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河道生态建设中常见草本护坡植物性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在9月份选取10种杭嘉湖区域常见的河道护坡植物,测试其生物量及其叶片的蒸腾作用速率,据此计算出植物的降温和增湿效能.结果表明:结缕草的生物量较大;10种护坡植物的日蒸腾释水量和日蒸腾吸热量差异明显,狭叶香蒲、狗牙根和苍耳具有良好的降温增湿效果.  相似文献   
Fog frequency and the meteorological processes leading to fog formation have never been studied in depth in tropical lowland forest areas. This study provides detailed evidence of frequent fog occurrence in lowland valleys of central French Guiana. Fog frequency showed a clear diurnal course, with a maximum before sunrise; average fog duration was 4.6 h. The diurnal course of visibility was positively correlated with the diurnal course of humidity in the above-canopy air. Fog persistence correlated significantly with atmospheric parameters during the dry season, but not during the rainy season. The main trigger of fog development in the lowland forest seemed to be precipitation, leading to higher soil moisture, greater evapotranspiration and, thus, higher water content of air. An increasing temperature difference between valley and hill sites after sunset, together with more frequent down-slope winds during nights with long fog periods, points at some influence of katabatic flows. The frequent occurrence of fog in the valleys correlated with significantly higher epiphyte diversities in valley forests as compared to hill forests, and supported the occurrence of the hitherto undescribed, epiphyte-rich “tropical lowland cloud forest” (LCF) in the valleys. The higher epiphyte diversity in LCF coincided with significantly higher relative air humidity in LCF than in hill forest. The ecological benefits of fog for the epiphytes in LCF are surplus of moisture and delayed onset of the stress period, particularly in the dry season.  相似文献   
我国土壤系统分类的土壤调查技术仍处于研究阶段,借鉴传统的发生分类的土壤调查方法,本文主要研究了基于土壤系统分类的土壤类型与界线确定。土壤类型是通过常规布点法进行主要剖面点位置的设定,并从地形分级和制图精度方面分析确定其数量,对挖掘的土壤剖面利用诊断层和诊断特性定名得出。土壤界线则是利用内插法在调查路线上确定土壤类型分界点后,结合遥感图像将不同调查路线相同土壤类型分界点用平滑曲线连接最终确定。研究表明,土壤类型和土壤界线与母质、地形、植被和土地利用方式等多种景观因素有密切的联系,在土壤调查中要充分考虑景观因素的影响。  相似文献   
半日光间歇弥雾果树育苗系统及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决某些果树树种繁育困难的问题,研制了半日光间歇弥雾果树育苗系统,用于甜樱桃矮化砧木吉塞拉6号嫩梢扦插育苗。通过对育苗环境主要因子的宽范围高精度调控,45 d育成新苗,生根率93.66%以上,每株平均生根7.29条,新苗移栽成活率95%以上。与传统扦插育苗和组培繁育相比,育苗周期和成本均显著降低。  相似文献   
Knowledge of the factors involved, and tools to control morphology and flowering are important in intensive and cost-efficient greenhouse production. Hydrangea macrophylla is an important flowering pot plant in Norway and is produced year-around in greenhouses. Due to problems in scheduling, a study was conducted to compare floral transition and morphology of two commercially important cultivars of Hydrangea (‘Early Blue’ and ‘Schneeball’) under different flower initiating treatments in growth chambers. Plants were grown with high pressure sodium lamps (HPS) at moderate temperature (17 °C) (MT) and high (24 °C) temperature. At high temperature, the effect of (1) irradiance under long day conditions (16 h lighting with 70 or 200 μmol m−2 s−1), and (2) short day (8 h lighting) was investigated. The short day treatment had similar light integral as the low irradiance long day treatment (SD: 8 h × 140 μmol m−2 s−1 and LD: 16 h × 70 μmol m−2 s−1 = 4.0 mol m−2 d−1). The intention was to test the effect of irradiance and SD on flower transition and morphology under high temperatures. The results clearly showed that MT is the strongest signal for floral transition. MT resulted in a rapid floral transition of the terminal buds and lateral flower buds. A short forcing period was required and the plants became short and compact without any use of chemical growth retardants. At high temperatures only SD had a promotive effect on flower transition and the response was found to be stronger in ‘Schneeball’ than ‘Early Blue’. In general, all the treatments under high temperatures required a long forcing time and the plants tended to be very tall with a low number of lateral flower buds.  相似文献   
高湿度贮藏环境保持香梨表皮蜡质延缓衰老进程   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了探讨相对湿度对库尔勒香梨表皮蜡质的影响及与耐贮性的关系,该文设置3个不同相对湿度(25 ℃,40%~45%、60%~65%和80%~85%),研究不同湿度贮藏下香梨表皮蜡质含量和化学组分的变化及与贮藏品质的相关性。通过气相色谱-质谱联用技术(gas chromatography-mass spectrometer, GC-MS)对不同湿度贮藏香梨表皮蜡质的化学组分进行比较分析,同时测定好果率、失重率、表观色泽、硬度、可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量、乙烯释放速率和呼吸强度等贮藏品质参数,最后对蜡质含量、化学组分及贮藏参数做相关性分析。结果表明:对照组(相对湿度40%~45%)和处理组的蜡质均由烷烃、烯烃、脂肪酸、醇类、醛类、酯类和萜类组成,但所含具体物质种类和含量略有差异。不同湿度贮藏条件对蜡质含量和各化学组分均有影响,与对照组相比,相对湿度80%~85%贮藏可显著保持蜡质含量、烷烃和醛类物质,延缓脂肪酸和醇类物质增加(P<0.05)。蜡质化学组分及采后衰老之间存在密切相关性,各蜡质组分中,酯类和萜类物质对贮藏品质影响最大,其次是烷烃和醇类物质,其中:酯类物质与失重率、硬度和好果率极显著相关(P<0.01);萜类物质与失重率和好果率极显著相关(P<0.01);烷烃物质与失重率极显著相关(P<0.01)。总体来看,在贮藏过程中,高湿度贮藏环境通过保持表皮蜡质含量和化学组分延缓香梨衰老进程,维持稳定的蜡质化学组成对采后香梨贮藏品质的保持具有正向作用。  相似文献   
针对温室内不同时间、位置的环境参数存在变异性,且随天气与季节变化,日光温室冠层光照强度、空气温度和空气相对湿度的分布差异性问题,构建了基于无线传感器网络的环境监测系统。环境感知节点部署在作物冠层位置,集成了光照强度、空气温湿度等传感器。首先,基于实时采集的温室环境数据,采用反距离加权算法进行插值分析,得到环境参数的离散曲面;其次,通过基于质心坐标的K-means聚类算法,得到了温室内连通及非连通区域的代表性特征点;最后,采用半变异函数与变异系数方法对温室环境的空间变异性与时间变异性进行分析。实验结果表明,夏季日光温室在下午表现为高温与高光照,08:00、16:00的光照强度分别为12:00的24.2%、72.9%,08:00的空气温度(27.7℃)较12:00、16:00低约6.0℃,对应的空气湿度(90%)高约30%。晴天最大光照强度分别为阴天、雨天的1.4倍和4.6倍,晴天、阴天最高空气温度高于雨天(29.5℃)约6℃,最小空气相对湿度远低于雨天(84%)。夏季日光温室晴天与阴天表现为高温和低湿,雨天表现为高湿和低光照。各环境参数中,光照强度的空间变异性最强,变程为10.34m。空气温湿度的空间变异性较弱,整体分布均匀。光照强度、空气温度和空气相对湿度的时间变异性均为中等变异程度。环境参数的特征点及时空变化规律有助于日光温室传感器的高效部署,为揭示作物与环境的交互作用提供了基础。  相似文献   
目的ACVR1作为一些TGF-β超家族成员信号通路的I型受体之一,在器官形成和细胞分化及卵泡形成等调控事件中扮演重要角色。迄今,有关ACVR1基因的研究主要集中在人上,有关水牛ACVR1基因的研究尚未见报道。方法采用RT-PCR测序法对槟榔江水牛ACVR1基因的编码区序列进行了分离鉴定,进一步对之进行了功能生物信息学和表达谱分析。结果水牛ACVR1基因编码区全长1 530 bp,编码1个由509个氨基酸残基构成的多肽。水牛ACVR1为弱亲水性蛋白,含有1个信号肽和跨膜区,定位在质膜上;该蛋白含有Activin_recp、TGF_beta_GS和STKc_ACVR1_ALK1三个保守结构域,其二级结构、三维结构与人的ACVR1极为相似。水牛的ACVR1与普通牛、野牦牛、人和猪等8个物种的ACVR1氨基酸序列间一致性Purpose ACVR1, as one of the type I receptors of some members of TGF-β superfamily signaling pathways, plays an important role in the regulatory events such as organ formation, cell differentiation and follicle formation. Up to now, the studies on ACVR1 gene mainly focuses on human, and the research on this gene in water buffalo has not been reported yet.MethodsIn this study, the coding region of ACVR1 gene of Binglangjiang buffalo was isolated and identified by RT-PCR method, and the gene was then subjected to analysis of functional bioinformatics and gene expression profiling.ResultsThe full coding region of buffalo ACVR1 gene is 1 530 bp in length, which encodes a polypeptide consisting of 509 amino acid residues. Buffalo ACVR1 is a weakly hydrophilic protein containing a signal peptide and transmembrane region located on the plasma membrane. Structurally, buffalo ACVR1 contains three conserved domains of Activin_recp, TGF_beta_GS and STKc_ACVR1_ALK1. The secondary structure, three-dimensional structure of this protein are very similar to human ACVR1. The consistency of ACVR1 amino acid sequences between buffalo and 8 other common species such as cattle, wild yak, human and pig was1,物料表面和内部存在着较大的水分和温度梯度,此时需要采用阶段降湿干燥方式。不同厚度胡萝卜片干燥过程中的Bim在0.156 8~0.223 0之间;连续排湿和阶段降湿干燥条件下,龙眼Bim分别为0.110 3和0.084 3。这表明,水分由果肉内部迁移至果肉表面的传质阻力较小,干燥过程中果肉收缩、坚硬的外壳及外界较高RH使得水分迁移产生较大阻力。不同厚度胡萝卜片Bim>0.1,表明物料内部至表面存在较大的水分梯度,应采用高RH以减小表面水分蒸发速率,同时升高物料温度。对于6 mm胡萝卜和龙眼物料,连续排湿干燥条件下色泽较好,复水比高且能耗低;而对于12 或18 mm的胡萝卜片,阶段降湿干燥条件下具有较好的色泽,较高的复水比及较低的能耗。综上,阶段降湿干燥过程中,Bih>1且Bim>0.1时,说明阶段降湿干燥适用于此物料的干燥,否则宜采用连续排湿干燥方式。该研究可为果蔬热风干燥过程中合适的RH调控方式筛选提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   
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