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摘要:为了探究茄子产量相关性状与基因间互作的遗传模型,为茄子高效育种提供理论依据,以绿圆茄 “茄27”自交系为母本,紫长茄“茄31”自交系为父本,配制成F1杂交组合,分别进行自交、回交,构建了 P1、P2、F1、F2、B1、B2 6个世代遗传群体,利用主基因、多基因混合分析法研究了茄子产量相关性状的遗传 模型。结果表明:茄子单株产量受1对主基因的加性-显性遗传,单株结果数受2对加性主基因+加性-显性多基 因混合遗传,单株最大单果质量受2对加性主基因+加性-显性多基因遗传;单株产量和单株结果数以非加性 遗传为主,其中单株结果数以2对主基因加性效应遗传为主;单株最大果质量中B1和F2世代以主基因加性遗传 为主,其主基因遗传率分别为50.48%和54.33%,B2世代以多基因遗传为主,多基因遗传率为50.88%。综上可 知,茄子产量性状受到加性和显性遗传效应的影响。  相似文献   
本文将Gai and Wang(1998)的P1、 F1、 P2、 B1、 B2和F2 6个世代 联合分离分析方 法从A、 B、 C、 D 4类共17种遗传模型扩展至E(2对主基因+多基因)共5类24种遗传模型 。 成分分布参数估计的方法由EM算法改进为迭代条件EM算法(IECM), 其收敛性和所获结果 优于EM算法。 水稻株高例中2对主基因+多基因的遗传模型(E-2)优于原所  相似文献   
玉米茎秆糖含量的遗传模式分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
较高的茎秆糖含量有助于提高青贮玉米的饲料品质和适口性,本研究以YXD053和98A-04两个高茎秆糖含量玉米自交系为母本,Y6-1低茎秆糖含量玉米自交系为父本,通过自交、杂交及回交产生2个组合的6个世代(P1、P2、F1、F2、BC1和BC2);运用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型6个世代联合分析方法,探明控制玉米茎秆糖含量的遗传模型,并进行遗传参数估计。结果表明,玉米茎秆糖含量遗传受2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性-上位性多基因共同控制。YXD053×Y6-1及98A-04×Y6-1两个组合的主基因遗传率分别为53.50%和52.63%,多基因遗传率分别为7.96%和17.31%,总遗传率分别为61.46%和69.94%,显性度(h/d)均小于1。茎秆糖含量以主基因遗传为主,且主基因又以加性效应为主,但环境因素对茎秆糖含量的遗传有一定的影响。这一研究结果为玉米茎秆糖含量性状的基因定位和育种选择提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
I. Simko    S. Costanzo    V. Ramanjulu    B. J. Christ    K. G. Haynes 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(4):385-389
Potato tuber blight is a disease caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. Due to the significant economic impact of this disease, introgression of durable resistance into the cultivated potato is one of the top priorities of breeding programmes worldwide. Though numerous resistance loci against this devastating disease have already been mapped, most of the detected loci are contributing towards foliar resistance while specific information on tuber resistance is limited. To identify the genetic components of tuber resistance and its relationship to foliar resistance and plant maturity we have investigated the host‐pathogen interaction in a segregating diploid hybrid Solanum phureja × S. stenotomum family. Mature tubers from this mapping family were inoculated with a sporangial suspension of P. infestans (US‐8 clonal lineage) and evaluated for lesion expansion. No significant correlation was detected between late blight resistance in foliage and tubers, and between plant maturity and tuber resistance. Four chromosomal regions were significantly associated with tuber resistance to the disease. The largest effect was detected near the marker locus PSC (LOD 10.7) located on chromosome 10. This locus explained about 63% of the total phenotypic variation of the trait. The other three resistance‐related loci were mapped on chromosomes 8 (GP1282, LOD 4.4), 6 (CP18, LOD 4.0) and 2 (CP157, LOD 3.8). None of the four tuber resistance loci coincides with the foliage resistance loci detected in this same family. Tuber blight resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosomes 2, 8 and 10 are distinct from the maturity QTLs and have an additive effect on tuber resistance. These results indicate that different genes are involved in foliar and tuber resistance to P. infestans in the present family and that some of the resistance genes might be associated with late maturity.  相似文献   
亚麻酸是胡麻脂肪酸组成的主要成分,也是胡麻品质改良的主要目标。为深入研究胡麻亚麻酸含量的遗传规律,基于6个世代遗传群体(P_1、F_1、P_2、B_(1:2)、B_(2:2)、F_(2:3)),采用数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分析胡麻亚麻酸含量的遗传模式。结果表明,胡麻亚麻酸含量符合1对加性-显性主基因+加性-显性-上位性多基因遗传模型,主基因的加性效应在亚麻酸含量的遗传控制中具有重要贡献;B_(1:2)、B_(2:2)和F_(2:3)世代主基因遗传率分别为33.59%、46.95%和53.92%,多基因遗传率分别为25.60%、19.35%和14.43%;通过群体品质分析,筛选出高亚麻酸材料15份,高含油量材料7份,这些优异材料为胡麻品质育种奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   
Inheritance of time of flowering in upland cotton under natural conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. J. Hao    S. X. Yu    Q. X. Ma    S. L. Fan    M. Z. Song 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(4):383-390
Time to flowering is an essential component of the adaptation and productivity of cotton ( Gossipium hirsutum ) in various agro-ecological zones. This article presents a study of the genetic control of this trait in two crosses obtained from different early-maturity parental lines. In each cross, multiple generations including P1, F1, P2, B1, B2 and F2 were evaluated under two natural field conditions in 2004 and 2005. The data on time to flowering in the F2 populations had a continuous distribution but deviated from normality. A joint segregation analysis (JSA) revealed that time of flowering in upland cotton was controlled by a mixture of an additive major gene and additive-dominant polygenes. The first- and second-order genetic parameters were all calculated based on the mixture of major gene and polygene inheritance models using JSA. These results suggested that there was considerable genetic diversity and complexity in days to anthesis in upland cotton. This variation can be used to formulate the most efficient breeding strategy and to design cotton for a particular environment.  相似文献   
房桂萍  成玉富  徐强 《蔬菜》2023,5(5):11-16
为探究2个茄子组合品种的果形指数遗传规律,选用3种果形指数差异显著的高代自交系茄子(长筒、高圆和短筒果形)为材料,构建了2个杂交组合(组合Ⅰ:长筒×高圆,组合Ⅱ:高圆×短筒),采用六世代联合分析法研究果形指数的遗传规律。结果表明:果形指数遗传属于数量性状,2个组合果形指数遗传模型均适于E-3模型,即2对加性主基因+加性-显性多基因模型,组合Ⅰ表现出一负一正的主基因加性效应,组合Ⅱ表现出2个负向的主基因加性效应,2个组合多基因的加性效应均大于显性效应,说明以加性效应遗传为主。组合Ⅰ中B1、B2世代主基因遗传率大于多基因遗传率,以主基因遗传为主,F2世代多基因遗传率大于主基因遗传率,以多基因遗传为主,B2世代环境效率较高,为48.49%;组合Ⅱ中B1、B2分离世代的主基因遗传率大于多基因遗传率,以主基因遗传为主,F2的多基因遗传率大于主基因遗传率,以多基因遗传为主,B1和B2世代遗传受环境因素影...  相似文献   
中国南瓜可溶性固形物含量的主基因+多基因遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为明确中国南瓜可溶性固形物含量的遗传规律,选用中国南瓜杂交获得的6世代群体(P1、P2、F1、F2、BCP1、BCP2)为材料,应用植物数量性状的主基因+多基因遗传模型研究其遗传规律。结果表明,该群体可溶性固形物含量的遗传符合2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因混合遗传模型,2对主基因的加性效应均为-0.7077,均使可溶性固形物含量降低;显性效应分别为3.5034和1.3586,均使可溶性固形物含量升高。多基因的加性效应和显性效应分别为2.3066和-0.6679。其主基因遗传率在BCP1、BCP2、F2分别为17.06%、56.01%、95%,多基因遗传率在BCP1、BCP2、F2分别为47.16%、18.78%、0;说明主基因表现出较高的遗传力,可以在早期世代对可溶性固形物含量进行选择。研究为中国南瓜育种品质性状选择和分子标记辅助选择提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
柄蔓夹角是甜瓜株型重要性状之一,通过对甜瓜柄蔓夹角的遗传特性进行研究,以期为甜瓜株型改良育种提供理论基础。本研究以柄蔓夹角小的紧凑型甜瓜材料B103和柄蔓夹角大的疏散型甜瓜材料B297为亲本,构建四世代群体(P1、P2、F1和F2),应用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型多世代联合分析方法,对甜瓜柄蔓夹角进行遗传分析。两年的研究结果显示,甜瓜柄蔓夹角性状表现为数量性状,不同年份柄蔓夹角的最适遗传模型均为E-1模型,即柄蔓夹角由两对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因控制。2015年秋,F2分离世代主基因遗传率是72.28%,多基因遗传率是0;2016年春,F2分离世代主基因遗传率为52.06%,多基因遗传率为0。结果表明甜瓜柄蔓夹角的遗传符合两对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因遗传模型(E-1),这一性状由主基因控制,同时受环境影响。  相似文献   
为探讨高油花生品系农大D666含油量的遗传模式,以农大D666为中心亲本配置了4个杂交组合(DP、PD、SD、3D),同时利用农大D666的亲本丰花2号和Krapt.st.16配置了正、反交组合(FP、PF),以上述6个组合的F2群体为材料进行含油量的主基因+多基因遗传模型分析.结果表明,6个F2群体的含油量均存在广泛...  相似文献   
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