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以文心兰无菌幼苗茎尖为试材,研究了基本培养基、植物生长调节剂、碳源、培养基pH值及茎尖放置方式对原球茎诱导的影响。结果表明:1/2MS为原球茎诱导的适宜培养基,0.1 mg/L TDZ最适合原球茎诱导且无不定芽分化、诱导率达80%,30 g/L蔗糖是原球茎诱导的适宜碳源,培养基pH值为5.2时原球茎诱导效果最佳,茎尖竖直放置比水平放置更有利于原球茎诱导。  相似文献   
为解析玉米双单倍体(doubled haploid,DH)群体的遗传规律,使用自主研发的精准分型策略对‘先玉335’DH群体的Maize6H-60K芯片结果进行筛选校正和解析。结果表明:1)通过剔除单态、杂合、缺失标记,使用精准分型策略对标记准确聚类,获得的18 947个SNPs标记覆盖玉米全基因组。2)该群体在10条染色体上平均交换次数为1.84~1.03次,在6号染色体随体区域的交换次数显著减少。3)该群体在1、2、3、8号染色体上存在明显的偏分离现象;通过高频次、高密度的交换,染色体两臂端粒区域理论分离系数表现出回归到50%的趋势。利用获得的重组交换及分离规律可提高从DH群体中筛选到预期育种材料的准确性。  相似文献   
c-GMP诱导对盐胁迫下番茄的转录组分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以市场常见的番茄为材料,采用Illumina高通量测序技术对NaCl胁迫、c-GMP诱导以及两者组合处理下番茄幼苗进行转录组测序。结果表明:共获得83.35 Gb的原始数据,Q30碱基百分比在90.91%及以上,分别将各样品的原始读数与指定的参考基因组进行序列比对,比对效率从88.03%到92.74%不等。同时将得到的31 734条序列注释到不同的数据库(GO、KEGG、KOG、NR、Pfam、Swiss-Prot和egg NOG),通过GO数据库,将其划分到细胞组分、分子功能以及生物学过程三大注释类别下的51个亚功能组中,通过COG数据库与KEGG数据库将其分别注释到25个类别与128个代谢通路。在NaCl胁迫、c-GMP诱导以及两者组合处理下共发现SNP位点127 944个,其中仅有22.6%的SNP位点位于非编码区。差异基因结果显示,c-GMP能诱导盐胁迫下更多基因的表达。该转录组测序数据可靠,结果覆盖面广,为番茄c-GMP诱导盐胁迫下基因挖掘与功能研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
随着社会经济的飞速发展,对于节能环保的要求越来越高,传统的G/M代码已经成为现代先进制造技术的瓶颈。而基于STEP标准的STEP-NC将为现代CNC的高速和高精度加工提供条件。  相似文献   
雪单3 号是利用双单倍体育种技术选育的春白萝卜新品种。母本ED0108A 是以梅花春萝卜× 白玉春萝卜进行花药培
养获得的DH 系为轮回父本,与不育系进行多次回交,转育成的雄性不育系。父本ED3128 是由迟花春萝卜× 天鸿春萝卜进行
花药培养获得的DH 系。该品种生育期60 d(天),植株开展度45 cm,裂叶,小叶11 对,叶片数20,叶簇平展,叶色深绿;
肉质根长圆柱形,白皮白肉,根长36 cm,横径7.1 cm,单根质量1.1 kg,高抗黑腐病、芜菁花叶病毒病、黄瓜花叶病毒病和花
椰菜花叶病毒病,抗霜霉病,群体整齐度高。每667 m2 产量4 000~5 000 kg。适宜在湖北、湖南、河南、山东等地区早春栽培。  相似文献   
Increasing pressures from agriculture and urbanization have resulted in drainage of many floodplains along the eastern Australian coastline, which are underlain by sulphidic sediments, to lower water tables and reduce soil salinity. This leads to oxidation of the sediments with a rapid decline in pH and an increase in salinity. Accurately mapping soil salinity and pH in coastal acid sulphate soil (CASS) landscapes is therefore important. One required map is the extent of highly acidic (i.e. pH < 4.5) areas, so that the application of alkaline amendments (e.g. lime) to neutralize the acid produced can be specifically targeted to the variation in pH. One approach is to use digital soil mapping (DSM) using ancillary information, such as an EM38, digital elevation models (DEM – elevation) and trend surface parameters (east and north). We used an EM38 in the horizontal (EM38h) and vertical (EM38v) modes together with elevation data to develop multiple linear regressions (MLR) for predicting EC1:5 and pH. For pH, best results were achieved when the EM38 ECa data were log‐transformed. By comparing MLR models using REML analysis, we found that using all ancillary data was optimal for mapping EC1:5, whereas the best predictors for pH were north, log‐EM38v and elevation. Using residual maximum likelihood (REML), the final EC1:5 and pH maps produced were consistent with previously defined soil landscape units, particularly CASS. The DSM approach used is amenable for mapping saline soils and identifying areas requiring the application of lime to manage acidic soil conditions in CASS landscape.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo compare the dose, cardiopulmonary effects and quality of anaesthetic induction in dogs using propofol (10 mg mL–1) and diluted propofol (5 mg mL–1).Study designRandomized, blinded, clinical study.AnimalsA total of 28 client-owned dogs (12 males/16 females).MethodsFollowing intramuscular acepromazine (0.02 mg kg–1) and methadone (0.2 mg kg–1), propofol (UP, 10 mg mL–1) or diluted propofol (DP, 5 mg mL–1) was administered intravenously (0.2 mL kg–1 minute–1) by an anaesthetist unaware of the allocated group to achieve tracheal intubation. Sedation, intubation and induction quality were scored from 0 to 3. Pre- and post-induction pulse rate (PR), respiratory rate (fR) and systolic (SAP), mean (MAP) and diastolic (DAP) arterial blood pressure were compared. Time to first breath and induction dose were recorded. Data were analysed for normality and Mann–Whitney U or Student t tests were performed where appropriate. Significance was set at p < 0.05. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or median (range).ResultsThe propofol dose administered to achieve induction was lower in the DP group (2.62 ± 0.48 mg kg–1) than in the UP group (3.48 ± 1.17 mg kg–1) (p = 0.021). No difference was observed in pre- and post-induction PR, SAP, MAP, DAP and fR between groups. The differences between post-induction and pre-induction values of these variables were also similar between groups. Time to first breath did not differ between groups. Sedation scores were similar between groups. Quality of tracheal intubation was marginally better with UP 0 (0–1) than with DP 1 (0–2) (p = 0.036), but overall quality of induction was similar between groups [UP 0 (0–1) and DP 0 (0–1), p = 0.549].Conclusion and clinical relevanceDiluting propofol reduced the dose to induce anaesthesia without significantly altering the cardiopulmonary variables.  相似文献   
为认识桃芽休眠诱导过程中生理与相关基因表达的变化,分别用HPLC检测‘中农红久保’、‘中农3号’、03-30-035 3个桃品种(系)休眠诱导时期叶片和叶芽IAA和ABA含量,用RT-q PCR检测叶片和叶芽生长素极性运输载体基因Pp PIN1、Pp PIN3、Pp PIN5和Pp PIN8共4个基因的相对表达量。结果表明,在桃芽休眠诱导过程中,叶片IAA含量未见显著变化,ABA含量自10月6日开始升高,至10月16日含量达到高峰;叶芽中10月上中旬IAA含量骤增,而ABA含量逐渐降低。本研究中桃基因组的4个Pp PINs基因家族成员中,叶片中活跃表达为Pp PIN5,其次为Pp PIN3,在10月上中旬Pp PIN5出现强烈表达;而在10月26日,叶芽中活跃表达的Pp PIN1和Pp PIN3表达量骤降。桃休眠诱导过程中叶片和叶芽内内源激素和Pp PINs基因表达量变化明显不同。  相似文献   
高粱不同外植体离体培养   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
不同材料愈伤组织诱导培养结果表明,幼穗,茎尖和成熟胚的最高出愈率达100%,子粒达93%,幼胚仅为74%。幼穗不但出愈率高,且愈伤组织胚性状况好,分化出苗率高。幼胚出愈率虽低,但其分化率明显主茎尖,成熟胚和子粒了的分化率。  相似文献   
秋水仙碱处理油菜离体小孢子的染色体加倍效应   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
用秋水仙碱对52份甘蓝型油菜品系(种)和它们的杂种离体小孢子的单倍体二倍化技术进行了研究。从花药中分离出的单核晚期小孢子接种在含10-800mg/L秋水仙碱的NLN液体培养基中处理16-90h后转入无秋水仙碱的相同培养基诱导胚状体。结果表明,用10mg/L秋水仙碱处理小孢子48h,10份材料的双单倍体植株变幅为37.10%-90.12%,平均为65.44%。50mg/L处理48h的8份材料是48.72%-97.81%,平均88.86%。100-800mg/L处理16-48h的试验,多数加倍率在90%-100%之间。但该处理药用量大,费用高,而且对小孢子毒性大,胚状体再生率低。试验还表明,秋水仙碱处理小孢子诱导的二倍体植株所产生的花一般均能结籽,带有不孕花的嵌合植株极少。用秋水碱处理水孢子再生的植株的根或芽所产生的二倍体植株多是可孕和不孕花共生的嵌合植株,自交后产生的单株种子很少,难以达到遗传和育种所需的群体量。  相似文献   
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