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Broccoli is well recognized as a source of glucosinolates and their isothiocyanate breakdown products. Glucoraphanin is one of the most abundant glucosinolates present in broccoli and its cognate isothiocyanate is sulphoraphane, a potent inducer of mammalian detoxication (phase 2) enzyme activity and anti‐cancer agent. This study was designed to measure: glucosinolate levels in broccoli florets from an array of genotypes grown in several environments; the elevation of a key phase 2 enzyme, quinone reductase, in mammalian cells exposed to floret extracts; and total broccoli head content. There were significant environmental and genotype‐by‐environment effects on levels of glucoraphanin and quinone reductase induction potential of broccoli heads; however, the effect of genotype was greater than that of environmental factors. The relative rankings among genotypes for glucoraphanin and quinone reductase induction potential changed, when expressed on a per head basis, rather than on a concentration basis. Correlations of trait means in one environment vs. means from a second were stronger for glucoraphanin and quinone reductase induction potential on a per head basis than on a fresh weight concentration basis. Results of this study indicate that development of a broccoli phenotype with a dense head and a high concentration of glucoraphanin to deliver maximum chemoprotective potential (high enzyme induction potential/glucoraphanin content) is a feasible goal.  相似文献   
开发建设项目中植被自然恢复的水土保持作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析最新的水土保持监测所获得的实地植被调查样方资料,论述了植被自然恢复在开发建设项目中的水土保持作用,并结合监测实践,探讨了植被自然恢对水土保持评价指标的影响。(1)在山西省雨量较为充沛的地区,如果重视保留表土并用之覆盖地表,就能使地面植被得到较大程度的自然恢复,其恢复面积占可绿化面积的比例约达25%。(2)在雨量较多地区的扰动地面,依靠植被自然恢复功能,可使植被盖度在1~2a内达到50%以上,形成初级植被。(3)由于对乔灌木等深根性植物的破坏较为严重,因此,在1~2a时间内,扰动地面上自然恢复所形成的植被一般为草本群落,并不能完全恢复当地的灌草植被、疏林灌草植被。  相似文献   
海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林生理生态功能群特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林,野外测定获得3个与植物-大气相互作用直接相关的生理生态特性指标(最大净光合速率、最大气孔导度和比叶面积),应用等级聚类分析和NMS排序方法对热带山地雨林的主要植物进行功能群划分,分析热带山地雨林4个演替阶段(初期、早期、中期和后期)生理生态功能群组成及其动态规律。结果表明:海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林的87个主要植物种类可划分为8个功能群,检验结果显示功能群间存在显著差异,而功能群内同质性较高;功能群的丰富度及相对多度在不同演替阶段差异显著;功能群的丰富度在演替初期最低,演替早、中期最高,演替后期略有降低;演替初期的优势功能群光合能力强,水分利用效率低,演替早、中期的优势功能群光合能力、水分利用效率均为中等;演替后期的优势功能群光合能力偏低,水分利用效率高。  相似文献   
Andean potato varieties are cultivated in the northwest of Argentina and constitute the most important staple food for the local farmers. The genetic diversity of 155 accessions conserved at the Genebank of Balcarce (INTA) was tested using four microsatellites. Three commercial potato varieties of Tuberosum group and one accession of Curtilobum group were used as outgroups. The presence of bands was scored for each microsatellite and for each accession and the data were analysed by principal coordinate analysis. The polymorphism information content was obtained for each molecular marker from banding patterns. Analysis of molecular variance was carried out with a variable number of accessions for each landrace, from different departments and sites within departments. More than one genotype was detected in the majority of the potato landraces. Some accessions within each landrace did not differentiate. AMOVA revealed that most of the genetic variation occurred among sites within departments and among local varieties. These findings are discussed considering the agricultural practices carried out in the Andean farming system.  相似文献   
Identification of collembolan species is generally based on specific morphological characters, such as chaetotaxy and pigmentation pattern. However, some specimens do not match to described characters because these refer to adult specimens, often of one specific sex, or the characters are highly variable in adults (e.g. pigmentation, setae or furcal teeth). Isozymes have frequently assisted species discrimination, and also these may vary with developmental stage or environmental conditions. For identification of single species of the Isotoma viridis group, we present both direct sequencing of the cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) gene and a simple DNA-based molecular method.

Five PCR primers amplifying the COII region (717 bp) of the mitochondrial DNA were used. The sequences clearly separated the species I. viridis, I. riparia and I. anglicana, irrespective of colour varieties within the first species. DNA amplification products of different species can also be distinguished by digestion with restriction endonucleases, followed by gel electrophoresis for separation of fragments. This restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), obtained after digestion with the endonucleases TaqI, VspI, MvaI and Bsp143I, revealed specific fragments that separated the three species from each other. Since restriction enzymes are sensitive to single base mutations, we suggest to use a combination of enzymes with at least two species-specific restriction sites when using the RFLP technique. For the I. viridis complex, VspI and Bsp143I appear to be an appropriate combination.  相似文献   

黄瓜分子标记和遗传连锁图谱的研究工作相对番茄、小麦等作物比较落后,至今开展的分子标记研究多围绕黄瓜遗传关系分析进行,现有的几张遗传连锁图谱基本是由美国Staub研究小组完成,已被定位在图谱上的同工酶、RAPD、RFLP、SSR、AFLP等标记总数达到300多个,各标记间平均距离达到2.1cM,被整合在一起的遗传基因不足10个(F、B、de、ll、dm)。  相似文献   
经Tris—HCl缓冲液(pH8.6)抽提,正丁醇脱脂,硫酸绥分级沉淀分离,DEAE—Sepharose Fast Flow和Sephacryl S-200柱层析,从黄鳝内脏中提取出电泳纯的碱性磷酸酶。用PCMB,NBS,PMSF,TNBS,SUAN,DTT及IAA在一定条件下选择性修饰该酶的各种氨基酸残基,并对酶活力的变化作出测定。结果表明,PMSF,NBS,TNBS,SUAN和DTT的修饰能显著抑制酶的活性,且酶活力降低程度与修饰别的浓度相关;IAA和PCMB的修饰不表现对酶的抑制作用。初步认为,Ser,Lys和Trp残基为黄鳝碱性磷酸酶的必需功能基团,部分二硫键对保护酶的催化能力是必需的。  相似文献   
本文将 AHP 中特征根排序法推广到群体 AHP 决策中,定义3群体决策的二次判断矩阵与群体特征权重向量。给出了群体特征权重向量存在的充要条件,在二次判断矩阵可逆的条件下,引入最优化问题并给出了群体特征权重向量的最优估计的计算公式,以及加权形式的最优估计的计算公式。  相似文献   
测得两个采自新疆喀什地区莎车县的棉枯萎病菌尖孢镰孢萎蔫专化型菌株不能利用硝酸盐的营养突变体nit间亲和指数为100,而二者与分别属尖孢镰孢甜瓜专化型、西瓜专化型和黄瓜专化型的另4个菌株间亲和指数均为零——属不同的营养体亲和群。由此证明,尖孢镰孢霉萎蔫专化型与其归属的营养体亲和群VCG高度相关。  相似文献   
离子束介导转大豆DNA小麦后代品质和农艺性状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用离子束介导外源基因群转移的方法,分别将大豆全长DNA、DNA片段导入小麦,通过对M_1~M_3蛋白质含量和株高、粒质等农艺性状的变异分析可知,该方法能有效提高小麦蛋白质含量,降低株高,改变粒质。M_1获得蛋白质含量18%以上(较ck增加2.0个百分点)单株183个,M_2获得蛋白质含量18%以上(较ck增加3.6个百分点)单株33个,M_3获得蛋白质含量18%以上(较ck增加5.1个百分点)单株35个。M_3获得株高62cm以下(较ck降低7cm)的单株102个,占4.1%,部分单株株高能够稳定遗传。转基因后代部分单株和株系籽粒变为全角质。  相似文献   
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