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The material flow and bulk internal flow analyses were used to establish a material accumulation and cycling model for a low-quality forest stand improvement system and a series of processes were considered. The model was applied in a one-hectare low-quality forest plot in the Lesser Khingan Range of China. Results showed that during 1997–2007, the stands absorbed 270.19 kg of N, 74.28 kg of P, and 124.39 kg of K from soils, 51.82 kg of N and 2.38 kg of P were directly absorbed by foliage, and 16.25 kg of K was released to soils by eluviation. Until 2007, the accumulated nutrients in the stands included 236.91 kg of N, 65.28 kg of P, and 108.55 kg of K. When horizontal strip clearcutting was applied in 2007, 50% accumulated nutrients in the stands were shifted due to harvesting operations, and 212.74 kg of N, 26.97 kg of P, and 98.88 kg of K were accumulated in soils, declining by 9.47% for N, 3.68% for P, and 17.60% for K, respectively, compared with year 1997. 94.61 t per hectare of biomass was generated, of which the biomass in stands accounted for 87.36%. The felled tree biomass was 36.89 t per hectare, of which 84.90% and 10.03% of biomass were utilized in terms of logs and other means, and the rest was left on site.  相似文献   
防护条件下梭梭幼苗生长及养分吸收特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南缘管件防护与传统移栽2种方式移栽的梭梭幼苗为实验材料,通过野外监测与室内分析,探讨了管件防护条件下梭梭幼苗的生长及养分吸收特性。结果表明:整个生育期内,管件防护梭梭幼苗的各生长指标与传统移栽苗相比,增幅最大的为茎粗,其次为株高。年周期内管件防护梭梭幼苗的生物量呈递增趋势,单株生物量累积可达45.25 g·株~(-1);净增加27.10 g·株~(-1),是传统移栽苗的1.38倍(P0.05)。管件防护梭梭幼苗体内的氮素、磷素、钾素含量呈先升高后降低趋势,在同化枝生长期达到峰值,分别为11.376 g·kg~(-1)、1.066 g·kg~(-1)和23.340 g·kg~(-1),较传统移栽苗高24%、15%和8%,差异显著;而其梭梭幼苗氮素、磷素、钾素的总积累量却呈递增趋势,年净增积累量分别为0.297 g·株~(-1)、0.027 g·株~(-1)和0.560 g·株~(-1),是传统移栽苗的2.23倍、1.72倍和1.65倍;各时期梭梭幼苗体内的氮素、磷素、钾素含量及总积累量均高于传统移栽苗。  相似文献   
为了研究自制中药复方颗粒剂对腹泻仔猪小肠黏膜组织结构和营养消化率的影响,试验选用人工感染大肠埃希菌引起腹泻的28日龄断奶的杜长大仔猪36头,随机均分为2组,每组3个重复,每个重复6头。抗生素治疗组在饮水中添加盐酸林可霉素2.0 m L/头饮水,2次/d,连续5 d;中药复方颗粒剂治疗组在饮水中添加2.0 g/头饮水,2次/d,连续5 d。分别于用药后14 d时,每组每个重复随机抽取1头屠宰,无菌采集小肠黏膜,通过石蜡切片和HE染色观测小肠黏膜病理组织学变化。其余仔猪继续饲养14 d,采用内源指示剂法进行消化试验。结果显示,小肠黏膜组织结构:中药复方颗粒剂治疗组小肠黏膜除有少量出血外,未发现明显病理变化。抗生素治疗组小肠黏膜脱落,有广泛充血、出血;黏膜上皮细胞变性坏死;嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,有大量以淋巴细胞杯状细胞为主的炎性细胞浸润;微绒毛排列紊乱、脱落;细胞受损严重,线粒体等细胞器结构异常。养分消化率:对于有机物质、磷的消化率,各组之间无显著差异,中药复方颗粒剂治疗组对钙的消化率为57.10%,显著高于抗生素治疗组(56.10%),并与健康仔猪组(57.40%)差异不显著。中药复方颗粒剂治疗组对粗蛋白质的消化率为79.30%,显著高于抗生素治疗组(78.50%),并与健康仔猪组(79.20%)差异不显著。中药复方颗粒剂治疗组对粗纤维的消化率为48.30%,极显著高于抗生素治疗组(46.10%),并与健康仔猪组(48.20%)差异不显著。中药复方颗粒剂治疗组对粗脂肪的消化率为63.40%,极显著高于抗生素治疗组(62.10%),并与健康仔猪组(63.60%)差异不显著。结论:抗生素治疗仔猪腹泻造成小肠黏膜明显的病理变化和功能障碍,而中药治疗有利于仔猪小肠黏膜组织结构的修复,并能显著提高小肠的养分消化率。为防治仔猪腹泻、提高仔猪的生长性能提供依据。  相似文献   
Crude protein in corn and soybean meal have been documented to vary, and such inherent variability can result in under- or over-feeding of CP when feeds are formulated, leading to reduced bird growth, added input costs, and increased environmental pollution. The purpose of this study was to compare 2 grain-handling techniques and 2 feed formulation methods (linear vs. stochastic programming) to reduce CP variability in finished feeds and determine resulting costs or savings. The 2 grain-handling techniques were placing all the random batches of each delivered ingredient in to (1) a single bin (1-bin method) or (2) segregating above- and below-average samples into 2 bins (2-bin method). A fast way of estimating the composition of the ingredients is now available (near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy). Microsoft Excel workbooks were constructed to solve broiler starter feed formulation problems. Formulating feeds by linear and stochastic models based on the 2-bin method reduced CP variability by at least 50% compared with the 1-bin method. Formula cost was reduced by ˜20 cents per ton (averages of August 2012 United States ingredient prices) when the 2-bin method was used with the linear model. Formulating feed with a margin of safety increased formula cost by $3.40 per ton. Stochastic feed formulation increased formula cost to meet the specified CP level in feed at any probability of success, and formula cost was reduced substantially with the 2-bin method (up to $6.47 per ton). The magnitude of savings and reduced feed variability suggested that, regardless of the costs associated with building extra bins, the 2-bin method can be economically efficient in the long run. Therefore, it could be possible to split the batches of feed ingredients at a feed mill into above- or below-average bins before feed formulation to reduce CP variability and to maximize savings.  相似文献   

1. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementing broiler diets with xylanase or xylo- oligosaccharide (XOS) on growth performance, the concentration of non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) hydrolysis products in the ileum and concentration of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the caeca of broiler chickens.

2. In total, 500 male Ross 308 broilers were used in this 29-day (d) study. The treatments were organised into a 2 × 2 plus 1 factorial arrangement consisting of two additives (xylanase or XOS) at two levels (low or high) plus a control treatment with no additives. This gave five treatments with 100 birds in each treatment group. The diets were slightly deficient in protein by 20 g/kg and energy by 1 MJ/kg.

3. On d 14 and 28, two birds per pen were euthanised, the caeca content collected and analysed for short chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentration. On d 29, six birds per pen were euthanised and ileal digesta were collected and analysed for the concentration of NSP fractions.

4. On d 14, caecal acetic acid, iso-butyric acid, iso-valeric acid, n-valeric acid and total SCFA concentrations were significantly greater (P ≤ 0.05) when diets were supplemented with XOS compared with xylanase.

5. Ileal concentration of arabinose, galactose and glucuronic acid (GlucA2) were significantly greater (P ≤ 0.05) in the insoluble NSP fraction when diets were supplemented with a high level of xylanase, compared with the control treatment. Ileal concentration of fructose was significantly greater (P ≤ 0.05) in the water soluble NSP when a high level of xylanase or low level of XOS were included in the diet compared with the control.

6. It was concluded that xylanase and XOS had similar effects on NSP concentration and SCFA in the caeca, although there was little effect on performance. This observation demonstrated further benefits of xylanase supplementation in wheat-based broiler diets beyond digesta viscosity reduction and the release of extra nutrients.  相似文献   
Reuse of phosphorus (P) from waste streams used for bioenergy conversion is desirable to reduce dependence on nonrenewable P resources. Two different ash materials from low‐temperature biomass gasification of wheat straw and sewage sludge, respectively, were investigated with regard to their P bioavailability. A set of pot experiments with spring barley was carried out to compare the ash P fertiliser value with mineral P fertiliser and the sewage sludge feedstock. An indirect radioactive labelling approach with 33P was used to determine the amount of P taken up from the fertiliser materials. Depending on the application rate, straw gasification ash produced a fertiliser response comparable to mineral P. However, P uptake from the ash was generally less than uptake from equivalent amounts of mineral P, and the calculated relative effectiveness was 44% after 6 weeks of plant growth. In contrast, the P fertiliser value of Fe‐rich sewage sludge after low‐temperature gasification was practically zero. These results suggest that ash from low‐temperature gasification could be developed into alternative P fertilisers; however, as the P bioavailability depends greatly on the feedstock used, a greater emphasis on feedstock composition is required.  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究固态发酵醋糟饲料(SFVD)对育肥猪生长性能、养分表观消化率、血清指标及粪便中挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)含量的影响。选择体况相近[(59.04±0.33)kg]的健康“杜×长×大”三元杂交生长育肥猪60头,随机分为2个组,每组3个重复,每个重复10头猪。对照组饲喂基础饲粮+150 mg/kg土霉素钙,试验组饲喂基础饲粮+5%的SFVD。预试期6 d,正试期35 d。结果表明:与对照组相比,基础饲粮中添加5%的SFVD对育肥猪平均日采食量(ADFI)具有一定的促进趋势(P=0.056);显著降低了育肥猪饲粮中干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、有机物(OM)和总能(GE)的表观消化率(P<0.05),对粗脂肪(EE)表观消化率有一定的促进趋势(P=0.052);显著提高了育肥猪血清谷草转氨酶(AST)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性(P<0.05),血清高密度脂蛋白(HDL)和免疫球蛋白A(IgA)含量也呈现出一定的升高趋势(P=0.055和P=0.077);显著提高了育肥猪粪便中丙酸含量(P<0.05),粪便中甲酸和总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)含量也呈现出一定的升高趋势(P=0.071和P=0.054)。由此可见,基础饲粮中添加5%的SFVD对育肥猪生长性能、肠道健康及免疫性能的提高具有潜在的促进作用。  相似文献   
双季稻最佳磷肥和钾肥用量与密度组合研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
【目的】为明确磷肥、钾肥用量和移栽密度对双季稻的施用效果,在田间试验条件下研究了不同磷肥用量、钾肥用量和移栽密度组合对江西双季稻产量、产量构成要素及磷肥和钾肥利用率的影响。【方法】本研究采用裂区试验设计研究了不同施磷量和移栽密度、不同施钾量和移栽密度对双季稻产量、磷肥和钾肥利用率的影响。磷肥用量和移栽密度试验中,设4个施磷水平(P2O5 0、60、90、120 kg/hm2,以P0、P60、P90和P120表示)和4种移栽密度(21×104、27×104、33×104、39×104 穴/hm2,以D21、D27、D33和D39表示)组合。钾肥用量和移栽密度试验中,设4个施钾水平(K2O 0、90、120、150 kg/hm2,以K0、K90、K120和K150表示),密度设置同磷肥试验。在水稻成熟期对产量以及产量构成要素进行测定,并分析其磷素和钾素的吸收量和利用率等指标。【结果】磷肥与密度试验中,同一施磷水平下,早稻产量和地上部磷素吸收量随着移栽密度的增加而增加,当施磷量超过60 kg/hm2时,产量和磷素吸收量不再随密度增加而显著增加,磷素吸收利用率(REP)、磷素农学效率(AEP)和磷素偏生产力(PFPP)逐步降低,以P60D39处理组合的产量和磷素吸收利用率最高,分别为5303.9 kg/hm2和24.4%,AEP为29.4 kg/kg; 晚稻则以施磷量在60 kg/hm2和33×104 穴/hm2密度组合的产量和磷素吸收利用率最高,分别为7246.9 kg/hm2和42.4%,AEP为36.2 kg/kg。钾肥与密度试验中,早稻的钾素吸收量随着施钾量的增加而增加,施钾量在120 kg/hm2和39×104 穴/hm2密度组合的处理产量和钾素吸收利用率(REK)最高,分别为6376.3 kg/hm2和67.2%,此时钾素农学效率(AEK)为15.6 kg/kg; 晚稻则以施钾量在90 kg/hm2和33×104 穴/hm2密度组合的处理产量和REK最佳,分别为7025.6 kg/hm2和74.0%,AEK为21.7 kg/kg。【结论】合理的磷肥、钾肥用量和移栽密度可以显著增加水稻单位面积有效穗数和养分累积量,进而增加水稻产量和肥料利用率,但过高的磷肥和钾肥施用会抑制产量的进一步增加。建议本研究区域的早稻采用施磷量在60 kg/hm2、施钾量120 kg/hm2和39×104穴/hm2的密度组合,而晚稻采用施磷量60 kg/hm2、施钾量90 kg/hm2和33×104 穴/hm2的密度组合。  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究添加复合酶对临武鸭瓜尔豆胚芽养分、氨基酸和能量利用率的影响。试验选用24只体重2.0 kg左右的健康成年临武鸭公鸭,随机分为3组,每组8个重复,每个重复1只鸭。采用绝食强饲-全收粪法进行代谢试验。1、2组试验鸭每只强饲60 g/d饲粮,2组饲粮中添加250 mg/kg的复合酶,3组强饲60 g/d无氮饲粮。测定添加复合酶对临武鸭瓜尔豆胚芽中干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、粗脂肪(EE)、粗纤维(CF)和17种氨基酸的表观利用率、真可利用率、表观代谢能(AME)和真代谢能(TME)。结果表明,临武鸭对瓜尔豆胚芽DM、CP、EE、CF和能量的真可利用率分别为67.07%、67.57%、65.52%、82.88%和77.39%,AME和TME分别为11.34和13.31 MJ/kg,17种氨基酸的真可利用率为67.72%~93.70%;添加复合酶使临武鸭的DM、CP、EE、CF和能量的真可利用率分别提高了5.23%、8.02%、5.80%、3.66%和3.31%(P0.05),AME和TME分别提高了3.97%和3.27%(P0.05),17种氨基酸的真可利用率提高了1.73%~11.62%,其中丝氨酸、甘氨酸、亮氨酸、酪氨酸和苯丙氨酸的真可利用率显著提高(P0.05)。由此可知,添加含有蛋白酶和非淀粉多糖酶的复合酶能够提高临武鸭对瓜尔豆胚芽中养分、氨基酸和能量的利用率。  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究饲粮铜源及水平对育成期雄性水貂生长性能、营养物质表观消化率及氮、铜代谢的影响。采用3×3+1双因素试验设计,设3种铜源(硫酸铜、碱式氯化铜、蛋氨酸铜)和3个铜添加水平(10、25、40 mg/kg),1个对照组。选择60日龄健康、体重接近的美国短毛黑雄性水貂120只,随机分成10组,每组12个重复,每个重复1只貂。预试期7 d,正试期45 d。结果表明:1)水貂的平均日采食量随饲粮铜添加水平的增加呈极显著线性增加(P0.01),并且平均日增重随饲粮铜添加水平的增加也呈线性增加(P=0.053)。2)水貂的粗脂肪表观消化率随饲粮铜添加水平的增加呈极显著线性增加(P0.01),并且粗蛋白质表观消化率随饲粮铜添加水平的增加也呈显著线性增加(P0.05)。3)水貂铜摄入量、粪铜排泄量、尿铜排泄量以及铜沉积量均随饲粮铜添加水平的增加呈极显著线性增加(P0.01),然而铜的表观吸收率却随饲粮铜添加水平的增加呈极显著线性降低(P0.01)。水貂对碱式氯化铜和蛋氨酸铜的表观吸收率极显著高于对硫酸铜的表观吸收率(P0.01)。水貂氮沉积量随饲粮铜添加水平的增加而呈显著线性增加(P0.05)。由此可见,基础饲粮中铜含量为8.05 mg/kg时,饲粮添加40 mg/kg的铜能改善育成期雄性水貂生长性能,提高水貂粗脂肪表观消化率;育成期雄性水貂对碱式氯化铜和蛋氨酸铜的表观吸收率高于对硫酸铜的表观吸收率。  相似文献   
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