspiration (r = 0.95; P ≤ 0.001) and wheat grain yield (r = 0.90; P ≤ 0.001), indicating that SPAD reading could be used to reliably estimate when to irrigate wheat. Therefore, T3 and T2 SPAD readings were averaged to estimate a target limit at which irrigation should be applied. Accordingly, the target limit was defined as >44.76 for the development stage, >50.72 for the mid-season stage, and >37.64 for the late-season stage; readings below this target limit indicate that it is time to irrigate. 相似文献
Canopy temperature based system effectively schedules and controls center pivot irrigation of cotton 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Cotton is a perennial plant with an indeterminate growth pattern that is typically produced like an annual, but requires proper management to effectively produce high yields and good fiber quality in a thermally limited environment like the northern Texas High Plains. In 2007 and 2008, we investigated the effect of irrigation scheduling/control method and amount on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield and water use efficiency. Methods were automatic irrigation scheduling and control of a center pivot system, and manually scheduled irrigation to replenish soil-water to field capacity. Cotton was irrigated with LEPA (low energy, precision application) drag socks in furrow dikes; three blocks were irrigated manually and three were irrigated automatically. Six replicates of the manual and automatic irrigation treatments were included in the randomized block design. Manual irrigations were based on the weekly replenishment of soil-water to field capacity in the top 1.5 m of the soil profile and included a fully irrigated treatment (I100), and treatments receiving 67% (I67) and 33% (I33) of the I100 amount, plus a non-irrigated treatment (I0). Automatic irrigations were triggered using a time temperature threshold (TTT) algorithm, which was designated as the I100 treatment, and treatments receiving 67%, 33%, and 0% of that amount (I67, I33 and I0, respectively). In 2007, overall mean lint yields (102.3 and 101.6 g m−2, manual and automatic, respectively) were not significantly different. Similarly, yields were not significantly different across automatic and manual treatments in the same treatment level, with the exception of the I67 treatment where the manual treatment yields were 11% greater. In 2008, the mean yields were 70% less than those in 2007 for both methods of irrigation (30.3 and 30.9 g m−2, manual and automatic, respectively) due to harsh climatic conditions at emergence and heavy rainfall and cooler temperatures in the month of August. Yields from the automatically irrigated plots in the I100 and I67 treatments, however, were significantly greater than yields from the corresponding manually irrigated plots; though there was no significant difference between yields in the drier treatments (I33 and I0) plots. These results indicate that the TTT algorithm is a promising method for auto-irrigation scheduling of short season cotton in an arid region. However, further studies are essential to demonstrate consistent positive outcomes. 相似文献
经济的发展带动了电力行业的发展,这对于电网调度安全管理工作的要求也提升到了一个新的高度。当前电网调度管理逐渐发展成为自动化管理以及智能化管理,这与电网的安全稳定运行有着紧密的联系。文章针对当前电网调度管理问题进行了分析,并就此提出了实用性较强的措施。 相似文献
为探索精确预报未来短期ET0的方法,比较了4种基于气温预报ET0预报模型,即Hargreaves-Samani(HS)、Thornthwaite(TH)、简化的Penman-Monteith(PT)及McCloud(MC)模型。收集了西藏林芝站2001年1月1日至2013年12月31日的实测逐日气象数据和2012年6月6日至2013年12月31日逐日对未来7d的气象预报数据,在气温预报精度评价的基础上,采用4种基于温度的参考腾发量计算模型直接进行ET0预报,然后采用率定后的模型进行ET0预报,最后与实测气象数据和FAO-56PM公式计算的ET0值进行比较。结果表明,未率定的4种模型预报误差均较大,其中PT公式精度稍高。经率定后,4种公式的预报精度都有所提高,平均准确率为70%,MAE值HS模型最小,平均为0.57mm/d,其他3个模型为1.27~1.50mm/d;RMSE都在2.0mm/d左右;r值总体仍不高,TH模型平均仅有0.19,其他3种模型在0.6左右。综合来看,PT模型的预报效果稳定性优于其他3个模型。对于林芝地区附近的灌区,无论有无气象观测数据供模型率定,建议采用PT模型进行ET0预报。 相似文献
The use of plant water status indicators such as midday stem water potential (Ψstem) and maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) in irrigation scheduling requires the definition of a reference or threshold value, beyond which irrigation is necessary. These reference values are generally obtained by comparing the seasonal variation of plant water status with the environmental conditions under non-limiting soil water availability. In the present study an alternative approach is presented based on the plant’s response to water deficit. A drought experiment was carried out on two apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh. ‘Mutsu’ and ‘Cox Orange’) in which both indicators (Ψstem and MDS) were related to several plant physiological responses. Sap flow rates, maximum net photosynthesis rates and daily radial stem growth (DRSG) (derived from continuous stem diameter variation measurements) were considered in the assessment of the approach. Depending on the chosen plant response in relationship with Ψstem or MDS, the obtained reference values varied between −1.04 and −1.46 MPa for Ψstem and between 0.17 and 0.28 mm for MDS. In both cultivars, the approach based on maximum photosynthesis rates resulted in less negative Ψstem values and smaller MDS values, compared to the approaches with sap flow and daily radial stem growth. In the well-irrigated apple trees, day-to-day variations in midday Ψstem and MDS were related to the evaporative demand. These variations were more substantial for MDS than for midday Ψstem. 相似文献
赵玲爽 《中国农村水利水电》1991,(7)
本文介绍了中日双方专家团在海子水库灌区现场调查中,实测土壤水分特征值的方法,土壤水分曲线的制定和应用,负压计观测值的应用,计算节水型灌溉用水量和灌水间隔日数的方法,并用节水型频繁灌溉法制定了各作物的节水型灌溉制度,用这种方法制定的节水型灌溉制度要比我国过去用的常规法节水40%以上。 相似文献