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使用高光谱仪ASD Field Spec在波长范围400~1 000 nm内采集有机质含量不同的土壤原始光谱;之后,求取土壤原始光谱及其A值的一阶导数(一阶导数光谱);对以上两类一阶导数光谱进行小波去噪处理;并分析这两类一阶光谱在去噪前、后,光谱形态的变化情况,以及它们与有机质含量相关性的改善程度。结果表明:(1)土壤原始光谱及其A值的一阶导数中含有大量噪声,严重影响了对光谱曲线波形轮廓、特征信号点和有机质吸收特征的识别。(2)经小波去噪处理后,土壤原始光谱及其A值的一阶导数中的噪声被有效去除,一阶导数光谱的清晰度明显改善,光谱质量显著提高。(3)去噪后的土壤原始光谱的一阶导数,呈开口向下的"喇叭口"状,波长范围567~598 nm内与有机质含量呈较为稳定、显著的负相关性。(4)去噪后的土壤原始光谱A值的一阶导数,波形呈"凹"状,波长范围524~535 nm内与有机质含量呈比较稳定、显著的正相关性。  相似文献   
采用激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)技术并结合在锌基板上液固转换的样品处理方法,对标准水溶液样品中Fe、Mn进行检测,并根据标准曲线法建立Fe、Mn的定量模型;再利用所建立的LIBS定量模型,对洞庭湖区地下水实际水样中Fe、Mn含量进行检测,并与电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP–MS)的检测结果进行比较。结果表明:得到Fe、Mn的LIBS定标曲线的决定系数均大于0.98,相对标准偏差均为4.3%,留一交叉验证均方根误差分别为0.024、0.007 mg/L,Fe、Mn的检出限分别为0.028、0.008 mg/L;采用LIBS对洞庭湖地下水实际水样中Fe、Mn含量检测的结果与ICP–MS的检测结果基本一致,平均相对误差小于10%。  相似文献   
基于可见/近红外光谱技术,研究了鲜茧毛脚茧快速鉴别的方法。采用主成分分析法对毛脚茧和成熟茧进行定性分析,再对光谱数据采用最小二乘支持向量机方法建模鉴别,通过连续投影算法从400-1000 nm波段的鲜茧光谱数据中选取了12个特征波长。采用最小二乘支持向量机法基于400 nm,430 nm,487 nm,512 nm,604 nm,616 nm,732 nm,759 nm,784 nm,852 nm,985 nm,999 nm这12个特征波长建模,结果对毛脚茧的判别准确率达到100%。表明可见/近红外光谱可以用于毛脚茧的鉴别检测。  相似文献   
针对当前无人机热红外遥感提取冠层温度不准确、监测作物水分胁迫状况精度不高的问题,该研究以不同水分处理的拔节期夏玉米为研究对象,利用无人机获取试验区域热红外和可见光图像资料,分别采用Otsu算法、EXG-Kmeans算法和Otsu-EXG-Kmeans算法获取冠层区域图像,并对提取结果进行精度评价,而后采用最优算法求得对应作物水分胁迫指数(Crop Water Stress Index,CWSI),通过分析CWSI同土壤含水率相关关系以及CWSI日平均变化趋势来监测玉米水分亏缺状况。结果表明:1)相比于其他方法,Otsu-EXG-Kmeans算法对冠层温度提取精度更高(用户精度为95.9%),提取的冠层温度更接近实测温度(r=0.788),可以准确获取图像冠层温度。2)相比于冠层温度,CWSI与土壤含水率的相关性更高(r= -0.738),CWSI日平均变化趋势更符合实际情况,可更加精确地监测玉米缺水状况。该研究为无人机遥感精准监测作物水分胁迫状况提供参考。  相似文献   
Adsorbed phosphate in soils can be chemically extracted; however, this process is both time‐consuming and not cost‐effective if large numbers of samples have to be analysed. Indirect assessment of adsorbed phosphate by pedotransfer functions (PTFs) can help optimize fertilizer strategies. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial variability of adsorbed phosphate (Pads), iron oxides and magnetic susceptibility (MS) in oxisols and to calibrate PTFs to predict Pads. A total of 308 soil samples were collected from Hapludox and Eutrudox soils formed from sandstone in Brazil. The contents of clay (196–607 g/kg), iron oxides (40–165 g/kg), MS (1.2–29 × 10?6 m3/kg) and Pads (327–842 mg/kg) were in the range of typical values for these highly weathered soils. This study showed that the attributes studied were spatially dependent. Geomorphic surfaces enabled understanding of spatial variability and helped to develop a more efficient sampling scheme to calibrate PTFs. Moreover, the adsorbed phosphate in these oxisols could be predicted by a PTF using iron oxides and MS as predictors. The MS attribute enabled the most accurate prediction (concordance coefficient = 0.95, root‐mean‐square error = 46 mg/kg and relative improvement in root‐mean‐square error = ?4.12) of spatial variability through PTF compared to other predictors.  相似文献   
This paper explores the feasibility of particle-based detection and grading of seed vigor based on a self-built seed single-granulation device using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Sweet corn with uniform kernel size was used for this study. The seed samples were divided into three types, they were normal seeds, artificially aged seeds and heat-damaged seeds. A 2-part spectral acquisition of each seed were performed, one for the collection of seeds that fall into the detection zone within the separation pipe, another was on the static platform, whose collection was performed on 5 faces of each seed. Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to classify the original data of the seeds. In the 2 parts, the discriminant results of the unprocessed normal seeds and the artificial accelerated aging seeds, the untreated normal seeds and the heat-damaged seeds showed that classification accuracy was higher than 98%. The research indicates that the spectral data of different positions of seeds can reflect their activity information, and it is feasible to detect and classify seeds in real time in the detection area of the separation pipeline.  相似文献   
研究采集宁夏区内各市县(固原、海原、同心、中卫、中宁、永宁、平罗)抽取玉米样品120批,用近红外分析仪扫描定标样品集获得玉米近红外光谱图,利用偏最小二乘法建立模型,并分别经过无预处理、均值中心化、标准正态变量转换、一阶导数、标准正态变量转换结合去趋势校正(SNV+D)预处理光谱,获得水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维预测模型,分别是经过MC、SNV+D、SNV+D、SNV+D光谱预处理后效果最好。预测决定系数R2 p分别为0.951、0.976、0.728、0.897,相对分析误差RPD除粗脂肪为2.62外,其他均大于3的近红外预测模型,通过预测模型验证集验证后,并对模型预测值与实测值进行U检验,结果为差异不显著(P>0.05)。该近红外预测模型对玉米中水分、粗蛋白、粗纤维具有较佳预测效果,粗脂肪的预测精度有待进一步提高。  相似文献   
光辐射染色木材的变色规律及化学组分结构的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以I-214杨木染色单板为试材、氙光作为辐射光源,考察其在100h光照过程中表面颜色的变化规律;依据红外光谱图的谱峰位置和谱峰相对吸收强度,分析和确定光变色过程中染色杨木木材的化学组分。结果表明:染色杨木木材受光辐射易发生变色,其中酸性蓝染色单板的明度指数L*和色品指数b*变化显著,其光变色度显著大于酸性大红GR染色单板;若以波数1510cm-1为基准,非共轭羰基C=O振动的吸收峰(1738cm-1)吸收强度显著增强;共轭羰基C=O伸缩振动的吸收峰(1650cm-1)吸收强度有所增强;芳香环骨架C-C振动的吸收峰(1510cm-1)吸收强度明显减弱;C-O-H振动的吸收峰(1160~1052cm-1)吸收强度有所减弱。  相似文献   
为研究树脂对改性材性能的影响,采用2种不同工艺合成三聚氰胺-脲醛树脂(MUF),测试了树脂的相关性能。结果表明,不同合成工艺路线下制备的 MUF 树脂在固体含量、粘度、固化时间、游离甲醛含量间存在显著差异。最终树脂的分子结构类型相似性极高,但相同结构组分在不同树脂中所占比例各有差异。羟甲基基团在MUF2中所占比例高,而亚甲基桥键及醚键在MUF1中含量高。MUF1改性材的增重率(weight percent gain,WPG)值更大,但MUF2改性材的抗溶胀性(anti-swelling efficiency,ASE)和体积膨胀率(bulking rates,B)更高,MUF2改性材的尺寸稳定性更好。  相似文献   
This study evaluates the effect of soil particle size (SPS) on the measurement of exchangeable sodium (Na) (EXC-Na) by near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy. Three hundred thirty-two (n = 332) top soil samples (0–10 cm) were taken from different locations across Uruguay, analyzed by EXC-Na using emission spectrometry, and scanned in reflectance using a NIR spectrophotometer (1100–2500 nm). Partial least squares (PLS) and principal component regression (PCR) models between reference chemical data and NIR data were developed using cross validation (leaving one out). The coefficient of determination in calibration (R2) and the root mean square of the standard error of cross validation (RMSECV) for EXC-Na concentration were 0.44 (RMSECV: 0.12 mg kg–1) for soil with small particle size (SPS-0.053) and 0.77 (RMSECV: 0.09 mg kg–1) for soils with particle sizes greater than 0.212 mm (SPS-0.212), using the NIR region after second derivative as mathematical transformation. The R2 and RMSECV for EXC-Na concentration using PCR were 0.54 (RMSECV: 0.07 mg kg–1) and 0.80 (RMSECV: 0.03 mg kg–1) for SPS-0.053 and SPS-0.212 samples, respectively.  相似文献   
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