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从红菜薹的品种资源、遗传育种、良种繁育以及栽培生理、贮藏保鲜、品质安全等方面,综述了近20年来我国红菜薹研究的主要成果,可供今后我国红菜薹教学、科研和生产及宏观决策的参考.  相似文献   
新疆阿勒泰北屯地区位于额尔齐斯河下游,夏季蚊虫泛滥,严重威胁当地人民的身体健康.本研究跟踪调查了各种水体的幼蚊滋生情况,确定了幼蚊发生的2个高峰期分别出现在5月下旬至6月上旬及6月下旬至7月上旬,同时确定了洪水型积水、排碱渠积水和漫灌林带积水是幼蚊高发的孳生地类型.采集并对蚊虫样品进行形态学鉴定,确定了该地区的优势蚊种为刺扰伊蚊Aedes vexans.用苏云金芽胞杆菌以色列亚种Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.israelensis(Bti)水剂对该蚊种进行了室内生测,其LC50和LC90分别为0.055和0.198 mg/L.分别选取3种高发孳生地的3处积水进行野外试验,发现48 h后该药剂对幼蚊的杀灭率均在96%以上,对大面积孳生地也有很好的杀灭作用.监测显示成蚊出现的高峰时间是每年的6月上旬至6月中旬及7月中旬至7月下旬.连续施药3年后,2013年的成蚊数量相比2011年时下降幅度超过50%.本研究对于北屯地区蚊虫的进一步控制以及Bti制剂在新疆的推广有重要的意义.  相似文献   
Biological control is an efficient pest control method but there are still limitations that are hindering its wider adoption. Genetic improvement of biological control agents (BCAs) can help to overcome these constraints, but the choice of key attributes for better performance that need to be selected is still an open question. Several characteristics have been suggested but the harsh reality is that selective breeding of BCAs has received a lot of attention but resulted in very little progress. Identifying the appropriate traits to be prioritized may be the first step to reverse this situation. In our opinion, the best way is to look at the factors limiting the performance of key BCAs, especially generalist predators (pesticide compatibility, prey‐density dependence, non‐suitable crops, and extreme environmental conditions), and according to these challenges, to choose the attributes that would allow BCAs to overcome those limitations. The benefits of selection for higher resistance to toxins, whether artificially applied (pesticides) or plant produced (plant defenses); increased fitness when feeding on non‐prey food (supplemented or plant‐derived); and better adaptation to extreme temperature and humidity are discussed. In conclusion, genetic improvement of BCAs can bring about new opportunities to biocontrol industry and users to enhance biocontrol resilience. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
无粮饲料是以农作物废弃物、优质可再生牧草等为原料,通过人工处理,制作成适合投喂的畜禽饲料。无粮饲料的开发与应用,既可节约养殖成本,又可为人们提供优质的畜禽产品,其发展前景广阔。对无粮饲料原料的开发利用进行了综述。  相似文献   
"物极必反,困则思变",非洲猪瘟和新冠疫情没有让养猪行业止步不前,反而促使人们去尽最大努力探索养猪科技新技术.无抗替代技术、发酵混合饲料技术、区块链+畜产品溯源技术和生猪期货合约上市等承压前行,在不平凡的2020年交上了不俗的答卷.  相似文献   
各国奶牛群体的选育目标建立之后,选育目标一直在不断发展,选择指数中性状的组成、定义和权重等都在不断变化。奶牛的选育是从关注产奶性能而开始,随后增加了体型外貌性状。由于奶牛的健康和繁殖问题的增加以及社会对动物福利的不断关注,20世纪末,世界范围内平衡育种理念在奶牛育种中逐渐形成,一些重要的功能性状加入各国的选择指数中;进入21世纪后,随着奶牛养殖业和社会的发展,育种家们开始关注和研究更多的性状,部分新性状已经开始在育种实践中选育应用。本文通过整理奶牛育种中有关新性状的研究并收集各国奶牛选育方案中的相关信息,综述了近十年奶业发达国家在奶牛遗传选育中正在研究或已经开始应用的新性状,并将这些新性状分为生产效率相关的新性状、应对环境挑战的新性状、健康福利相关的新性状、产品和加工相关的新性状及管理相关的新性状五大类,总结了这些性状的选育背景、定义方法、遗传基础和选育应用情况等,最后还总结了奶牛育种中新性状的研究应用过程,以期为我国奶牛遗传育种研究和育种目标完善提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
鸭绿江茴鱼目前已经濒临绝迹,为保护这一濒危物种,并扩大其种群数量,根据该鱼的生物学特性,对鸭绿江茴鱼亲鱼的驯化方法,性成熟年龄,繁殖季节,人工授精方法,孵化方法,鱼苗培育,饵料投喂等进行了研究。结果表明:鸭绿江茴鱼性成熟年龄为2龄;产卵期在4月中旬至5月末;卵在水温8℃经17 d左右,累积温度达135度日开始发眼;25 d左右,累积温度达200度日开始破膜;32 d左右,累积温度达250度日开始上浮;经36 d左右,累积温度达290度日开始驯化摄食;开口摄食时投喂适合鱼苗吞咽的活饵料(小型枝角类、桡足类);1个月后体长达2.5 cm时,投喂大型枝角类、桡足类和适合摄食的鸡蛋羹。研究结果显示,鸭绿江茴鱼可以通过人工手段进行繁殖。  相似文献   
春秋兼用家蚕品种“渝蚕1号”的育成   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用杂交育种和系统选择的方法,育成优良家蚕新品种中4、C106、日5,并与引进品种皓月组配成中4.C106×皓月.日5(渝蚕1号)的四元杂交组合。经四川省蚕品种审定的实验室鉴定和农村鉴定,该品种表现出强健、好养、发育整齐、茧丝质优良等特点,全茧量2.45 g、茧层率23.27%、解舒率75.22%,主要经济指标超过对照种。该品种已通过四川省家蚕品种审定,并在生产上试繁推广。  相似文献   
This experiment was aimed to study the changes of reproductive hormone and regulation of follicle development during the reproductive cycle of Yili goose in Xinjiang. 2 years old Yili goose were chosen which were in good health and similar weight. 32 samples were randomly selected to take blood samples for hormone detection during the laying, broodiness and ceased periods, and 15 samples were randomly selected to gather ovarian tissue for the observation of the development of ovary and follicular. The results showed that during the laying period, the GnRH of the Yili goose was extremely significantly higher than the broodiness and ceased periods of 16.78% and 58.29% (P<0.01);PRL was significantly lower than the broodiness period of 13.00% (P<0.05), and was extremely significantly higher than the ceased period of 28.94% (P<0.01); FSH was higher than the broodiness period of 6.98% (P>0.05),and was extremely significantly higher than the ceased period of 21.12% (P<0.01); LH was extremely significantly lower than the broodiness period of 8.38% (P<0.01),and was extremely significantly higher than the ceased period of 16.84% (P<0.01); E2 were extremely significantly higher than that the broodiness and ceased periods of 29.80% and 112.40% (P<0.01); P4 levels were extremely significantly higher than the broodiness and ceased periods of 28.89% and 30.34% (P<0.01). The ovary volume and weight of Yili goose were extremely significantly higher than that of broodiness and ceased periods (P<0.01). In the laying period, the mature follicles of Yili goose were significantly larger than that of the broodiness and resting periods, the number of secondary follicles was more and the number of primary follicles was lesser. Ovarian growth and mature follicle atresia, granule layer shrinkage, inward depression, cytoplasmic cavity, follicular atrophy at all levels in the broodiness period. The follicle cytoplasmic cavity of the ovary was larger in the ceased period than broodiness period, and inward concave further deeper, a large number of primordial follicles evenly arranged. Thus, during the laying period, the responses of GnRH, E2 and LH of Yili goose were active and played a leading role on the development of ovarian and follicular. PRL and LH maintained a high level of secretion, cooperated to maintain the broodiness behavior during the broodiness period.  相似文献   
Industrial animal agriculture is grounded in the concept of maximizing productivity and profit. Selective breeding for maximum productivity in one characteristic of the animal (e.g. milk yield in cows, or breast meat in broiler chickens) has resulted in genotypes and phenotypes that may predispose the animals to poor health and welfare. The conditions in which these individuals are kept may also frustrate many inherited behaviors that they are strongly motivated to perform. In order to curb the resulting harmful aberrant behaviors, such as feather‐pecking in chickens, we sometimes resort to mutilating the animals. In many places chickens are routinely de‐beaked by means of a hot metal guillotine. Compassion in World Farming (an international organization that promotes the humane treatment of farm animals) believes that it is unethical to treat sentient beings in such ways. We have a duty to respect farm animals' sentience by providing them with housing conditions that take their needs and wants into account, and by reverting to the use of dual‐purpose, slower‐growing breeds that have the potential for good welfare. Alternatives to current farming practices are available, and we owe it to the animals, and to our consciences, to pursue them.  相似文献   
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