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本文运用电子计算机模拟的方法,分析了影响畜禽保种的主要因素,并通过不同参数组合(包括起始基因频率、群体有效含量和世代数等)的模拟试验得出三个主要结论: 1 在有性繁殖的有限群体中,原封不动地保存群体基因库中的每个基因(包括频率很低的基因)是根本不可能的。 2 在完全实行随机交配的情况下,长期保存频率较高的基因也需要相当大的群体才有可能。 3 频率较高基因的保存也不能单纯依靠群体大小,还需借助于选择。只有这样才能在小群体内长期保存频率较高的基因。  相似文献   
‘中李5号’李是以‘青脆李’为母本经自然实生选育而成。该品种生长势较强,树姿半开张;在河南省郑州市观察,3月上旬进入初花期,3月中旬进入盛花期,花期持续约10 d;果实发育期约120 d,于7月中旬成熟;果实近圆形,果顶扁平,缝合线浅,平均单果重46.8 g,果皮呈黄绿色,不着红色,果面有明显果粉层;果肉呈浅黄色,肉质细腻、硬脆,汁液多,纤维少,风味酸甜,无香气;果实可溶性固形物含量15.8%,维生素C含量6.82 mg/100 g,可溶性糖含量9.62%,可滴定酸含量0.82%,可食率97.9%;该品种5年生树的株产可达32 kg以上,丰产能力较强,在河南及周边省市李树适生区均可栽植。  相似文献   
文章分析探索了应用可见近红外光谱技术快速、高效、便捷测定土壤营养参数的可能性。采集蓬莱镇组紫色土样本,比对分析了不同肥力水平、土壤厚度和土壤粒径条件下采集土壤光谱对可见近红外光谱特征的影响,筛选出不同厚度、粒径土壤条件下的碱解氮含量预测模型。研究结果表明,土壤样本厚度为30mm时具有最大的光谱反射率,建立的氮含量预测模型效果最佳,校正集和验证集的相关系数分别为0.84和0.83,均方根误差分别为1.79和1.87。土样粒径在0.25-0.85mm时氮含量的预测效果最佳,校正集和验证集的相关系数均超过0.8,且均方根误差较小;但当土样粒径<0.25mm时,氮含量预测模型效果明显下降。采用20目(<0.85mm)过筛、30mm厚度土壤样本采集可见近红外光谱和偏最小二乘法(PLS)模型预测,可以实现对蓬莱镇组紫色土碱解氮含量的较好光谱预测。  相似文献   
为提高土壤含水量预测精度,基于物联网监测数据,提出了粒子群算法(PSO)优化BP神经网络的土壤含水量预测方法。首先应用主成分分析法筛选出影响土壤含水量的关键影响因子,然后构建8-5-1的BP神经网络拓扑结构,应用粒子群算法优化BP神经网络的初始权值和阈值。结果表明:与传统BP神经网络相比,新模型优化了网络结构,避免了陷入局部最优解,具有良好的预测效果;模型的评价指标平均绝对误差、平均绝对百分误差、误差均方根分别为0.259 2、0.010 5和0.135 6,与单一BP神经网络相比,预测精度更高,可满足实际的土壤含水量预测的需要。  相似文献   
The volumetric variability of dry tropical forests in Brazil and the scarcity of studies on the subject show the need for the development of techniques that make it possible to obtain adequate and accurate wood volume estimates. In this study, we analyzed a database of thinning trees from a forest management plan in the Contendas de Sincorá National Forest, southwestern Bahia State, Brazil. The data set included a total of 300 trees with a trunk diameter ranging from 5 to 52 cm. Adjustments, validation and statistical selection of four volumetric models were performed. Due to the difference in height values for the same diameter and the low correlation between both variables, we do not suggest models which only use the diameter at breast height (DBH) variable as a predictor because they accommodate the largest estimation errors. In comparing the best single entry model (Hohenald-Krenn) with the Spurr model (best fit model), it is noted that the exclusion of height as a predictor causes the values of 136.44 and 0.93 for Akaike information criterion (AIC) and adjusted determination coefficient (R2 adj), which are poorer than the second best model (Schumacher-Hall). Regarding the minimum sample size, errors in estimation (root mean square error (RMSE) and bias) of the best model decrease as the sample size increases, especially when a larger number of trees with DBH≥15.0 cm are randomly sampled. Stratified sampling by diameter class produces smaller volume prediction errors than random sampling, especially when considering all trees. In summary, the Spurr and Schumacher-Hall models perform better. These models suggest that the total variance explained in the estimates is not less than 95%, producing reliable forecasts of the total volume with shell. Our estimates indicate that the bias around the average is not greater than 7%. Our results support the decision to use regression methods to build models and estimate their parameters, seeking stratification strategies in diameter classes for the sample trees. Volume estimates with valid confidence intervals can be obtained using the Spurr model for the studied dry forest. Stratified sampling of the data set for model adjustment and selection is necessary, since we find significant results with mean error square root values and bias of up to 70% of the total database.  相似文献   
2002—2015年,采用同步调查法对鄱阳湖区反嘴鹬(Recurvirostra avosetta)越冬种群数量动态与空间分布格局进行了监测。结果表明:鄱阳湖区分布有稳定的反嘴鹬越冬种群,年平均数量为(16684±14653)只,2004年、2005年、2013年种群数量均超过目前其全球数量的10%,2004年冬季鄱阳湖区越冬反嘴鹬数量达到最大值,为47520只。鄱阳湖区共有70个湖泊记录到反嘴鹬,其中反嘴鹬种群数量达到全球1%以上的湖泊有20个。每年冬季鄱阳湖区反嘴鹬集中分布在常湖、蚌湖、花庙湖和下坝湖,而反嘴鹬利用频次最高的是大湖池,每年反嘴鹬的越冬数量为(1819±1593)只。各湖泊中反嘴鹬的年平均数量与利用频次之间不存在显著相关性。自然保护区涵盖了反嘴鹬在鄱阳湖越冬的主要湖泊,分布在保护区内的反嘴鹬种群占鄱阳湖区越冬总数量的(75.3±26.0)%,但仍有很多重要的湖泊没有被纳入到保护区范围。反嘴鹬对保护区内湖泊的利用频次与保护区外湖泊的利用频次不存在显著性差异,保护区内反嘴鹬的种群数量显著大于保护区外。  相似文献   
长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)经济价值高,是我国延绳钓渔业重要的目标鱼种。根据2013年9月~2014年1月和2014年4~8月我国金枪鱼观察员在南太平洋东部海域收集的长鳍金枪鱼样本和海洋环境数据,对其生物学组成和栖息环境进行了研究。结果表明:叉长(FL,cm)与体质量(WW,kg)的关系为:WW=3×10-5×FL2.909 9(雌雄性,R2=0.915 3);体长(TL,cm)与叉长(FL,cm)关系为:TL=1.033 6FL+2.555(R2=0.961 4);叉长(FL,cm)与两背鳍间距(LD1D2,cm)的关系为:LD1D2=0.248 5FL+1.238 1(R2=0.815 1);利用各水层长鳍金枪鱼渔获率(catch per unit effort,CPUE)推测其主要的栖息水层为150~270 m,栖息水层温度范围16~22℃,盐度范围35.0~35.6,其中最高资源丰度主要分布在190~230 m的水层,对应的温度为18~20℃,盐度为35.2~35.4。研究结果可为掌握南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼栖息环境提供基础数据。  相似文献   
实验对正常海带用褐藻酸降解菌进行了人工感染,经培养使其产生烂斑,通过组织显微切片进行比较观察,发现褐藻酸降解菌首先侵入内皮层,然后再逐渐侵入到外皮层、髓部,最终导致海带病烂。切片中发现在侵染海带切片内皮层的细胞中,有大量储藏颗粒,形成椭圆或圆形。其直径范围在1.5-4.0μm之间,平均直径为2.7μm。该颗粒主要存在内皮层,从其产生到消亡的过程分析,与褐藻酸降解菌的侵入有关,并作为营养起到促进菌增殖的作用。  相似文献   
Recent advances in crayfish feeding have enabled the development of size grading studies from the start of first‐feeding. A 180‐day experiment aimed at intensive rearing of Pacifastacus leniusculus was carried out under controlled conditions, evaluating the effects of size grading at two different periods from the onset of exogenous feeding. Stage 2 juveniles were stocked in fibreglass tanks at a density of 100 m2, and fed a dry diet for salmonids combined with restricted amounts of Artemia cysts. Five groups were tested: no grading, grading at 60 days (large and small size) and grading at 100 days (large and small size). After 6 months, no significant differences were found in the survival among groups (mean: 73.06%). The highest final growth (pooled results from upper and lower classes: 17.39 mm carapace length, 1.43 g weight) was achieved by the crayfish sorted at 60 days, showing significant differences from the ungraded group. Smaller crayfish graded at 60 days grew significantly faster than smaller crayfish graded at 100 days. The food conversion ratio was lower in the graded groups (mean: 2.64), showing significant differences from the ungraded group (3.23). This study shows that size grading allows a better performance and an improved feeding efficiency.  相似文献   
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